Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Tainted Souls And Womanizers ❯ Yoink! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Alrighty y’all! I was staring at this story and wondering what the fawk to do next. So like normal I started from the beginning and read to the end to see what I thought would fit. And BLAM! New ideas started to pop into my head. There isn’t much different in the story just added the GW guys a little bit earlier. Well I mentioned them.
ArtemisDeLaSoleil: OKAY GUYS! I got the idea for this story after reading TONS of betrayal fics in the Sessh/Kags sections and on BUT this story isn’t that pairing! This is just an experiment… so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Gundam Wing. Though I wish I did. I honestly have nothing against Inuyasha. I know that in the show he wasn’t as big as a dick as we fanfiction writers tend to portray him as. It’s just more fun to write him that was so we can get Kagome with cuter guys!
!@#$%^&*()_)(*&^%$#$%^&*()_+)(*&^%$#@#$%^&*()(*& ^
Kagome sighed as she jumped out of the well. She had finally gotten to come home after two months of non-stop looking for the final shards. They had finally defeated Naraku two months ago, and she had decided she needed to come home and inform her family and spend some time with them before she returned to the feudal era to finish her search for good.
It had taken three years to do it, but they had managed. Only there were still a few shards left. She had allowed Kouga to keep his two much to the ire of Inuyasha. They even had Sesshomaru and his generals looking for it! So she had figured that Kouga should keep his shards to help. Though she believed that out of everyone, Sango wanted to find it the most. After all it was the shard that had kept her brother alive that they were looking for.
Kohaku had disappeared along with Kikyo shortly after the last blow was dealt to Naraku (A combined attack from Sesshomaru and Inuyahsa). She sighed and shook her head. Only she had known what had really happened to Kikyo to begin with. As soon as Naraku was gone, the half of Kagome’s soul that held the dead woman to this world had returned to its rightful place. She had no idea what happened to Kohaku, only Kikyo. Sesshomaru had his generals one step ahead of them at all times looking for the boy. She had yet to see them, but from Inuyasha’s reaction to the subject of them she figured that they weren’t nice. No, well that wasn’t completely true. Inuyasha hated Sesshomaru, and his elder half-brother wasn’t that bad. She had actually managed to have a few decent conversations with the taiyoukai when Inuyasha wasn’t around.
She shook her head again at the thought of Inuyasha. She couldn’t bring herself to tell her half-breed companion. At first it had been because she feared his reaction. But over the past few couple of days it had changed. That one simple portion of her soul had been with Kikyo for so long that it had begun to taint, and thus the dead Miko’s feelings had been given to the living one. Well that was what Sesshomaru had told her when she had asked what was happening. Maybe that was why he bothered with her now; she hated Inuyasha. She had never hated anyone. Disliked maybe, but never hate. To begin with she had always believed that Kikyo hated her with a passion, and had wanted Inuyasha for herself in Hell. But the dead Miko had regularly given Inuyasha a way out and a chance to stay with her reincarnation. He would always refuse and put Kagome down. These memories were what started the bitterness in Kagome’s heart. She had heard the words “Know the truth.” The look of hatred that sprang to life in her eyes had made everyone pause, and Inuyasha had muttered one word before taking off, not being able to stand the look that Kagome gave him. That single word just made her roll her eyes. Kikyo.
It was that bitterness that she felt that kept her from telling anyone. Sesshomaru had figured it out on his own. And Miroku, well she figured his holy powers had helped him. He had even commented that her powers seemed to be fuller, and that she just glowed with more energy. She had stumbled over an excuse but he just looked at her with a knowing level stare, never saying a word. She and Miroku had since then become closer, forming a bond that she could tell disturbed Inuyasha to no end.  Inuyasha had always warned her that there was something about Miroku that he didn’t trust. Even after they had been traveling with each other for over two years, Inuyasha still did not trust the monk; a sentiment that Miroku returned whole heartedly.
