Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Tainted Souls And Womanizers ❯ Duo I'm Home ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
ArtemisDeLaSoleil: Okay guys here is the 3rd chappie!!! ^___________^ I’m really happy with how this story is turning out! This chapter will be the first attempt at a lemon…HOPEFULLY I won’t get flagged for it :/
Disclaimer: Any songs referenced in this chapter are not mine! Just songs I happen to like! As always I don’t own any of the anime characters.
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Kagome woke up to birds chirping and the sun shining through her open window. She had once again snuck out to see Duo. When she had gotten home last week she had had the yelling of a lifetime from her mama. She had been forced to go to school and several dates with Hojo, who always had her home by ten. But every night she would sneak out and meet Duo.

It had been almost two weeks since she had met Duo and each night they would meet somewhere different and either just talk or go to more Glitter Parties. She had told him what had happened and he apologized profusely, promising never to take her to another one. She had just laughed and said she it was fine. She told him she had been practicing climbing the tree and would use that to get in. And that she would shower as soon as she got home. This time she didn’t get home until 5 am and she had actually climbed through her window. It was a lot easier to do in jeans and converse.
She looked at her clock and it said one o’clock. Uh oh. She had planned to go back to the Feudal Era today. Duo was going to be busy for a week so she decided that it would be good for her to head out herself. This was a good way to get out of her next “date” with Hojo. When she had told Duo about having to actually go on the dates with Hojo he hadn’t been too happy. That had made her smile, though he had been serious about causing bodily harm if Hojo tried anything.
Groaning she made herself get up and out of bed. She didn’t want to go back. She didn’t wanna deal with Inuyasha…she might actually snap if he started yelling this time. She had thought about everything for a while after she had gotten home each night, and honestly she wasn’t just pissed at Inuyasha…she was pissed at Sango too. How could the girl be such a low down slut? It wasn’t hard to figure out; there was only one girl Miroku would bother changing for, and that was Sango. And if Duo was Miroku then that slore Satchiko was Sango.
And from the way Duo was talking…the way she could feel his soul screaming at the betrayal it had been forced through, it had definitely happened before. There was a tiny part of her that had wanted to believe that Sango wouldn’t stoop that low. She wasn’t blind. She had seen the longing looks between Inu-baka and Sango. But unless Sesshomaru had eventually mated a human and had a child who knew Miroku ( HIGHLY UNLIKELY!!) it was true. There aren’t many Shiro Inu half-breeds in the world. From what she had managed to get from Sesshomaru when he actually talked, and from what Myoga had told her Shiro Inu were rare. Suddenly she remembered that Sango had completely stopped talking about Miroku. And Miroku had all but stopped even trying to touch her. Had she seriously been so stuck in her own world that she hadn’t seen what had been right in front of her nose? How long had she and Inuyasha been hiding this secret? She sat down slowly and let her mind wonder back. Their days were normally full of Miroku getting slapped. But she had been so caught up in Inuyasha and then her own problems that she hadn’t seen that it had stopped… a while before they had ever had the finall confrontation with Naraku.
Speaking of Inuyasha why hadn’t he come to get her this week? Was he so caught up in finding Kikyo and screwing Sango that he had forgotten her? Did he and Sango get together because they both got hung up in finding their dead loved ones? So much so that they went to each other for comfort? That pissed her off even more. She didn’t care what Inuyasha did…he could sleep with anyone he wanted. But Sango…she was supposed to be in love with Miroku!
She sighed, to know the future before it happened was a dangerous thing….or would it be the past? Because it had happened for the rest of the world, but not for her.
“BLEH! Temporal Mechanics gives me such a headache!” she threw her hands up. After she had gathered all of her stuff in her horrible yellow bag she went down stairs.
“Well, look who finally decided to wake up. You sure have been sleeping in a lot lately…and not going to school.” Her Mama stood at the bottom of the stairs.
“I haven’t been sleeping well recently…I keep having nightmares about the final battle…and I didn’t wanna go to school without enough rest.” Kagome said softly milking it. “Did Inuyasha come by for me at all?”
