Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 25: Towards the Peaceful Nation ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 25: Towards the Peaceful Nation
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
Word denotes com-link broadcast
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +1330 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union ocean boundary
After having rescued its missing comrades, Kenji and Cagalli, thanks to a hurried search in the small islands of the Indian Ocean by Kira and Mwu, the crew of the Archangel proceeded on their trek to the EA Alaska Base, traveling around Southeast Asia.
Unfortunately, the EA legged-warship encountered pursuing ZAFT units consisting of the Zala and Shinonome teams, who had previously launched two weeks ago from the ZAFT Carpentaria Base and made their way to intercept the Archangel's expected flight path. 8 days ago, due to their assigned submarine carriers encountering an unexpected technical malfunction, the two ZAFT units arrived too late to join the fighting taken place in the Strait of Malacca, where the Archangel was reported in a brief skirmish with several ZAFT submarine units in the area. Thanks to the efforts of Kenji, Kira, and Mwu, the Archangel managed to end the skirmish without fatal damage.
The Archangel was now currently making a desperate escape from the pursuing ZAFT units, the Zala and Shinonome teams, who had begun a mobilized assault on the ship, hoping to finally bring it down for good. The Archangel's current position was located at the ocean boundary of the Kingdom of Orb, one of the few neutral nations not siding with the EA or ZAFT in the present war.
“You're not getting away that easily like before!” Dearka exclaimed as he had the Archangel displayed on the Buster Gundam's CIS. Jerking the control sticks back and forth, he prompted the Buster to bring out its gun-launcher and beam rifle, combining them to form its anti-armor shotgun and fire off instantly at the Archangel, ensuring guaranteed multiple hits from the spread shotgun fire on its two front `legs', considering them as his initial target. Smirking with delight at the inflicted damage the EA legged-warship received, Dearka fired off both missile pods of the Buster, sending a salvo of missiles at the same area, but half of them reached their mark, with the other half being shot down by the Archangel's CIWS. The exterior covering of the two `legs' was tarnished by the damage.
While the Buster proceeded with its relentless artillery bombardment on the pursued Archangel, the Aegis, the Blitz, and the Duel Assault Shroud flew around the ship on their Guuls, small unmanned aircrafts that served as a support platform for MS, pelting the Archangel with their beam rifles, causing minor extensive damage. Meanwhile, the four white GINN-High Maneuver Types led by the Spawn Gundam and onboard their Guuls, also joined in the fray, buzzing around the Archangel and inflicting damage with strafing runs, while they narrow dodged missile and CIWS fire from the ship.
However, the EA legged-warship wasn't helpless at the relentless assault, for it had previously deployed the Seraph and Strike Gundams in its defense, with Skygrasper-1 acting as support and retrofitted with the Launcher pack. The Strike, fitted with the Aile pack, cautiously stayed on the ship's deck, attempting to fend off their attacks with its beam rifle, forcing them into evasive maneuvers. However, the Seraph was busy fending off particularly the Spawn, as it instantly engaged it on sight.
“There's nowhere to run or hide this time, Kenji!” Eiji exclaimed as he brought the Spawn chasing after the Seraph, which didn't want to stray far from the Archangel and tried keeping up with its defense.
“Tch… you're relentless as ever, I'll give you that,” Kenji commented with gritted teeth, as he prompted the Seraph firing off its beam rifles at its pursuer, while trying to escape successfully.
The Spawn easily dodged the beam shots, firing back with its beam rifles.
“Is that all you got? You're pathetic! Come here and fight!” Eiji taunted, gripping tightly the control sticks in annoyance as he piloted his MS.
While avoiding his enemy's fire, Kenji quickly glanced back at the Archangel, seeing smoke seeping out from its extensive damage all over its body.
Damn… at this rate, I'll barely lend a hand in staving off those pesky ZAFT units. It can't be helped fighting Eiji again…
As the Seraph and the Spawn continued their skirmish high up the sky and nearby the battlefield, the Aegis, Duel Assault Shroud, and Blitz Gundams continuously circled around the Archangel, pelting it with their ranged attacks.
Shakily dodging a small salvo of missiles from the ship, the Duel Assault Shroud managed to regain balance in a second or so of its Guul. Inside its cockpit, Yzak received an open com-link from his supposed squad leader.
“Don't leave formation anytime, Yzak! We must attack the ship continuously and simultaneously with the Crusader Squad,” Athrun warned.
“Yeah, yeah, I know! Don't remind me, Zala!” Yzak snapped back.
Athrun then opened broadcast with the rest of his squad mates and comrades as he piloted the Aegis easily dodging beam shots from the Aile Strike.
“There's an easy way to bring down that ship. We must target its engine room… it should be located in its two front `legs' particularly. Concentrate all your fire on there!”
“I understand, Athrun,” Nicol answered from within the Blitz.
“Heh, if you say so, boss,” Dearka replied amusedly from within the Buster.
“Roger. My squad will focus fire on that specific area then,” Ryu affirmatively replied with a nod at Athrun's image on his com-link.
“Good. Commander Shinonome should be still busy stalling the Seraph as we speak… but keep your eyes for it just in case. We managed to isolate the legged ship's two MS, so that should ensure us an opportunity,” Athrun commented.
Dodging another round of CIWS fire from the Archangel, the Blitz circled near its two front `legs', firing off its lancer darts from its “Trikeros” at the area. The said projectiles ripped through both `legs', damaging the engine room and killing some of the ship's mechanics/engineer crew inside.
“Tch…! You guys are really annoying!” Mwu exclaimed angrily inside Skygrasper-1's cockpit, as it jettisoned quick towards the Buster, getting its attention by firing off the “Agni” of the Launcher pack it was retrofitted with.
It took a split second for the Buster to see the cannon shot coming and narrowly dodging it at the same time.
“The hell…? You again…!” Dearka cursed, gritting his teeth in annoyance at Skygrasper-1 displayed on the Buster's CIS. Temporarily forgetting his focus on the Archangel, he directed his sights on the more agile fighter aircraft buzzing around him like a fly. The Buster fired off its anti-armor shotgun at Skygrasper-1 instantly, not bothering to aim precisely at the fighter aircraft.
The spread shotgun shot ran though Skygrasper-1 as it narrowly barrel-rolled and flew through it without a scratch.
“Woah… that's too close for comfort!” Mwu exclaimed in amazement as he brought hard the control stick strafing around his intended foe and firing off his fighter aircraft's beam cannon. Suddenly, the warning sirens buzzed again inside Skygrasper-1's cockpit, alerting its pilot of incoming enemy fire from behind.
Mwu barely had a split-second to react, as he floored Skygrasper-1's thrusters and executed an overhead loop, allowing the unexpected attacker flying past by him. Along the way, he caught a glimpse of the attacker, which revealed to be a white GINN High-Maneuver Type on a Guul.
“Damn it… those guys?” he wondered.
The GINN High-Maneuver Type flew by alongside the Buster. Marked on its right shoulder were the numbers 02, while its left shoulder a small insignia depicting a knight wielding a large sword and shield painted in a crucifix.
