Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Last Impression ❯ Episode 27: Emergences ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Last Impression
Episode 27: Emergences
Word denotes character thought
Word denotes setting, time
-Word- denotes sound effect
“Word” denotes flashback speech
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 25; +0700 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Allster Estate
In his assigned room, after getting up from bed and showering up, Peter donned his researcher lab attire, ready to leave. With a last check at himself on a provided drawer mirror near his bed, he exited his room, then heading quietly downstairs to the dining room, where he found the butler already up and about, readying a full breakfast on the wide, polished dining table.
“Good morning, Professor Hyne. How was your sleep?” he politely asked, glancing up at him.
“Most pleasant, I can say… wait, is that my breakfast ready? Oh no, please, you shouldn't have a well-prepared breakfast made for me. A cup of coffee will suffice,” Peter replied, while feeling little overwhelmed at receiving such a stacked breakfast that necessarily could fill one's stomach for the rest of the day until dinner.
The butler merely dismissed Peter's implied request to almost skip breakfast, shaking his head in disagreement.
“I'm afraid that's not possible, sir. Master Allster gave me explicit instructions to at least furnish you with a full breakfast, as a sign of appreciation for paying him a visit. It's also his best intentions that you at least be sought off well.”
Judging by the butler's dignified and earnest expression on his face, Peter realized it'd be pointless to argue further. With a resigned shrug of his shoulders and smile, he took his seat after thanking the butler for the well-prepared breakfast he hesitantly decided to indulge in.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 25; +0730 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Hyne Estate
After washing himself up and dressed back into his EA uniform, Kira exited his assigned room, closing the door after him. As he made his way downstairs, a delicious aroma hit his nose fast and hard, making his stomach grumble lightly. Sheepishly looking at his stomach and rubbing it, he resumed his way to the dining room, where he was greeted at the sight of 10 children hungrily eating their breakfast around the wide, circular dining table they sat behind. The two maids he saw in the baths last night --- Mai and Satsuki --- were busy checking up on the children, fully dressed, while making sure they each had their fill and along with proper table manners.
Kira raised a wary left eyebrow at the sight.
Children…? I didn't see them here last night… what are they doing here?
Just then, two more maids emerged from the kitchen door nearby. The first had shoulder-length, blonde hair, with green eyes which seemed to shimmer suddenly. Her posture seemed to reveal a properly-raised character, as she walked with careful steps carrying a tray of orange juice. Behind her, the second had long, black hair, with gray eyes which seemed to be mistaken for a silver color. They seemed to be around the same height as Mai and Satsuki, which Kira presumed after gauging their height from a quick glance. Noticing particularly the second maid's passive expression on her face, the Strike pilot seemed to sense hardly a hint of emotion from her.
What's with that look? It's almost as if she doesn't have emotions…
Noticing Kira just standing near the dining room door, the first maid called him out, getting everyone's attention in the room directed at him.
“Good morning, Master Kira. Your breakfast will be prepared shortly. Please, take a seat,” she greeted, beckoning the Strike pilot to take a seat at the end of the dining table, which he quite nervously obliged.
“Master Kira! Don't be shy, now, just relax,” Mai cheerfully flirted, patting Kira's shoulders from behind. Remembering the bathing incident last night, Kira failed to fight off a small embarrassed blush on his cheeks, while meekly looking at Mai with a small smile.
-Sigh- Mai, you're embarrassing him. Master Kira, what would you like to have to drink for breakfast? Orange juice, coffee, milk, water, or anything… that meets your wants...?” Satsuki offered, after slightly reprimanding Mai for her flirty manner displayed just now.
“Uh… orange juice, I guess,” Kira meekly replied, glancing around at the children gathered around the dining table.
“Very well… oh, if you're wondering why these children are here, they're orphans the young lord allowed in the estate, which also doubles as an orphanage. He was kind enough to take them in, thanks to his unselfish heart of gold,” Satsuki stated warmly.
Some of the children's faces beamed up at the mention of Kenji. As to children nature, they saw him as a big brother figure, considering him as family.
“Where's Kenji-onichan?” one little girl sitting next to Kira curiously asked, pausing to eat her breakfast.
“He'll be here soon Lena, because he arrived here in the house last night!” Mai cheerfully replied, walking behind the said little girl and patting her shoulders gently.
At that moment, Kenji walked in the dining room, freshly dressed and showered in his EA uniform, after catching the smell of breakfast inviting him in.
“Kenji-onichan!” the children exclaimed happily, and ceased eating their breakfasts. Within seconds, they quickly scampered off their seats, running to their big brother and encircled him like a swarm of bees, hugging his legs.