“No he didn’t. Why don’t you stay for the rest of the week. You do have that date with Hojo in a few days. And I’m sure that last shard can wait.”
Sighing, Kagome shook her head. “Mama we need to find that last shard. When we find it and wish the tama away, I’ll be able to come back for good. If I can get back Saturday I’ll go on the date with Hojo.”
Her mama looked shocked. But before she could say anything Kagome had walked by and headed out the door. Outside Kagome came face to face with three youkai who shouldn’t be on her side of the well, and one she didn’t recognize.
“Kagome!” she was swept up in a hug.
“Kouga? Wh-What are you doing here?”
“We came to make sure that everything was alright Mama.” A young red headed man stepped up.
“Shippou? Dear Kami look at you! You’ve gotten so big!” she pulled herself out of Kouga’s hold and glomped Shippou.
“Tell me, miko,” Sesshomaru spoke up. “What did you plan to do about those two?”
She knew who he was speaking about. “I’m not sure…but I’m not gunna sit by and watch as Miroku gets hurt because those two couldn’t keep their hands to themselves!”
“Onnanako… If you do that…” the youkai she didn’t recognize spoke, “Duo won’t exist. Not in the way that you or I know him.”
She gasped. “You know Duo?”
He smiled, “I’m sure Maxwell told you about me. The braided baka was never good at keeping his mouth shut.”
“You’re Wufie?”
“Hai, I’ve worked alongside Duo for years…and I can say that though all these things hurt him, they have made him who is today. And I respect who he is. If you do something about those two, he won’t be the same person. And I won’t sit by and let that happen.” Wufie’s eyes flashed a reddish black. Suddenly she felt his familiar youki wash over her. It was one that she had felt quite often recently.
“He’s right mama… one of us if not all of us has always been watching him, his whole life. He needed what happened in the past to shape who he is today.” Shippou placed his hand on her shoulder. “After his death Miroku became a Shinigami… and after centuries of ferrying souls to the afterlife he was granted reincarnation.”
Kagome looked down she didn’t want to think about Miroku dying, “And who he is…he’s perfect the way he is. I’d never change him.” She looked at them with determination.
They all nodded at her. “But what am I gunna do? I can’t just go on like I don’t know!”
“Just go on like you have been…do what you have been…the pain won’t be as harsh for him.” Kouga smiled at her. “Oh and here are my shards.” He handed them to her. “I haven’t needed them in a long time.”
Kagome stood there confused as they walked off. Do what I have been?
She shrugged as she turned on her recently revamped iPod listening to a random song, and pocketed the shards.
“It’s too bad we couldn’t tell her what she’s gunna find and have to go through when she gets there.” Shippou sighed.
“I know kid…but she would try and stop it all…you know how she is.” Kouga nodded.
“It all has to happen…if this doesn’t happen Duo won’t exist…and neither will Deathscythe…and we all know that without Deathscythe the Gundam team wouldn’t succeed at what has to happen. Wufie…let the others know that she will be joining you soon. The rest of us will spend our time messing with the half-breeds head…” Sesshomaru ordered. They all nodded and separated.
Kagome looked up at the blue sky just as the chorus for Blue by A Perfect Circle started playing. Suddenly a sense of dread hit her, something wasn’t right. Quickly she started climbing up the rope latter that had been installed sometime last year.
When she reached the top, the back of a head blocked her view. It was Miroku.
“Ro-kun?” she whispered and took her ear buds out of her ears. He turned around and smiled tiredly at her. He had a black eye and was covered in cuts.
“Kagome-sama welcome back.”
“Ro-kun what happened?!” She crawled over and began pulling out her first aid kit.
“Oh it’s nothing…just a little scuffle with Inuyasha… I wouldn’t let him go through the well.” He smiled painfully.
“You should have just let him come and get me…” she whispered sadly as she cleaned his cuts.
“I had the feeling you wished to be left alone.” He winced as the antiseptic touched his cuts.
She thought back to her conversations and what had happened over the past few days. She was grateful that Miroku had stood up to Inuyasha. “Ro-kun is that all that happened? Nothing else?” She asked as she wrapped his “cursed” hand.