“Well, I suppose you'll need a hand taking down that fly?” Barry asked light-heartedly to Dearka via com-link. The Buster pilot grinned at his image on the Buster's CIS.
“Heh… less talk, more shooting!”
Watching from high up the sky Crusader-01 and 03 doing another strafing run at the Archangel alongside the Blitz and Crusader-04, the Duel Assault Shroud floored its Guul's thrusters instantly, diving towards the Archangel.
“Bah… I'm tired of waiting... I'll deal with the Strike here and now!” Yzak exclaimed heatedly, not forgetting his previous defeats at the hands of the said MS.
Taking a quick and precise aim at the incoming Duel Assault Shroud's Guul with its beam rifle, the Aile Strike fired off instantly, nailing the support platform with one shot. Unfortunately, the Duel Assault Shroud wasn't bothered by this, and discarded its beam rifle, then pulling out its right beam saber and going for close combat, despite its damaged Guul dropping fast.
“Close combat?” Kira wondered, noticing the Duel Assault Shroud nearing him closer and closer with its beam saber in hand. With a surge of its backpack thrusters, the Aile Strike leapt up into the air, taking out its right beam saber as it neared the Duel Assault Shroud. In one motion, it parried a beam slash delivered from its foe and quickly sliced off its beam saber. At the same, it jump right-kicked the Duel Assault Shroud on its chest, knocking it off from its destroyed Guul. Then, the Aile Strike destroyed the plummeting Guul with a shot of its beam rifle.
“DAMN YOU------!” Yzak angrily vented out his frustration, suffering another defeat from his intended foe. He frantically pressed the right control stick trigger, wildly firing off his MS's rail-gun on its right shoulder, hoping to at least land a hit on the Aile Strike as he plummeted down into the ocean water below.
Dodging the plummeting Duel Assault Shroud's random rail-gun shots, the Aile Strike then turned its attention at the remaining attackers, flying higher to the oncoming Blitz and Crusader-04, knocking the former off its Guul and destroying the support platform.
“Wah------h…!” Nicol exclaimed in surprise as he barely caught a glimpse of his attacker on the Blitz's CIS as he plummeted down to the ocean water below.
“Nicol…! You… will never be forgiven!” Miho cried out resolute at Kira. Crusader-04 fired off its experimental armor assault rifle at the Aile Strike, while taking out its heavy sword with its left hand, preparing for close combat. Turning back and blocking the bullets fired with its shield, the Aile Strike charged at Crusader-04, slicing off its heavy sword and its left arm in one motion with its right beam saber. Then, with a surge from its backpack thrusters, it delivered a sudden flipped-over kick at its head and finished off the attack by slicing off Crusader-04's remaining arm carrying its experimental armor assault rifle and kicked hard its chest, knocking it completely away from its Guul.
“Aie-------…!” Miho shrieked in dismay while she lurched deep in her seat due to the sudden gravitational force of being in free fall inside her MS.
Not bothering to watch Crusader-04's plummeting form to ocean water below, the Aile Strike sliced off its Guul in half, destroying it, then moving on to the Aegis, which was heading towards it accompanied by Crusader-01 and 03. The Aile Strike deactivated its right beam saber and holstered it back in place, then taking out its beam rifle and started firing off at the incoming ZAFT MS group, which hurriedly broke off their approach to avoid the beam shots.
“He took out Miho and Nicol in one sweep… he's as good as the Seraph pilot, that's for sure,” Ryu commented, taking a quick observation on the Aile Strike displayed on his MS's CIS.
“So that's the famed Strike, huh… it certainly can provide us a challenge,” Lisa spoke amusedly, flexing her grip on the control sticks inside her MS's cockpit.
The Aegis extended its left arm suddenly, signaling Crusader-01 and Crusader-02 to halt in their tracks.
“What's the hold-up, Athrun?” Ryu wondered, contacting his said comrade via com-link.
“Leave the Strike to me… you guys should continue attacking the legged ship,” Athrun replied, eyeing the Aile Strike on the Aegis's CIS with resolute.
“…Like hell you would! We can take him on, right, captain?” Lisa disagreed, looking for Ryu's support.
“…I suppose you have your reasons for doing so. Alright, Athrun… I hope you can handle him. Lisa, come with me, no questions asked!” the Crusader Squad leader exclaimed to his squad mate, making up his mind and not wanting to argue with the Aegis pilot.
“Tch… next time we'll tango with the Strike, with or without your help, Athrun. Damn… I'm heading back, captain!” Lisa exclaimed.
The Aile Strike ceased firing its beam rifle, watching Crusader-01 and 03 fly off and continued attacking the Archangel. It glanced back at the Aegis hovering about in the sky, gazing over at its foe.
“I can't believe you're getting to be such a skilled pilot, Kira…” Athrun commented impressed, on the Aile Strike's image displayed on the Aegis's CIS. He flexed his grip on the control sticks before propelling them forward and flooring the Aegis's thrusters, leaping his MS into action.
Nearby the battlefield, an Orb Aegis-class naval fleet, deployed for routine ocean border patrol, stumbled upon the battle. Alarmed by a force having a battle near Orb's ocean border, the fleet quickly took photos of the battle between the Archangel and the ZAFT Zala and Shinonome teams and relayed their images to the Orb Union. Within minutes of the battle images received by Orb's press core, a sudden news announcement flashed throughout the city area on giant TV displays, catching the city folks' attention amidst their bustling city life.
“This is just in. We've received images of an ensuing battle happening nearby Orb's ocean boundary. From the looks of them, it appears a small force of the Earth Alliance and ZAFT are battling each other, and they're close to violating Orb's territorial boundaries. We'll continue monitoring the news through the daily reports broadcasted by the Aegis-class naval fleet, which are currently on the ocean border watching guard.”
Several of the civilians had mixed reactions on the news report.
“No way… what will happen next?” a businessman asked himself.
“Mommy, I'm scared!” a little boy cried out to his mother, who comforted him with a hug.
“It's okay… I'm sure everything will work out,” she cooed.
“What are the EA and ZAFT thinking, battling close to Orb's territorial boundaries? As if the present war wasn't enough, they want to drag Orb along as well?” a young man wondered in dismay.
Meanwhile in the Orb Union government, a crucial council meeting was being held, with all the council members watching on the ensuing battle displayed on a big TV screen posted on the central wall of the meeting room. Murmurs were exchanged amongst the council members, mostly opinions and inquiries on the next course of action in response to the battle.
Amongst them, the prominent figure of Orb leader Uzumi Nara Attha watched the battle shown on TV with folded arms and furrowed his eyebrows in forming the appropriate course of action to the dilemma happening before him. Making up his mind suddenly, he stood up from his seat and slammed his hands on the rectangular table he and the rest of the council members were seated behind, catching everyone's attention in the room.
“I've made up my decision on this matter. We can make no exception to intruders, regardless whether they're from the EA or ZAFT. Order the Aegis-class naval fleet to intercept those intruders at once!” he stated.
Back in the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet's flagship, the Seiren, it received the latest order from the Orb government via com-link. Inside the ship's deck, a communications operator listened intently to the order, making sure of its contents, and turning towards the Seiren Captain.
