Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 26: Quiet Moment ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Created Character PROFILES (Update!)
The Four Maids of the Hyne Estate
The head maid, Maria Izume, has four maids working under her supervision. All four of them had been screened and interviewed personally by Kenji and Maria, and they help maintain tidiness in the Hyne Estate.
After getting to know better about Kenji, they grew to develop feelings for him, and devote themselves to protect and serve him until their last breath.
Alexia Einhart
Allegiance: N/A
Birthday: August 11, C.E. 52
Age: 19
Blood Type: AB
Hair: Blonde, long
Eyes: Green
Height: 173.5 cm
Status: Natural
One of the four maids working under Maria, she originally hailed from the Kingdom of Scandinavia. Born from an aristocratic family, she ventured out to explore the world, and first traveled to Orb. She was later discovered by Maria from a fencing exhibition, where she participated to achieve first place.
Having been instilled with etiquette and conduct taught to her by her parents, she grooms a courteous and open-minded manner. Also worth noting is her prowess in fencing, archery, and shooting, particularly with rifles. Amongst the maids, she and Mai are capable to fight.
Satsuki Ichimoji
Allegiance: N/A
Birthday: April 9, C.E. 53
Age: 18
Blood Type: B
Hair: Azure, short
Eyes: Red
Height: 172 cm
Status: Natural
One of the four maids working under Maria, she came to Orb from Japan in hopes of establishing herself, first by getting a well-paying job. Similar to Alexia's manner, she paid a visit to the Hyne Estate, and conferred with Maria, seeking a vacant job. The interview went well for her, for there could be no flaw found in her qualities, despite Maria's best efforts in cross-examining.
She likes particularly children, and spends a lot of time with them. She is also kind-hearted, soft-spoken, and well-mannered. These traits seem to make her look like a mother figure to the orphans in the Hyne Estate, which Jeeves and Maria seem to notice.
Isadora Caius
Allegiance: N/A
Birthday: November 17, C.E. 53
Age: 18
Blood Type: A
Hair: Black, long
Eyes: Gray
Height: 174 cm
Status: Natural
One of the four maids working under Maria, this young girl has a quiet demeanor, and rarely speaks out if need be. It was later discovered by Kenji (after having a private talk with her) that she carried a scarred past, where it involved the death of her parents during the `Bloody Valentine' incident. Despite this, she is also trusted and reliable, and it's more through actions than words that echoes out her feelings.
Mai Matthews
Allegiance: N/A
Birthday: July 4, C.E. 52
Age: 19
Blood Type: O
Hair: Orange, short
Eyes: Blue
Height: 173 cm
Status: Natural
One of the four maids working under Maria, she's a perky American teen with an active personality. She always carries an optimistic side, and will strive to support friends or family alike.
She also has some knowledge in firearms and fighting, thanks to military experience serving as a volunteer soldier for the EA. Amongst the maids, she and Alexia are capable to fight.
Episode 26: Quiet Moment
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
“Word” denotes flashback speech
Word denotes flashback thought
-Word- denotes flashback sound effect
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +2100hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Onogoro IslandMilitary Base
Inside the military base's hangar bay, it had been several hours of research for the handful of Morgenroete engineers working like bees as they went on examining and studying the internal/external systems and combat data of the Seraph and Strike Gundams. Despite their pilots' assistance, the engineers realized it'd be a matter of weeks before they could incorporate the combat data into the Orb Union's brand of MS, which were secretly undergoing construction.
After coordinating with a female engineer regarding the Strike's OS, Kira allowed a tired sigh escape from his lips after watching her retreating form from within the Strike's cockpit. Deciding he'd call it a night, he switched off the Strike's OS, making sure it was completely deactivated, then exited his MS via the cockpit wench cable. The female engineer who checked up with him earlier immediately returned from reporting to her supervisor regarding the Strike's OS with a small surprised look on her face.
“Oh? Where are you off to, Kira?” she asked Kira as his feet touched the ground and he glanced at her, realizing her presence.
“I'm feeling a bit tired now, Miss Cassandra, so I switched off the Strike's OS for the meantime. I'd like to ask for permission to leave and take a rest, if that's fine with you?” the Strike pilot stated, warily looking at the stated female engineer, who checked up the current time on her left wristwatch.
“Well… ok. The other engineers have been feeling a little overwhelmed at the internal and external diagnostics of the Seraph and the Strike, so they're also deciding to call it quits for tonight. Sure, you can go.”
Saying a word of thanks to her, Kira excused himself and walked past the female engineer, and proceeded on his way out. Along the way, his eyes caught the figure of Kenji exiting the Seraph via the cockpit wench cable, and exchanged a few words with another male engineer, who briefly nodded to him and left, leaving him be. Seeing he was alone, Kira approached him with a friendly wave of his right hand.
“Kenji, are you finished as well for the night?” he asked.
The Seraph pilot glanced at his comrade, realizing his presence.
“Yeah, I'm going to turn in for the night… but not in this base or the Archangel. I'm planning to spend the next few nights in my estate here in Orb, so I'll request permission from Captain Ramius first and get my uncle to come along.”
“Oh… um, is it ok if I go with you? Could I bring Fllay along also?”
“Sure. I don't see any problem with that. Well, let's head first to Captain Ramius's office in the Archangel first.”
As the two Gundam pilots started their trek to the Archangel, Kira couldn't help but steal a glance at Kenji with a curious, raised left eyebrow along the way.
So he's originally from Orb, then? An estate… he can't be serious about that…
Armed with two optical disks in hand containing key data of the Seraph and Strike Gundams, a female engineer stepped inside the office of her supervisor, Morgenroete Head Engineer Erica Simmons, after knocking on her door twice. Inside the room, she found her supervisor amidst in discussion with Professor Kato regarding the slow growing analysis of the Seraph and Strike Gundams, thanks to key bits of data being properly complied by their pilots and their assigned research engineers.
Suddenly realizing her visitor's presence, Erica turned to face her, momentarily stopping her conversation with Professor Kato, who stood up from his seat and went over to the window, taking a peek at outside through the drawn down blinds.
“Ma'am, both Kira Yamato and Kenji Hyne have decided to continue on their assistance with our research in their MS tomorrow. I just dropped by to inform you of their requested leave tonight. They seemed tired. Here's also the recent compiled data we were able to furnish from their assistance,” the female engineer reported.
“Thank you. You can tell the rest of the research crew to call it a night. I wouldn't want them to work themselves to death in this research on the Seraph and the Strike,” Erica replied with a concerned smile from behind her desk.
Nodding affirmatively back at her supervisor, the female engineer turned around and exited the room.
Glancing at the labels marked separately on the optical disks --- “SERAPH”, “STRIKE” --- Erica raised an interested left eyebrow at them, feeling a bit anxious in seeing the accumulated content to be displayed in her PC. Her eyes then spotted Professor Kato's right hand reaching out and picking the optical disk “SERAPH”, as the wizened scientist intently eyed it.
“What do you think, professor?” Erica asked with a knowing smile.
Professor Kato placed back the optical disk “SERAPH” on Erica's desk before placing his hands behind his back, with his figure standing upright as he went in contemplation.
“It was an unexpected success, to say the least, Erica,” he firmly stated.
Erica chuckled lightly deep down by his remark while she reclined her chair and stretched out her arms, letting out a small yawn at the same time. She glanced knowingly at her esteemed colleague standing facing her.
“The pilots haven't met up with you personally yet. I bet you're glad to see them.”
Professor Kato merely shrugged his shoulders before allowing a small smile formed in his lips.
