Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Tainted Souls And Womanizers ❯ Kagome's Emancipation ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
ArtemisDeLaSoleil: Okay! I think so far from my friends and the one favorite I got the first day it was up that it’s well liked! So Ima keep going!! So here’s my second chappie!!!
Duo: Artemis-jo-chan doesn’t own any of us or any lyrics that are used in this chapter…she owns the ideas and the plot but not us! I’m sure if she did own us we would be locked away from the world where only she could see us…
ArtemisDeLaSoleil: HEY!! Not all of you… Just you…Wufie…Sesshomaru… maybe kouga…Inuyasha so I could play with his ears…and Quatre cuz he is such a sweety…uhhh you get the idea…
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They were sitting in the café talking. After they had taken off down the shrine steps, they had run for a few blocks before jumping on a motorcycle and taking off again. They had ended up at the café which was actually within walking distance of the shrine.
“So you walked in on them…actually…”she blushed and couldn’t say it.
Duo smiled bitterly and nodded. This girl was so innocent, something he did like in girls actually…innocent girls were fun to corrupt. Though, he could see traces of somethin almost as bitter as how he was feeling. And he swore that randomly her blue eyes would flash a fuchsia.
“And the guy had silver hair…and…dog ears?” Her eyes narrowed and flashed angrily. “I can’t believe him! And he called you Miroku too? Like I did?” There it was again! They did flash fuchsia!
Duo just nodded, he couldn’t talk about it. He didn’t even know why he was telling her about it anyways. He just felt like he could trust her with it all for some odd reason. Then he remembered something. “He mentioned you. Seemed to think I knew you, and told me to stay away from you.”
She gasped in outrage, “Th-that jerk! He did what he did and had the nerve to say that?!”
Duo laughed, she might have been innocent in mind the extent of being naïve about some things… but he could tell she didn’t like being ordered around.
“That no good half-breed!” she growled out, sounding like a vindictive ex-girlfriend.
“What’s a half-breed?” she gasped and covered her mouth.
“Urgle…well…a half-breed is half human…half demon…”
He blinked and then started laughing. When he finally stopped and looked at her she was frowning. She was serious about it…
“Close your eyes…”
“You have hints of holy power…close your eyes…”
“Ummm…okay.” He closed his eyes slowly.
“Now concentrate… reach your senses out…what do you see?”
“Concentrate…” she pushed.
He sighed and concentrated harder…then he saw this…ball of light.
“Do you see something?”
“An orb…”
“Touch it…”
“What?” he almost opened his eyes.
“Just touch it.” she sighed.
He reached out mentally and touched it hesitantly and suddenly the whole world was filled with color… he could see blobs of light without even opening his eyes! When he DID open his eyes he had to close them again. Everything living was surrounded by a different color. Where Kagome sat was a pinkish purple color.
“Ahh so you see it? My aura? My Holy Powers?”
He just nodded dumbly.
“Now draw back slightly and open your eyes…”
It took him a few times but he got it right. She giggled at his expression each time. She remembered when Miroku had taught her that trick. She had done the same thing…and when she had done it she had been so excited she had tackled him in a hug…and they…she blushed and shook her head and sighed mentally. Miroku. It was obvious Duo was his reincarnation, but she had always hated being compared to Kikyo so she wouldn’t even go there…not unless he really asked.
“Que tal?” She looked up at him confused. He was smiling in an amused way. It was a handsome smile…he was definitely a ladies’ man, just like Miroku…
“It’s Spanish, means what’s up..”
“Oh! I was just thinking…you’re not the only one to ever be confused for someone you’re not constantly.” There was a moment of silence between them before she spoke again. “Her name was Kikyo…and she was Inuyasha’s lover before she was killed by a jealous…half-breed…. I’m thought to be her reincarnation. Nothing but a copy…an imitation.” She spat out.
He was shocked, who had told her that? “You’re not a copy! Whoever told you that needs to get their eyes checked! Cuz I’ve never met anyone like you! And I doubt I’ll ever meet someone that’ll match you!”
She had to shake her head at that. He was just like Miroku; always knowing what words to use to sweet talk a girl intentionally or not.
“She said she could help you unlock your memories? In all the years since I found out no one has ever offered or even bothered to do that for me…” she changed the subject.
“Who’s to even say that I am him huh?” he retorted quickly.
She smiled sweetly trying to pacify him. “While your speech pattern isn’t the same…and we can thank the time differences for that…many of your mannerisms are, as is your aura, though it is slightly off... But I’d be the last person to start comparing you to Ro-kun…I’d be a hypocrite. However, like I said you do act similar… without the constant groping and asking random women to bear your children, though I can see from your actions since we’ve met that you’re a smooth talker and ladies’ man.” He started at that comment. “But I can see that you are loyal… you would never truly stray, from a girlfriend or a friend. And you wouldn’t rest until everything that is keeping you from being happy is gone.”
