Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 24: Conflict for Four ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
I'd like to take a short space of this episode to reply back to the following readers:
Ultimate Coordinator Berserker: While it may look like to you that this story has been focusing more on the created characters, it isn't my intention to have the story run that way. I'm merely placing some created characters that I feel could make such an impact on the regular anime characters in this story. Of course the regular storyline had to be changed with them changing its pace and scenarios.
To note, I'm not an egotistical writer, I'm just a regular guy who enjoys writing his own stories of favorite anime. And also with the pairings issue, I've seen most stories in this anime having stated pairings in their description. To me, that's just ruining some surprise to find in any story of the anime having romance elements along with the other genre. That kills any other possibilities of conflicts between the characters, whether they're romance or not, and the stated character pairings will be glued to each other like cookies. Where's the fun from that?
But to be fair to the other readers interested in this story aside from you, I'll consider stating the intended pairings in the story description in the near future. For now, I can't state the pairings for this story, for I'm keeping them as a surprise for the readers to find out for themselves.
Other from that, thanks for bringing up those issues you mentioned in your review.
Thomas Drovin: Thanks for the support, mate! Ha, ha, I've learned a little bit of Australian slang.
General MG: Yep, if you've read the story from the beginning up until the present episode, then you realized what my intended character pairings are so far, but I can't reveal them yet, but just keep reading on the story instead.
As to Natarle's fate in the Dominion… hmm… I can't reveal it yet. However, her feelings for Kenji are a part of it, that's for sure.
I'll have the Gundam SEED Destiny sequel up and running, though I'm not sure when. Don't worry about the original characters involved in this story, for they'll also be in the sequel. Let's first see how this story ends out before we suddenly jump into the sequel.
Warp Ligia Obscura: Thanks for appreciating my comic-book style described in this story.
Ominae: Thanks for pointing out the misspelling of “Vosgulov” in Episode 23. Surprised to see Kenji having tricks up his sleeve, eh?
Kouryuo Sabre: I've been keeping touch with your story, GUNDAM SEED Destiny: Heaven's Lion, and I must admit that your writing is unique and very likable! Thanks for including my name amongst the other readers who have supported your story all the way up until the present. Continue on writing, sir!
Episode 24: Conflict for Four
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes flashback speech
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 8; +1400hours< /div>
Location: Earth --- the Indian Ocean; the Archangel
The weather had changed for the worst today, as the clouds darkened over the Archangel, which was afloat in the Indian Ocean. After yesterday's battle with the ZAFT unit led by the now-late Marco Morassim, the crew of the Archangel discovered to their dismay about Cagalli's untimely disappearance, alongside Kenji's as well.
And so the two abovementioned teens' ID signals were unable to be found by Miriallia, who still endeavored to contact them in her terminal post on the CIC area of the Archangel's main bridge, since she started yesterday morning. After six attempts, she stopped contacting them, glancing back at Murrue and Natarle standing behind her seat expectantly, shaking her head slowly at them.
“I'm sorry, I'm unable to trace their ID signals… we've lost them,” the MS/MA com-link operator concluded.
Natarle glanced at Murrue with an inquiry face, folding her arms. Despite her personal feelings particularly for Kenji, she still upheld her beliefs and values in the EA military, since she was raised by military parents. Pushing her concern for the Seraph pilot aside, she went into military protocol.
“Shall we declare them MIA, captain?” she suggested.
Perplexed by the question, Miriallia wondered aloud, glancing up at Natarle for a translation. Despite being officially enlisted as an EA soldier and crew member of the Archangel, she lacked a grasp of military terms.
“What does `MIA' mean?”
Sai answered on Natarle's behalf instead, saving the second-in-command from wasting her breath in explaining the definition of the stated military term.
“It unofficially means a soldier is dead, Mir,” he replied, glancing at his friend from nearby his seat on the CIC area.
Miriallia was shocked to hear the answer and her jaw dropped slightly, while placing her left hand over it to complete her shocked reaction.
Murrue disagreed with Natarle's suggestion, shaking her head at her.
“No, it's too early for that. I intend to send Kira out once the Strike Gundam has finished its repairs. We'll have him search for them instead, so the ship will be on standby in this position in the Indian Ocean for now.”
The second-in-command narrowed her eyebrows angrily as she initially objected to the Archangel Captain's prerogative in taking matters into her own hands.
We're in ZAFT territory, captain! We can't search for them now!”
Murrue glared indifferently at her workmate.
“No! We won't leave Cagalli and Kenji out there alone, and that's final! Do I make myself clear, Natarle?”
“...-Sigh- Yes, captain, I understand… clearly.”
The rest of the bridge crew looked on at the bickering high-ranking female duo of the ship with little interest, and dared not to utter a word to attract unwanted attention directed at them.
Showered and freshly-dressed in his professor attire (minus the lab coat and tie for simpler wear), Peter quickly stepped by Murrue's office with her permission, anxious to hear about his nephew's sudden disappearance during yesterday's battle with the ZAFT unit led by the now-late Marco Morassim. He had been hearing small gossip from some of the crew taking a break in the mess hall, and waited for his nephew to return after being informed with the latest news in the ship regarding the battle. Dismayed not seeing Kenji return, he went to Murrue for answers.
“Welcome, professor, what can I do for you?” Murrue offered, as she glanced up at the older Hyne from her seat with a small weight on her shoulders, apparently labeled as Kenji's whereabouts.
“Captain Ramius, has something happened to Kenji? I've heard about yesterday's battle, and I regret just knowing about it today, since I'm sometimes a heavy sleeper,” Peter sheepishly remarked, scratching his right cheek with his right forefinger.