Miroku, at first watched her constantly just like he had when he first joined. However this time he had nixed the lecherous hints and touches. He just watched. Though now she noticed something in his eyes. A look that scared her but at the same time excited her. Their friendship had started off with him teaching her how to control her “newly-acquired-out-of-nowhere” powers. He had confessed to her that he had never really truly meant anything he had said to her. He said that he could have never tainted something as pure as her in the ways that he had suggested. He had just been so fascinated with her that he couldn’t help himself. It was then that she had finally let her secret out to him. He had just smiled at her and told her that it was for the best, Kikyo needed to be put to rest once and for all. The soul was no longer Kikyo’s, but hers. He had smiled sadly and his laugh had been so bitter, when he told her that now she was just like the rest of the world… she knew how to hate. That had shocked her…the way his eyes had looked when he had said that… it was like hundreds of shadows danced in his violet eyes making them more vibrant. It had all led to a few incidents happening between them that they promised to never tell Inuyasha and Sango about. Just a few kisses really…and some touching…but they had always stopped before it got serious because she felt wrong for doing that to Sango. So far it hadn’t happened again. Because Kagome was sure that if it DID she wouldn’t stop it this time.

“Ah well s’not like Sango would actually complain…with how she treats Ro-kun you would think she didn’t want him.” She honestly didn’t want to believe that thought, but before Sango had always confided to her that she actually liked his attention. Then it stopped. She shrugged as she pushed the door to the well house open. She had started leaving a list of reasonable illnesses for her grandfather to use. He was to mark them off as he used them and date them. If he didn’t and used another of his crazy ones, she would know and he would pay. Literally. With money. After the first ten slipups he started to learn. The box that held the money sat under the phone locked as a reminder to him. She never left any money in it knowing he would likely take it back, because the deal required him to put ALL the money he had in his wallet in the box. And sometimes he actually had a lot. She had thought it was a great idea and had actually started adding it to her college funds. Her Mama however didn’t like it. She found she really didn’t care what her Mama thought recently. She had earned her right to adulthood in the Feudal Era. She had after all survived things that would have killed other people.
Running inside she shouted, “Tadaima!” Nothing. Well damn…she had come all this way to see them and they weren’t here. Walking around the house she looked at the list her grandfather had used. ‘Migraines, cold, sinus problems.’
“Well at least he used better excuses this time. Even listed how long each of them lasted. Buuuut…this day doesn’t have anything on it…hmmm wonder what he used…”
Noticing a note beside the list she read it:
‘Kagome, we have gone out of town for a few days. Be back soon. Love Mama.’
“Fawk!” she kicked the table just as the doorbell rang. She hobbled over to the door and opened it. Opening her eyes from her rant to the Kami, she saw a reason why she should have checked to see who it was before she opened. Hojo. ‘Shitmotherufucker!’ She cursed again as she realized how badly Inuyasha’s bad mouth had rubbed off on her.
“Higurashi! Are you alright?!”
“Hai-Itai- I’m fine Hojo-kun I just stubbed my toe is all.”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want your blood pressure to rise again I-“
“Blood pressure? Hojo-kun I don’t have high blood pressure! Grandpa was just pulling your leg!” She laughed it off and waved her hand slightly. ‘So that’s what that empty day was…the old man was gunna pay up whatever money he had. That’s prolly why they went out of town…he prolly suggested it because he knew she would be home and would want his money…old man prolly spent it all!’
“Are you sure?”
“Hojo-kun I’ve told you before! He over-exaggerated with all the illnesses I really had! I never had any of that stuff he said. Just colds and headaches! Besides, I’m perfectly fine now!”
‘God kami he is so dense! Why do the girls wanna hook me up with him?’
“Well Higurashi-san I was wondering I you would go on a date with me!”
“Ah well Hojo-kun…um you see…I…”
“I won’t let you over exert yourself! Just lunch.”
“Uhh... alright just lunch...” Kagome sighed, “Let me go change.” Her outfit was nice and dirty, and comfy. Opening the door more she allowed Hojo in, and showed him to the living room.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes; I just need to clean up.”
“Alright Higurashi-san.” He smiled from the couch.
Kagome sighed mentally. No use in correcting him, he never seemed to listen. She ran upstairs and grabbed some clean undies and a bra then ran to the bathroom to the shower. A few minutes into the shower, her danger senses went crazy. ‘He wasn’t… he couldn’t…not naïve Hojo…holy shit he was! He was spying on her!’