His eyes darkened for a few seconds before he answered. “Nothing else Kagome-sama.”
“Ro-kun…” she warned, “what have I told you about calling me Kagome-sama?”
“You’ve earned it…but if you insist...Kagome…”
She smiled brightly, “I do.”
He smiled back running his hand through her short hair and they leaned closer. Kagome’s brain registered the song that was now playing. It was Show Me Love by T.A.T.U. It was the chorus that made her blush slightly though she knew the song had nothing to do with her situation.
Show me love, show me love, show me love,
Show me love, show me love
'Til you open the door

Show me love, show me love, show me
Show me love, show me love,
'Til I'm up off the floor

Show me love, show me love show me love,
Show me love, show me love,
'Til it's inside my pores

Show me love, show me love, show me love,
Show me love, show me love,
'Til I'm screaming for more
“Kagome-chan? What are you doing back so early? And what are you wearing?” Miroku felt Kagome tense and saw her eyes flash with anger. Anger at being interrupted? Or what is something else? Did she know? How could she? Then again he had all but stopped touching Sango. He had tried to make it to where it wasn’t so noticeable. He obviously failed.
Kagome turned and glared at Sango who gasped and stepped back. Kagome had never directed a glare at her before. Then she looked at Miroku. “Hoshi what happened?!”
“Oh you actually care?” Kagome sneered.
“Of course I do Kagome-chan! What makes you think I wouldn’t?”
Before she could retort Wufie’s words came back to her. “You’ve been so busy looking for you brother that you stopped caring about those around you that are living.” Kagome snapped. “If you did I highly doubt this would have happened to Ro-kun. And by the way his name ISN’T Hoshi. It’s Miroku.”
Miroku gripped Kagome’s hand. He’d never seen her like this. “You and Inu-baka are so worried about the dead you forget those of us who live! I know they mattered! But what about us?! Huh?!” Kagome stood up and pulled Miroku with her. “If you keep at it, you two will lose those who really care and all you’ll have left is the dead!” and before she could catch herself she let it all slip. “Oh and each other. Oh wait! You’ve already discovered each other!” The whole clearing got quiet and Sango gasped.
“Kagome-chan we would never-”
“Shove your excuses! Let’s see how you like having someone you love taken from you!” Kagome turned and pulled Miroku into a kiss. She didn’t care who saw this, all she wanted was for those two to hurt like she and Miroku did. She felt him tense then wrap his arms around her and pull her closer.
When they finally pulled apart Sango was crying. “How does it feel Sango? To have your heart ripped out? Sucks doesn’t it? Well you should have thought about that before you turned to Inuyasha instead of Miroku. And fucked Inuyasha.”
You play games, I play tricks
Girls and girls, but you're the one
Like a game of pick-up sticks
Played by fucking lunatics
“Why are you doing this Kagome?” Sango sniffled. “I didn’t – we didn’t-why???”
“Why? I’m tired of being stepped on! Tired of being treated like I’m stupid! Tired of being nice! No more! Because of your actions there’s a soul that needs healing! A soul that I can feel through the well no matter where I’m at! Screaming at the betrayal YOU put it through!” She picked her stuff up and pulled Miroku along.
“Go back to Inuyasha, Sango. I don’t wanna talk about this anymore. Let’s get the search on for your dead loved ones seeing as how those who live around you don’t matter.” She stopped suddenly then turned with a malicious grin, “Oh Sango…you know he would never choose you over Kikyo right? He’d sooner go to Hell with her. Then you’re left with nothing but a dead brother.” When Sango started crying again she and Miroku walked off.
Miroku was shocked. How did Kagome know? And when did she become this vindictive? He had known with the return of the rest of her soul that she had started hating Inuyasha…but not that she would turn a blind eye when she caused pain to others knowingly. He could hear the song that was playing from the contraption she called an MP3 player…her iPod… He couldn’t understand what it was saying. But the song was loud and dark. Then Kagome began singing it in Japanese and the lyrics made him shudder.
“Can't you feel the poison rising out of the morning and clear through the night
You can feel my strength destroy you straight to the heart from the venomous bite.”