Slightly amused hearing a tidbit of personal info from her guest, Murrue resumed her serious demeanor as the Archangel Captain, knowing she was responsible for the lives of the ship's crew. Kenji too was considered as part of the crew, since they were used to his helpful contribution in protecting the ship from enemy attacks so far.
“At +1030 hours yesterday morning, we've lost the ID signals of Cagalli and Kenji. From there, we started our search for them,” she stated officially.
Peter ruffled his hair worriedly with his right hand as he gave attention to Murrue.
“Cagalli… ah, yes, that girl from the Desert Dawn. But, why did they go missing? Kenji's not the type to just run off and disappear from a task at hand.”
“Well, according to Lieutenant La Flaga, he had only noticed that Skygrasper-2, the fighter aircraft Cagalli boarded, didn't follow back to the ship with him after he destroyed the enemy submarine that deployed those ZAFT underwater units attacking the ship. As for Kenji, by the time he and Kira returned to the ship onboard their MS, he made up his mind in searching for Cagalli, after hearing from Lieutenant La Flaga about her suspected disappearance. He then went back to the battlefield, heading for the last known coordinates Skygrasper-2 was after he received it from the lieutenant. Since then, we haven't heard a word from him ever since.”
“Impossible... how will we look for them in this area? The Indian Ocean is vast!”
Murrue shook her head in disagreement at her guest, placing an outstretched right hand to calm down his anxiety for Kenji's whereabouts.
“I'll be sending Kira out to look for them, once the Strike Gundam is done with its repairs as we speak.”
Peter's lips grimaced downwards in worry. But at another second, his demeanor instantly changed into confidence, puzzling Murrue.
“What's that look on your face telling me, professor?” she inquired with a raised left eyebrow.
-Chuckle- I realized Kenji's a former ZAFT soldier. Somehow, I'm sure he's alive out there. It won't be a problem for him to survive under these conditions, since he was trained to.”
Murrue had to agree with him deep down, as she felt her worry for Kenji dissipating. Still, she couldn't help shaking off her concern for the Seraph pilot, since she strangely considered him to be a younger brother figure to her, along with Kira. It was probably their involvement with the Archangel and its crew that created the abovementioned view of the two Gundam pilots in her mind. She rested her arms on her desk, propping her chin on her folded hands in a temple, with her lips not curving up or down.
“Hmm… I hope you're right about that, professor, she remarked with a mix of hope and worry laced in her voice.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 8; +1500hours
Location: Earth --- the Indian Ocean; an uninhabited island
On one of the few uninhabited small islands in the Indian Ocean, four individuals would unknowingly realize they'd meet by chance. For Kenji, it was definitely an unusual day. Instead of having a peaceful conversation with the ZAFT pilot, with his white GINN High-Maneuver Type saved from its plummeting doom, he was greeted by gunfire, which kicked in his survival training instincts he learned during his days as a ZAFT soldier. Sneaking a peek from his hiding spot which was behind the Seraph Gundam's left leg, he quickly pulled his head back in cover as another shot narrowly whizzed past by where his head was supposed to be.
But then again, he considers me an enemy… the question now is does he know I'm affiliated with the Archangel? Or maybe he knows I'm the pilot of the Seraph?
Kenji's right hand gripped the automatic pistol he carried as a precaution (which also was the same pistol he secured from the Eurasian soldier he knocked out back in the asteroid port of Artemis), as he brought it securely to his right shoulder, with its muzzle pointing upwards. The only sounds his ears could make out of were the occasional crashing ocean waves in the island shoreline he was on. He closed his eyes briefly, steeling himself for his next course of action.
1… 2… 3!
At the count of three he leapt out from his hiding spot, firing off three shots at Ryu, who was hanging just outside his GINN High-Maneuver Type's cockpit, catching him in surprise. He quickly dived down to the sandy ground, and rolling upon landing as Kenji's shots trailed towards his previous position before. Glancing up angrily and firing back at the same time with his automatic pistol held in his left hand, he surprisingly saw Kenji not diving for cover like before, but instead quickly picked up to his feet and decided to go head-on at him.
“Tch…!” Ryu cursed, firing off his pistol accurately and simultaneously at his savior and enemy. However, with uncanny agility and reaction, Kenji managed to dodge each shot fired at him, as if knowing where they'd land, while he closed the gap between himself and Ryu fast.
What the hell…! He's fast!
Firing off his last shot which neared Kenji's face as he was now within an arms reach, Ryu found his pistol kicked away hard by the Seraph pilot's right leg, which quickly lashed out, while he discarded his pistol aside at the same time. Seeing it was now down to close combat, Ryu retaliated back with a right hook and left middle kick, but Kenji managed to duck and dodge to his left to avoid the attack. He quickly countered with a left hook, which was blocked by Ryu's right arm, and added a right body hook, which also was blocked and caught by Ryu's left hand. The Crusader Squad leader smirked to his enemy.
“Heh… you're good, I'll give you that. But too slow…”
Kenji briefly smirked back, not bothering to reply with words. At a split-second, he quickly stepped sideways, turning around with his held right hand, and right kicked Ryu's right shin hard, forcing him to kneel down on his left leg in pain. Then, using his right thigh as a stepping stool, Kenji leapt over and around, delivering a stunning chop on his left shoulder with his free hand, then twisting around to wriggling his right hand free. He then kneeled down and had Ryu in a headlock with his right arm, pinning his left arm as well. From the position, he could break Ryu's neck firmly.