“I suppose so… but the opportunity can wait for the meantime.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +2115 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; City Area
Meanwhile, the ZAFT Zala and Shinonome teams mingled about in the city area of the island, disguised in civilian attire they were furnished with from the two ZAFT spies they previously met up on the island shoreline. The two ZAFT teams exited from a small restaurant they took dinner in, after spending the previous hours of their initial recon for the present location of the Archangel. They made their way back to a five-star hotel they made accommodations (another arrangement from the two ZAFT spies) in, deciding to turn in for the night.
Pocketing his hands in his dark-blue jeans, Eiji kept his eyes straight in his walking path, while behind him, the Crusader Squad mingled with the Zala team --- Ryu and Lisa walking along with Athrun, Miho and Nicol secretly holding hands, and Barry trudging along with Dearka and Yzak, sharing a joke or two with the former, mostly focused on attractive girls --- hot “catches” they'd say --- they were able to spot in the restaurant they had taken dinner just now.
“Dearka, I can understand, but you Walters? Ugh, you're almost similar to him!” Yzak annoyingly stated, shaking his head at his two stated comrades continuously exchanging which girl to favor. Barry quickly made a shooing motion with his left hand at the Duel pilot, giving him an amused look before resuming his talk with Dearka.
“Damn idiots… why did I end up with them,” Yzak muttered resignedly.
“I say the brunette waitress who served us hits off the catch! What do you think, Dearka?” Barry grinned from ear to ear at the Buster pilot, who wagged his right forefinger at him in disagreement.
“Nope, the black-haired hostess should be the one instead. -Chuckle- I almost got her number before she had to be interrupted and lead off more customers.”
“True, true, now that I think about it. -Chuckle- I didn't think you'd hit it off with her fast! You're not only a hotshot, but a damn playboy as well!”
“Heh, look who's talking… you also were about to hit it off with that brunette waitress you just told me now. I should give credit to you as well!”
“Please, spare me the praise, although it's much appreciated, thank you very much!”
After exchanging a few words with Ryu and Lisa, Athrun decided to leave them be, and walked quickly to catch up with Eiji. He gave a quick glance back at Miho and Nicol, letting a smirk formed on his face, then at Barry, Dearka, and Yzak, chuckling little with delight at them, before turning attention to Eiji.
“So, what's on your mind now?” he asked.
Looking at the Aegis pilot from the corner of his left eye, Eiji then glanced briefly up in the night sky, where his baby blue eyes could spot some twinkling stars, while resuming his slow pace.
“Hmm… mostly on the recon mission we're in now. But… lately, it's more about the Seraph pilot.”
Athrun felt curiosity taking over as his eyebrows rose up with interest.
“What about him?”
A brief image of his former best friend formed in the night sky, donned in his ZAFT red-coat attire, signifying his status as an ace pilot. Taking a second or so imagining Kenji's image, Eiji quickly shook it off from his mind, while resuming his walk.
“…In my room, Athrun… we can talk more from there,” he quietly replied, not bothering to glance back at Athrun walking alongside him and nodding understandably in return, sensing an earnest manner brewing in the Spawn pilot.
Something tells me he knows more about the Seraph pilot than I do…
The Aegis pilot shook off further curious thoughts on Eiji from his mind, and decided to continue on with his pacing with the rest of the group.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +2115 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Onogoro Island - Military Base
After making their way inside the Archangel parked in the dry dock of the base, Kenji and Kira headed over to Murrue's office, hailing her door first. The Archangel Captain was startled to receive visitors at this time of night, as she regained composure and was seated behind her desk.
“Enter!” she motioned aloud the visitors to step inside her office. Her eyes widen a bit at Kenji and Kira stepping inside after her automatic door closed behind them.
“Captain Ramius, I'd like to request permission to leave the Archangel temporarily and sleep over in my estate here in Orb while the ship is undergoing its repairs. Also, if possible, I'll be bringing Uncle Peter, Kira, and Fllay with me as well,” Kenji started.
Murrue pursed her lips for a moment after hearing out the Seraph pilot's request. Recalling her recent meeting with the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister, she then replied.
“I personally think you and Kira would need a break from coordinating with the Morgenroete engineers analyzing your MS, so yes, permission granted. However, I have to point out that the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister also requested the same thing from me, so he got a head start over you. He's bringing Fllay along with him to their estate here in Orb as well.”
Both Gundam pilots looked at the Archangel Captain with small surprise by her reply, with Kenji raising a curious left eyebrow at Murrue. He glanced at Kira standing by his right side.
“Looks like Fllay won't be coming with us after all. Sorry about that, Kira. If you still want to come along, that's fine with me…”
Kira shook his head at the Seraph pilot in disagreement.
“No, I still want to. To be honest, I'm kind of curious what your home is like here in Orb.”
Kenji merely smiled back in reply, adding an uncaring shrug from his shoulders. He then turned facing Murrue, quickly saluting her, since he was re-enlisted as an official EA officer of the Archangel during his initial stay in the ship. Seeing his action, Kira did the same thing, with Murrue saluting both Gundam pilots back.
“If there are no other matters to discuss, you two can leave now. I'll remain onboard the Archangel for the time being, seeing that I still need to supervise the ship's engineering and Morgenroete's engineers doing repairs on the ship,” Murrue reminded.
“We understand, captain. Let's go then, Kira,” Kenji replied, motioning the Strike pilot to follow after him as he exited Murrue's office. After watching her automatic door close after their retreating forms, Murrue couldn't help but tiredly sigh and close her eyes briefly, before reclining her seat comfortably.
After a quick trek to the Hynes' quarters, Kenji and Kira stopped at front of the door. Before Kenji could enter inside, he glanced back at Kira.
“By the way, I'd like to invite you to sleep-over at my place starting tonight. Sleeping here in the Archangel wouldn't be your idea of a comfy rest.”
Kira looked at his friend surprised by his offer, scratching lightly his right cheek in hesitation.
“Uh… thanks. But, is it alright with you?”
“Yeah, it's no bother, so don't fret. If you want to pack some personal belonging you plan to take for your stay in my place, go ahead. If not, I can have that arranged once we get there.”
Kira plucked the top of his EA uniform, giving a dejected look at it.
“Well, all I have is this EA uniform I'm wearing, and my civilian clothes I wore back in Heliopolis are still in the ship's laundry.”
Kenji smirked amusedly at his friend's predicament while patting his right shoulder in consideration.
“That's ok… I was just making sure that's all. Just wait here for me, I won't take long. I need to get my uncle.”
Kira nodded in reply as he watched Kenji stepping inside his quarters, with the automatic door closing after him. Inside, the Seraph pilot found the room empty, save for a written note on his small table. He walked up to it and picked the paper up, with his eyes starting to skim quickly through the written contents.
Kenji, if you're looking for me, I'll be gone in a while, for I was invited by the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister to dine with him and his daughter Fllay at their estate. That reminds me, you used to tell me you also have an estate here in Orb as well? I haven't actually been there though.
Anyway, you can find me in the Allster Estate tonight, should you plan to see me. Take care now --- Uncle Peter
Kenji gave an annoyed sigh at the note, before crumpling it into a small ball and shooting it in a small trash bin on the corner of the room.
Oh well, I could get Uncle Peter to see my residence tomorrow.
Shaking off disappointment that brewed from his thought just now, he pursed his lips, trying to remember where his civilian attire was placed. He snapped his right fingers in exclamation, glancing up.