“Kagome…what happened to you these past few weeks? You hair is shorter…you’re dressing differently…even acting differently...doing things you wouldn’t normally do…” He spoke hesitantly scared that she would turn on him.
She kept walking in a random direction, “Let’s just say that I had someone tip me off in my time to what was happening.”
“And the soul that needs healing?” Though he was sure he knew who she meant.
She stopped and dropped all her belongings; another song he couldn’t understand was playing. Turning to him she smiled. “It’s you.” She pulled him close and kissed him hard. Pulling back she whispered, “Let me heal you…”
As they lowered themselves to the ground the last part of the song he bothered to listen to suddenly registered in his head. It was like a light switched had been hit and he knew what it was saying.
I see hell in your eyes 
Taken in by surprise
Touching you makes me feel alive
Touching you makes me die inside
Something inside of him was laughing… a voice he didn’t recognize. It spoke in a language he shouldn’t be able to understand. Jo-chan’s a firecracker aint she? God I love that about her. So much better than Sango or Satchiko. Don’t ya think?
He had no idea who Satchiko was. But he did have to agree with the voice.
Duo was sitting in the restaurant talking to Wufie and Quatre about what he had been doing all week. Quatre being the Mother hen he was kept asking if he was sure he wanted to go through with everything. Wufie was staying strangely quiet. He just listened and would smile slightly every now and then. Suddenly Duo stiffened and he received what he guessed was a vision… he saw Kagome telling a girl off…she reminded him of Satchiko… she called her Sango…and the guy she called…Ro-kun? That was Miroku? Suddenly she kissed the guy then started walking off. He smiled when she made a rather snide comment then continued walking.
He could hear all the songs that played on her iPod. Show me Love…Sidewinder…Slept So Long…good songs…
He kept listening to what they were saying.
“Kagome…what happened to you these past few weeks? You hair is shorter…you’re dressing differently…even acting differently...doing things you wouldn’t normally do…” He was scared she would turn on him…
She kept walking in a random direction, “Let’s just say that I had someone tip me off in my time to what was happening.”
“And the soul that needs healing?” He knew she was talking about him.
She stopped and dropped all her belongings; another song he couldn’t understand was playing. Turning to him she smiled. “It’s you.” She pulled him close and kissed him hard. Pulling back she whispered, “Let me heal you…”
Then he started singing along to Slept So Long right as they lowered themselves to the ground.
I see hell in your eyes 
Taken in by surprise
Touching you makes me feel alive
Touching you makes me die inside
He laughed and began speaking…he knew the guy heard him. Jo-chan’s a firecracker aint she? God I love that about her. So much better than Sango or Satchiko. Don’t ya think?
When he opened his eyes Quatre and Wufie were looking at him oddly. He just grinned and waved em off. He knew he shouldn’t…but he did feel kinda jealous that Miroku got her first… but that was his fault…he didn’t wanna take things too far too fast with her…but maybe next time he saw her…
As they walked back to the village Kagome explained everything that had happened on her side of the well. Minus how she felt about Duo, which she wasn’t quite sure herself. All she told him was that Duo was his reincarnation. And she explained what had happened to Duo. Miroku for his part stayed quiet. He would ask questions when he heard something that he either didn’t understand or wanted explained further. She could tell he was sad, but who wouldn’t be? She had however finally realized what Kouga had meant. She needed to be here for him…and give him love.
“So he called you…jo-chan?” he questioned…she had the feeling it wasn’t just out of curiousity of what the word mean for some reason.
“Hai…it’s slang for babe…” she said offhandedly. As they got closer to their hut they could hear Inuyasha ask Sango what was wrong for what they were sure was the hundredth time. But she refused to tell him.
Suddenly he rushed out of the hut and stopped in front of them. He sniffed then growled. “What the hell is going on?!” He snatched Kagome away from Miroku who looked like he was about ready to kill Inuyasha.
Kagome whimpered then pulled away, “Why the hell do you think?! Kami Inuyasha what does it matter? You have Kikyo.” She then looked pointedly at Sango who had just walked out. She slapped Inuyasha’s hand away and walked back over to Miroku. “Let’s get this show on the road. The sooner we find Kikyo the sooner you leave us alone.”