Don't make me break your neck like a toothpick, if you continue to struggle,” the Seraph pilot warned, eliminating the Crusader Squad leader's further struggle to get out of the hold. He let down his right arm down in defeat.
“Damn… you're unreal. Ok, I give up so just do what you have to do.”
“…There's no need for a pointless death. If you promise not to resist, I'll let you off alive, agreed?”
Ryu looked over at Kenji from the corner of his left eye, feeling suspicious.
“Doesn't look like I have much of a choice from my position, does it?” he sarcastically remarked.
Meanwhile, Cagalli warily approached Athrun's dropped automatic pistol with hers on both hands. She glanced at the large rock she last spotted Athrun taking cover from her initial attack, then back down at his pistol on the ground.
It looks like he won't get back his gun easily, that's for sure.
Unknowingly to her, Athrun wasn't on that abovementioned hiding spot, but secretly scrambled up to a nearby ditch next her while she slowly approached his dropped pistol. Crawling on his belly, he sneaked a view on her current position, eyeing her intently. His right hand fished out a combat knife holstered on his right ankle, preparing to make his move.
Cagalli then kicked his pistol away, prompting Athrun quietly jumping out of the ditch and vanishing into a nearby rocky corner close to her, like a ninja creeping close to his targeted prey. Eyeing warily Athrun's first hiding spot one more time (not knowing he was silent creeping behind her), she went over to his dropped pistol to pick it up.
Suddenly, she felt a shadowy figure jumping at her from above, prompting her to turn facing around at Athrun, who appeared out of nowhere and right kicked his pistol out of her left hand.
“What the…!” Cagalli exclaimed surprised. However, her reaction was slow compared to the ZAFT pilot before her, who underwent military training. The next second she found herself on the ground after Athrun flipped her onto there, and was straddled by him. While she struggled to get out of his grasp, he pinned her hands firmly with his left hand, taking out his combat knife with killing intent on his eyes. Looking at them, Cagalli was afraid.
“AH----------!” she screamed loudly.
Startled by her scream, Athrun did a double-take at her, as his eyes registered his attacker's real gender as female, widening amazed. His killing intent suddenly dissipated as well.
“You're… a girl?” he asked dumbly.
“Yeah, so… you've got a problem with that!” Cagalli retorted, recalling her memory of her first meeting with Kira back in Heliopolis before its destruction. Her cheeks flushed little with embarrassment as she now found another guy amazed at her gender after realizing it through unconventional means.
Not bothering to reply, Athrun stood up, picking his newfound prisoner up to her feet while pinning her arms with a strong grip of his left hand. With his free hand, he took out several pieces of rope from his survival gear, which he dropped behind his first hiding spot before, and tied her hands up firmly with it. Satisfied by his work, he then went over to his dropped pistol and Cagalli's to pick them up. With the two guns in his hands, he then threw them into the crashing ocean waves, watching them carrying them deep further into the ocean. Next he retrieved his survival gear and went back to Cagalli, with his right hand holding over his injured left shoulder. The two teens sat themselves down on the ground, seeing there was no where else to go.
“Are you a soldier of the Earth Alliance? Your outfit seems a bit different from their regular uniform,” Athrun started questioning his prisoner while tending to his injured shoulder. Taking out a first-aid kit from his survival gear, he took pieces of bandages, taping them over his shoulder after he cleaned up the injured area with an alcohol-tinted wipe, gritting his teeth by the slight pain felt.
“Humph… I'm not a soldier, and I don't associate with the Earth Alliance! I'd rather die than serving any army,” Cagalli retorted annoyingly from her bounds. Taking a close look at her captor tending to his wound, she crawled over to him, closing their distance within inches that their shoulders touched each other.
“By the way… are you one of those who raided Heliopolis?” she inquired.
Distraught hearing the name of the destroyed colony, Athrun paused momentarily, glancing uneasy at her.
“I was there when ZAFT destroyed the colony,” she stated with shimmering golden-brown eyes.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 8; +1600 hours
Location: Earth --- the Indian Ocean; the Archangel
Inside the Archangel's hangar bay, the Strike Gundam was outfitted with the Aile pack as it was transferred automatically to the linear catapult, with its inner doors closing behind. Before its launch, its pilot was making final adjustments inside its cockpit, typing at the keyboard interface to bring up the Strike's OS. Satisfied seeing no glitches found, Kira returned the OS to its regular menu and set aside the keyboard interface. The small com-link window located above the CIS switched on with Murrue and Natarle's images onscreen.
“Kira, you have two hours to search the surrounding small islands of this area for Cagalli and Kenji. Good luck!” the Archangel Captain stated, confident of Kira's abilities in the search.
“According to the estimated weather report done by officer Dalida, there will be a small storm brewing over this area the Archangel is on, making the search difficult. Those two hours are the only estimated time you have before your progress is impeded by the weather. If either you find Cagalli and Kenji or not, return back to ship immediately after those two hours, understood?” Natarle warned, giving a stern look at Kira, who cringed little at her stare deep down.
“Understood… alright, I'm heading out!” Kira replied, receiving affirmative nods from Murrue and Natarle before their images flickered off-screen.
The launch sequence window popped in view from above.