“Oof… -Chuckle- Hey kids… I'm home. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner,” Kenji heartedly apologized, bending down to the children's heights and exchanging heartfelt hair ruffling and quick hugs with the children.
“We missed you, Kenji-onichan!” the little girl named Lena cried, burrowing her face on the Seraph pilot's right shoulder while relishing the warmth of the hug she was sharing with her big brother.
“I'm sorry, Lena. I had to do a lot of important adult stuff, so that's why I never could be home sooner,” Kenji cooed, rubbing his right hand up and down on Lena's small back.
At the heart-warming sight, Kira couldn't help but stifle a tear out from his right eye, then blinking it quickly to regain composure while slightly smiling. Seeing a rare moment like this reminded him of his parents.
Mom, Dad… I hope you're here and safe in Orb. I miss you both a lot.
Following an `aw… how sweet!' remark from Mai, the rest of the maids in the dining room followed suit, sharing gladden smiles directed at their young employer, feeling touched by the sight in front of them. They knew well that the children badly missed their `big brother'.
After gently breaking up the short reunion with the children, and motioning them to return eating their breakfast, Kenji stood up to his feet and noticed his maids' brightened expressions on their faces.
“Alexia, Isadora, Mai, and Satsuki… good morning to you all,” he greeted with a smile.
“Good morning, young lord,” the four maids greeted back, bowing courteously to their young employer.
After dispensing with the greetings and the like, breakfast resumed for everyone after Kenji joined in. The atmosphere in the room seemed to brighten, and it was the first time Kira had felt a happy feeling of spending time with loved ones. He could almost briefly put aside his experiences and thoughts of war behind, deciding to relish this moment as possible.
“You girls had your breakfast?” Kenji quipped to his maids, after having a cup of coffee poured before him by Isadora Caius, the maid who seemed to rarely express a hint of emotion on her face due to her quiet demeanor while she attended to the task of serving her young employer.
“Thanks, Isadora. Remember, just one smile is enough for everyday,” Kenji reminded the said maid, taking hold of her hands briefly and eliciting a surprised, short cry from her. Feeling his gaze directed at her, Isadora couldn't help but blush lightly, and barely formed just a tiny smile and nod.
“Thank you… young lord,” she meekly replied, watching her hands being released gently by Kenji. Watching her retreating form hurrying back inside the kitchen, he decided to hold back a chuckle, before turning his attention to his cup of coffee. Taking several sips from it, he glanced at Alexia Einhart, the maid with a proper posture and manner, asking Mai to take several dirty plates of the children who had finished eating back to the kitchen for clean-up.
“Alexia, Satsuki, what about you both…? Did you have your breakfast?” Kenji asked.
“Of course, young lord, we already had our usual early time. Don't mind us,” Satsuki answered for the maids' behalf, before attending to several of the children done eating.
“Ok, I was just asking.”
“Young lord, I hope you don't mind serving your usual breakfast special?” Alexia asked, standing attentively to hear out any commands given by her young employer.
“Sure… I don't mind the portion this time, I miss eating that,” Kenji sheepishly replied, rubbing his grumbling stomach with his right hand.
-Giggle- It shall be prepared right away.”
With a small bow given to Kenji, Alexia walked back in the kitchen, followed after by Mai carrying a tray of dirty dishes needed to be cleaned. After watching their retreating forms, Kenji turned his attention to Kira.
“Good morning, Kira. You slept well?”
“Yeah, this is the first time I've felt well-rested. Thanks for inviting me here.”
“No problem… it beats sleeping over on our bunk beds back in the Archangel, eh?”
“…Ha, ha… yeah, it sure is.”
Kira then noticed one of the children tugging at the right sleeve of his uniform, getting his attention. He gave a kind smile to him before introducing himself.
“Hello, my name is Kira. What's yours?”
“I'm Adrian. Um… can I call you Kira-onisan?”
“Er… sure, I'm ok with that.”
“Cool! Now we got another onisan to play with! Can you play with us, please?”
Before Kira could kindly refuse the said little boy's offer, Adrian and the rest of the children unleashed one of the most powerful secret weapons created in childhood --- the puppy-dog eyes.
Yup, nobody could escape the implied child-like innocence mirrored in those eyes.
Taken back by this sudden action, Kira could feel his willpower to refuse dwindling rapidly. Meanwhile, Kenji chuckled deep down upon seeing the Strike pilot's helpless expression. Feeling his gaze directed at him, Kira turned to Kenji for help.
“I'm afraid I can't help you there. Once you look at those eyes, there's no way out,” the Seraph pilot joked, turning down the offer to help his friend out of his sudden situation with the children.
Seeing there was no way out, Kira resignedly signed, before smiling back at Adrian.
“Ok… I'll play with you guys for a while.”
Kenji, you traitor, some friend you are, he disappointedly spoke inwardly at Kenji.