She knew on the inside that he would never leave them alone. Not when he found out the truth. But she could hope. Taking hold of Miroku’s hand she looked back up at Inuyasha, “Besides… I can’t wait to see’s Kikyo’s reaction when she finds out what else you’ve done….or should I say WHO else you’ve done?” Too late…a voice snickered in her head.
She watched in satisfaction as Inuyasha’s ears flattened against his head in realization. “What didn’t think I’d find out? That your shard detector was too stupid to notice? I did notice! I noticed a while back! But I refused to believe that Sango would stoop so low. But I was wrong!”
“Mama?” Shippo walked out of the hut rubbing his eyes sleepily. He stopped and sniffed the air. “Mama, why do you smell like Miroku?”
Inuyasha growled, “Because she fu-”
“Osuwari!” Kagome screamed.
Inuyasha slammed into the ground and Kagome screamed it again.
“Osuwari! I don’t want that kind of language used around Shippo!”
Inuyasha growled and mumbled something into the dirt. Kagome did a good impression of a growl herself. “If you DARE to use any of that foul language I will personally S.I.T you until you turn inside out!” Shippo scampered up and sat on Kagome’s shoulder and stuck his tongue out at Inuyasha.
“Now. I’m gunna go say hi to Kaede-baa-chan before we go. I want you to be up and ready when I get done okay? Then we can leave and get this over with.” She turned to Miroku. “Do you wanna come with me Ro-kun?”
He smiled, “I believe that would be best Kagome.”
“Alrighty!” She pulled him along to Kaede’s hut. About a year back the village decided to build their group a hut as a thank you for everything they had done. The original plan was for another hut to be built for Sango and Miroku. But that wasn’t gunna happen…she would make sure of it. She moved the flap to Kaede’s hut and stepped in.
“Kagome child is that ye? Ye look so different.” Kaede looked up from where she was mixing some herbs.
“Ahh yeah I had a uhh…I saw the light and decided to change muh ways.” She grinned lopsidedly. She suspected that Kaede knew about her soul being returned. She never could hide anything from Kaede. The woman was too sharp. “Anyhoo I came to say what up ‘fore we set out again.” Kaede seemed shocked at Kagome’s new way of acting and talking. She must have had to digest and translate what was said because it took her a little bit to answer.
“Aye I guess that is for the best that ye get the search on. I do not doubt that Sango would like to find young Kohaku.”
Kagome snorted then nodded, “Yeah and I’m sure Inuyasha would like to find Kikyo.”
“Kagome child, when will ye tell Inuyasha the truth? The rest of us can tell that ye have been given the rest of ye soul back.”
Kagome sighed, “I can’t…something in me just…won’t let it out. What I learned from Kikyo when it was returned…after I saw all that…I REFUSE to tell him…I trusted him…and he…he betrayed me…and no I don’t blame Kikyo. It’s no more her fault than it is mine…but he gets to suffer like he made me suffer…he strung me along…without having the decency to tell me to my face…the least he could have done was tell me instead of treating me like shit. I could have dealt with being rejected. But being put down and told I’m not good enough!? No! I won’t deal with that!”
After her outburst everything went quiet in the hut. This new Kagome was different. The Kagome they knew would never want to purposefully cause pain to someone she cared about, even if they had hurt her before. She just didn’t have it in her.
There was a gasp behind them and they turned to see Sango standing in the door way her hands over her mouth. However before she spoke, Kagome made her scathing remark. “You have no room to comment because of your recent activities Sango. As I said before, it’s my soul, so I will do what I want. And if you breathe a word of this to Inuyasha…” she let the threat hang in the air. They all looked at her like she had grown a second head. Suddenly Inuyasha burst through the door.
“I found another lead on where Kikyo could be! Let’s get moving! Come on! What are you all standin around for? Let’s go!” The all merely rolled their eyes and started moving.