He stopped and thought, “I used to be a womanizer. I…I reformed myself for her.” He then laughed bitterly. “Ya know deep down, the whole time a part of me kept sayin she wasn’t worth it. Guess I should have listened huh?”
She sighed and reached across the table and took hold of his hand, “Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past, bringing back these memories I wish I didn’t have. Sometimes I think of letting go and never looking back, and never moving forward so there’d never be a past.”
“Why don’t you?”
“What’s stoppin you? From just lettin it all go? No one said you had to do what you’re doin. Technically you’re the only thing stoppin ya. You seem like the type of person to give up on your happiness to help others, Ya know, doctors say that’s unhealthy…let them help themselves…you just worry about you jo-chan.”
She stared at him and thought on his words. He was right about it all, she just didn’t know how to. “I’m really that transparent?” She sighs as he nodded. “I can’t…I don’t know how…my whole life I’ve always helped others…”
“You just gotta say, enough is enough... it ain’t that hard…how bout I help you?” He smiled suavely.
“Kagome!” Her friends came rushing in along with Hojo.
“Dear Kami save me….” Duo heard her mumble.
“OMG! Kagome don’t ever do that again! What were you thinking?!” Eri screeched, making Duo wished he hadn’t left his gun in his room this morning.
“Yeah! You could have been killed!” Ayumi agreed.
“How could you do that to Hojo-kun?!” Yuka joined in the gang-up.
“Guys I-” Kagome started.
“I can’t believe you did that! And who’s this? Are you cheating on Hojo-kun? How could you?!”
This went on for five more minutes before Duo lost his cool. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”
The whole café turned around and looked at them.
“Who I am, and how Kagome knows me is none of your DAMN business. All I know is that you three need to shut up and let her talk! Where I come from and where I’ve been, you don’t run your mouth like that ‘cuz it gets you killed!”
The whole area was quiet after that and looking right at them. Kagome was shocked, yet happy. She would have never been able to do that with them. And no one had ever done that for her either.
“I don’t know who you think you are, but Higurashi is coming with us.” Hojo spoke up and reached for Kagome who shrank back.
“Yeah!” All three girls agreed.
Before anyone could blink, Duo had jumped up and had Hojo’s arm behind him and had his face shoved flat on the table.
“I suggest that you let Kagome make the decision before you make it for her.” He emphasized her name.
Each time Hojo tried to move Duo would tighten his hold. Then the girls started freaking out, and Kagome finally had enough.
“Shut up.” She said it quietly at first. When no one could hear her over the screeching she snapped.
Everyone stopped slack jawed at what had just happened. Duo just smiled.
“None of you ever let me speak! You push Hojo on me and have been doing this since Middle School! And you know I don’t like him! I never have! Never will! Do you know, that when I was taking my shower he peeked in on me and STOLE my undies?!”
Duo growled and slammed Hojo on the table when he tried to speak up against what Kagome said. “She’s not done yet!”
Before the girls could say anything she spoke again, “Of course you wouldn’t listen! You never do! How could I? How could YOU? I’m supposed to be your friend! You’re supposed to listen to ME! Not HIM! I’ve had enough! I’m tired of having to sit there and listen while you never give me a chance to explain myself! I go where I want. See who I want and DO who and what I want!”
The tree girls were so shocked that they had nothing to say.
“Higurashi –ack- please give me a chance. Go to a movie with me this Saturday.”
Kagome sighed, “Did you not hear what I just said Hojo? I don’t like you. I never have. Even if I ever did, that would have been ruined when you decided to watch me take a shower and steal my underwear.” She stood up and took Duo’s have pulling him away from Hojo. Duo grinned triumphantly.
“Face it man…you’re not her type.”
“Oh and you are?”
Duo laughed, “Maybe I am. But I would never force her to date me. I have tact man, and respect for women.”
“I know your type! You come in and steal a girl from a guy and lead her around then you dump her when you find a better girl!”
Duo snorted, “Sure man…says the guy who stole a girl’s pair of panties. A player I might be, but I a’int no pervert.”
Hojo lunged at him and Duo just punched him in the gut then the face. “You’re pathetic man… I can tell just by lookin at you that you’re a lil creep. I bet you’ve done this before haven’t you? You find a girl who trusts easily and likes to help and you start this shit. Borrowin’ a saying from a friend, it’s an injustice that women have to deal with men like you.”
He took hold of the shocked Kagome’s arm and guided her out of the café. He paused at the door and flipped them off and grinned “Métetelo por el culo.”[1] The others inside just watched as her helped her on his motorcycle and sped off.
They had arrived at the shrine a while back and had sat down on the steps and continued talking. She had filled him in on the whole traveling though time by using the well thing and while she wasn’t sure that he believed her he didn’t laugh. He also told her that he was a former Gundam pilot. She had been shocked at that, but only because the area she lived in was known to be against the Gundams. He just grinned and said that’s why he normally didn’t tell people.