A triumphant cheer erupted from the children, as they and Adrian began dragging Kira along with them, forcing him off his seat. Giving one last desperate look at Kenji, he swallowed his disappointment upon hearing an unexpected reply from him.
“Don't worry, for I'll save your share of breakfast. Have fun with them!”
Watching the children and Kira's retreating forms heading towards the large backyard veranda of his mansion through one of its three doors in the dining room, Kenji then started waiting in his seat for breakfast to be served. He rested his arms on the dining table, then drumming his right hand's fingers on it, echoing his waiting.
Satsuki couldn't help but shake her head amusedly after witnessing the small event, as she started collecting the remainder of dirty plates to be carried to the kitchen for cleaning. She turned to Kenji with a wistful smile.
“I think they're starting to like Master Kira, young lord, don't you think?”
The Seraph pilot smiled back in reply at his maid.
-Chuckle- You're right on that, Satsuki.”
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 25; +0745hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Allster Estate
After having breakfast, which, according to the butler, was compliments from George, Peter decided to leave, knowing he needed to be back in the Onogoro Military Base. There was another important matter he had to attend to immediately, upon recollecting his thoughts and forming his next course of action.
I need to see Lord Uzumi personally, before Kenji does. My worst fear will certainly arise… and I better check to see if Aile managed to escape safely from Heliopolis and head back here in Orb. My gut instinct is telling me that he's somehow alive…
After making a last check on not leaving behind any valuables in his assigned room, Peter made his way downstairs to the door, where he was surprised to find the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister freshly dressed in a new business suit (minus the tie), and along with the butler, ready and waiting.
“Good morning, Peter! I hope the breakfast prepared for you was suited to your taste,” George greeted with a jovial smile.
“Yes, it was delicious, but… a little too much though. I was about to make up my mind to look for you in your room, but I find that you're already here and waiting for me,” Peter casually replied, shaking off his surprise to find his friend's sudden appearance waiting for him.
-Chuckle- I'm glad to hear that. Oh, you're probably going to ask me if I had breakfast as well… I had an early start before you an hour ago.”
“Ah… ok. Oh yes, what about Fllay? She is presently registered as an official crew member of the Archangel, so she must return back there ASAP, or otherwise Captain Ramius wouldn't be pleased.”
“Not to worry, she'll return to her duties as soon as she wakes up and gets breakfast. I've already reminded the butler here about Fllay, he'll drive her back to the Onogoro Military Base,” George stated, placing his right hand at his butler's left shoulder in assurance.
“Of course, sir, it shall be done as you instructed. May I suggest that you and Professor Hyne be on your way now? I'm certain you both have some important tasks to attend to wherever you're headed,” the butler stated, bowing politely.
“Ah yes… thanks for the reminder, Henry. Can you get the car ready?” George asked.
The said butler named Henry immediately left through the front door, scrambling to have a white, classic limousine ready to fetch his esteemed employer and his guest and drop them off to their intended destination. Both George and Peter exited, the former closing and locking the front door after him, and awaited their transportation, which promptly arrived within a few minutes. With the butler opening the right-side passenger door of the limo for them, Peter and George climbed in. Closing the passenger door after them, the butler immediately climbed in the driver's seat of the limo and started driving it off.
After exiting through the main gate, the limo then headed for the island roadway connecting the main island of Orb with two neighboring islands --- Kaguya, which housed Orb's mass-driver, intended for space travel, and Onogoro, which housed its main military base.
“Does your butler know we're supposed to be back in the Onogoro Military Base?” Peter asked his friend seated next his right.
“Yes, he knows, for I already instructed him just last night to do this, so don't fret, Peter,” George replied, casually waving off his left hand at his said friend.
“Oh... I see.”
Looking at the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister from the corner of his right eye, Peter could sense a small change in his demeanor. Somehow, he couldn't help but feel little wary before his presence, as George kept his eyes fixed on the road in front of him.
This feeling again from last night… what is it telling me?
George stole a quick glance at his friend, then realizing his slight gaze directed at him.
“Is something the matter, Peter?” he asked with a wry grin.
“Oh, er… no, there's nothing wrong. Sorry, don't mind me,” Peter fibbed, trying to laugh lightly off his gut feeling regarding the person seated next him.
“Very well… if you say so,” George stated, peculiarly looking at his friend for a second or so with a raised, right eyebrow before returning his gaze at the road in front of him.
Sighing relieved deep down, Peter decided to keep to himself for the duration of the ride, turning his attention to the inspiring view of the ocean.