She heard the door shut softly and she growled slightly. Her time spent alongside demons and demon slayers had honed her senses, and brought out her instincts in an animal like way. And him spying on her while she showered brought something out in her that wanted to strangle him. If she had looked in the mirror she would have seen her eyes glowing purple with power. And outside people looked on in wonder as many of the surrounding animals ran in fear.
She dried off and pulled on her bra and reached for her undies….THEY WEREN’T THERE!! OH FUCK NO! She growled again and pulled on her robe. That lil pervert was gunna pay… She opened the door and marched out and into her room. Opening it slightly she looked in. Nothing. Good. She grabbed some more undies and then grabbed a sundress out of her closet and pulled it on.
She was gunna give that little bastard a piece of her mind. However, before she even touched the door handle she heard the excited voices of her friends coming up the stairs.
‘The hell!? Doesn’t anyone call anymore?!’
Quickly she locked the door and stepped back. Dear Kami she had to escape! They would never listen to her! They wouldn’t even let her get a word in! That was one of the many things that had Kagome growing apart from them. Unlike people in the Feudal Era who listened to what she had to say, people here didn’t. She was respected there…here she was just another teenager. A sick little girl who needed to be led around and couldn’t make her own decisions.
They started knocking on her door and calling her name. She had to escape! Looking around she grabbed some flip flops and ran to her window. Her fight or flight mode kicked in and she pulled the window up mumbling a crazy ‘yoink’ and giggling lightly.
Climbing out, she turned and shut the window just as her friends earnestly started banging on the door. They would never find her! MUAHAHAHAH!
Planting her feet so she wouldn’t fall, she braced herself then jumped. She reached for the branch that stood a few feet from the roof, just as her friends were able to get into the room to see her jump.
Her eyes widened as she completely missed the branch and began to fall. She let out a squeak and waited for the pain that would surely come with her going “splat” on the ground. But the pain never came and she heard a grunt and felt herself fall on top of someone.
She panicked thinking that Hojo had been able to get down there before she could get away.
“Hey jo-chan you alright?” The slightly pained voice spoke in her ear sending shivers down her spine. It reminded her of someone. Opening her eyes she looked into a pair of familiar violet ones.
Duo sighed as he wound he motorcycle in and out of Tokyo traffic, Today was possibly one of the worst days ever. And that counted all the times Deathscythe had been blown up and he almost died. After the war had ended he had found himself with nothing to do. So he got a job with the Preventers and tried to settle down into post-war life. He had even found a cute girl that he had chased relentlessly until she had given into his advances. Fingering the small box in his pocket he sighed again. He had dragged Wufie to twelve different known and unknown countries to find the perfect ring. And when he had found it he couldn’t wait to give it to her.
Yeah sure he had been a known lecher. But goddamnit he was a reformed lecher! He had given up hitting on random women, and held eyes only for her. It had taken time and practice on his part, but he had managed it. His friends were proud of him. Though she didn’t exactly like how he showed his affection…and he had plenty of bruises or hand prints on his face to prove it sometimes. Wufie hadn’t been exactly happy about that…amazingly the Chinese man hadn’t teased him about not being a man like he thought he would he just shook his head and said it was an injustice that he was letting her do that. But he didn’t care…he loved her…
He had gone to her apartment to surprise her a day early, and what did he find? Her in bed FUCKING another guy! He had been so surprised that he had just stood there until he had been noticed. When he met the eyes of the man who was screwing his girl there had been a flash of recognition that had run through the other man’s gold eyes. Satchiko had only been able to gasp and start stumbling over an apology. The man himself had called him “Miroku”.
That had been when he had snapped. He had always jokingly referred to himself as Shinigami. Well he had thought he had meant it jokingly, but even Wufie had mentioned how his eyes seemed to glow when he was truly angry. And boy was he angry.
He jumped the guy and landed a few punches. The guy cried out in pain and fell to the floor. Duo didn’t care how hurt the guy was. He would keep going until he knew the guy was broken. He would make this damn dog-eared freak pay for ruining his second chance at happiness.