Duo was in the middle of telling her about his friends when her mother appears behind them.
“Kagome Higurashi! You get in the house this instant!” Kagome cringed at her mother’s tone. She was in trouble and she had no idea why
“Hai Mama. I’ll see you later Duo.”
“Alright I’ll call-”
“No you will not! You are not to come here ever again or come see my daughter!” she pulled Kagome up by her arm.
“Mama! He’s a friend!” Kagome interjected.
“Hojo’s mother called me! She told me what happened! This boy broke Hojo’s nose and tried to kill him when Hojo tried to bring you home after you ran off! And you didn’t do anything!”
“Mama! Duo didn’t try and kill him! And if Hojo’s nose is broken it’s his own fault! He’s the one who is the pervert, trying to get a peep at me in the shower and stealing my undies!”
“Kagome Higurashi! I never want to hear you speak against that sweet boy ever again! Eri, Yuka and Ayumi will stand by Hojo, they saw him try and kill Hojo!” she scolded.
“Of course they would! They’ve been trying to get me to date Hojo since the sixth grade!”
Kagomes mother smacked her across the face, “Don’t you back talk me young lady! Get in the house now!”
Kagome stood there rooted to the ground shocked holding her cheek. Her mother had just slapped her! Her MOTHER!
“Hey! No need to get violent! I’ll leave!” Duo stood up slowly with his hands raised. He had been in situations like this before during the war…the best thing to do was make yourself seem harmless and leave while getting what you wanted. He quickly hugged Kagome.
“I’ll see ya around.” he whispered.
He stepped back and said outloud, “It was nice meeting you but you better listen to your mom.” As he stepped away he slipped a piece of paper into her hand and winked at her before he walked away.
Her heart jumped in her chest, he wanted to see her again! After her mother had drug her inside and yelled at her she sat in her room and opened the piece of paper.
‘Meet me at Tokyo Tower tonight @ midnight.’
She smiled. He DID wanna see her again! Then she frowned. When did he have time to write this? And was she sure she should do this?
Hearing her mama coming up the stairs she hid the paper and flicked her lights off then jumped on her bed and covered up. When her mama knocked on the door she flinched. Her cheek still hurt and it had bruised.
“Kagome sweety?” She called through the door, “Sweety we need to talk…”
TALK?! She didn’t even listen to me! Why should I listen to the woman who slapped me?!
The door opened and she knew her mama was looking in. “Kagome, don’t be mad. I did this for your own good. You’ll see and thank me one day.”
My own good? She slapped me for my own good?!
“He was not what you needed. He’s no better than Inuyasha. Hojo is going places. And you could too if you just listened to me.” Her mama shut the door and Kagome listened to her walk away.
Kagome was seething on the inside. Her mama was the one who was no better than Inuyasha! Throwing her covers off she jumped up and went to her closet. She was definitely going to meet Duo now!
She looked down at her sundress. This wasn’t what she should wear. Duo himself had been wearing ripped jeans, a t-shirt and converse. She still had a few hours till midnight, so as she thought on what to wear she got an idea. Shopping. New style. She was changing how she acted…so she might as well get a new style to match her new attitude! She started pulling all of her clothes out of her closet and drawers.
Sneaking out of her room she searched for her mama’s wallet. She could use what was in here AND her college fund. She had decided a while back that she wouldn’t go to college. Fuck that! She was barely making it in High School! If she could have, she just would have stopped going to school. Well that had been the idea at the end of Middle School. She had still been in love with Inuyasha at the time and had wanted to be with him. Her mama had nearly blown a gasket when she brought it up. There had been no point really. With her being “sick” all the time, she had had to take summer classes to get into High School with her “friends”.
“Bleh!” she moved quietly and made it to the back door. Going outside she took a worn path and opened the door to the garage. Her mama had bought a car a while back but only used to when they went out of town…which was stupid…to only use the care when going out of town was a waste.
Jumping in the Honda Civic after she opened the door she turned the car on and prayed no one heard it then drove off. Shopping Spree Time! Kagome felt awesome! She hadn’t felt like this in a long time. Not since before her father died…
Duo lounged in his apartment on his couch. The phone would ring randomly, but he didn’t answer it. He was too busy thinking on what had happened today. He couldn’t for the life of him remember why he was doing this. Why had he told her to meet him at Tokyo Tower? He did want to see her again. Her presence brought comfort to his always turbulent soul. But a girl like her didn’t need to be near a guy like him…
“Maxwell.” Duo jumped and turned to look at his comrade, who had appeared out of nowhere.
“When did you get here Wu-man?”
“I’ve been here Maxwell…your getting soft in these post-war times braided baka…if this was during the war you’d be dead.” Duo just shrugged.
“Winner is worried about you he called fifty times and you didn’t answer. He’s acting as if he will have a heart attack if you don’t call soon.”
Duo shrugged again. “I was busy.”