Timeline: C.E. 71, March 25; +0900 hours
Location: Earth --- Orb Union; Onogoro Island - Military Base
After done proceeding with breakfast and spending some fun time with the orphaned children of the Hyne Estate, Kenji and Kira made their way back to the military base via hitching a ride from the same Orb MP who had previously dropped them off in the Hyne Estate (it was later found out by Kira that Kenji had arranged the Orb MP to fetch them and drive them back to the military base). After thanking the Orb MP for his trouble in fetching them, Kenji and Kira went through multiple security checkpoints of the military base in a breeze, thanks to their temporary IDs issued by Morgenroete, Inc.
As the two Gundam pilots of the Archangel entered the hallways of Morgenroete, Inc. and headed for the MS testing area, where the Seraph and Strike Gundams were housed for diagnostics and testing, they were greeted by passing engineers, some waving at them, while others giving a small smile or nod as they passed by. Amusingly, some female engineers couldn't help but blush and giggle lightly as their eyes met with the two Gundam pilots. After passing by another small group of female engineers who did the abovementioned action, Kira couldn't help but blush lightly in embarrassment and look down on the floor, while Kenji strolled on with an inward chuckle, putting up a casual look on his face.
Arriving in front of the door leading to the MS testing area, Kenji and Kira were greeted by two guards standing by, with one of them opening the door for them via a keypad lock. Within seconds, the two Gundam pilots were greeted by the sight of their deactivated, parked MS. They then entered inside.
“There you two are! We couldn't possibly continue with your MS diagnostics without your help frankly, since they're yours to begin with,” a female engineer exclaimed, who had came out of nowhere to approach the two male teens, startling them little. Upon doing a second take on her, Kira realized it was the same engineer he had coordinated with in regards to the Strike's check-up last night.
“Miss Cassandra! We're sorry if we're late, there were some personal things to take care of,” the Strike pilot apologized, bowing slightly at her respectfully.
The said female engineer merely waved off Kira's apology with her right hand, before turning to Kenji.
“No, no, that's fine. As long as you came here before the afternoon, that's acceptable. Oh, yes, Kenji, isn't it? The engineer you helped with mostly in your MS's check-up last night, he's been assigned to another important task. He gives you his apologies for this, for the announcement came unexpected. Anyways, according to Chief Simmons, she's assigned me to be your coordinated engineer, so I'll be dealing with you both when resuming your MS's check-ups today.”
The Seraph pilot took out his hands from his pant pockets as he stood attentively.
“Oh… ok. I was kind of getting used to talking over with that engineer, so that's a shame. Anyway, I guess Kira and I should immediately resume our work in our MS?”
“Ha, ha… I like people like you getting straight to the point. Yeah, let's begin then.
A cough suddenly caught the group's attention, prompting them to turn facing its source, which belonged to a familiar looking individual. Docked in researcher attire, he sported short, gray hair with azure eyes which seemed to shimmer little in a hint of recognition. In addition, he grew a trimmed moustache that adorned his wizened skin, showing a sign of his old years.
The said female engineer named Cassandra peeped out a surprised cry at his presence.
“Oh… Professor Kato! This is a surprise.”
At the sound of the abovementioned name, Kenji and Kira stared at her with widen eyes then back at the newcomer standing before them.
“Professor Kato…?” they stammered in disbelief.
Meanwhile, on the military base outskirts of Onogoro Island, the ZAFT Shinonome-Zala teams were assembled in a quiet area, disguised in Morgenroete engineer uniforms, as they met up with one of the two ZAFT spies who previously met them in their rendezvous two days ago. The spy handed over fake IDs to the two ZAFT teams. While they patched up their received fake IDs, the spy explained the security details over in Morgenroete, Inc.
“Those fake IDs should allow you all to get in the less restricted areas of Morgenroete. The inner levels have tight security, and my partner and I couldn't make IDs for there on such short notice, after we received your transmission from the Isadora.”
Glancing at his fake ID, Eiji shrugged his shoulders contentedly, before turning face to the spy with a question.
“Well that can't be helped. Speaking of which, where's your partner now?”
“Oh him… well, he's already back inside Morgenroete, trying to find access to the deeper, restricted levels of the place as we speak.”
“Heh… I feel funny wearing this uniform. It doesn't suit me well,” Barry remarked, tugging at the collar of his Morgenroete engineer uniform.
“Same here as well… this makes us look like grease monkeys,” Dearka added, donning the cap of his Morgenroete engineer uniform.
“There's no use for complaining, guys, so get used to it,” Nicol assured his complaining comrades with his usual cheerful smile.
While the rest of the ZAFT Shinonome-Zala teams mingled with each other, Ryu approached Eiji discussing last clarification of intelligence from the ZAFT spy, before seeing him off to head back to Morgenroete Inc., so as not to rouse suspicion among his superiors. Seeing the Crusader Squad leader standing before him, Eiji turned to him with an alarmed manner.