Of course, my research attire is still in the ship's laundry. Ugh, of all the times to remember it… well, my EA uniform will have to do for the night.
Looking around the room once more, Kenji switched off the lights before exiting the room to find Kira leaning against the wall waiting for him. The Strike pilot leant away from the wall, standing properly at attention after seeing his friend exiting his quarters.
“What happened?” he asked.
Kenji shrugged his shoulders, giving a resigned purse of his lips.
“Looks like my uncle went off early with the Allsters while we were busy in Morgenroete. I also don't have anything else to bring with me as well. So, you're all set?”
“Yes. Lead the way.”
With that said, the Gundam pilots made their trek out of the Archangel, exiting through one of the outer deck doors and stepping within the port of the Onogoro military base. As they began to look around for the exit, one male MP drove by them in a military standard 4x4 green jeep, after noticing their wandering stares looking around their environment. Now noticing the MP's presence, Kenji and Kira stopped looking around and went over to him instead.
“Can I help you, sirs?” the MP courteously inquired. Kenji and Kira flashed briefly their temporary issued ID tags at him, before the former spoke on their behalf.
“We're with the crew of the Archangel, and also the Gundam pilots who are coordinating with the Morgenroete engineers for the MS research. We're looking for the way out of this base. We obtained permission from the Archangel Captain to stay over in my residence here in Orb.”
The MP merely nodded in reply, motioning them to hop aboard the jeep, which they quickly complied. Before flooring the accelerator to move, he glanced first at Kenji and Kira with the common military earnest manner.
“Before we leave the base, I'd like to point out that you're not allowed to reveal military secrets in public. Standard security protocol that all base MPs are adhering, and seeing that you're already inside the Onogoro military base. As long as you both have those ids, you can proceed back in the base by the next day or so.”
Both Gundam pilots nodded affirmatively in reply. With that said, the MP floored the accelerator, prompting his jeep to carry its passengers out of the base. Kira looked back at the Archangel, seeing it growing smaller as he got farther from it.
I hope Sai and the others can also go out of the ship as well. They want to see their parents badly.
After going through several security checkpoints, Kenji and Kira found themselves driving away and outside the Onogoro base, with the evening breeze greeting them.
“By the way, where's your residence, sir?” the MP inquired again, not bothering to take his eyes off the road.
Folding his arms, Kenji looked at the MP from the corner of his left eye, before turning his attention on the long, narrow stretch of road connecting Onogoro Island to the main central island of the Orb Union.
“Once we drive to the city area, I'll give you directions to get to my place from there.”
“Understood, sir…”
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +2115 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; City Area, 5-Star Seasons Hotel
Meanwhile, the ZAFT Zala and Shinonome undercover teams strolled back to their booked hotel, a bit exhausted for the first day of the recon mission in locating and confirming the Archangel. The two ZAFT teams made their way into the hotel elevator, with Nicol punching in the 7th Floor button, where their rooms were located. As the elevator ferried its passengers to its assigned destination, the group glanced outside the elevator's glass window, which gave an impressive view of the high-society decorum furnished all over the hotel interior.
Dearka whistled briefly, impressed by what he saw.
“Wow, I wonder how you managed to get our bookings in this fancy place?” he glanced at Eiji, who leaned against the elevator wall with hands in his dark-blue jeans. Un-pocketing his left hand, he tugged at the collar of his red polo, with a matching undershirt, before giving a shrug from his shoulders at the Buster pilot.
“It's not a big deal, we were just lucky to get these types of arrangements in this recon mission,” Eiji replied quietly.
Folding his arms, Barry glanced back at Eiji.
“Dang…! Don't be so modest! If it weren't for you, those two spies we met up with would have furnished us with crappy accommodations.”
Yzak let out an annoyed snort in agreement, looking away from Barry in usual disdain.
“I'll agree with Walters on this one. But still, how the heck were you able to get such arrangements made for us? No other redcoat or even the Supreme Council could ever have arrangements like we have now.”
Nicol nodded in agreement as well, supporting the Duel pilot's statement. Behind him, Miho leant affectionately close on his back, placing her hands on his right shoulder.
Lisa cocked an intrigued right eyebrow and smirk at Eiji.
“Heh… come now, Eiji, we all want to know a little bit! Just this once, we swear!” she pressed her right thumb and forefinger close to each other, emphasizing her remark.
Standing by her left side, Ryu had his hands placed behind his back, while eyeing the Spawn pilot in earnest.
Hmm… could it be he's hiding something important from us?
Amused by everyone's curiosity directed at Eiji, Athrun suppressed the urge to smirk, and joined in the fray, eyeing the person in question intently.
The `Red Reaper'... there's something about him that I can put my finger on.
Feeling everyone's gaze bearing down on him, Eiji exasperatedly sighed while rolling over his eyes before giving his attention to the entire group. Seeing him about to speak up, everyone else braced for his reply in anxiety.
“…It's a secret,” he finally spoke.
The rest of the group faltered down in astonishment, and would seem to crash down to the floor anime-style. Deep down, Eiji laughed amusedly at the group's reaction, and suppressed the urge to smirk at them. As the group regained composure, Athrun first spoke out on their behalf.
-Sigh- You're unpredictable, you know that,” he remarked with disappointment laced in his voice.
Barry mischievously left elbowed Eiji at his ribs, unknowingly nagging him. On the outside, the Spawn pilot didn't bother to voice out his annoyance at the jovial Crusader Squad member, as he started to like his personality slowly, but surely.
-Chuckle- Even the famed `Red Reaper' has a funny bone! It's surprising to say the least.”
Lisa shook her head disappointedly, while uncharacteristically pouting at Eiji.
-Sigh- Ok, I won't bother to prod you any further. You're no fun…”
Ryu kept to himself, not bothering to comment, but deep down he was amused by Eiji's manner.
Dearka shrugged his shoulders in resignation, sighing tiredly, while Yzak kept quiet and quickly threw a smirk at Eiji before resuming his usual annoyed mask.
Miho and Nicol shared a light laugh, with the former doing her best to cover up her laughter.
Finally, the elevator doors opened, after reaching the 7th Floor of the hotel. The group quickly exited, and strolled on to their assigned rooms --- Athrun and Yzak (Room 7100), Barry and Dearka (Room 7101), Ryu and Lisa (Room 7102), Miho and Nicol (Room 7103), and Eiji (Room 7104). After exchanging quick good-nights with each other, they went inside their rooms, changing themselves in sleeping attire and cleaning themselves up for bed.
Anhour later, +2200 hours
In Room 7104, Eiji unknowingly thrashed about in his bed, as he encountered a dream in his sleep.
“No... No… No…” he mumbled, moving his head from left to right.
Timeline: C.E. 70, February 14; +0800hours
Location: PLANT --- Aprilius-One; ZAFT Central HQ
“What the hell is going on?” Eiji asked a fellow ZAFT officer (donned in the purple coat attire) who was passing by with a shocked look on his face. He had recently returned from a skirmish mission involving a small EA fleet he was sent to destroy. After stepping inside the central HQ to report to his superior (who originally assigned him the said recent mission), he found a whirlwind of activity brewing inside. Many ZAFT black and purple coated officers were gathered around and in the midst of serious discussion, which created an uneasy atmosphere.
The ZAFT purple-coat looked at Eiji incredulously before replying to his question.
“You haven't heard yet? It's already over the news! See for yourself.”
Before Eiji decided to resort to physical matters of persuasion to get answers from the ZAFT purple-coat, the large, central public display in the lobby whirled to life, showing news footage of a massive EA fleet gathered near PLANT Junius-Seven. On the background, the news reporter's voice continued on describing the footage.