Wufie rolled his eyes, “Well call him before he dies from the stress of not knowing if you’re dead or not. You know how he gets.”
Duo laughed and grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket. Before he could dial the number it rang and he answered it quickly. “Q-man I’m fine!”
“Duo…” That’s not Quatre…
He stopped and his eyed widened then darkened. Shit he didn’t need this.
“Duo please… listen to me.” He remained silent as the person who Wufie had deemed was Satchiko on the other end pleaded with him.
“Maxwell…” He warned.
“No…” Duo whispered hoarsely into the phone and hung up. He stood there for a few minutes before turning to look at Wufie. His eyes seemed dead… he was broken. “Tell Quatre I’m fine. I’ll see you later.”
“Where are you going Maxwell? You better not be going to her…” Duo stopped and look back at him gratefully.
“Nah I’m not. I’m gunna go change my number and I have a previous engagement for tonight.” He waved over his shoulder as he walked out the door.
“Previous engagement?!”
“A date!” Duo yelled as the door closed.
Wufie scoffed, “Same Maxwell…never changing….” He picked up his own cell phone and dialed the familiar number. Waiting a few minutes until the other end picked up he spoke.
“It’s time…yes…he’s going to meet her tonight…yes…alright.” He hung up then dialed another number.
“Winner, Maxwell is fine…calm down Winner, I just saw him. No he’s going to get his number changed. No Winner he won’t give it to you… I WAS JOKING!!!! I’m sure you’d be the first person he would give it to. No he won’t be joining us tonight for dinner. He has plans. No Winner not with her. No he’s not going to kill them. Though he should….Fine I’ll be there soon.” [A.N. Poor Quatre! He’s quite the mother hen isn’t he?]
Kagome walked out of the hair salon with her new haircut to match her new style. Her hair was now styled in an a-frame cut with it longer in the front and shorter in the back and she had china doll bangs. She had hundreds of bags in the back of the car, and was currently trying to decide what to wear to meet Duo, and how the hell she was gunna get it all in the house. It was getting late…close to eight o’ clock. If she waited her family out she could sneak in. But would that give her enough time to get ready and get there? She jumped into the Civic and drove off drumming to a song the she had blaring on the radio. It took her another hour and a half just to get through traffic.
Driving up the driveway she almost had a heart attack. There standing beside the garage was her Mama. Damn…here it goes…
She pulled into the garage and got out and smiled sweetly. “Yes Mama?”
“Kagome Higurashi! What do you think you are doing?! I came out here to see if I left my wallet in the car and I find it gone!”
“I went shopping mama. I figured if I was gunna date Hojo-kun I might as well do it right. Look like a good girlfriend.” She hoped her lie would work. “I don’t know what I was thinking earlier Mama. Everything that is going on recently just has me so stressed…I didn’t know what to do or who to turn to. Thank you Mama. For helping me see the light.” She ended in a sickly sweet voice. You know the one… the one that fools all the parents into thinking you’re actually doing what they want you to do.
She crossed her fingers behind her back and prayed this lie worked. Even if it didn’t she really didn’t care…if she was gunna get in trouble she might as well do it right.
Surprisingly it worked, “Oh Kagome! I’m so happy! You and Hojo will be a perfect couple!” Her mama hugged her tightly.
Kagome gagged as she hugged back. Ick her and Hojo. No way. Letting go she stepped away, “I need to get my stuff inside and ready for Saturday. Hojo wants to go to a movie.” Putting on a fake smile she grabbed as many bags as she could and started walking towards the house.
“Kagome…why did you go to this store?” Turning back she saw the one bag she didn’t want her mama to see. It was from a lingerie store. Oh shit!
“I needed new bras and undies…mine have gotten worn from the travel in the Feudal Era…and Sango wanted to try a few.” Lying was getting easier the more she did it.
Grabbing the bag from her mama she ran inside and upstairs and ignored the doubtful look. The store she had gone to was known for its bedroom attire. And she had actually bought some of that..and while she didn’t plan on using it with ANY of the guys she knew at the moment. She DID plan on using it soon. But she did buy some matching bras and undies…mostly all silk or lace.
It took a few trips but they got it all up in her room. When her mama offered to help put it away she declined and said she had it. She grabbed a few garbage bags from downstairs then ran back to her room. Standing in the doorway she looked at the mess. Looking at it irked her. Unknown to many people Kagome was severely OCD. Messes drove her insane. However, she managed to keep it a secret while she was in the Feudal Era. She had slipped one time and everyone thought she had gone insane. But within the confines of her room she could be as OCD as she wanted. Running around she started putting things in their places. She stuffed everything she didn’t want but was still good in one bag to give to charity and the rest she was just gunna throw away. They had been through Hell and back with her trek through Feudal Japan.
Once she had gotten everything done right, she pulled out what she would wear tonight; a pair of skinny jeans, converse, a tank top and a light jacket to match. It was about eleven and she needed to hurry. Thankfully with her hair shorter it wouldn’t take as long to get ready. She giggled excitedly and ran to the bathroom walking past her brother. Grinning she pushed him into his room and slammed the door shut. Holding it in place she laughed as he yelled and tried to get out.