“Kira Yamato… Aile Strike launch!” Kira exclaimed as his MS was shot off into outside by the linear catapult. Switching on the Aile Strike's backpack thrusters, he also switched on its PS Armor, filling its entire chassis with a brilliant color. The Aile Strike then dived underwater heading forward to one of the nearby small islands around the Archangel, beginning the search for Cagalli and Kenji.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 8; +1615hours< /div>
Location: Earth --- Australia; ZAFT Carpentaria Base
In the base's lounge room, the Le Creuset team and the Shinonome team were gathered about, planning their next course of action in the search for their two missing comrades, Athrun and Ryu, after hearing the reports from the ZAFT Gibraltar Base of their transport planes' disappearance midway in the Indian Ocean on route to the ZAFT Carpentaria Base, where the two ZAFT teams would resume the pursuit of the Archangel.
Fumbling annoyingly deep down on his seat, Yzak knew a troublesome job was given to the two ZAFT teams. Looking around everyone in the room, he found them to be in a concerned and worried mood in regards for their missing comrades. Unable to bear the silence in the atmosphere, he stated out with the obvious action.
“Our first orders are to search for Athrun and Ryu.”
Standing next him and leaning against the wall with folded arms, Dearka laughed humouredly at the remark, shaking his head in disbelief and amused look on his face. From the corner of the room, Nicol paced around worriedly, with Miho by his side and placing her right hand on his right shoulder to stop his pacing. The Blitz pilot smiled at her by her action and consideration.
“Thank you. I'm alright now,” he then turned his attention to Yzak, “I'm worried about them.”
Lisa and Barry sat around a small table, the former tapping her foot patiently and propping her chin on her folded hands in a temple rested on her thighs, and the latter crossing his legs gentleman-style and lazed about with both his arms rested on both sides.
“We all are, Nicol,” Eiji remarked, catching everyone's attention on him. The Spawn pilot stood alone from the other corner of the room, watching outside the lounge window the base's many runaways and hangars with several DINN, GINN, GOOhN, and ZnO mobile suits parked about and re-supplied with fresh ammo and repairs. Feeling everyone's stares at him, he slowly turned around facing them with his hands behind his back. He then looked down on the floor in resignation.
“Unfortunately, it's too late now to act, so our search for Athrun and Ryu will have to wait until the next morning. On a side note, the current weather conditions aren't favorable for our search as well,” he concluded.
Everyone maintained their worried expressions etched on their faces upon hearing Eiji's remark, feeling helpless to do anything about their missing comrades at present.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 8; +1700hours
Location: Earth --- the Indian Ocean; an uninhabited island
Seating inside his deactivated Aegis Gundam's cockpit, which was lodged against some rocks on the shore, Athrun switched on the com-link, finding it up and running.
“This is Athrun Zala speaking. I've crashed in an unknown island in the Indian Ocean. I repeat… this is Athrun Zala speaking. Hello!” he exclaimed aloud as he tried sending out a distress call to any nearby ZAFT forces he hoped that would receive it. Unfortunately, all he received was static emitting aloud in reply. He furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance as his green eyes shimmered.
Damn… there's too much radio interference, thanks to the weather. The com-link's useless for now. I'll have to consider other options…
Watching her captor from afar switching on the Aegis's com-link and trying to send out a distress call, Cagalli tried to crawl up to him in order to get his attention, with her hands still bound from behind. Her face was drenched with raindrops beating down from the dark, stormy sky hovering above the desolate island.
It was then the sudden boom of lighting cackled from the dark, stormy sky, startling Cagalli to leap up in fright and fall into a nearby pond. The rain and the ocean waves began to pour over her, as she struggled to get back on dry land and coughed up ocean water she accidentally caught in her mouth. This caught Athrun's attention, as he glanced back at his drenched female prisoner, amused by the sight. Seeing her in trouble, he exited the Aegis's cockpit, taking out a small gun from his survival gear and firing it up the air. Two small objects landed to the ocean water, which inflated into two radar buoys emitting flash beacons and were carried deep into the ocean by its crashing waves. Satisfied seeing them disappear into the ocean, Athrun went over to Cagalli, placing an umbrella-like object over her as a shield to keep the rain out. He then cut her ropes with his combat knife, setting her free.
“What… why did you do that?” she asked her captor in disbelief.
“Well, you have no weapons, so you at least pose no threat to me,” the Aegis pilot replied with a knowing smile. He watched Cagalli looking away from him with mixed feelings, speechless to protest. His eyes widen with little surprise at the sight of a beach crab climbing out at the top of her hair. The Desert Dawn female teen rebel looked back to follow his gaze drawn at the crab and shrieked loudly with gritted teeth.
Ah------! Get off me, get off me!” she panicked, flailing her arms wildly and finally shaking off the crab on her head. Her body senses kicked in as she felt little taps crawling onto her ankles, prompting her to glance at two more crabs who were the culprits. She instantly kicked them off, shivering with dread at having creepy creatures crawling up to her.
“Ha, ha, ha…!” Athrun couldn't help but laugh at her antics.
After having tried sending a distress call via the Seraph's com-link four times, Kenji clicked his tongue in annoyance as he received static emitting as a reply. Making up his mind, he grabbed the emergency survival kit secretly stashed underneath the pilot seat and switched off the Seraph's systems before exiting its cockpit. Entering inside the GINN High-Maneuver Type's cockpit, he then tried its com-link, continuing to send a distress call, but switched it off instantly after hearing the same result back in the Seraph. He shook his head with a grim look as he exited the GINN High-Maneuver Type's cockpit, glancing up at his bound prisoner, Ryu, staring at him amazed by his skill in checking his MS's systems.
“What's that look you're giving me?” Kenji inquired, raising his left eyebrow.
“You just hacked in my MS's systems and used it like it was yours in seconds… then you're no Natural, I believe. Where did you get such skill?”