“What you're witnessing now is an initial, open attack on the PLANTs by the Earth Alliance. This EA fleet is gathered near PLANT Junius-Seven, and both our forces and theirs are currently in a deadlock, with neither making a move… wait, oh my god… are they attacking?”
The footage changed showing the EA fleet firing off several large missiles from the fleet's flagship, the Roosevelt, an Agamemnon-class EA warship. They homed in on PLANT Junius-Seven, with their forms disappearing briefly from view and into the background. Suddenly, a massive nuclear explosion erupted from PLANT Junius-Seven, which was easily reduced to nothing more than space debris within seconds.
Shocked gasps resounded aloud from everyone in the lobby, along with gaping mouths at the sight.
“Oh my god… Junius-Seven… it's gone…” a ZAFT black-coat shockingly murmured.
Almost instantly everyone erupted in a flurry of mixed emotions, as they began voicing out their reactions on the news footage. However, standing out amongst them, Eiji was speechless with widen eyes and an agape mouth. As his eyes remembered every last detail of PLANT Junius-Seven being destroyed, he felt his entire body numb with disbelief.
“No… Luna…” he mouthed quietly to himself. Within the next few seconds, he felt his legs turning jelly, forcing him to slump on his knees and slowly looking from the public display to the marble floor. His eyes slowly misted as they shimmered, mirroring his disbelief and shock. He brought up his shaky hands to look at then.
Luna… You got out of there in time, right? Right…?Right…? Right…?
He remained crest-fallen in his kneeled position for a long time.
End Flashback
At that instant, Eiji immediately sat up from his bed, with sweat trickling down his head as he constantly collected gasping breaths from his dream. He covered his face with his right hand, closing his eyes briefly.
That dream… why do I sometimes have this?
Uncovering his face, Eiji looked narrowly straight at the hotel decorated wall with narrowed eyebrows, mirroring anger from his heart. He clenched both his hands into shaky fists, then pounding on his bed at the same time.
“Curse you, EA… you took away Luna from me… and also my best friend as well…”
Getting off from his bed, he then opened the lights, reaching for his wallet on a small drawer next his bed. Opening it, he slowly fished out a picture of him, his best friend, and his first love gathered and posing together with a smile. The picture was that of their ZAFT military academy graduation two years ago. His left forefinger softly stroked his first love's image, then to his best friend.
“Kenji, why are you with the Earth Alliance? Why… did you leave ZAFT and betray me lastly?” Eiji desperately asked his best friend's image, pleading for answers.
The sudden knocking of his door then alerted his attention. Placing the picture back in his wallet and setting it aside on the small drawer, Eiji quickly got out of bed, rubbing traces of sleep from his eyes, while he went to the door and opened it. He looked to find Athrun and Ryu standing outside in their sleeping attire consisting of white t-shirts, boxers, and slippers.
“What is it?” Eiji asked them, wondering why they'd visit him at this hour. As he glanced closely at Athrun, the reason for their visit was clear to him now, as he recalled a specific conversation he shared with the Aegis pilot not long ago.
“So, what's on your mind now?”
“Hmm… mostly on the recon mission we're in now. But… lately, it's more about the Seraph pilot.”
“What about him?”
“…In my room, Athrun… we can talk more from there.
“We hope we didn't disturb your sleep. Anyway, Athrun and I needed to satisfy our curiosity regarding the Seraph pilot, if that's ok with you to explain,” Ryu carefully remarked. Standing next him, Athrun pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows in earnest.
Looking at the earnest expressions on their faces, Eiji glanced around them, making sure nobody else was around, before turning attention to his comrades.
“I take it the rest are asleep, then?” he asked.
Athrun nodded in reply.
“Yeah, it's only Ryu and I here, though he insisted in joining with me to have this talk with you.”
Opening his door wide from within, Eiji stepped aside, beckoning his comrades to enter his room. After closing and locking his door in seconds, he turned slowly around to find his guests getting their seats and gathered near his bed, waiting for him. Scratching his right cheek, Eiji thought of the right choice of words to start. He went back to the edge of his bed, sitting down on it, while resting his hands on top of each other and looking down on the carpeted floor.
“So… you want to know this, huh,” he started with shimmering eyes.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +2230 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Hyne Estate
Thanks to Kenji's directions to his residence, the Orb MP managed to drive his two passengers to the designated address within one and a half hour time.
And here we are,” Kenji gladly stated to Kira, as they approached a large, black gate leading the way inside to an imposing mansion of the Hyne Estate.
“Woah…” was the only word Kira could utter as he gazed at the large, wide imposing mansion further inside. It was the first time for him to witness such a home.
Seeing his reaction, Kenji smiled to himself.
“I never figure my residence takes visitors' breath away the first time they see it,” he remarked lightly. Noticing the small intercom next to the gate, he motioned the Orb MP to stop the jeep momentarily near it, before he got off his transport and walked up to the intercom, pressing the only available button to alert visitors' presence to the residents in his home.
“Yes…? Who is it?” a female voice answered. Recognizing it belonging to his head maid, Maria Izume, Kenji suppressed the urge to smile again and cleared his throat before replying.
“Maria, it's me, Kenji. I'm here outside the gate.”
“What…! Oh my… young lord! I'll open the gate now!”
Within seconds, the black gate of the Hyne Estate slowly opened automatically before its owner. Kenji quickly hopped back in the jeep, motioning the Orb MP to drive further inside. The gate closed automatically within another 5 seconds after the jeep.
The Hyne Estate was quite a sight to marvel at. Adorned with lush greenery that encompassed half of the area, it screamed high-class status that few people could hope to achieve. The entrance/exit lane was also adorned with greenery extending all the way to the backbone of the estate, the mansion. The building itself stretched wide, where if you look at it from a bird's eye view, it formed an inverted u-shape. Three areas compose the building, which are known as “wings” (west, center, and east divisions). The mansion sported standard gray color all over, with the exception of the roof, which was blue.
In front of the mansion's entrance was a water fountain, which had six mini angel figurines (one stacked on top, two on the middle, and three on the bottom. While the others below it held for support, the lone angel looked to extend two wings, from which water sprouted forth) fixated on a central pedestal and was well-lighted from beneath. Upon arriving closer to the fountain and disembarking from the jeep, Kira couldn't tell if the mini angel figurines were clearly male or female, after letting some curiosity to sink in to take a close look at them. He glanced back at Kenji to find him exchanging several words with the Orb MP, before they shook hands.
After watching the Orb MP drive off back to the Onogoro military base, Kira piped in his question to Kenji.
These figurines… I can't tell what gender they are. Do you know?”
Taking a quick gaze at the water fountain, Kenji went up to it for a closer look, then turning face to Kira with a knowing smile.
“Oh, these… well actually, those angel figurines don't seem to look neither male nor female. You could say they're androgynous, or a neutral gender. The previous owner of this estate, which I bought off from him some years ago, told me that those figurines were some sculptor's representation of angels, when I bought his estate from him.”
“Ah… is that so…”
“Come now, I can give you a tour around my place once we freshen up for dinner.”
Motioning Kira to follow after, Kenji walked up to the front door of his mansion, firmly knocking on it twice. Before his right knuckle could touch the mahogany wood of the door, it instantly opened, prompting him to retract it back in place. Next, he found himself engulfed in a warm hug by Maria, from which he also found out she had quite a grip, judging by the slight tightness around his body. He barely was able to embrace back, before reminding his head maid of his slight discomfort.