“You should be in bed anyways! You have school tomorrow!”
“So do you!” He yelled through the door.
“Nah, I’m gunna go back through the well brat!” She felt him pull the door once more and let go just as he pulled and watching in fall back.
Laughing she ran to the bathroom and locked the door. She could hear him running to her mama and telling. “Pff what a lil brat.”
Fifteen minutes later she was out of the shower and had dried her hair and applied her makeup lightly. She walked out to see her mama standing there tapping her foot. Behind her Souta stood smiling smugly.
“Kagome did you push your brother?”
Rolling her eyes she glared at her brother. Then an idea popped into her head.
“Hai mama. But I had a good reason! He was looking at a dirty magazine! I didn’t know what he did with it…but I saw it!” HA! Take that brat!
“Souta!” their mama turned and looked at him.
“I did not! She’s lying!” He pointed at Kagome who just smiled at him while her mama wasn’t looking at her.
“Why would I lie Mama? I would never lie about that! I saw it! I think it was Playboy…maybe Hustler! Whatever it was it was dirty!”
Her mama gasped and grabbed Souta by his ear yanking him into his room and slamming the door. Knowing she had to hurry before her mama came out she yelled that she was going to bed and shut and locked her door. Now all she had to do was wait.
Duo stood in front of the entrance to Tokyo Tower waiting for Kagome. He had been here for a few hours just thinking. Here at least no one bothered him so he could think clearly.
This was crazy…he had just broken it off with the woman he thought he was going to live the rest of his life with, and here he was meeting with a girl he had JUST met. And he knew she was younger…she couldn’t have been more than seventeen. Her friends had been wearing school uniforms. And here he was twenty-five… Nothing wrong with it really…oh yeah it was ILLEGAL. And people would be against it because he was older…WAY older…Not that it mattered to him.
Wait. Was he actually considering asking her out? Was he really ready? So soon after Satchiko? Or was he just falling back to his old ways?
“Duo?” A soft voice reached his ears. Turning he saw a girl he didn’t recognize at first. She was hot…clothes that accented her curves…wait that’s Kagome!
She had cut her hair. Where her original style had made her look childish this one made her look older. And her clothes…tight jeans…tank top and jacket to match…and converse too!
He liked it. The earlier question of if he was ready to move on so soon came back to him. Was he really ready to move on so soon? Looking her over again he concluded that hell yes he was.
Grinning smoothly he held out his hand to her. “I love the look jo-chan. Suites your personality.”
Giggling she took his hand, “Thank you D-kun.”
His grin widened at the nickname she had given him. Oh he had her. Hook, line and sinker. Thing was, she had him too. He was man enough to admit that.
Not one to normally believe in love at first sight, he was beginning to be a believer. Her smile … her laugh … he wanted to make those things happen more. Pulling her close he began walking towards the entrance.
“Are we going to the top?” she asked curiously.
“But how? It’s closed.”
“I have many ways and many contacts in this world jo-chan.” He grinned as he held the door open for her.
As they continued onward she could hear the loud music. A party? In Tokyo Tower? She saw a few people run by her. They were all covered in different colors of glitter. She gasped. He was taking her to a Glitter Party. She had heard rumors of the world wide pandemic known as the Glitter Parties. They were Ecstasy Parties with glitter, hardcore music, hardcore sex… and they were always at random places. The location ALWAYS changed, and no one was ever caught. The police were never able to catch anyone who was connected to the parties because by the time someone realized the party had happened, everyone was gone. There had been one at the mall not too long ago. And no one had found out until the next day. It was actually said that they had managed to create glitter that had the actual drug in it. When it touched your skin and when you breathed it in…they called it Glitzing.
“A Glitter Party?”
“Never been to one?” He grinned lopsidedly at her. “They rawk jo-chan. Don’t knock it till ya try it.” The closer they got the louder the music got, and the more people covered in glitter there were. She could already feel the glitter in her hair and on her skin. Should she be doing this? I mean being with a guy that your mother didn’t like was one thing. Lying was too…but glitter parties? Drugs, sex, and drinking? She was only seventeen… They passed a few couples making out…and even an orgy. Finally they got to where the music was centralized and he pulled her close. “Let’s dance jo-chan…let the music take you away…from everything.”
His whisper sent shivers down her spine. She already felt the effects of the glitter. She hadn’t drunk anything…or taken anything and the world seemed to spin and glow. The song changed to an American song…she could just barely understand the words. She started to sway with Duo as the song began to reach the climax. The song actually talked about a party… and it included glitter…maybe this is where the idea came from.