“…I'm not one to reveal my secrets. But, for your curiosity, yes, I'm a Coordinator.”
Taking in that latest piece of info about his mysterious enemy, Ryu continued observing him closely, taking note of his facial features.
I feel like I've met him before… but where?
The two MS pilots felt the raindrops pouring over them, prompting them to glance up at the dark, stormy sky.
“Hmm… well, let's take shelter from this storm and leave our MS here for now. We can't do anything else but wait for help to come for the two of us,” Kenji suggested, walking up to Ryu and cutting off his ropes with his combat knife, startling him by the action. The Crusader Squad flexed his hands shaking off the bound feeling while glancing at the Seraph pilot with a questionable look on his face.
“Why did you set me free?”
“I discarded our automatic pistols into the ocean, so you've got no possible weapons to use against me, save for your combat knife. But, I'll be honest with you. I have no intention to make conflict with you; I just merely wanted to save you from plummeting down to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I was surprised to see you piloting a GINN High-Maneuver Type in fact. That ZAFT MS is normally used in space, rather than as a ground unit. But, enough talk, let's seek shelter first.”
Feeling a sense of truth and honesty laced in Kenji's voice, Ryu shrugged off thoughts of attacking him, deciding to cooperate instead. Taking the initiative, he motioned Kenji to follow after him, as they began their trek deep in the island for shelter.
Elsewhere on several neighboring islands surrounding the one Cagalli, Kenji, Athrun, and Ryu were on, the Aile Strike surveyed its surroundings, continuing the search for the missing Desert Dawn female teen rebel and the Seraph pilot.
“Cagalli… Kenji… I hope you both are safe out there. I'm trying hard to look for you,” Kira remarked to himself inside the Aile Strike's cockpit, as he kept a vigilant watch on the CIS displaying the many small islands he was sent to look for his missing comrades. He could picture their smiling faces in his mind, giving him hope. Shrugging off his anxiety to find his missing comrades quicker, he continued the search, prompting the Aile Strike to jettison, with a surge of its backpack thrusters, to another small group of islands in his search area.
Having found a small cave near the beach, where the downed Skygrasper-2 and the Aegis Gundam are, Athrun and Cagalli proceeded inside the cave, with the former making camp using the available materials from his survival gear. Within minutes a small camp was formed, with a fire on the center using several pieces of wooden branches scattered about on the beach. Cagalli sat by the fire wrapped in a green blanket from Athrun's survival gear, huddling close to receive warmth from the small flame burning brightly, as she was stripped to a green tank-top and panties, for her combat clothes were hung on a small stick nearby to dry.
Seeing her bringing her slim, clear legs up to her chest and wrapping around them with her hands, Athrun took out several pieces of reserved rations from his survival gear, offering some to her. She looked at them questioningly, hesitant to accept.
“We'll have to camp out here for the night because of the radio interference in this area,” he started.
“…It's ZAFT's fault that there's radio interference in this planet,” Cagalli protested, referring to the N-Jammers lodged deep beneath the Earth's surface.
Giving her a disregarded look, Athrun protested back.
“Well, the Earth Alliance started this war with their nuclear attack! Here… the food is still the same for people from ZAFT, so eat up.”
Feeling disheartened by his initial reply, Cagalli reluctantly accepted his offer, opening up the rations before beginning to eat. After taking several bites from the rations, she glanced back at the ZAFT pilot sitting facing her, finishing up his share of the rations, and took the cue to ask a question.
“Are you going to tie me up? Because I could steal your other gun you secretly fished out from your survival gear and make you look like a fool.”
Athrun was astounded by her continued resistance.
-Chuckle- You never give up, do you? If you try to take the gun, I'll have to kill you, so I don't want you to try anything funny. -Sigh- No one expected the Heliopolis situation to turn out as it did because we at ZAFT wanted only the Gundams, nothing more.”
Cagalli glanced at him with a disdain look on her face, disagreeing with him.
“ZAFT destroyed that colony!”
“No… it was Orb that built those mobile suits for the Earth Alliance despite their supposed `neutrality'! ZAFT is fighting to protect the PLANTs and can't allow those things to get away and be used in destroying the PLANTs.”
A memory of the Aegis Gundam squaring off with the Sword Strike Gundam back in Heliopolis popped in Athrun's mind as he recalled it.
“Well I'm fighting because ZAFT invaded Earth!”
“…My mother was on PLANT Junius-Seven when it was destroyed.
Surprised hearing the remark, Cagalli felt traces of her anger directed at the Aegis pilot dissipating instantly. Athrun took her silence as a cue to continue on with his statement.
“It was an innocent farming colony that was destroyed in the blink of an eye… how could I not seek the will to fight after losing my mother just like that?”
Memories of PLANT Junius-Seven's destruction surfaced in his mind, along with his last view of his late mother, Lenore Zala, then at her grave marker. It was then he felt fatigue slowly creeping up to him, as he struggled to blink open his eyes at Cagalli, checking she was still sitting on her spot. The Desert Dawn female teen rebel noticed his eyes slowly blinking open then close, making him look weird to her.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
-Yawn- I mobilized immediately -Yawn- after re-entry to this planet…”
With that said, Athrun drifted off into unconsciousness after bringing his legs close to his chest and propping his arms on top of their knees, then using them as a pillow for his head to rest on.
Suddenly, footsteps were heard approaching the cave, alerting Cagalli staring at the cave's opening then back at Athrun, deciding whether to wake him up or not. She then eyed the gun resting close to his right side, seeing it was her only option to protect herself from the incoming intruders. Wrapping the green blanket close to her to cover her undergarments, she slowly stood up and quietly sneaked over to reach out and grabbed the gun with her right hand.