“Oh, sorry…! I don't know I could have such a grip, young lord. Oh ho, ho, ho! Welcome home,” Maria sheepishly stated with a smile, watching her young employer regain composure from her heartfelt hug she just delivered.
-Chuckle- I see you haven't lost your grip there, Maria,” Kenji replied warmly. He glanced at Kira, introducing him to his head maid, “This is Kira Yamato, a good friend of mine. I brought him here as a guest and have him see what my home is like.”
The Strike pilot nervously smiled with a wave of his hand at Maria.
“H-Hello… it's nice to meet you, ma'am.”
Maria slightly bowed at him with a smile.
“Hello there, Kira! It's rare for the young lord here to bring in friends here in his place. Welcome to the Hyne Estate. Please, you two, come in, come in!”
Ushering her young lord and his guest inside, she closed and locked the front door after, before hurrying to Kenji's side.
“Wow…” Kira uttered as he glimpsed at the interior of Kenji's mansion. Various paintings of people, objects, or places adorned the peach-colored walls spreading further into the inner wings, while a thick, majestic red carpet covered the entire floor beneath his feet. High on the ceiling, a crystal chandelier well illuminated the room, with its shards sparkling like twinkling stars. On the center of the room was a staircase splitting off to left and right each leading to the second level of the building.
Needless to say, Kira was slack-jawed deep down, impressed.
This is unbelievable…
Just then, another figure appeared in view, coming down from the central staircase to meet up with Kenji. Kira looked to see the elderly butler of the Hyne Estate, Archibald Jeeves, standing before him and Kenji with a passive face.
“Young lord… it's good of you to be home,” Archibald formally bowed before his young employer, who could notice a mix of relief and happiness barely masked in his expression. Placing his hands on his butler's shoulders, Kenji brought him to eye contact with a small smile.
“There's no need to hold back, so just do what you have to do.”
Barely able to hold his mixed emotions any further, Archibald gladly embraced his young employer, while he returned the favor. After a few seconds, they broke their embrace, with the butler coughing lightly as he regained composure. Standing behind the Gundam pilots, Maria was touched by the sight, opting not to comment and merely watching on.
“We weren't informed of your sudden arrival, young lord. Why?” Archibald inquired.
“I opted for a quiet return. Kira and I were fortunate enough to avail of transport from an Orb MP in the Onogoro Military Base, who offered to do so. We wanted to sleep over here rather than back in our assigned ship, the Archangel. As to some basic things like clothes, food, etc, I was wondering if you can have them prepared for us. We didn't exactly bring additional belongings with us, having been stuck with these EA uniforms,” Kenji replied, tugging the collar of his EA uniform to mark his point.
“Certainly, young lord, that will all be arranged at once. I'll begin preparations for dinner. In the meantime, Maria can help you freshen up with a new set of clothes from amongst your personal wardrobe.”
Stepping in front of the Gundam pilots, Maria beckoned them to follow after her heading upstairs to the second level of the mansion, while Archibald bowed at Kenji before making a quick exit to the kitchen to begin his assigned task of making dinner.
“This way please, young lord, Kira. You must be in need of a shower and some fresh clothes, having come far from your journey,” Maria stated.
As Kira and Kenji followed after her, being led their way to the baths, the latter piped in a question to her formed in his mind.
“By the way, where are the children now? I don't see Alexia, Satsuki, Isadora, or Mai around.”
Maria quickly glanced back at her young employer while she resumed her pace.
“Well, all of the children are already in bed, thanks to Alexia and Isadora, who have retired to their quarters. Satsuki and Mai are in the kitchen having a cup of tea, after their night shift ended, but I bet they'll be surprised to hear you here, thanks to Jeeves.”
Kenji let a faint chuckle escape his lips.
“Ah, is that so…”
“Are you serious, Jeeves? The young lord is here?” Mai Matthews beamed while getting up from her seat and asking Archibald, as he was beginning to prepare dinner in the kitchen.
“Yes, he's here, Mai. Maria is leading him and a guest he brought along with to the baths to freshen up first before they attend to dinner,” he replied, opening the large, black refrigerator before him to get out several pieces of fruit, meat, and vegetables from within.
Finishing her cup of tea, Satsuki Ichimoji placed it back on the small dining table she and Mai shared. Deep down, she was happy to hear the return of her young employer, and was experiencing the same anxiety as Mai. Looking at the said perky American maid expertly transferring their empty cups and small saucers to the kitchen sink and cleaning them within seconds, she felt a sense of dread at her behavior.
Oh my… this could only mean one thing…
“Mai, why don't we…” Satsuki started, but immediately widen her eyes a little at Mai grabbing her hands after finishing cleaning up their empty cups and small saucers. In a hurry, she pulled Satsuki along as they exited the kitchen. Hearing the kitchen door loudly banging back and forth, Archibald paused and craned out his head to check on the active maids. Seeing no sign of them, he amusingly shook his head at himself.
-Sigh- Mai was always the energetic type… I just hope she doesn't tire the young lord. But then again, Satsuki is with her, so she should be under control.”
With that said, he resumed picking out his choice of fruits, meats, and vegetables from the refrigerator, carrying out to prepare a scrumptious dinner for his young employer and his guest.
Inside the mansion's baths, which were divided by male and female sections, Kenji and Kira had immersed themselves in hot, soothing water, near-naked (they had on the contemporary short towels barely covering their privates). The former, feeling awkward sharing a bathtub with another guy, struggled to fight off the slight blush on his face from being seen by the latter. He did his best to stay relaxed, lying against the bathtub railing behind him and resting his arms on it as well.
“The towels, soap, shampoo, and conditioner are over there in that small recess near you,” Maria spoke out aloud from behind a thick curtain giving privacy for the Gundam pilots. Looking around the large, rectangular bathtub they were on, they spotted the said recess containing two pieces of folded-up towels, soap, shampoo, and conditioner near them.
“Yes, thank you, Maria! We see them!” Kenji replied aloud for his head maid to hear.
“Very well, young lord, I'll leave you two alone now,” she spoke again before leaving the baths.
With his eyes on the misty ceiling, Kira's ears could only make out the sounds of slow dripping water amidst the steamy atmosphere of the men's baths. Deciding to take a quick glance around, the Strike pilot saw the entire room colored in a mix pure blue-white. Several plants and pottery helped decorate the room, giving it a unique feel for any guy going for a bath.
I've to admit, taking a bath like this never felt so good, as compared to a shower in the Archangel
“How do you find taking a bath? Relaxing, right?” Kenji asked suddenly, breaking Kira's train of thought. He assumed a similar position as Kira's, but instead held his hands behind his head and seated a few inches away from the Strike pilot. He closed his eyes briefly, trying to relish the relaxing sensation his body was experiencing dipped in hot, steamy water.
“Yeah… but still… this seems a bit much for me…” Kira replied, feeling little bothered by the hospitality being given to him.
“I'm the one who invited you over here after all. Just try to enjoy the moment while it lasts.”
Looking at the Seraph pilot feeling relaxed, Kira knew well not to press the issue, and decided to heed his friend's advice.
“Mai, I can't believe we're actually doing this…” Satsuki muttered to the said fellow maid dragging her slowly and quietly as they approached the door leading to the men's baths. Mai placed her right forefinger on her lips, motioning her to stay quiet, before giggling delightedly to herself.