There’s a place I know
If you’re looking for a show.
Where they go hardcore
And there’s glitter on the floor.

By the time the song ended the whole room cheered and pumped their fists in the air. This went on well into the night. She was having a blast, laughing and dancing with a hot guy. Finally after hours of dancing and drinking, Duo began dragging her out of the room and she noticed everyone else was leaving. Then they started running glitter flying behind them. As they exited the door she could hear the sirens. All she could do was giggle and run along with Duo and a few other party goers. He pulled her into and alley and they hugged the wall. They were both trying not to laugh but failing miserably. When the police cars passed chasing other runners they peeked out, he picked her up and gave her a piggy back ride and they started for her house.
“I had an awesome time D-kun…”she giggled again. “We need to do that again.”

“Of course! I’m always in on where the parties are gunna be! Course it will be a while ‘fore another one. Can’t have the police finding us…would ruin it all.” He squeezed her thighs slightly making her blush. Her inhibitions were out the window as soon as she started glitzing, so the next thing she did had her inner prude screaming. She started nibbling on his ear. He groaned, “Now now jo-chan I wasn’t lying when I told Hojo I respected women…and if you keep doing that I won’t be able to stop myself…” Not that he really wanted her to stop. He hadn’t had anyone pay any attention to him like this in a while. Satchiko had refused to do anything with him until they were married. Oh how he had missed it. They reached the steps to the shrine. And since it was her first Glitz he knew she wouldn’t be able to make it up. How the hell was he gunna get her into her house?