“Captain, we have an order from Lord Uzumi to intercept those intruders!” he reported.
The ship captain glanced back at his subordinate with a firm nod, then turning face back at the deck glass window in front of him showing the ensuing battle.
“All hands, prepare to intercept the enemy! Send one more warning to the intruders to leave the boundary before we do so!” he exclaimed, cutting the air with an outstretched right hand from his seat.
The involved groups in the battle received the warning broadcast from the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet's flagship, the Seiren, via com-link.
Inside the Archangel's main bridge, Dalida broadcasted the order from his terminal post and into the speakers scattered throughout the room and the ship for everyone to hear.
“Attention, Earth Alliance and ZAFT units, you are to withdraw from the ocean boundary of Orb or be fired upon! This is your last warning!”
“Captain, what now? We'll head directly towards the Orb's waters at this rate!” Natarle inquired the Archangel Captain in earnest from her seat. Everyone in the room glanced at Murrue narrowing her eyebrows at the main screen, showing the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet waiting to open fire at the Archangel, and looking up to her for a hasty solution.
If we go straight towards Orb's waters, it'll mean violating their neutrality, and the Archangel will be considered as an enemy to be shot down. But still… now with ZAFT units managing to catch up with the ship and attacking constantly as well, what other choice can I make?
Murrue balled her hands into clenched fists while propping them on the armrests of her seat, as she faced a worst-case scenario for the Archangel and its crew.
Meanwhile in the grueling clash between the Seraph and the Spawn, both of its pilots were at even ground with each other in terms of skills in their MS piloting. After breaking off the sixth close combat deadlock with their “Swallow Edge”, the Seraph and the Spawn hovered in the sky facing each other for a brief moment, with their pilots breathing hard from the pressure and effort they undertook to try dominate each other in their cockpits.
-Huff- Heh… I didn't figure… -Huff- it'd be so challenging… -Huff- taking you down… Kenji,” Eiji commented, trying to catch his breath and un-flexing his grip on the control sticks to temporarily relieve his hands from the stiffness in holding such a grip for a long time.
-Huff- -Puff- Damn… I've to admit, he's the most persistent ace pilot I'd face at present…” Kenji commented to himself, seething quick breaths through his gritted teeth while sweat constantly trickled down from his forehead.
It was then that both the Seraph and Spawn pilots received the warning broadcast from the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet's flagship, the Seiren, in their com-links.
“Attention, Earth Alliance and ZAFT units, you are to withdraw from the ocean boundary of Orb or be fired upon! This is your last warning!”
Kenji's eyes widen suddenly with alarm upon hearing the broadcasted message.
We'll be heading towards Orb's waters at this rate. The Archangel…! I've got no time to waste here… but first I've got to make a quick exit from Eiji here.
Eiji cursed inwardly upon hearing the broadcasted message while he continued directing his attention at the Seraph facing him at present.
The Orb forces aren't to be underestimated… of all the times, why now? And just when I was getting heated up against Kenji here! I wonder how Athrun's unit and the Crusader Squad are faring…
The Seraph then deactivated its right “Swallow Edge” used, holstering it back in its right “Angelus”. This action surprised Eiji, instantly getting his attention.
“…! What's this?” he wondered aloud.
“Sorry Eiji… but I don't have time to play with you now. Consider this as another rain check!” Kenji stated to the Spawn's image shown on the Seraph's CIS. With a surge of its thrusters, the Seraph made a quick turnaround and jettisoned towards the Archangel, leaving its counterpart giving chase after Eiji quick regained his composure.
“Don't you dare run off on me… come back here!” he bellowed out heatedly.
Flooring the Seraph's thrusters as hard as he could, Kenji opened his com-link to setup a public frequency to contact the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet's flagship, the Seiren, with fast punching of buttons from his right hand while his left hand continued piloting his MS.
“I wasn't expecting to do this, but I've got no choice,” he remarked in finality, proceeding to execute a back-up plan quickly formed in his mind after hearing the warning broadcast from the Seiren.
After hearing the warning broadcast from the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet from the speakers nearby their temporary quarters, Cagalli and Kisaka quickly headed towards the Archangel's main bridge and hurried inside, approaching Murrue's seat and getting everyone's attention. The two Desert Dawn guerillas focused their attention on the main screen displaying the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet, looking grimly at it. Cagalli then intently eyed Murrue.
“You must get the ship to go straight into Orb's waters!” she pleaded.
“What…! We're still in the middle of a battle, here!” Murrue objected from her seat.
Not bothering to argue further with the Archangel Captain, Cagalli quickly looked around the main bridge and its crew, then laying her eyes on the radio of Kuzzey's terminal. She quickly headed over there, pushing Kuzzey aside and using the radio to contact the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet. But before the first important words came out of her mouth, a sudden public broadcast message was received for everyone to hear, getting their attention.
“Attention, Orb Aegis-class naval fleet onboard that legged ship, the Archangel, that's being attacked by ZAFT forces is the daughter of your leader, Cagalli Yula Attha! I repeat, the daughter of your country's leader, Cagalli Yula Attha, is onboard that legged ship! If you attempt to fire upon the Archangel and shoot it down, you'll have her blood on your heads! This is no joke here! Cagalli, speak to the fleet now to confirm your identity!” Kenji earnestly stated, not exaggerating the important fact to be heard by everyone.
Everyone was in sudden shock at the startling revelation sounded from the public broadcast, including the ZAFT Zala and Shinonome teams.
In the Archangel's main bridge, everyone glanced particularly at the now startled Cagalli, who had a gaping mouth, stunned. Standing behind Murrue, Kisaka gritted his teeth while feeling a sweatdrop trickling down from his forehead, and feeling his skin turn cold all of a sudden. His eyes widened with shock, shimmering in dismay.
“How did Kenji know about this…?” he quietly stammered to himself.
Murrue and Natarle glanced at Cagalli with surprise apparent on their faces.
The daughter of Lord Uzumi Nara Attha… who'd ever thought she'd be standing in this ship!
If that's indeed her… but how did Kenji know about her identity?
The Aegis and the Aile Strike momentarily ceased their attacks on each other, with its pilots trying to register Kenji's public broadcast.
“Kenji…?” Athrun and Kira uttered the Seraph pilot's name in disbelief.
Breaking off from their recent strafing run, Crusader-01 and 03 momentarily stopped their attacks on the Archangel, then hovering in the sky.
“What… it can't be!” Ryu exclaimed incredulously, his eyes widening in recognition of Kenji's voice.
The Seraph pilot… Kenji…
“Is that true? But then…” Lisa hesitantly remarked, doubting Kenji's public broadcast.
On the ocean waters of the battlefield, Crusader-04 swam over to the fallen Blitz, grabbing it around by the shoulder for support, with both MS's heads glancing up, mirroring their pilots' confused expressions inside.
“Huh… is that so?” Nicol pondered over the latest development.
“Hmm… but it could be a trick from the enemy, so we mustn't believe it!” Miho stated her obvious opinion.
Shaking off her shock and worry at her real identity being found out, Cagalli opened communications with the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet's flagship, the Seiren.