“Yes? What is it?” he asked.
Ryu had an earnest expression on his face, which made Eiji raise a curious right eyebrow at him. The Crusader Squad leader then piped in a personal question.
“Eiji… your conflict with Commander Hyne… if you ever happened to see him in person, what do you intend to do about him?”
Eiji's passive look turned into a serious one, as he locked his eyes with Ryu. The remark clearly brought up last night's serious talk back in his hotel room, making him remember it. His right hand slowly clenched into a tight fist, and he then faced away from his said comrade.
“…To be honest… I'm not sure. I still consider him a traitor.”
Ryu sadly shook his head in disagreement, before placing his right hand on Eiji's left shoulder from behind.
“Personally speaking, I don't consider him as so. But deep down, I know you still consider him as your best friend.”
Inside the dry dock area of the Morgenroete compound, several Orb technicians were working on repairs to the damaged Archangel. While the repairs were going on, inside the EA legged-warship's main bridge, Natarle and Arnold were watching the repairs resuming outside the main bridge's window. Behind them, the rest of the bridge crew was at their posts, doing routine check-ups of the ship and monitoring for any potential damage to be repaired.
The main bridge's doors opened, allowing Murrue to step inside and greet the bridge crew, before taking her official seat. Noticing her presence, Natarle turned facing her with her serious, work demeanor. But deep down, she harbored some resentment towards Murrue, due to her inability to run the Archangel crew effectively and properly.
“Captain, with your permission, I want to use this opportunity to overhaul the Archangel's internal systems, so that we can be more prepared in battle,” the second-in-command stated.
“Very well, Natarle, you may do so,” Murrue replied, nodding to her in approval.
With that said, Natarle walked off, exiting the bridge. Feeling her presence leaving behind her, Murrue couldn't help but sigh worriedly, recalling her previous conflicts with the second-in-command.
After being dropped off in front of the Morgenroete compound by his butler, George and Peter proceeded on their way back to the Archangel. Flashing their temporary-issued military IDs to several Orb MPs inside guarding the compound, they were allowed access with no hassle. As the two men made their way inside, they started up an amicable chat with each other so as not to let themselves drift into boredom just returning to the Archangel and reporting to Murrue, as by procedure.
“This place never ceases to amaze me. It seems to be built with such high technology and resources to be found than in any other military base in Earth,” George commented, looking around his environment impressed, as he and Peter entered inside the dry dock area and spotted the Archangel in midst of its repairs conducted by several Orb technicians scattered around the EA legged-warship.
“Can't disagree with you there, George, and…” Peter suddenly trailed off from his statement, leaving his said friend wondering why he suddenly broke off their conversation.
“What's wrong, Peter? Cat got your tongue?” George looked on at his friend, then following his gaze directed to a small group of people passing by from a distance.
“It can't be… ha, ha… he's alive! Aile, you lucky devil…!” Peter instantly exclaimed in glee, upon recognizing the figure of Professor Kato chatting with his nephew and Kira and motioning them to walk with him to his office. With that said, he broke off in a maddening dash, surprising George and leaving him behind.
“Hey, Peter, wait up!” the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister exclaimed, then starting running after his friend's hurried figure.
In her office, chief MS researcher Erica Simmons started preparing a report on the Seraph and Strike Gundams, along with their abilities and pilots. Adjusting a headset-mic recorder before wearing it, her phone suddenly rang, prompting her to answer it.
“Hello… oh, Ryuta… yes, mommy will be home later. Don't worry, I'll be there in time for dinner with you and daddy, ok? Love you, honey.”
Hanging up her phone back in place, Erica then sat down on her chair, wearing the headset-mic recorder. Looking at her booted-up PC, she logged inside its GUI, opening an interactive archive pertaining to Orb's MS research. She switched on the headset-mic recorder by pushing an ON button provided on the cover of the left earphone. Taking a deep breath and clearing her throat, she then started.
Record log: March 25, C.E.71. Record code: Orb-0325. This recording describes a documented report on the two prototype MS --- Seraph and Strike --- harbored in the prototype EA legged-warship, the Archangel.”
Introducing first is the GAT-X105 code-named Strike, which was one of the five prototype MS manufactured in the former satellite colony, Heliopolis. The Strike was the only MS controlled under the EA, while the remaining four prototypes --- Aegis, Blitz, Buster, and Duel --- are currently in ZAFT's possession. At first, the Strike seemed overwhelming in terms of performance; however, that also is based on the pilot's ability to bring out its full potential.
“Open `Reference: Strike-GINN', with Reference code: X105-1.”