“Come on, Satsuki, this'll be fun greeting the young lord in this way! I bet you're dying to get a feel of him as I do!” she mischievously hinted, nudging Satsuki by the ribs with her right elbow. Seeing a flush on her face as a reply, Mai then slowly opened the door and beckoned Satsuki to quietly step in.
“I don't know how I put up with you sometimes,” Satsuki mouthed, peering intently at her friend as she closed the door quietly after.
Seeing the thick curtain before them, they remained silent, trying to overhear any chatter from inside. Their ears then perked up as they barely heard voices belonging to their young employer and his guest. Glancing at each other with blushes on their faces, they then nodded. Mai wryly grinned, proceeding to strip off her maid outfit, with Satsuki reluctantly following after. Within seconds, they were in their `birthday suits'.
“Ah… this water hits the spot,” Kenji sighed with satisfaction from his spot in the men's bath. Feeling a little light-headed, his ears immediately perked up at the slight sound of someone coming in the bath.
Nah… maybe I'm hearing things.
His nose was then bombarded with a fragrant feminine smell, as it grew stronger and stronger all of a sudden. He felt a shiver coursing throughout his body as he could sense two presences.
What the…?
He then felt a pair of slender hands holding around his neck, followed by a soft giggle. With a curious, raised right eyebrow, he slowly opened his eyes and finding the endowed and naked figure of Mai resting against his body, trying to seat down in front of him. Her head crooked slightly around, looking at him with a mischievous smile with her hands wrapped around his head.
“Hi, young lord… welcome home,” she greeted.
Kenji couldn't help but smile at her, then glancing with surprise at a naked Satsuki taking a seat next to his left. She then rested her head on his left shoulder with a content sigh, with her right hand reaching out to entwine with his left one.
“Well… this sure is a way to be greeted,” the Seraph pilot amusingly commented.
It's been a while since I had a bath with these two around… not surprising it's mostly Mai's idea.
Realizing Kira's presence, he glanced to find him wide-eyed with an agape mouth and his face heavily flushed at the sight of two well-endowed, naked females sharing intimate contact with their employer.
Noticing their young employer's gaze at Kira, Mai and Satsuki greeted the Strike pilot.
“Hi! You're the young lord's guest?”
“Hello. We're pleased to meet you.”
With his hormones getting the better out of him, along with the heat and steam of the bath, Kira simply fainted with a nosebleed, sinking deep in the bath water.
“…Next time you should probably knock, especially if there's a male guest with me,” Kenji stated to his maids, like a reminder. They glanced back at him sheepishly with flushed cheeks.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +2300 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; City Area, 5-Star Seasons Hotel
Back in Eiji's room, room 7104, the Spawn pilot narrated his story how he first met Kenji during his ZAFT academy days (leaving out the part about the love triangle between him, Kenji, and his first love, Luna) to Athrun and Ryu, who listened intently with amazement and disbelief by the end. Afterwards, Athrun and Ryu gave their own narration of their initial encounter with Kenji. Hearing them out with interest, Eiji first pointed out to Athrun that it was actually the famed `Dark Avenger' who had returned Lacus Clyne safely back to him.
“No way… you're saying that `Kenji Katsuragi', who returned Lacus back to me… was indeed Kenji Hyne?” the Aegis pilot stammered, getting up from his seat taken aback.
Placing his hands behind his back, Eiji shook his head amused at Athrun.
“I can't believe he'd pick out such a simple alias, and you actually believed that to be his identity! You should've known better than that, Athrun! But, I must say he was a man of his word, returning your fiancé safely back to you.”
Aghast at hearing his response, Athrun resignedly sat back down on his seat flabbergasted, as his mind replayed his meeting with Kenji returning Lacus safely him back in space.
“Thank you for returning her to me, Kenji Katsuragi. I see she's in good health.”
“No problem. I saw to it that she was treated fairly as a special guest in the Archangel, not as a prisoner or hostage as implied.”
“Kenji, Kira, come with us! You two are Coordinators like I, there's no reason for you two to stay with the EA!”
Kenji Hyne… I never thought I'd meet him that way, Athrun commented at the memory.
“Sorry, I too have friends onboard that ship who need my help as well.”
“I see. Then next time we meet, we're enemies then! I'll show you both no quarter!”
Leaning against the wall with folded arms, Ryu had his sight on the carpeted floor of Eiji's room, recalling some tidbits of his encounter with Kenji on one of the many small islands back in the Indian Ocean a few weeks ago.
“...Sure, I'll go first. -Sigh- If you're a Coordinator then are you also a ZAFT soldier like me? If so, how come you're in that MS my squad has been fighting with since the battle with EA 8thFleet up in the Earth's atmosphere?”
“…It's a long story. Yes, I was a ZAFT soldier like you… but I resigned two years ago. I got fed up serving ZAFT after witnessing atrocities some of my fellow comrades committed when they battled with the Earth Alliance in space. As to that MS… well, it's actually mine.”
“Why did you do that? I can't imagine a ZAFT soldier abandoning his organization without a just reason. I can hardly believe that MS, the Seraph, is yours to control. It's a monstrosity that shouldn't be allowed to roam freely.”
“Ha… then I suppose I could say the same thing when one of your units destroyed Heliopolis, which was considered neutral!”
“Tch… I was appalled to hear its destruction by the Le Creuset team… but I took no part in it, I give you my word! The reason of its destruction was confirmed by Commander Creuset… Heliopolis was harboring five top secret MS prototypes like the Seraph! Orb is to be blamed for this, since it's clear that they're collaborating with the Earth Alliance in that MS project! Once those five prototypes are mass-produced, the PLANTs will surely be attacked!”
Trying hard to remember Kenji's face from the memory, Ryu held doubt in his thought.
“Tch… well I continue to fight, for ZAFT is attacking the Earth Alliance. I fear that Orb would soon be drawn to this present war, and that's why I pilot the Seraph, in order to protect it from your organization!”
“Nevertheless, what right do you have allying with the EA legged-warship, the Archangel? The Seraph and the Strike are the reported two prototype MS that haven't been captured so far. Your actions against my squad, the Crusader Squad, commandeered by Captain Aster, clearly show that you're in league with the Earth Alliance!”
“…It's not like I'm fighting for the Earth Alliance… I guess circumstances have dragged me out of my peaceful life in Heliopolis and being involved with that ship. There are people onboard I consider as friends, and I'll protect them with my last breath.”
At the last memory of him, Ryu now felt sure he had met the famed `Dark Avenger' some time ago back in ZAFT.
“I didn't catch your name also.”
“It's Kenji. You…?”
“I'm Ryu.”
Now I know that's the famed `Dark Avenger' I ran into. But… something tells me Eiji here is holding some sort of vendetta against him. He and Kenji were considered a formidable team during the Grimaldi Front… maybe it has something to do with Kenji being involved with the legged ship, Ryu formed his opinion, eyeing Eiji intently and taking note of his body language whenever the `Dark Avenger' was brought up in topic, like now.
The said Spawn pilot's face darkened with mixed emotions. In one side of his mind, he truly considered his former best friend a traitor, while at the other side he held numerous questions he wanted him to answer personally.
I don't get you sometimes, Kenji. I consider you a traitor and try to kill you, and yet, you seem to hold back somehow. Are you simply mocking me or unsure of yourself? Damn it… you're lucky Luna held you in high regard even after her death during the `Bloody Valentine' incident, or I'd not feel remorseful at killing you.
This is so fucked up.
Thankful for receiving the knowledge that he personally encountered the famed `Dark Avenger', Ryu noticed the dead silence in the room and decided to snap his comrades before him out of their reverie. Unfolding his arms, he went up to Athrun first, shaking him lightly by his left shoulder and getting a muffled response from him. Then, he did the same action to Eiji, receiving the same response. Seeing their attention at him, he then began with a wise reminder.