But then, it was a few seconds late, for she felt the presence of two newcomers inside the cave, and slowly turned her head facing them. Her golden-brown eyes widen with recognition at one of them.
“! Kenji…?”
Instantly recognizing Cagalli from behind Ryu as they warily entered the cave soaked to the bone, Kenji mirrored her surprised reaction.
Ryu meanwhile glanced at the sleeping form of Athrun, widening his eyes in recognition as well.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 8; +1915hours
Location: Earth --- the Indian Ocean; the Archangel
On the Archangel's hangar bay, Kira glanced up at the deactivated and parked Strike Gundam from below and made up his mind to get inside it, in order to continue the search for Cagalli and Kenji. Before he could head up to the rafters in order to reach his MS, he was quickly stopped by Mwu, who appeared out of nowhere with outstretched arms blocking his path.
“Lieutenant La Flaga…”
“Woah there… why don't you get some rest and wait until the next morning so we could search for Cagalli and Kenji together. You look haggard to continue.”
In Mwu's view, Kira seemed to have small eye-bags and weary eyes, indicating exhaustion. He would seem to collapse by the next few minutes if he had continued. Placing his left hand on the Strike pilot's right shoulder, Mwu slowly dragged him along to his side.
“Don't worry about them… I'm sure they're able to survive out there. For one thing, they could bump into each other for a greater chance of survival!”
Looking down on the ground while he trudged along with the `Hawk of Endymion', Kira sighed in resignation, allowing him to escort his tired self to his quarters.
Tired of pacing around waiting in the Hynes' quarters, Peter stepped out to stumble upon Kira and Mwu, getting their attention. He noticed the Strike pilot's weary condition, feeling concern about him.
“You don't look alright, Kira. Where are you taking him, Lieutenant La Flaga?”
Mwu shrugged his shoulders with a knowing smile.
“To his quarters… within 15 minutes of his arrival from the search for Cagalli and Kenji, he was about to get back inside the Strike to continue. Good thing I returned back to the hangar bay to check up on him, or he would have been gone. Murdoch and his crew didn't even notice him!”
Peter looked grimly at the two people before him before assuming an optimistic face, laying his left hand on Kira's right shoulder, patting it in assurance.
“Don't worry, they're alive. Knowing Kenji, he'll find Cagalli and they'll brave out this storm tonight so we can look for them again the next day. For the meantime, put your worries aside and rest, you deserve it.”
Kira slowly glanced up at older Hyne and nodded positively.
“Thanks for the pep talk, professor I'll do what you and Lieutenant La Flaga suggest.”
Nodding back at Mwu, who replied with his own, Peter watched their retreating forms continue their stroll to Kira's quarters. Scratching his head with his right hand, he pondered possible courses of action to put aside his anxiety in waiting for Kenji's return.
Isuppose George could use my company for tonight…
With that thought decided, Peter made his way to the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister's quarters.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 8; +1930 hours
Location: Earth --- the Indian Ocean; an uninhabited island
Back in the cave, Ryu and Kenji joined Cagalli and Athrun, surprised meeting them by coincidence. The two MS pilots delved deep inside the island, exploring the surroundings until they stumbled upon the beaches where Skygrasper-2 and the Aegis Gundam were located. Seeing them as a sign of their missing comrades' last known whereabouts, they started their search around the beach area, until they stumbled upon the cave where Cagalli and Athrun had made camp.
Huddling close to a familiar friend, Cagalli secretly basked in Kenji's warmth, as he and Ryu were stripped to their undergarments (white shirts and boxers), hanging their pilot uniforms next to Cagalli's combat clothes to dry. She sighed contentedly while wrapping her arms around by Kenji's waist and snuggling her head on his right shoulder as a pillow. Kenji glanced over to her with a small blush at the physical contact he was sharing with her (and concluding her undergarments hidden beneath her blanket as well). He glanced back at Ryu, who was wrapped in a blue blanket taken out from Kenji's survival kit he brought with before.
The Crusader Squad leader glanced next at the sleeping Aegis pilot, who was unaware of his presence and rousing in deep slumber, then back at Kenji, meeting his gaze.
“Heh... funny we'd find our missing comrades by coincidence in this island.”
The two shared quiet silence as they pondered on the next words to say to one another. Kenji spoke out softly first, careful not to wake up Cagalli. He slowly shifted his sitting position into the Indian one, then using the survival kit bag as a pillow, laying it on his lap. He then propped Cagalli's head resting on it, adjusting her body to lie down and her green blanket, careful not to reveal her green tank-top and panties. The Desert Dawn female teen rebel shifted about, then finally settling down in slumber. Satisfied seeing her asleep, Kenji turned his attention to Ryu, who folded his arms and gazed at the campfire in thought.
“So… you want to talk?”
“...Sure, I'll go first. -Sigh- If you're a Coordinator then are you also a ZAFT soldier like me? If so, how come you're in that MS my squad has been fighting with since the battle with EA 8th Fleet up in the Earth's atmosphere?”
“…It's a long story. Yes, I was a ZAFT soldier like you… but I resigned two years ago. I got fed up serving ZAFT after witnessing atrocities some of my fellow comrades committed when they battled with the Earth Alliance in space. As to that MS… well, it's actually mine.”
“Why did you do that? I can't imagine a ZAFT soldier abandoning his organization without a just reason. I can hardly believe that MS, the Seraph, is yours to control. It's a monstrosity that shouldn't be allowed to roam freely.”