By her voice-command, her PC's screen displayed recorded video footage of the Strike's first operation in Heliopolis, which also showed its battle with a ZAFT MS GINN. Taking a glance at it, Erica continued, folding her arms and crossing her legs while seated.
The combat data from the Strike's first battle with a ZAFT MS GINN seemed insufficient, due to its OS being incomplete at that time. But, it was ironic that a Coordinator was needed to fix it. Hearing this, I also believe that Coordinators have better ability at piloting mobile suits than Naturals do.”
“Piloted by a young Coordinator named Kira Yamato, a college student from Heliopolis, the Strike was designed for overall combat performance --- long, medium, and close range --- and its combat multi-role was derived from the other four prototypes now in ZAFT's possession.
Pausing to catch her breath and clear her throat, Erica resumed her report.
Close `Reference: Strike-GINN'. Open `Reference: Archangel-Course', with Reference code: X105-10.”
By her voice-command, her PC's screen then displayed a map of the Earth, which contained the Archangel's expected planned route to the EA Central HQ located in Alaska.
“The Strike was taken into the Archangel, whose crew was EA officers led by Captain Murrue Ramius. After several run-ins with pursuing ZAFT forces, the Archangel managed to land in Earth, thanks to the EA 8th Fleet's sacrifice and delaying the ship's space pursuers. Originally the Archangel was expected to land in the EA Central HQ located in Alaska; however, a mistimed rendezvous with the Strike forced the ship to diverge from its intended course, and instead landing directly into ZAFT-controlled North Africa territory.”
Close `Reference:Archangel-Course'. Open `Reference: Desert Tiger', with Reference code: X105-11.”
By Erica's next voice-command, her PC's screen then displayed a video footage of the Strike's first desert skirmish with the ZAFT force led by Andrew `Andy' Waltfeld, the `Desert Tiger'.
“Having landed on the Libyan Desert, the Archangel was then attacked by another ZAFT force led by Andrew `Andy' Waltfeld, commonly known as the `Desert Tiger'. Forced into another battle, Kira fought against him with sluggish results, as the Strike wasn't initially adapted to its new environment in Earth. But thanks to his incredible Coordinator skills, Kira was able to quickly re-program the Strike to fight in the desert, which led to him defeating the BuCUEs and Andrew Waltfeld's LaGOWE, two ZAFT MS considered to be top-notch in ground warfare.”
“Close `Reference: Desert Tiger'. Open `Reference: Strike-Water', with Reference code: X105-2.”
The next voice-command prompted Erica's PC's screen to display a video footage of the Strike's skirmish with the ZAFT underwater force led by Marco Morassim.
“Kira's next battles then took place in the Red Sea with a ZAFT underwater force led by Marco Morassim, well-known for his exploits in the Carpentaria area. Again, Kira proved his adaptability in underwater battles, along with his cooperation with Lt. Commander Mwu La Flaga's Skygrasper, which served as a support fighter unit in ferrying any of the Strike's three main packs.”
“Also another side-note is that the Archangel's chain of command has problems, due to frequent disputes between Lt. Commander Murrue Ramius and Lt. JG Natarle Badgiruel. Both women have different personalities and views in running the Archangel effectively. Lt. Commander Ramius, though projecting a tough and competent front, has actually a kind-hearted nature, and is prepared to overlook military protocol when it conflicts with humanistic impulses. Lt. JG Badgiruel on the other hand, is a superb tactical analyst with keen judgment and a knack for decision-making. After checking her background records, it's noted she's a child of a military family, making her a stickler for military regulations.
“Close `Reference:Strike-Water'. Open `Reference: SEED', with Reference code: AK000.”
The next voice-command then prompted Erica's PC's screen to display a video footage showing various research data involving the human genetic structure.
“After evaluating the overall data of the Strike, this clearly shows that Kira's abilities in piloting the Strike prove to be far beyond those of normal Coordinators. This leaves me to believe that his aptitude in piloting the Strike could be related to the controversial concept SEED (Superior Evolutionary Element Destined-factor), which was originally researched by the late George Glenn, the first Coordinator. The research is currently on-going by Professor Aile Kato, a Natural genius whose intelligence can be measured to that of a Coordinator. He relates that this concept can be applied to both Coordinators and Naturals alike, and it represents the next evolution of humanity.”
“Another individual who's believed to possess the SEED factor as Kira Yamato is Coordinator Kenji Hyne, pilot of the GAT-XP01 code-named Seraph, a mysterious prototype MS also manufactured in Heliopolis, under the direction of Professor Aile Kato. Unlike the previous five main prototypes --- Aegis, Blitz, Buster, Duel, and Strike --- the Seraph was designed for unknown purposes. Its overall performance is considered superior than the abovementioned five main prototype MS.
“Close `Reference: SEED'. Open `Reference: Kenji Hyne', with Reference code: XP01-1.”