“This is Cagalli Yula Attha, daughter of the Lord Uzumi Nara Attha! Attention, Orb naval fleet, I'm currently onboard the Archangel! You must believe me!” she beseeched.
In the Seiren, everyone on deck was surprised to hear Cagalli's broadcast. The ship's captain, however, dismissed believing the daughter of his country's leader onboard the EA legged-warship.
“Lies… it's just a trick to get us to believe them! Commence fire at once!” he ordered.
At his cue, the entire Orb Aegis-class naval fleet began fire at the Archangel and the ZAFT Zala and Shinonome teams.
Another small surprise came by to Athrun while he continued battle with Kira. His ears perked up in recognition of Cagalli's voice and name mentioned in the public broadcast to the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet.
“Cagalli…?” he uttered, then completely remembering his chance meeting with her in one of the small islands in the Indian Ocean two weeks ago.
So she's really the daughter of Orb's leader? But why is she in league with the legged ship at first place?
Up in the sky, Crusader-02 continuously peppered fire with its experimental armor assault rifle at Skygrasper-1, which was buzzing around in circles and trying to take a clean shot, while the Buster hovered momentarily, ceasing attack.
“…Well, that's a more reason to take down the legged ship!” Dearka exclaimed, taking a second to arrive at the conclusion of continuously attacking the Archangel despite Kenji's public broadcast.
Dearka broke off the anti-armor shotgun (separating the gun-launcher and beam rifle) and combined again to form the Buster's hyper impulse long-range sniper rifle, and instantly charged it up for a powerful beam shot. He lined the targeting reticule on the Archangel's two front `legs' dead-on before pressing the triggers of the control sticks.
“Eat this!” he exclaimed heatedly.
“This just isn't the Archangel's day,” Mwu stated in dejection, then shaking off his remark and floored Skygrasper-1's engines catching up to the Buster. But once again, he had to avoid another barrage of machine gun fire from Crusader-02, forcing him to break off his dive and making a quick barrel roll to avoid enemy fire.
“Argh… you're starting to get on my nerves!” he cursed inwardly at the sight of Crusader-02 impeding his progress to stop the Buster from firing off its expected shot at the Archangel. As he could hopelessly watch the Buster's attack while dealing with Crusader-02, a beam shot suddenly ripped through the Buster's Guul, destroying it and knocking the said MS awry, messing up its intended shot.
Instead of hitting the Archangel's two front `legs', the Buster fired off its hyper-impulse long range sniper rifle up in the sky before being knocked off from its destroyed Guul and suddenly kicked hard on its chest by the sudden figure of the Seraph.
“Ugh…! Damn you, you messed up my shot!” Dearka cursed on the Seraph's retreating form displayed on the Buster's CIS. Not bothering to curse the Seraph further, he quickly eyed the Archangel's two front `legs' while the Buster plummeted down to the ocean water below.
“This… will… hit!” he exclaimed heatedly, jerking the control sticks back and forth. Before hitting the ocean water proper, the Buster grabbed hold of its hyper-impulse long range sniper rifle and charged up for a sudden shot with minimal power than usual, but nevertheless, it then instantly fired off a desperate shot.
The Seraph took a quick glance at the trailing shortly-concentrated beam shot tearing through its intended targets like a hot knife through butter, from which they immediately exploded upon damage, rocking the Archangel wildly about, then back at the Buster crashing down into the ocean water below and surfacing after seconds.
“Dearka…! Tch…!” Barry cursed as he lurched about inside his MS, which took a direct hit of beam fire from behind its right shoulder by Skygrasper-1. The next instant, Crusader-02's right leg was blown off by Skygrasper-1's “Agni” of the Launcher it was retrofitted with.
“Shit! I can't take much more of this! I'm losing control!” Barry exclaimed as he tried jerking the control sticks hard forward to regain altitude and balance. To make matters worse, his MS's left arm was then destroyed by a beam shot from the Seraph, forcing him to join his fallen comrade into the ocean waters below.
“Damn it… I should have disabled the Buster in the first place!” Kenji reprimanded himself. Suddenly the warning sirens buzzed aloud in the Seraph's cockpit, alerting him of three incoming enemy units identified as Crusader-01 and 03, and the Spawn on the Seraph's radar.
“Tch… we're backed against a wall now…” he concluded the present situation.
“Engines 1 and 2 have taken heavy damage! We're losing thrust power!” Romero reported from his terminal post after getting an instant damage diagram of the Archangel displayed.
Arnold meanwhile struggled to keep control on the Archangel, trying to climb the ship up for a better landing on the ocean water below.
“I can't climb the ship any higher! We're losing… altitude!” he seriously exclaimed.
“All hands, brace for crash landing!” Murrue stated, prompting everyone in the main bridge to steadily brace hold onto their terminals for the instant impact of the ship's crash landing.
Violent ocean waves were created from the crash landing, as the Archangel was cushioned by the ocean water and cruising slowly towards Orb waters with heavy damage.
In the ship's engine room, Murdoch's mechanic/engineer crew struggled to put out the raging fires erupting from the heavy damage, while several medic staff led by Dr. Kei Reinhardt helped ushered out the wounded from the area. Amongst the mechanic/engineer crew, Peter Hyne typed furiously at one keyboard terminal near an undamaged part of the ship's engine, checking up on the current status of heat shields he helped instilled since his initial stay in the ship. One mechanic/engineer ran up to him, pleading him to escape to safety, but Peter annoyingly dismissed him off and wiped off sweat trickling from his forehead in one motion.
“Not yet…! The heat shields can still hold out!” he exclaimed.
“Sir, please, the chief will have my head if he finds out I let you die here in this part of the engine room! It's too dangerous! The fires are rampant!” the mechanic/engineer argued.
Narrowing his eyebrows in angered resignation, Peter switched off the keyboard terminal, then turning to the mechanic/engineer.
“…Fine, I'll leave now! Come on!”
Led by the mechanic/engineer, Peter found himself placed on safer grounds near the engine room's door, where Kei and Murdoch were checking up on the wounded mechanics/engineers. Both men then glanced at the professor, after realizing his presence.
“Professor Hyne, I'm glad you're ok. I must insist that you don't get reckless like now,” the Archangel Doctor sternly warned, then turning his attention to one wounded mechanic/engineer lying on a stretcher, giving a quick check-up to his injuries.
“Whew… don't scare me like that, professor! Lucky one of my crew I sent out to get you did his job. Leave the rest to us,” Murdoch stated gruffly, nodding in acknowledgement at the mechanic/engineer standing behind Peter, who nodded back and quickly ran back deep in the room to rejoin his comrades putting out the ensuing fires.
Peter sighed in protest, ruffling his hair with his right hand while eyeing the chief mechanic/engineer.
“I had to make sure the heat shields were still holding out the fires spreading to the undamaged sectors in the engines. From the looks of things, I'd estimate they can hold out within another 15 minutes… it would have been longer, but the power supply is draining fast as we speak, thanks to the major damage the Archangel has received from the enemy.”
Murdoch shrugged his shoulders with resignation.
“It can't be helped… but I'll give credit to them for holding the fires and giving my crew some time to snuff them out. Thanks for your help, professor.”