“I think it is best that we retire for the night. All this thought of Commander Kenji Hyne won't do us any good. We've got a big day ahead us tomorrow, speaking of the recon mission.”
Athrun slowly stood up from his seat with a tired sigh.
“I suppose you're right, Ryu. Eiji, we're sorry for making you recall a painful memory of your former best friend.”
Putting on a composed face the said Spawn pilot shook his head in reply, dismissing the apology with a wave of his right hand.
“No. It was… alright that you two asked about this. But… keep this to yourselves please. I don't want the others to know.”
The Crusader Squad leader and the Aegis pilot nodded affirmatively, understanding his intention. Taking their cue to leave, Eiji opened his door for them, wishing good night, and closed it after their exit. Looking down at the carpeted floor of his room, he pursed his lips in frustrated emotions.
Luna… if only you were still alive. Then, maybe I won't have to fight against Kenji.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +2300 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Hyne Estate
In his room, Kenji checked himself one last time on a tall wall mirror, running his right hand through his hair. Docked in fresh clothes consisting of a white shirt, khaki pants, and slippers, he exited his room, closing the door, and stopped by the next room, which was Kira's assigned room. He knocked twice on the door, asking for permission to come in.
The door opened, with Kira dressed in fresh clothes (which were also Kenji's, but loaned to him by Maria at Kenji's request) consisting of a blue shirt and shorts, and slippers. With the bath incident fresh in his mind, Kira felt a little embarrassed under his friend's gaze (despite his sincere apology and explaining a little of his maids' affections to him).
“Um… so, should we, uh, eat dinner now?” he asked, closing the door behind him.
Noticing the Strike pilot's embarrassed behavior, Kenji placed his left hand on his right shoulder to calm down his nerves.
“Kira, you don't have to be embarrassed around me. I'm sorry, uh, you had to witness that, but it couldn't be helped, thanks to my maids' honest advances, er, intentions. They kind of… grown attached to me personally, that's why.”
“Oh… right. I didn't figure you're the type to attract girls a lot.”
-Chuckle- No… it's just that I don't realize that quality until I hear from any girl why they're attracted to me. Er, don't take me for a playboy… I'm just a modest and down-to-earth type of guy who minds his own business, that's all.”
Kira glanced up at his friend with an amused smile.
“You can be full of surprises sometimes.”
Kenji shrugged his shoulders in reply, pocketing his hands in his khaki pants.
“I'm just being me. Anyway, I guess Jeeves is already done making dinner. Let's not keep him waiting.”
With the awkwardness of the bath incident around them dissipating slowly, the Gundam pilots proceeded downstairs to the dining room for a much needed dinner.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +2305 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Allster Estate
In contrast to the Hyne Estate, the Allster Estate was one of the biggest estates housing a social high-ranking individual, the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister, George Allster. Thanks to his position in the Atlantic Federation, which he acquired through various means, he was one of the few high-class Orb citizens who adopted to live and settle in the neutral kingdom.
Located on a quiet, cliff side near the beach front, the Allster Estate encompassed twice the area of the Hyne Estate. Greenery extended to about the same length as a football field, decorated to finer detail that caught the eye of visitors entering the estate at any time. As to security, concrete walls enclosed the entire estate, with several cameras positioned in key positions and slightly concealed by shrubbery and the like. The gate itself was made of elegant steel, and automatically opened or closed by a security system located inside the estate's mansion.
Inside the mansion's office room, which served as a workplace for George Allster, he and Peter Hyne were having a quiet chat over cigars and brandy, after dinner. Fllay retired to her room, exhausted from her stay in the Archangel.
“Now that I think about it, it seems kind of strange that you were in cordial terms with Lord Uzumi back there,” Peter started, sipping his glass of brandy from his seat of a comfy sofa chair.
With his back facing his friend and guest while looking outside his window, George allowed a puff of cigar smoke escape his lips, before placing his cigar back in mouth.
“Oh that… I had some dealings with him some months ago, even before the Heliopolis incident. Did you notice he didn't direct a lot of his attention to me, while he was busy discussing with Captain Ramius and the others?” he asked.
Placing his unfinished glass of brandy on a small, circular table, Peter eyed the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister intently with curious eyebrows.
“What sort of dealings, if I may ask?”
“…Nothing that concerns you about, Peter. Don't take this the wrong way, but there are some secrets that can't be revealed to others, regardless of importance.”
Hmm… that sounds fishy. But, I better not push it, Peter thought, deciding not to tread further into the issue. He coughed lightly, then changing in a different topic to talk about openly, “So, now that you and Fllay are here in Orb, will you plan to remain at home, rather than traveling with the Archangel and its crew to the EA Alaska Base?”
Deciding he had enough to smoke, George then snubbed out his cigar on a small ashtray on his desk, then turning face at his guest with an earnest manner.
“While it sounds more feasible at first, I'd rather go on with the Archangel and its crew to the Alaska Base, or JOSHUA, to be precise. I have to present my report describing the ship and its involvement in Heliopolis, up to this present time. Plus, much to my surprise and dismay, my daughter is an enlisted EA officer of the ship. We're not sure when we could finally stay home in this estate.”
Peter nonchalantly waved his right hand at George with a wry smile.
“I guess it can't turn out this much. Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll retire to my temporary room which you humbly offered me to lodge. Thank you for a pleasant dinner also.”
Giving a nod to him, George smiled back, walking up to his friend and patting his right shoulder as he stood up from his seat, preparing to leave the room.
“Thank you for those kind words, Peter. I'm glad dinner suited well to your taste. Well, I won't hold you any longer. By the first thing in the morning, I'll have my butler drive you back to the Onogoro Military Base, where you can return to the Archangel.”
With a thankful bow to the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister, Peter then left the room to head upstairs to his assigned temporary quarters. Closing the lounge door behind him, he barely suppressed a cold shudder running through him along mid-way.
Why am I getting this odd feeling from George? Hmm… something's not right about him. Nah… I must be getting tired. I hope Kenji saw the note I left over in our quarters in the Archangel. I'll have to look for him when I get back to the ship the next morning.
After watching his friend's exit and closing the lounge door behind him, George's friendly demeanor turned wary as he narrowed his eyes at the door. Walking behind his desk, he sat down on his chair when his telephone rang, prompting him to answer it.
“…I see you're alive and well, Vice-Minister.”
With his ears perking up and his eyes widening at the voice of the unknown caller, George regained composure quickly.
“Sir… I thank you for your concern.”
“Dispense with the formalities. I've heard reports that you were onboard the legged ship known as the Archangel. How is it now?”
“At present, it's undergoing repairs in Orb's Onogoro Base. The repairs will probably last for 3 days the most, before it sails out to journey towards JOSHUA.”
“Good… where are the prototype MS contained there? It was confirmed from several of our spies that there was more than one, aside from the expected `Strike'.”
“Yes sir. There's actually a second prototype MS that was brought along to the Archangel by chance meeting. Its code name is `Seraph'. And there's also an interesting fact about it, sir. It's rumored to house an `N-Jammer Canceller', though I have to confirm it first.”
“…An `N-Jammer Canceller'…? Interesting… if this `Seraph' indeed has it, I want its data on an optical disk immediately, and to be kept secret until we rendezvous in JOSHUA.”
George nodded in reply.