“Kagome…do you have a spare key to get into your house??”

“Urgle…yep it’s under the mat!” He rolled his eyes. Typical. He walked her up the steps and thanked God he was in shape. “Okay Kagome…slide off..gotta get the key.”
She slid off and fell on her bum. She tried to stifle her giggles so no one heard, but failed once again. He snorted and turned to her after he unlocked the door. “Think you can make it up without wakin your mom?”

She nodded her head while holding her hands over her mouth. But when she stood up and tried to walk she stumbled slightly. She caught herself then tried to walk again. It was funny. He remembered his first Glitz. Trying to walk up the stairs at Quatre’s house without waking everyone wasn’t easy. The others had always been light sleepers. Wufie had walked out that night in his boxer with Hirro behind him. That was the night he found out those two were together. That had made him fall down the stairs screaming. And she looked naturally clumsy anyhow. So he swept her up in his arms and walked up the stairs. “Which door jo-chan?”

“The first one…”she whispered. They were trailing glitter…and he knew he couldn’t clean it up…damn…poor girl would have to explain it to her mother.

“Duo…could you…grab that yellow bag?” She pointed to the one that looked like it was overflowing with stuff. “And take me to the well?”

“The well? Why?” he asked as he put her down then picked up the bag.

“I don’t need to be here when my mama wakes up…she’ll see the glitter…she’s already had a talk with me about Glitter Parties…” Smart girl… but why the…ohhhh she said it sent her back in time…but…he shook his head and headed back down stairs with her walking behind him. When they reached the well house she shoved the door open and walked in. Taking her bag she sat down on the lip of the well. Smiling at Duo she waved and leaned backwards and fell in. He ran to grab her but she wasn’t there…not even at the bottom…so that meant…Holy shit….

Kagome was lying at the bottom of the well. She was having a bad reaction to the Glitter…her Glitz wasn’t so glitzy anymore…she was still covered in it…she had to get it off…climbing up the ladder she began stumbling her way to the village. She had to make it there… suddenly before she could make it she saw something red coming her way. She had never been more happy to see him.

“Inuyasha…please…I need help…”

“Kagome? What happened? What’s all this on you?” he wasn’t moving fast enough.

“It’s called glitter…I’m glitzing Inuyasha…please….I need to wash this off…” she stumbled and fell. He looked her in her eyes and noticed her pupils were huge.

“Kagome…your eyes…what the fuck did you do when you went home?”

“DON’T ASK QUESTIONS!!” She shouted. “Take me to a pond…a lake…SOMETHING WITH WATER!!” she started pulling at her clothes and crying. Suddenly she felt her bag pulled off and tossed away and she was in the air. Then she felt herself plunge into cold water. That was the last thing she remembered.

Kagome woke up and it was still night time or early morning. She could tell because the fire was going…they normally didn’t build a fire in this hut unless it was night time. Her head hurt…and she was hungry…

“Kagome you’re awake!” Shippo exclaimed.

She winced…was he always so loud? Oh Kami her head hurt. The last thing she remembered was being thrown into water…sitting up she winced again. Everyone was looking at her. She knew they weren’t stupid, they had opium here…though they had a different word for it all she knew they knew what she had done.