The chief mechanic/engineer patted Peter's right shoulder in quick thanks, getting a small nod from him, before venturing back deep in the room to manage the able men of his crew and direct them to put out the fires. Watching his retreating form, Peter pursed his lips in slight annoyance, bothered by his small contribution in helping out Murdoch's crew. Before he could maintain that expression, Kei's voice brought him back to attention.
“Professor, can you lend me a hand here? Please help my medic crew to move some of these wounded mechanics/engineers to the sick bay at once.”
Dismissing his worry of his small contribution from his mind, Peter quickly leapt into action and started assisting one medic carefully moving an injured mechanic/engineer to the Archangel's sick bay.
Kenji barely had time to watch the battered Archangel crashing on Orb's waters on the Seraph's CIS as he reactively prompted the Seraph deflecting another set of sword slashes from Crusader-01 and 03 with both of its “Angelus”, then swiftly right-kicking the latter on the chest, knocking it away, and left-elbowing the former on the gut, stopping its tracks, and socking it a right uppercut at the same time. However, the Spawn's “Panzer Eisen” latched onto the Seraph's left “Angelus”, and begun dragging it hard facing around at the Spawn, as it right tackled shoulder first and retracted its “Panzer Eisen” in one motion.
Kenji gritted his teeth as he felt his body braving the sudden violent impact his MS received.
“Tch…!” he cursed.
Not bothering to watch the Seraph trying to regain balance, the Spawn charged again, this time crossing its arms with clenched fists, and fired off its Gunbarrel pods.
“I'm pulling out all the stops this time to get you!” Eiji exclaimed heatedly.
The Seraph narrowly dodged the simultaneously beam shots with quick dashing left and right, up and down. Then with an instant boost from its thrusters, it did a barrel-roll at the Spawn, closing the gap between them, and quickly fired off its beam rifles latched inside both its “Angelus”, nailing two of its Gunbarrel pods and forcing the Spawn to retract them back in place.
“Damn it!” Eiji cursed inwardly with gritted teeth, and was forced deploying out the Spawn's left “Swallow Edge” from its “Angelus”, activating it in preparation for a sudden close combat.
It was then that Kenji realized a small fact in the present battle with his former best friend, while he brought up the Seraph narrowly dodging sideways a beam slash from the Spawn.
Strange… the Gunbarrel pods for both the Seraph and the Spawn don't perform well on Earth's gravity, plus the firing time is two seconds late than normal. No matter, I'll have to take Eiji out, again.
“Stand still and die, Kenji!” Eiji exclaimed, while the Spawn precariously slashed at its counterpart and fired off a quick shot from its beam rifle in its right “Angelus”. At that split-second, the Seraph swiveled its head sideways barely dodging the beam shot as it partially grazed its left cheek. Taking advantage of the Seraph's delay, the Spawn whipped out its “Hell Fang” around its right “Angelus” hoping to latch onto it.
“Got you…!”
Kenji instantly felt his reflexes kicking in as his mind received a tingling sense, alerting him of danger. He quickly floored the Seraph's thrusters, jerking the control sticks back and forth at the same time. The Seraph twisted around, evading its counterpart's “Hell Fang” wrapping around its right “Angelus”, and delivered a sudden left backhand with its “Angelus” at the Spawn, knocking its head facing right side. Also at that moment, the Seraph right-kneed the Spawn's gut, then knocking it down to the ocean waters below with a flipped-over left kick on its left shoulder hard.
“Gah…!” Eiji cried out in frustration as he lurched about inside his MS.
Watching his former best friend's MS crashing into the ocean waters below, Kenji's ears perked up at the warning sirens buzzing inside the Seraph's cockpit, as he resumed into action, turning his MS facing around at Crusader-01 plunging its heavy sword at the cockpit. Fortunately the Seraph's active PS armor forced the heavy sword suddenly jerked out to its left side, hardly making a scratch.
“Tch… Eiji was right about the Seraph's PS armor,” Ryu commented with furrowed eyebrows. He moved his MS back a few steps facing the Seraph, trying to come up with his next move.
“What? That white GINN High-Maneuver Type…” Kenji uttered quietly, as his eyes noticed the number 01 and the knight insignia marked on Crusader-01's right shoulder.
“Ryu, what the hell are you doing!” Lisa retorted as she brought her GINN hovering by Crusader-01's side while it faced the Seraph from close distance with its heavy sword in hand. Crusader-01 outstretched its heavy sword halting Crusader-03 in its tracks.
“…Lisa, wait. That Seraph pilot… I want to talk to him,” Ryu contacted his squad mate via com-link.
“Are you crazy? He's the enemy for crying out loud!”
“I know. But still…”
Crusader-01 then pointed its heavy sword at the Seraph, which was facing it while hovering in the sky with its outstretched two-fold wings. Before either pilot could begin contact with each other, a barrage of missiles and cannon fire trailed towards them, forcing them to break away at once. Crusader-01 and 03 fired off their last remaining ammo of their experimental armor assault rifles at the missiles, destroying them, while the Seraph simply flew backwards, quickly firing off its CIWS to destroy the last remaining ones.
“Where did they come from… down below… the Orb naval fleet?” Kenji remarked as he noticed on the Seraph's CIS showing the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet opening fire at the remainder of the MS in the battlefield and the Archangel.
“Ryu, come on! We can't stay here much longer!” Lisa warned to her squad mate via com-link.
“…Tch… Athrun, get your squad to pull back at once! The Orb naval fleet has begun fire at us. Barry, Miho, we're pulling out immediately! Eiji, if you can hear me, we're retreating!” Ryu earnestly replied, his tone stating finality.
Taking one last look at the Seraph, Crusader-01 motioned Crusader-03 to follow after and begun retreat from the battlefield. Watching their retreating forms on the Seraph's CIS, Kenji turned his attention to the battered Archangel.
I'll have to head back now.
With a boost from its thrusters, the Seraph headed towards its assigned ship. Meanwhile from below, the Spawn's head surfaced in view, watching the Seraph's retreating form.
“Tch… you just got lucky, Kenji,” Eiji muttered angrily.
The Spawn turned around, beginning to swim away from the battlefield with its thrusters and following after Crusader-01 and 03.
Meanwhile the Aegis and the Aile Strike continued squaring off with each other with beam sabers before their fight was interrupted by cannon fire from the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet, forcing them to break away and holster their beam sabers back in place. The two MS glanced at the Orb naval fleet.
“They're firing at us now? Oh no, the Archangel…!” Kira exclaimed, worried about the damaged EA legged-warship. With a surge of its backpack thrusters, the Aile Strike turned around and headed back to the ship.
“Kira, wait!” Athrun exclaimed, trying to go after his childhood best friend. Unfortunately, several missiles trailed towards the Aegis, forcing it to back away and shoot them down with its CIWS and finding a large group of Heli aircraft (fighter helicopters) blocking his way.
“Tch… there's no other choice. I'll have to round up the rest of my team and retreat,” the Aegis pilot remarked resignedly to himself.
In the Archangel's main bridge, Murrue urged on the bridge crew to keep a direct course through Orb's waters. She glanced at the main screen showing the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet opening fire at the ZAFT units of the Zala and Shinonome teams, forcing them to retreat.