“Yes sir, I'll do so at once. If I may ask, has the female spy holding documents of the `Apocalypse Project' been found yet?”
“…No, our spies have yet to find her. Don't fail me. Remember the cause.”
The caller then hanged up, prompting George to place down the receiver back in place.
“For the preservation of our blue and pure world...” he stated as a reminder, to a large globe of Earth next his right side.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 23; +2330 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Hyne Estate
“Dinner was delicious as always, Jeeves. I'm witness to your cooking testament,” Kenji commented to his butler in the dining room, where he and Kira were having a slice of chocolate cake for dessert. The two Gundam pilots' appetites had grown far thanks to their stay back in the Archangel, and they managed to consume an entire banquet of dinner meant for a group of people, rather than two individuals. With Satsuki and Mai cleaning up the dishes, Archibald remained by his young employer's side, attentive to their needs. Maria had stopped by earlier to bade good-night to Kenji, deciding to retire in her quarters.
“Your gracious compliments flatter me, young lord,” he courteously bowed before Kenji and Kira. The latter, unaccustomed to seeing such formality displayed, couldn't come up with a reply, concentrating on his dessert first.
“Jeeves, you're exaggerating. You don't have to be so formal around me, you know, even though I haven't been here for a long time,” Kenji dismissed off his butler's thankful reply with a wave of his left hand.
“Ahem. As much as you plead for me to do so, it's still one of my duties as your loyal servant,” Archibald stated dutifully.
Rolling his eyes over while resignedly shaking his head, Kenji took a last bite of his chocolate cake, finishing it. Noticing his butler was standing attentively and waiting for a command from him, the Seraph pilot decided to dismiss him.
“Jeeves, Kira and I can clean up our plates. You can go to bed now. There's always tomorrow, you know.”
The said butler was about to protest in reply, but upon seeing his young employer's dead-panned look at him stating finality, he opted to obey his command.
“Very well… I'll not impose. If you'll excuse me… young lord, Master Kira, good night.”
Dutifully bowing at the two Gundam pilots, Archibald left them, heading over to his quarters to hit the sack. Watching his retreating form, Kira turned to Kenji with a questionable look on his face.
“You know, you didn't say you're an Orb noble back in the Archangel. You must have such loyal servants at your beckon.”
Kenji's face twisted in a slight sneer, shaking his head in disagreement.
“Well… it's such a bothersome thing if I mentioned it to the ship's crew, especially Captain Ramius. Even your classmates from Heliopolis would look at me from a different light.”
“Why do you say that?”
-Sigh- I prefer having a quiet life, rather than having the spotlight on me. As to Jeeves, Maria, Satsuki, Mai, and two others who're already in bed, I don't treat them as mere servants --- they're more like family to me. They're happy with me seeing them this way, though Jeeves still retains his sense of duty to me, ever since I first hired him as a butler for this estate.”
Finishing up his chocolate cake, Kira pushed aside his empty plate, downing his glass of milk served to him by Archibald after dinner. Setting the glass down on the dinner table, he sighed contently, then glancing at his host.
“How did you become an Orb noble by the way?” he asked.
Downing his glass of milk and setting it down on the dinner table, Kenji wiped his mouth with his provided napkin, then folding it neatly in a small square before replying.
“After I resigned from ZAFT and settled here in Orb, I took on a job as a freelance bodyguard, and advertised my services. Most clients hiring me were some of the main wealthy families that comprise that current government council headed by Lord Uzumi. I guess I was lucky enough to save up a lot of money, and after some time, here I am. Due to my job, I was garnering respect from this country's people, and I was quite well-known. In that sense, I attained a noble status. But, I prefer to dispense with formalities anyway.”
After hearing his valid response and absorbing it in his mind, Kira wiped his mouth with his provided napkin, folding it neatly the same way Kenji did. Seeing the Strike pilot standing up from his seat to excuse himself, Kenji motioned his guest to go on to his assigned room and retire for the night, before he decided to impose helping him out with their dishes.
“I'll take care of our dishes. Go ahead and rest.”
“I insist, Kira. Now go.”
Sensing the finality of his tone, Kira decided to heed his advice, and bade his friend good-night. Watching his retreating form leaving the dining room, Kenji picked up their dishes and headed inside the kitchen to clean them up. Inside, he stumbled upon Satsuki and Mai wiping their hands with small white towels. They gave surprised looks at him.
“Oh? Young lord, are you and Master Kira done with dessert? Let us clean your dishes for you,” Satsuki offered.
“No, I'll be fine cleaning them myself, it won't take long. You two should go to bed,” Kenji stated, looking at his maids in the eye.
Sensing it was pointless to argue (judging by his soft gaze directed at them) Satsuki and Mai bade him good-night, warmly giving a peck on his lips. A bit flustered from that, Kenji watched their retreating forms exit the kitchen with a smile.
What am I going to do without them?
He then resumed his task of cleaning up him and Kira's dishes, which took only a minute or two to accomplish. Afterwards, he wiped his hands dry with a small white towel tied firmly around the handle of the kitchen refrigerator. Looking around the kitchen one last time, he switched off the lights, doing the same thing in the dining room, before heading upstairs to his room.
After changing into his sleeping attire of white shirt and boxers, he tucked himself to bed and switched off his night-light. Kenji was then engulfed in the darkness of the night. Before closing his eyes to enter slumber, he could make out the image of his first love watching over him with a peaceful smile.
“Luna…” he quietly mouthed as he entered slumber.
ZAFT Uniform Scheme
ZAFT uniforms are also color coded, based on an individual's military achievements to date. They are as follows:
Green: Worn by common soldiers, technicians, or mobile suit pilots.
Other Suggested Terms: Greens
Olive: Worn by soldiers in ground combat situations.
Other Suggested Terms: Grunts
Bright Green: Worn by mechanics only.
Other Suggested Terms: Grease monkeys
Red: Worn by elite soldiers or mobile suit pilots, typically the top graduates from ZAFT's academy. Although they are respected, soldiers who wear red do not necessarily have higher positions than their green-clad comrades. In many respects though, Reds fill the same function as non-commissioned officers in a traditional military.
Other Suggested Terms: Reds, Redcoats, Aces
Black: Worn by the vast majority of officers, including ship captains. This is also the color worn by ZAFT's military bureaucracy.
Other Suggested Terms: Blackcoats, Captain
White: Worn only by those who have distinguished themselves with considerable military achievements, and often those who have earned the Nebula Medal, ZAFT's highest military decoration. Officers who wear this uniform are almost always team commanders. This is a distinction similar to how Generals have different star ratings, but is in its own way unique.
Other Suggested Terms: Commander, General (rare)
Purple: Worn by general/member of the PLANT Supreme Council, space navy task force commanders, officers otherwise above black-garbed ship captains and garrison commanders. In a traditional military, as a rule of thumb, these would be Lieutenant Colonel or above.
Other Suggested Terms: Purplecoats, Minister, Task Force Commander, Lt. Colonel
Lastly, it should be noted that pilot suits are also colored a variety of colors, but these colors do not always correspond to rank. Typically, pilots who wear green or red uniforms wear the matching color of pilot suit. However, numerous varieties, such as purple, white, white and purple, and orange exist and are used, typically by elite pilots with custom units. Despite this, pilot suits usually have a stripe (or series of stripes not unlike real-life military chevrons) indicating rank, though what rank or superiority precisely indicated is unknown.
To personally note, I'll be using some of the suggested terms mentioned above as easy reference to some ZAFT officers or officials, that way it can be easier to understand for you readers. I hope this helps.