Kenji narrowed his eyes in disagreement, feeling a bit peeved by the remark.
“Ha… then I suppose I could say the same thing when one of your units destroyed Heliopolis, which was considered neutral!”
“Tch… I was appalled to hear its destruction by the Le Creuset team… but I took no part in it, I give you my word! The reason of its destruction was confirmed by Commander Creuset… Heliopolis was harboring five top secret MS prototypes like the Seraph! Orb is to be blamed for this, since it's clear that they're collaborating with the Earth Alliance in that MS project! Once those five prototypes are mass-produced, the PLANTs will surely be attacked!
Kenji widened his eyes at the mention of Rau Le Creuset, taking it in heart.
No… so that ZAFT unit that destroyed Heliopolis was actually Commander Creuset's? Damn it… I should have known better that he would devise such a purpose in destroying the colony! No wonder Iwas able to recognize one of his subordinates --- Yzak Joule --- piloting the Duel Gundam. Then the other Gundams --- Aegis, Blitz, and Buster --- are piloted by Athrun Zala, Nicol Amalfi, and Dearka Elsman.
Shrugging off the thought in recognizing the ZAFT Le Creuset Team, he continued his arguing.
“Tch… well I continue to fight, for ZAFT is attacking the Earth Alliance. I fear that Orb would soon be drawn to this present war, and that's why I pilot the Seraph, in order to protect it from your organization!”
Ryu glanced at Kenji with wary eyes, feeling more suspicious of him.
Could he be from Orb then?
“Nevertheless, what right do you have allying with the EA legged-warship, the Archangel? The Seraph and the Strike are the reported two prototype MS that haven't been captured so far. Your actions against my squad, the Crusader Squad, commandeered by Captain Aster, clearly show that you're in league with the Earth Alliance!”
Kenji was startled hearing another familiar name mentioned, forcing him to think it over quickly deep down as he continued talking with Ryu.
Captain Aster… the `Red Devil'…? No way… so his squad is the Crusader Squad --- I've heard a lot about them. No wonder those four GINN High-Maneuver Types were coated white and were able to battle at the ground as well.
“…It's not like I'm fighting for the Earth Alliance… I guess circumstances have dragged me out of my peaceful life in Heliopolis and being involved with that ship. There are people onboard I consider as friends, and I'll protect them with my last breath.”
Ryu opened his mouth to protest further, but couldn't form another valid opinion and instead shut his mouth. He decided it was enough arguing with his enemy, and not want to rouse the sleeping Cagalli and Athrun from their slumber. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking apologetic at Kenji.
“Forgive my outbursts until now… we've touched upon a delicate issue. Well, I won't press you any further, for I don't want to have us resort to physical means. -Yawn- Speaking of which… I think… we should rest.”
“Hmm… I agree. I promise you that both my female friend here and I won't try anything funny. We just want to be found by our friends from the Archangel, as do yours from your ZAFT units.”
“…Very well. I too give you my word as an officer and gentleman that Athrun and I won't attack you in anyway. Just leave us be, and we'll do the same for you.”
-Yawn- Agreed…”
Giving each other one last look, Ryu and Kenji proceeded to delve into peaceful slumber, with the campfire burning brightly and swaying about by the occasional breeze from the wind outside, where the dark storm looming over the island would last throughout the entire night.
3 hours later --- +2200 hours
Opening her eyes slowly, Cagalli found herself lying down with her head resting on a pillow on Kenji's lap. Looking up at him asleep seated, she slowly disentangled herself and stood up, careful not to wake him up. As she stared at his sleeping face, she couldn't but produce a small smile of relief.
I'm glad that he's also here in this island. If not, I'm not sure how I would hold out and sleeping with that ZAFT pilot on the other side.
Glancing around at the said Aegis pilot to find him asleep, she was slightly surprised to see Ryu sleeping a few centimeters next his left side in his seat, mirroring Kenji's sleeping position.
Who's that other guy then? Hmm… last I remembered when he and Kenji walked in, he was also wearing a ZAFT pilot uniform like that guy. Is he also a ZAFT soldier?
Taking light, quiet steps to approach the sleeping Crusader Squad leader, Cagalli stood over him, examining his face closely, taking a mental note of it. Her eyes then drifted downwards to Athrun's back-up gun resting next to his left side and in between him and Ryu. Instinctively her right hand reached down to take it, but not before Athrun suddenly woke up from his sleep, feeling an ominous sign in a dream and then seeing Cagalli with his gun in her hands.
At that instant, Kenji and Ryu also woke up from their sleep, then noticing Cagalli with a gun in her hands. Then with quick reflexes, Cagalli tossed her green blanket over Athrun stalling him, and leapt back to her spot crouched next to Kenji, exposing her undergarments, while pointing her weapon at the two ZAFT pilots. Athrun flung aside her green blanket, getting a good view of her and Kenji with two automatic pistols in hand and pointed at him and Ryu, as they quickly fished out their combat knives from their right ankle knife holsters at the same time, assuming an attacking stance. The Aegis pilot quickly did a double-take at Ryu, realizing his presence.
“Ryu…! How…?”
“Let's just say that guy crouching next her saved me from plummeting to my death. He quickly disarmed both of us before I led him into this cave, after finding your MS and his friend's down fighter aircraft on the beach in this area. We decided to search for you instead.”
Cagalli looked distressed at the Aegis pilot as she pointed his back-up gun at him with trembling hands.
“I don't want to shoot you both… but I don't want you to use your mobile suits to kill innocent people on Earth! I know that your other friend next you probably has his mobile suit on this island as you, seeing Kenji here with the same reason!