“Captain, the ZAFT units are retreating at once!” Sai reported from his terminal post after checking up his radar showing multiple heat signatures moving away from the Archangel's vicinity.
Kuzzey sighed in relief from his terminal post.
“…Thank god. We've been constantly attacked by those guys ever since.”
Miriallia reported the return of the Aile Strike, the Seraph, and Skygrasper-1 from her terminal post.
“Captain, the Aile Strike, the Seraph, and Skygrasper-1 have now returned back to the ship!”
Murrue glanced back at the mentioned reports, nodding in acknowledgement before turning her attention to the main screen. Standing next her seat, Kisaka gave a confident assurance to the Archangel Captain, getting her attention.
“Don't worry, Captain Ramius, Orb's gunners are very accurate.”
Murrue raised a curious left eyebrow at him, wary of his statement.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +1400 hours
Location: Earth --- OrbUnion
In the country's government council room, Lord Uzumi was in current discussion with his staff regarding the sudden acceptance of the Archangel's entry into Orb, after watching the said ship on the big TV screen and receiving the latest reports from the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet's flagship, the Seiren. His wizened eyebrows furrowed in earnest thinking as he gravely sighed deep down before glancing around at his staff for suggestions.
“Gentlemen, ladies, I'm open to any suggestions in what nonsense we'll come up with to cover up the fact of letting the Archangel into the country, seeing it's an EA warship nonetheless.”
The rest of the council members were in immense discussion as they started to come up with a believable cover-up of the Archangel's intruding into Orb.
Elsewhere, the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet began escorting the battered Archangel to a secret military base on Onogoro Island, where Orb's military was housed. Inside the ship's main bridge, everyone was awed at the interior of Onogoro Island, as the Archangel was slowly housed inside, with the Orb Aegis-class naval fleet trailing behind.
Noticing Murrue's ash-faced expression of curiosity, Kisaka answered one of her questions she started harboring deep down to be asked to him.
“If you're wondering about this military base, it's hidden very well, and cannot be found even with satellites from either EA or ZAFT.”
Murrue glanced earnestly at the Desert Dawn guerilla standing before her.
“Who exactly are you anyway?”
Before Kisaka could open his mouth to reply, the main bridge's door opened, allowing Kenji inside wearing his EA pilot suit minus the helmet, getting everyone's attention by his presence. He walked up to Kisaka and Murrue, glancing first at the former before addressing to the latter with a respective nod.
“Captain, may I introduce you to Colonel Ledonir Kisaka, an officer of the 21st Airborne Unit of the Orb Union's ground forces, and Lady Cagalli's bodyguard. I'm surprised that you and Lady Cagalli were housed onboard this ship when we first encountered you both back in Libya,” the Seraph pilot stated, after making the small, proper introduction of the questioned individual to Murrue.
Once again, everyone in the room had surprised looks on their faces at Kenji's remark, while they glanced particularly at Kisaka with curiosity. Kisaka had to fight another shudder of shock creeping through him as he eyed Kenji warily.
First he knows about Cagalli, then me…who are you really, Kenji Hyne?
Feeling everyone's gaze boring down on him from every direction in the room, Kisaka gave a resigned bow to Murrue, then glancing at Kenji with astonishment on his face.
“He's correct, Captain Ramius. I'm indeed as he introduced me to you just now.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +1430 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union ocean boundary
On a Vosgulov-class ZAFT submarine, the Isadora, an angered Yzak slammed down a paper, containing Orb's official statement that the Archangel was chased away, on a small table in the deck. Gathered around him was the rest of the Zala and Shinonome teams, docked in their ZAFT pilot suits and had uncertainty mirrored on their faces after hearing Yzak speaking the stated contents from the paper.
“How the hell can they tell us this bullshit? They're hiding the legged-warship there! I don't give a crap about diplomacy, I say we attack the country and get that legged-warship out of its hiding spot!” the Duel pilot stated angrily, balling his right hand into a shaky fist.
Arms folded and leaning against the wall, Dearka and Barry nodded in agreement, voicing their opinions.
“I agree with Yzak, we should attack. Those Orb forces wouldn't give us much trouble in battle.”
-Chuckle- Uh huh. I'll have to go with the hotshots here on this one.”
Athrun stepped forth among the group, shaking his head in disagreement.
“No… we can't attack a sovereign country because it will cause diplomatic problems for ZAFT. The other nations in the world would be more wary of us should we attack a neutral nation.”
Lisa let out an annoyed sigh, throwing up her right hand up in the air.
“How do we even consider the Orb Union `neutral'? Those guys were the ones who had that legged-warship and those prototype MS built in Heliopolis, according to Commander Creuset!”
Standing behind her, Ryu placed his right hand on her left shoulder to calm her down, before voicing out his opinion on the matter.
“We may question the Orb Union's neutrality over and over, but that doesn't change the fact they harbor the legged-warship and those prototype MS, the Strike and the Seraph. But Athrun is right. We can't give ZAFT a bad image by attacking the Orb Union.”
Nicol and Miho stood close to each other quietly, contemplating Ryu's statement. Oblivious to the others' knowledge of their growing relationship, they secretly held hands, relishing the short moment of affection for each other.
“Ahem. Can I have your attention?” Eiji politely asked, receiving silence and attention from everyone. Seeing their gazes at him, he continued, glancing at Athrun first.
“Athrun has a point. I propose that we'll have the Carpentaria Base place pressure on the Orb Union, on a diplomacy basis. If that doesn't work, then we sneak into the Orb Union and go recon confirming the legged-warship's location. Other from that, I can think of no other alternative means in getting that legged-warship out in view.”
Everyone seemed ok to Eiji's idea, even with the usually hot-tempered Yzak agreeing eagerly with it, placing his right fist on his open left palm in delight.
“I like that idea, Eiji. If we do that, I think I might finally get a chance to see the Strike and the Seraph Gundams' pilots in person.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +1445 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Onogoro Island
The Archangel was finally towed inside the secret military base, and its crew proceeded to begin its repairs from the recent battle. Inside the ship's mess hall, Kuzzey, Miriallia, and Sai sat themselves down for a small snack and water courtesy of Chef Carte. The first former pursed his lips, picking out a question formed in his mind, before asking his friend quietly.
“Sai… now that we're in Orb, can we leave the Archangel?”
Before the yellow-tinted spectacled male teen could answer, Arnold appeared in view, approaching the teens, able to hear out Kuzzey's question within an earshot. He glanced first at Kuzzey.
“Now that you mentioned it, I'm afraid it isn't possible. We'll have to stay awhile to fix the ship.”
Meanwhile Kira stepped inside to get some drinks for him and Fllay, and stumbled upon his friends gathered around and talking about the present situation. As he went over to food counter and greeted Chef Carte, who greeted him back and proceeded getting his requested drinks, his ears perked up as he was able to pick some bits of his friends' conversation.
“But, all of our parents are in Orb, sir. We want to see them!” Miriallia protested aloud.
Kira widen his eyes at the mention of Miriallia's statement.
Are my parents here in Orb as well?