The next voice-command then prompted Erica's PC's screen to display a background profile of Kenji Hyne.
“Like Kira Yamato, Kenji Hyne proved to possess a high adaptability in piloting the Seraph. According to a confidentiality report from Lt. Commander Ramius, he hails from the first-generation of Coordinators, same as Kira. After he and his relative uncle, Professor Peter Hyne, were accidentally involved with the Archangel during the Heliopolis incident, he was later forced to fight alongside the Strike, using the Seraph that he and his uncle were mysteriously brought aboard on in the first place.”
“A quick background check reveals that Kenji Hyne is also considered as nobility, having attained the status through unimaginable wealth he amassed during his initial stay in Orb. He's noted to also exert some small portion of influence in Orb's government, though the Orb council denies the fact. It was later revealed by Professor Peter Hyne to the Archangel's chain of command that Kenji was originally a ZAFT soldier, but due to personal circumstances, he later resigned and retired to Orb instead.”
“Close `Reference: Kenji Hyne'. Open `Reference: Seraph-Bio', with Reference code: XP01-2.”
The next voice-command then prompted Erica's PC's screen to display video footage of the Seraph's previous battles up until to present.
“With Kenji Hyne behind its controls, the Seraph proved to be an unrivaled MS and a life-saver for the Archangel and its crew. Like the Strike, it can also adapt to the various environment it's in, as demonstrated in its battles starting from space to the Libyan Desert and the Red Sea. Its specs are overwhelming at a glance --- it certainly is heavily armed, but can still be agile despite the weight increase from its weapons. This goes to show that its pilot proves to be the key factor in bringing out its true potential. While I might consider delving further in this prototype MS, it'd do Professor Kato injustice without his permission, since it's his creation.”
Erica then paused, swiveling her seat facing away from her PC. She looked down on her office carpeted floor, folding her arms and furrowing her eyebrows in consideration before resuming her report.
“Based from the overall records of the Seraph and Strike, it goes to show that possibly both Kira Yamato and Kenji Hyne are remarkable subjects needed to be further studied.”
After realizing the meaning of her last statement, Erica shook her head in disagreement, then deciding to end her report.
“Delete last statement of the report. End recording.”
Turning off her headset-mic recorder, Erica removed it from her head and placed it inside one of her desk drawers as she swiveled facing her PC. After closing the applications that were run in PC, she shut it down. Her office door then opened, revealing an Orb male technician hesitantly stepping inside and getting her attention. She glanced up at him.
“Yes? What is the matter?” she inquired.
“Chief Simmons, Professor Kato has arrived with the Strike and Seraph pilots Kira Yamato and Kenji Hyne, and also with Professor Peter Hyne and the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister George Allster,” the Orb technician replied.
“Oh? I wasn't expecting Professor Kato to reel in a crowd. Very well, I'll be on my way now to meet them.”
“Ah, Professor Kato, what's with such a group you brought along?” Erica quipped with a smile as she greeted the said person with a small entourage consisting of Kira, Kenji, Peter, and George behind him as they arrived in front of a door leading to the experimental testing area's hangar bay.
Aile casually shrugged his shoulders, pointing with his left thumb at Peter and George behind him.
“I was amazed to meet up with Peter here, and he had the courtesy to bring in another guest to come along with me and the MS pilots here. Ah, yes, where are my manners? Erica, meet Professor Peter Hyne, specialist in electronic warfare. He's the one I mentioned to you about when I was in Heliopolis. Also, this is the Atlantic Federation Vice-Minister George Allster,” he then introduced the said persons, who shook hands with Erica one at a time.
“It's a pleasure meeting you, Chief Simmons. I was dumbfounded and relieved to find Aile here alive and kicking, especially when I was worried sick about him since Heliopolis,” Peter stated.
“The same here with Peter, ma'am… I too somewhat got mixed up with the Archangel's affair. It's a long story though…” George spoke.
Erica smiled again, slightly amused by the visitor's remarks. Looking back at Aile, Peter, and George, she then turned her attention at Kira and Kenji, who respectfully saluted her.
“Oh please, there's no need for military greetings, you two. So you two must be Kira Yamato and Kenji Hyne, pilots of the Strike and the Seraph,” she dismissed the salutes directed at her with a wave of her left hand.
It was then Cagalli entered the scene, docked in her Desert Dawn attire (minus the combat vest and gloves) as she joined the group and noticed particularly Kira and Kenji, who turned their attention at her.
“Oh… Cagalli… what are you doing here?”
“Hmm… do you want to tag along as well?”
Cagalli placed her hands on her hips, looking annoyed at the two Gundam pilots standing before her.
“Yeah, do you two have a problem with me being here?”