He had stopped short then…Seriously?! Dog Ears?! His eyes narrowed even more; that’s what she liked? Cosplay? That had made him boil on the inside even more [1]. This time he made to grab the damn ears off. But, when they didn’t come off, Duo stopped and just gaped.
“You’re shittin me…”
“Duo-kun please listen to me, this is a friend of mine…he came to me and gave me back the memories of my past life…”
“Me estás cagando [2]…” Duo had reverted to Spanish as he shook his head. Not many people knew it because of his complexion and eye color, but he was actually Spanish American.
“Duo-kun please, he gave me back my memories and he can give you your memories back too!”
“Estás cagando mierda me!!!”[3] Duo growled out before reverting back, “You expect me to believe this shit?!” His Spanish American accent was still very thick. Normally he was able to speak perfect Japanese no hint of an accent. The fact that his accent was that thick proved how angry he really was.
Satchiko stopped and covered her mouth. Duo rarely lost his temper…but when he did, you had better pay attention because it was one of the scariest things in the world. His already oddly amethyst colored eyes seemed to glow with an un-earthly power. Which they did, now that she knew the truth… It was his holy power…yet it wasn’t how it had once been…where his powers had always been slightly dark…now they were even darker and tainted…what had caused this shift? [A.N I had originally had her blaming herself for it… but I thought bleh she don’t care if she was screwin Inuyasha.]
“Duo please!”
Miroku I-“
“My name is Duo, Duo Maxwell, get it right!”
“Did you say Maxwell?”
“No shit! Hard of hearing or something? Do those ears not work?”
“You’re the one who took her! You’re the one who turned her against me! Stay away from Kagome!”
Right about the time that they were both about to attack each other, Wufie blocked him with his Kantana.
“Maxwell, go home.”
Duo started to protest with a snarl that amazingly translated to “Let me kill the fucker” in the Inu language. Wufie though startled and impressed just glared at him, “Leave Maxwell.”
Duo growled again, but turned around and walked off. The last thing he caught Wufie seemed odd to him, “Lord Sesshomaru was warned that you would do this again half-breed.”
About the time he reached the elevator he heard Satchiko call his name out. Before she could reach him he took off towards the stairs and ran down them and jumped on his motorcycle and just drove. Now he needed to find a jewelry store to sell this ring back. He WAS NOT taking that bitch back. No this time. Wait. This time? Had she done it before?
‘He gave me my memories back, and he can give you’re your memories back too!’
Thankfully he had stopped at a red light because as what she said come to mind he got a splitting headache.
What in seven hells was all this shit about?! He had his memories! He remembered his childhood. All the horrors of his past. She was just making excuses. But why had that dog eared guy (those had to be implants!) called him Miroku? And who was Kagome? A girl he had flirted with and left? No. He didn’t remember a Kagome. And what Wufie had said before he had shut the door didn’t make sense. Who was the Lord Sesshomaru that Wufie mentioned? What the fuck was a half-breed? AND WHY THE HELL DID HIS HEAD HURT LIKE THIS?!
Looking up trying to catch his bearings he spotted a big brown dog watching him. Literally. As soon as he looked at it though it walked away, only to stop and look back once.
‘The hell?’
It stopped and waited for him. He got a better look at it. It was a dog… but it was huge and looked more like a wolf. When the light changed he started to follow it. After a while he ended up in front of the jewelry store. Shrugging Duo hopped off and walked into the store. Walking around, he looked at all of the pretty trinkets.
“Can I help you?”
He looked up to see a red headed guy with green eyes. That wasn’t something you saw in Japan. Though he did look Japanese. The guy gasped, “Miroku?”
What the. “Why does everyone keep calling me that? That’s like the fifth time today!” Duo growled out.
“Oh I’m sorry my mistake you look like someone I used to know. Now how can I help you?” the guy was quick to try and placate him. He looked edgy and twitchy now.
“I’d like to sell this back.” He slammed the small box on the counter.
“Just sell it back? Do you want to buy something else?” The man titled his head to the side in a curious manner.