Athrun peered at her with a resolute look in his eyes.
“You can either shoot or be killed yourself because I can't let either you or your friend sabotage our mobile suits!”
Cagalli and Kenji then remembered those particular words of the late `Desert Tiger' during their meeting with him last month.
“Should a war end by killing all enemies? I've yet to test that question.
Taking advantage of their hesitation, Athrun and Ryu rushed in with their combat knives at them. However, Cagalli decided to toss her weapon aside, but her right trigger finger accidentally got stuck along the way, firing off the pistol. As to Kenji, he didn't bother to fire at Ryu, as he neared closer.
Cagalli's accidental shot grazed Athrun's left shoulder again, opening his previous wound up and slightly extending its area, coughing up blood. Athrun crouched down in pain, gritting his teeth as he laid his right hand covering over his injured left shoulder. Meanwhile Kenji and Ryu were entangled with each other, with the latter drawing his knife close to the Seraph pilot's neck and the former cocking his automatic pistol at point-blank range on the Crusader Squad leader's forehead.
“I thought you'd have the guts to pull the trigger… what's wrong?” Ryu taunted.
“Unlike you, I'm not that hyped up to kill an enemy,” Kenji replied quietly.
Both the conflicting MS pilots turned to their comrades, particularly at Athrun, who was being tended to by his attacker, who had a regretful look on her face.
“…How stupid of me… now I opened up your wound. I insist on treating you, because I don't want to be in your debt.”
Athrun glanced up at Cagalli with an uncertain look on his face.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 9; +0600 hours
Location: Earth --- Australia; ZAFT Carpentaria Base
At early morning, Nicol, Miho, Lisa, and Barry boarded in two helicopters respectively before taking off from their landing pads near the base's hangar bay to begin the search for their missing comrades Athrun and Ryu. Watching their retreating forms from the lounge area inside, Yzak, Dearka, and Eiji then exited the room to head over to the base's mess hall for breakfast and waiting for their comrades' return.
“You think they'll be able to find them?” Yzak asked as they trudged along their way to the base's mess hall.
“You should know better than to doubt our comrades' abilities. Have faith,” Eiji replied quietly, pocketing his hands in his uniformed pants.
Dearka glanced amusedly at the Duel pilot, placing his hands behind his head.
“My, are you worried about Athrun? Ryu, it's understandable, but Athrun… well, I thought you held him as a rival in regard.”
“Humph… don't get me wrong, Dearka, I'm just annoyed that he was shot down so easily on his way to this base, that's all!” Yzak feigned a scowl, making his best friend back off from prodding any amusement out of him. In truth he also was concerned about Athrun, for he held him in high regard as a rival since their ZAFT academy days.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 9; +0615 hours
Location: Earth --- the Indian Ocean; the Archangel
With today's weather having clear, sunny skies, the search for Cagalli and Kenji could commence without delay. On the Archangel's hangar bay, Skygrasper-1 and the Aile Strike Gundam were ready and re-supplied for launch to continue the search. Skygrasper-1 was first to go in the first linear catapult. The launch sequence window popped in view from above.
“Mwu La Flaga… Skygrasper-1 launching…!” Mwu exclaimed as his fighter aircraft was shot off into the outside and activated its engines. With a powerful thrust from there, Skygrasper-1 flew off to another small island left unchecked yesterday.
After Skygrasper-1's launch, the Aile Strike Gundam was next.
“Kira Yamato, Aile Strike going!” Kira exclaimed as his MS was shot off into the outside and activated its backpack thrusters. The next few seconds, the Aile Strike's PS Armor was switched on before it trailed after Skygrasper-1.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 9; +0630 hours
Location: Earth --- the Indian Ocean; an uninhabited island
After cleaning up the makeshift camp Athrun had created in the cave and seeing last night's storm cleared, Cagalli, Kenji, Athrun, and Ryu exited the cave with their available gear. Gathering near the downed Skygrasper-2, the group decided to go with their separate ways. Cagalli peered far to see the bleak figures of Skygrasper-1 and the Aile Strike Gundam approaching the island fast. She glanced over at Kenji with relief on her face.
“I can see them… Lieutenant La Flaga and Kira are hurrying towards us!” she exclaimed.
Kenji simply nodded positively in reply, then glanced back at Athrun and Ryu, with the former having a bandaged left shoulder as they were donned in their ZAFT pilot suits.
“I guess this is goodbye then.”
They nodded in agreement and turned around leaving, before pausing mid-way and glancing back at Kenji and Cagalli.
“By the way, what's your name?” Athrun inquired the Desert Dawn female teen rebel.
“It's Cagalli. And yours?”
“I didn't catch your name also,” Ryu remarked to Kenji.
“It's Kenji. You…?”
“I'm Ryu.”
Athrun glanced at Kenji, sporting a knowing smile at him.
“It was good to see you again, Kenji, even though it was short like before.”
“Same here, Athrun…”
With that said, Athrun and Ryu gave one last look at Kenji and Cagalli before making their way back to their MS. Watching their retreating forms in expectation, the Seraph pilot turned to his female friend.
“I'll get my MS up and running, so I'll leave you here to be spotted first. Tell Lieutenant La Flaga and Kira to wait for a while so I can rejoin you.”
Giving an understanding nod at him, Cagalli watched the Seraph pilot run off to the other side of the island, where his MS was located. She glanced back at the arriving Skygrasper-1 and the Aile Strike and waved at them with both her hands.
“HEY----------! OVER HERE!” she happily exclaimed.