Noticing the group's attention directed at her, Erica introduced Cagalli to them.
“Ah, princess, what brings you here?” then noticing her annoyed look directed at her, Erica surmised her answer, “Oh well, there's no use asking that to you. Anyway, Kira, Kenji, both the Strike and the Seraph are undergoing repairs, as per agreement. However, beyond this door I'd like to show you all something.”
Walking up to the nearby keypad lock with a card reader, Erica slid her ID on the card reader, then punching in several buttons. Within seconds, the large door before the group opened, allowing them inside the hangar. As they stepped inside the hangar, its lights then opened, revealing ten prototype MS sporting similar design to the Strike. The group let out a surprised cry at the sight, except for Erica and Aile, who simply grinned at their reactions.
“These are…” Kira mouthed amazed.
“…Gundams?” Kenji finished the Strike pilot's statement, sharing the same feeling as him and looking around the hangar.
“These prototype MS are dubbed as `M1 Astrays'. They can be considered as the mass-produced versions of the Strike, since they partially share its design,” Aile stated, introducing the said gathered MS to the group.
Cagalli's face turned crest-fallen as she commented on the M1 Astray units, getting the group's attention.
“The M1 Astrays exist to help Orb keep its neutral position. Since Orb is a country bound by its neutrality, it's needed to maintain its neutrality by amassing this kind of power in the form of the M1 Astrays,” she then turned her expression on her face to a sour one, “But I still think my father betrayed Orb's ideals by working with the Alliance.”
Erica shook her head in disagreement with the statement.
“Come now, princess, your father honestly didn't know that the Orb council went along with the MS G-Project without his consent, since they believed it'd be best for Orb.”
Cagalli felt angered by the remark as she glanced at Erica.
“What makes you so sure about that? When I personally went there in Heliopolis to see for myself that those five MS prototypes of the G-Project existed, I knew deep down father was a traitor.”
Kira's eyes shimmered as he remembered Cagalli's remark back in Heliopolis.
“Father… I knew you were a traitor!”
Cagalli, he sadly thought while he fixed his gaze at the said teenage girl standing before him.
Seeing it was no use in persuading Cagalli the real truth about her father's involvement in the G-Project, Erica tiredly sighed. Aile simply shook his head sadly, placing his hands behind his back.
“Oh well… I guess there's no use in arguing with this silly girl. Everyone, we'll just leave the princess alone and cooling her temper. If you'll follow me please…” Erica motioned the group to follow after her as they entered the next room. Feeling embarrassed for being reprimanded by Erica, Cagalli decided to follow after the group at the last second.
The group found themselves stepping inside the control room of a test area. Various operators were seated behind their terminals, continuously typing at them and monitoring a test run of three M1 Astray MS piloted by three female Natural pilots Asagi Caldwell, Juri Wu Nien, and Mayura Labatt. Each M1 Astray seemed to struggle to move, as demonstrated by the sluggish movements of the said MS pacing back and forth inside the test area.
-Sigh- It's still the same result as last time…” Aile muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief at the sluggish performance of the three M1 Astrays.
Hmm… so these M1 Astrays will serve as the backbone of Orb's military force, then, George thought, eyeing warily at the three M1 Astrays.
Meanwhile, com-link chatter by the three M1 Astray pilots sounded throughout the control room.
“Damn it… why can't this MS move any faster!” Mayura cursed.
“The movements seem stiffer than usual. I can't seem to barely move my M1 Astray than just baby steps,” Asagi commented.
“It's definitely the OS in our M1 Astrays that's the main problem. It has to be,” Juri concluded her opinion.
“Quite awkward, I say. What's slowing those M1 Astrays down?” Peter inquired, turning to Aile for an answer. It was Erica who answered his question instead, then turning face to Kira and Kenji with a knowing smile, startling them a bit.
“As you can see, the M1 Astrays are currently awkward to control at first. The OS installed in them was done by Professor Kato here; however, he lacks the precise skill in reprogramming them to be as powerful as the Strike and the Seraph. What we like to ask you both is that…”
“…we want you to help us develop the ideal OS that can make the M1 Astrays powerful as the Strike and the Seraph themselves,” Aile finished Erica's statement, glancing at Kira and Kenji, who were taken aback with the offer.
Cagalli and Peter glanced uneasy at the two Gundam pilots standing at front of them, as they looked back at the three M1 Astrays continued sluggish performance, considering the offer.
“I… I'm not sure what to say about this. What about you, Kenji?” Kira asked the Seraph pilot, who folded his arms and changed the expression on his face into a thoughtful one. He then shrugged his shoulders in resignation.
“…I don't see the harm in doing it. Sure, why not?”
Erica and Aile smiled contentedly at the reply.