“No just sell it.”
“Alright. Name’s Shippo by the way.” He took the box and examined the ring in it. “This is nice…top of the line…”
“Duo, Duo Maxwell. I may run and hide, but I never tell a lie. And I have to say that it’s not every day that you get confused for the same person by two different people. And yeah…had to have the best…”
Shippo looked up thoughtfully, “Did the first guy have silver hair and look like an idiot?”
“You could say that. He also had weird dog eat implants on his head.”
“Ahh yes. That would be Inuyasha. The idiot. What did he do this time? He isn’t the reason your selling this back is he?” Green eyes narrowed dangerously.
“Actually…I don’t wanna talk ‘bout it…”
An animalistic growl fell out of Shippo’s mouth. “The baka! Oh wait till I find him and ring his half-breed neck!”
Duo blinked, but before he could say anything the door opened and in walked someone, who although looked familiar he knew he didn’t know him.
“Ah Kouga there you are! We have an issue. He’s at it again.” Shippo sighed.
“Stupid mutt. It’s not like we didn’t see this coming. He did it before. He’s a half-breed they are idiots.”
“Yeah I know.”
“Besides this has to happen. It’s these events that lead to her doing what she did in the past.”
“Oh damn sorry!” Shippo quickly counted out what he had originally paid for the ring plus a little more.
“Hope your day gets better.” Shippo smiled before he ushered the confused man out and shut and locked the door.
“The hell?”
Today had to be one of the oddest days EVER. And the brown dog was sitting beside his motorcycle. Now he was sure it had to be some kind of wolf.
“Hey there doggy, what’s your name?”
The dog growled and somewhat rolled it’s eyes at him. It got up and walked to the corner then stopped and looked back.
“Do you want me to follow?”
The dog snorted and nodded. NODDED?! He knew dogs were smart…but dogs don’t nod at you! This was not normal! Then again what about his day had been normal? Or his life for that matter? Against his better judgment he followed the dog. He got pretty odd looks too…course the dog was huge…and didn’t have a collar or leash.
About the time he started wondering if the police would be called, they made it to a set of shrine steps. About a thousand shrine steps to be exact.
“You have got to be kidding me!” but the dog just continued on up the steps stopping to see if he was following.
“No way. I’m not going up those things! I’ll die!” Duo protested.
The dog growled and came back down and started pulling him by his pants.
“Dude! This a’int cool!”
About half way up he heard some yelling, and normally yelling wasn’t good. Not in the life of Duo Maxwell that is. Yelling meant trouble, trouble meant someone might get hurt.
The dog started urging him on more. “Do you want me to stop it? Who do you want me to save?”
The dog pushed him up the stairs once more.
“Alright! Alright! Sheesh!” He took a few running leaps and managed to make it to the top to see a girl about to try and jump off the room of a house towards a tree.
‘She’s not gunna make it!’ He took off running and slid under her just in time.
“Oomph!” Ahh that’s gunna bruise.
He heard the girls gasp and felt her stiffen.
“Hey jo-chan you alright?” He managed to choke out in her ear. He felt her shiver then she turned around with a shocked look on her face.
There was that damn name again!
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” She jumped up and pulled him up to dust him off.
“I thought you were someone else!”
“You’re not the only one…” he grumbled.
‘This was Kagome?’ He definitely never had flirted with her. She wasn’t his type. Too cutesie…
“Oh no…” she started to panic.
Sensing her despair he grabbed her hand and took off down the steps.
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Okay, I was staring at this story before class and these ideas just popped into my head. I’m changing things around, but not much. I will be adding more to all of the other chapters as well.
ArtemisDeLaSoleil: Okay guys! That is the first chapter! I know Kagome is acting OOC but, one it’s my story and two she’s been through a lot lately. And the Spanish translations are most likely not accurate. I tried to find a Spanish slang dictionary online. I’ll just have to buy a Spanish slang book. Hope y’all liked it!!!
[1] I have nothing against Cosplay. I really don’t. But when you think about some of the role playing people do during sex is retarded. And Duo is a believer of that.
[2] You’re shitting me
[3] You’re fucking shitting me