“Here are your drinks you requested, Kira. Say, how's your girlfriend now?” Chef Carte mischievously asked with a smile as he handed the Strike pilot his requested drinks. He chuckled little at the sudden embarrassment mirrored on his face.
“Ah... well… Fllay managed to recover from her fever two weeks ago, so she's doing well,” Kira replied with a small tint of pink on his cheeks.
“Oh, that's good to hear. Ha, ha… well, see ya and take care then.”
Nodding back at Chef Carte and with his requested drinks in both hands, Kira turned around and quietly exited the mess hall, not bothering to eavesdrop more from his friends. He headed back to his quarters. Once inside, he found Fllay instantly leaping up into attention and went up to him, saying his name affectionately.
Smiling at his girlfriend, Kira handed her drink of orange juice, then sitting down on his small bed to slowly start drinking his water. Fllay sat next to him, looking at her boyfriend with a small smile. She noticed a thoughtful look slowly etched on his face as he drank his water.
“What're you thinking now?” she asked, snapping Kira's train of thought regarding his friends' parents here in Orb. He hesitantly glanced back at her.
“Do you have a home in Orb?”
Fllay looked at him mildly, then remembering her father alive and currently onboard the Archangel. She pursed her lips, placing her left forefinger on them, before replying.
“Now that I think about it… yes, I do. Before my daddy sent me to Heliopolis to study there and live independently, I used to live with him in our estate. Well, since he's the Vice-Minister of the Atlantic Federation, he's rich, so there wasn't any problem pertaining to money matters for him.”
Kira widened his eyes little at realizing his girlfriend's wealthy status, but quickly dismissed it while he gulped down the last traces of his water.
Amongst the corridors of the Archangel, a maid was pacing quickly about, looking for someone. She seemed to be around her mid-30s, but maintained an attractive figure nonetheless. Her long, blonde hair swayed fro with her movements, while her green eyes darted left and right as she searched for that particular person. After walking about in another set of corridors leading to the officers' quarters, she gave a triumphant cry as she finally located Cagalli exiting her temporary quarters, docked in her combat attire minus the vest, to look for Kenji, as she had some questions for him to answer.
“Ah, Lady Cagalli, there you are! I've been looking all over for you!” the maid exclaimed, rushing quickly to the Desert Dawn female guerilla, who stopped in her tracks and felt a sense of dread creeping through her as she turned facing around at the maid. Her eyes reactively bugged out in surprise at the sight of her.
“M-M-Mana…? Why are you here?” Cagalli stammered.
In the Hynes' quarters, both men were showered up and freshly changed in their respective attire. Checking up on his image on the wall mirror one last time, Kenji turned facing his uncle, who tinkered about with his small hacking device, checking up on the itineraries he personally made.
Uncle… we're here in Orb at last. This time, I'll get to the bottom of this mystery regarding the `Ultimate Coordinator Project', whether you like it or not.
“Uncle, I'll leave now. I need to check up on the Seraph and do its routine check-up,” Kenji remarked, waiting for his uncle's response. Peter finished tinkering with his palm top, then switching it off and pocketing it in his lab coat, before turning attention to his nephew.
“Oh… yes, sure. Go on then.”
Nodding affirmatively at him, Kenji turned around exiting the quarters, leaving Peter worried looking at his retreating form after dropping his usual passive look he gave to his nephew.
“Via… what do I do now that your son and I are in Orb? I don't think there's no stopping to his inquisition on his birth…” he quietly uttered with guilt in his heart.
The quarters were hailed suddenly, snapping Peter out of his reverie and answering the visitor, who turned out to be Dalida, who respectfully saluted him. Despite being a guest onboard the ship and not an official crew member of the Archangel, Peter was regarded as a respected person thanks to his scientific career in electronic warfare. That, and his nephew officially enlisted in the EA helped developed trust for the crew of the Archangel in him and Kenji. Peter saluted back.
“What's the matter, officer Dalida?” he inquired.
“Professor, the captain is requesting you and Vice-Minister Allster to join her in the meeting with the Orb Union leader, Lord Uzumi, at once. She says it's urgent,” Dalida informed.
“Hmm… well, sure, I'll tag along. I'll inform the Vice-Minister about it.”
“Oh no, professor, I already informed him about the matter before you. He's on his way to the captain right now.”
“Oh… thank you for informing me, officer Dalida.”
Saluting Peter one more time, Dalida nodded at him before leaving for the main bridge, leaving the older Hyne alone in the quarters once more. Dismissing further remorse about his nephew, Peter made up his mind, gingerly slapping himself on the face as a wake-up call, before leaving the quarters to find Murrue.
After making many inquiries on Murrue's current location from several crew members of the Archangel, Peter found himself stepping out of the ship and inside the secret military base of Onogoro Island, prompting him to look around the interior in awe. He was so caught up with his surroundings that he unknowingly stumbled upon Murrue, Mwu, Natarle, George, and Lord Uzumi currently in discussion on the base main elevator, getting their attention.
“Professor Hyne, over here…!” Murrue called him, motioning him to come after her. Peter joined the group, who were accompanied by two Orb MP's (Military Police), and politely greeted them with a nod.
“Ah, so you're Professor Peter Hyne who Captain Ramius has been mentioning about here. It's an honor meeting you. I've heard about your contributions to the Archangel and its crew. That's worthwhile to mention,” Uzumi stated with a modest look on his eyes.
“Oh no please, the honor is mine, meeting the prominent Orb Union leader in person,” Peter bowed politely at him with a nervous smile.
“Not at all,” Uzumi motioned one of the MP's to start the elevator, who complied. The base elevator whirled to life, as it slowly carried its occupants up to the higher level. While it proceeded to its destination, the group inside carried on with the discussion, with Mwu starting first.
“Were the crew of the Archangel saved just because your daughter Cagalli was on the ship?”
“Lieutenant La Flaga!” Natarle interjected, appalled by his question. Uzumi merely raised his right hand to stop her, and shook his head in reply at Mwu.
“No… I'd never weigh Orb's fate against my daughter's life, Lieutenant La Flaga. I'm not sure why I decided to have the Archangel saved, but I personally note that you did save the lives of Orb children from Heliopolis, despite their inevitable deaths…”
At the mention of the civilian shuttle housing the Heliopolis refugees, the Archangel high-ranking trio had crest-fallen look on their faces, as they remembered about its sudden demise from Kira, after inquiring about it from him during its initial entry into Earth and landing in Libya. Only George and Peter looked on in confusion at their expressions, unknowing of the event.
Uzumi cleared his throat before continuing on, noting the sudden quiet atmosphere in the elevator.
“Anyhow… I would like to offer you help in repairing the Archangel, since you forcefully made your way into Orb with no other alternative from the recent battle. However, I'll do so in under these conditions. One, that I request the Strike and the Seraph Gundams' combat data, and two, I request their pilots Kira Yamato and Kenji Hyne to assist the researchers at Morgenroete in their study.”
The Archangel high-ranking trio glanced uncertain at the Orb Union leader, pursing their lips in sudden contemplation of his conditions. George rubbed underneath his chin with his right hand in wonder, a bit curious on Uzumi's conditions. Peter on the other hand experienced dread deep down after listening to the conditions.