“Kagome…do you mind telling us what the fuck that was? You were asleep for two days!” Inuyasha started on his tirade. Oh kami if he didn’t shut up she would kill him!

“What Inuyasha is trying to say Kagome-chan is you scared us…you passed out then you wouldn’t stop clawing at yourself. We had to strap you down for a while because you wouldn’t stop. What was that?”

Kagome looked down. She felt bad for putting them through that…she was sure they had never seen someone almost O.D. on anything. “I went to a party…there’s this new craze…they are called Glitter Parties…and basically the glitter…which is what was on my body…has this drug in it…I dunno what it is…but you Glitz…when it touches your skin and you inhale it…”

“DRUG?!” Inuyasha bellowed. Everyone ignored him and continued looking at Kagome. “Glitz?” Miroku probed slightly.

“You get high…like with…ya know…opium…” she picked at her blanket. The silence in the hut was louder than Inuyasha’s rant. “I…I decided to come back here because when my mama wakes up she’ll see the glitter…she’s already had a talk to me about it. I didn’t know it was a Glitter Party until I got inside…he didn’t tell me!” she covered her mouth. Oh no.

“He?” Inuyasha growled.

“Yes…I went on a date…”

“With that Hobo guy?” Inuyasha stood up.

“No! You know I don’t like him! I have other guys who like me! Inuyasha! No! OSUWARI!” he slammed into the ground. “If you go after him I will never forgive you!” Her threat was heard because he stopped growling and his ears flattened to his head.

“You’re not my keeper! I can do what I want! With who I want! And I damn sure as hell can do WHO I want!” Everyone’s mouths dropped at the last comment. Sweet little Kagome do something like this?

“You hold Kikyo’s soul…”He growled again.

“NO! It’s MY soul!” she shouted at him. “It’s been my soul since the day she died…she’s the walking dead Inuyasha…it’s my soul…if I wanna get high and go glitz I’ll do it. If my mother can’t stop me what makes you think you can?!” By this time the sun had started to rise.

“You know what? Whatever! Let’s just get up and moving so we can find them!” Kagome started trying to get up. When they moved to protest she growled at them. “I’m fine! I just need food and we can move on!”

They had been on the move for a few days now. No one talked. There was nothing to say. Kagome walked behind them all in a permanent bad mood and the rest of them were re-thinking what they knew of Kagome. They would glance behind them randomly to make sure she was still alive. Which pissed her off even more. She would meet their gaze unwaveringly. Unlike them, she kept her eyes on them. She watched everything they did. Earlier today she noticed something that she had never seen before. When Inuyasha was helping pack up camp… because they wouldn’t let her…she noticed that when his and Sango’s hands met by accident…Sango had blushed…she thought she had imagined it all. But she had continued watching those two. And they kept stealing glances at each other. No one noticed it but her. Shippo would have commented and Miroku seemed intent on making sure she was okay. Sango wouldn’t do that…she loved Miroku…she wasn’t a low down slut…

They had headed off where there was a rumor of a jewel shard. But it was nothing. Koga had dropped in to report. Thankfully he had given up on chasing her. But he was still protective and when he noticed how tense things were he automatically blamed Inuyasha. That had been annoying…this time she had stopped it by just shouting at them to stop and walking back in the direction of the village. She was going home. She would have to face the music with her mother sooner or later. Might as well do it now.

They were almost back to the village now… and just when she didn’t think she could stand them looking at her anymore they reached the village. “FINALLY!!” She shouted and took off towards the well. No one tried to stop her.

She jumped in the well and felt the pull. She didn’t care what happened. She knew what was gunna happen. Her mama would yell at her. She would possibly watch her and make her go on the date with Hojo. Bring it on…

ArtemisDeLaSoleil: I hope you guys liked this one! I actually re did the ending…lol I have been listening to Take It Off by Ke$ha a lot and decided why not have an actual glitter party and have it the new thing for the world? Well there it is! And I will be fixing chapter 3 to fit this one.
[1] Stick it up your ass. I know… I laughed when I saw this. You would not believe how creative Spanish insults are. And most of them involve shit and what to do with said shit.