This will get Kenji closer to Lord Uzumi… but what am I worried about that? Still, Aile did ask that the Seraph be taken to Morgenroete during the Heliopolis incident.
Back in the Archangel, the maid Mana was walking Cagalli through its corridors wearing a fancy green dress, similar to the one she wore back in Banadiya, Africa, at the base of the `Desert Tiger'. Several crew members stepped aside curiously looking at Cagalli, making her feel embarrassed to be wearing such an eye-catching attire, but also a feminine one nonetheless! The fact had to make her seethe in mock anger and embarrassment deep down and directed at her maid walking behind her.
Ugh… of all the people, I had to bump into Mana! And to top it off, she had to make me wear this dress and exit the Archangel with this! God, what are they all staring at me like that for? They never seen a girl before?
Her eyebrows had to twitch in annoyance as her ears perked up at several murmurs gossiped by the crew members watching her.
“Who's that beauty?”
“Damn… she's hot! And that's Cagalli! No way…!”
“Woah… and to think that it's the same Cagalli we picked up back at the Desert Dawn camp in northern Africa.”
“Yeah… I didn't know she's the daughter of the Orb Union leader!”
Amongst the onlookers she and Mana were passing through, Cagalli stumbled upon Kuzzey, Sai, Miriallia, Tolle, Kira, and Fllay, who all were sharing the same feeling with the rest of the crew members looking on them. As she locked eyes with Kira for a second or so, Fllay narrowed her eyes jealously at her and grabbed onto her boyfriend's left arm possessively, eliciting a confused cry from him. Cagalli cringed a bit and looked away from Kira, and resumed her supposed `graceful' exit from the Archangel, as Mana had first implied after bumping into her back then.
After meeting up shortly with Lord Uzumi in his office and reaching an agreement with him, the Archangel high-ranking trio, George, and Peter, headed back to the Archangel escorted by two MP's. Inside the ship, they proceeded back to Murrue's office. Seeing everyone gathered in the room, Natarle folded her arms, glancing sharply at Murrue.
“Captain, I personally object to your decision in agreeing to Lord Uzumi's terms.”
Mwu interjected, defending Murrue, as he leaned against the wall with hands behind his head and glanced amusedly at the Archangel second-in-command.
“Well then, should we swimto Alaska, Lieutenant Badgiruel?” he joked.
Realizing the implied logic of Mwu's statement, Natarle scowled at him, apparently not going along with flow of humor, before turning attention to Murrue.
“I'll report this decision once we reach Alaska. Until then, I'll be at my quarters.”
She gave a quick salute to her, then turning around and exiting the room. Peter glanced stone-faced at her apparent behavior.
Jeez… that woman has absolutely no sense of moral management. She's such a pain… how on earth can she be attracted to my nephew?
George opted not to comment, then coughing lightly before making a statement.
“Captain, I think I'm no longer needed at present. I'll head back to my quarters. Oh, and since the ship will be staying in Orb shortly, I'd like to ask permission to leave the ship, for I plan to check up on my estate in the outskirts of the city.”
Murrue glanced up at him with interest.
“Permission granted, Vice-Minister. I didn't know until today that you had a home in Orb. I'm not sure how long the repairs of the ship will take, but I could assume for around two or three days the most.”
-Chuckle- Well, having a high-ranking political position in the EA has its perks, you see. On a side note, I'll be taking my daughter along with me, for she also hasn't been at the estate for a long time, since I sent her to Heliopolis to study high school and college.”
Mwu folded his arms, looking at George with a raised right eyebrow.
“Huh… oh, don't mind me, for I was just assuming something, that's all.”
Murrue glanced warily at the Skygrasper pilot, puzzled by his peculiar behavior. Dismissing the thought of that manner from her mind, she nodded understandably to George.
“Very well, Vice-Minister, Fllay is allowed permission as well. But, please don't take too long. In any case, please send me the contact line of your estate for reference.”
“Of course, captain… I'll give you a call in the ship first thing in the morning, and you can get my number from there. Well then, I must take my leave… captain, lieutenant, Peter.”
With that said, he nodded to Murrue, Mwu, and Peter, before exiting the room. Taking George's leave as a cue, Peter decided to make his leave as well.
“If there are no other issues to discuss further, I'll be taking my leave then… captain, lieutenant.”
He gave a polite bow at Murrue and Mwu, before exiting the room. Now seeing they were alone, Mwu mischievously walked up behind the Archangel Captain and was about pat her on the back to start up another conversation, but received a stern gaze from her.
“That qualifies as sexual harassment, lieutenant. If you don't have anything else to discuss with me, I'd suggest you leave.”
Mwu quickly withdrew his right hand about to pat Murrue's back, waving it and his other hand at her in self-defense while wincing deep down at her sudden change of behavior.
Well, I don't think she's in a jovial mood now. I'll take her advice then.
“Heh, heh… well, uh… I guess I'll be going then.”
Elsewhere on the outskirts of the secret military base in the island, both Kenji and Kira took the Seraph and the Strike Gundams to the hidden entrance of Morgenroete, as per agreement with Lord Uzumi's conditions.
“Good. Ok, you two just sit there and wait while the elevator ferries you both down to the underground hangar section,” a female com-link operator's voice sounded from both the Seraph and Strike's com-links. Beneath the two Gundams, a secret elevator slowly whisked them down underground.
While waiting and watching the base's underground settings on the Seraph's CIS, Kenji received an incoming call from his com-link, prompting him to answer. Displayed on the com-link's small screen was Kira, who was donned in his EA pilot suit minus the helmet.
“Say, Kenji, what do you think those researchers in Morgenroete will ask us to do anyway?” he asked.
Kenji shrugged his shoulders, unsure as Kira.
“I don't know. But, whatever they ask us regarding our MS, we just help them. It's nothing to worry about, so just go with the flow.”
“Ok, then. Sorry, I wanted to speak out my thought on this, bringing the Strike and the Seraph here in Morgenroete.”
“I share the same feeling, Kira. Until then, we wait until we reach the underground hangar area that female operator directed us to go.”
Kira nodded in reply before his image flickered off-screen from the com-link. Kenji went back to his train of thought as he folded his arms.
Professor Kato… well, I manage to get the Seraph to Morgenroete. But what should I do with it now? I don't think I could part from it easily…
Meanwhile on the rocky outskirts of the island, nine ZAFT divers crept stealthily to the shoreline, where two ZAFT spies donned as Morgenroete engineers were waiting for them. After stripping off their diver wetsuits and equipment, the Zala and Shinonome teams stood in their ZAFT pilot suits (minus the helmets). One of the spies went up to Eiji, shaking him warmly by the hand.
“Commander Shinonome, it's an honor meeting you in person,” he stated with admiration.
“Please, drop the formalities for today. Anyway, you got the Isadora's message?” Eiji asked, getting straight to the point.
“Yes sir, the necessary equipment for your group's infiltration is prepared.”
Eiji glanced around everyone who came along with him --- Athrun, Dearka, Nicol, Yzak, Ryu, Barry, Lisa, and Miho --- and checked them one last time.
“Is everyone set?”