With this new information Inuyasha herded them along without many breaks. Even Kagome’s Osuwari didn’t work for long. In the end Kagome just sat in the middle of the road and told him when he found her he could come back and get them smirking at the knowledge that even if he DID continue without them he wouldn’t find her. In the end he grudgingly sat down and let them rest. This went on for a week and they were about to start the second week of looking. They had already searched the surrounding area that she was supposedly sighted at. Now he wanted to keep moving.
“Nuh uh! I’ve got stuff I have to do at home. You can keep searching without me or whatever, but I am going home!” Kagome stood with both hands on her hips glaring at Inu-baka. “I do have a life ya know! People I wanna see! Things I wanna do! So yeah, you can go suck it!” She turned and stalked off. Thankfully they had traveled all of Japan so much that she had no need to use a map. She just automatically knew her way back to the well.
“Osuwari!” She would say it randomly every five minutes getting louder as she went. She knew he was following her so she would put more force into it as she went. She would stop and rest when she needed it and continuously called out Osuwari. Finally it got too dark and she started camp and cooked dinner. Shortly after, the others joined her and she served them their own food. Thankfully Inuyasha chose not to join them. Prolly still out looking for Kikyo. How the woman ever loved him she will never know. Then again…she had wanted him to turn human…so she didn’t exactly love him for him. Kagome snorted making the others look at her.
“Nothing…” They all mumbled. She rolled her eyes stood up and grabbed Miroku’s hand and pulled him along into the forest. She went far enough away that Shippou wouldn’t hear or smell what they did, and then they basically attacked each other. It had been a few days since they had any alone time. They took what they got but didn’t want to send Inuyasha off the deep end.
They were ripping each other’s clothes off only taking breaths when they needed to pull Kagome’s shirt over her head. Before she knew it they were on the ground and he was trailing hot kisses down her nude form leaving fire in their wake. He began to gently stroke her core eliciting a moan from her. She felt his smirk on her skin as he gently began probing her slick folds, his fingers pumping into her quickly.
She shivered and arched her back as he began to suck on her small bundle of nerves. He pulled his fingers out and began lapping at her core one hand kneading her breast the other returned to its menstruations. When he felt her muscles spasm he slid up her body and slammed his hardened cock into her sheath. He wrapped both his arms around her body pulling her close as he rocked into her. Kagome cried out to each and every kami that she knew each time he slammed into her. He yanked her head to the side by her hair and bit her neck as she scrapped her nails down his back leaved angry welts.
She had discovered that she liked it somewhat rough. Hair pulling and biting turned her on more than anything else and he was more than willing to oblige to her wishes as long as he didn’t actually hurt her. Incidentally she found out she could stand being bitten till she cried or at least bruised right away. While he wasn’t quite sure about that as long as she was turned on by what he did he would continue doing it.
He pulled out and turned her over on her hands and knees then slammed back into her. The first time she had asked him to do this she had to explain the term doggy style. That had been funny. He went along with it and instantly liked it. This was her favorite position. He got in deeper this way and it just felt so much better.
As Miroku slammed into her she opened her eyes and happened to spot Inuyasha spying from behind a tree. Well more like he stood out in the open and gawking. She had no idea how long he had been there…from the look on his face it had to be since Miroku had pulled her hair and bit her. She smirked evilly and held his gaze and moaned out knowing he could hear it.
“Harder Ro-kun! Harder!” She even slid her hand down and began to rub herself as she met his thrusts. Before long, Inuyasha had fled, and she felt herself soar into her final orgasm and Miroku hammered into her until he reached his own peak. They both collapsed onto the ground trying to catch their breath.
“He was watching wasn’t he?” She could hear the smile in his voice and she just nodded.
Conversation over the next few days was almost completely nonexistent… only Shippo chattered away constantly ignoring the angst between the adults of the group. And she and Miroku would whisper in each other’s ears. When they finally made it to Edo Kagome went straight to Kaede’s hut to tell her she was returning home. As usual Kaede urged her to tell Inuyasha of Kikyo’s passing. Kagome said she most likely tell him sooner or later, but that the bastard had made her hurt for so long, she didn’t see why she couldn’t do the same. She heard the flap to the hut move and turned to see Inuyasha standing in the doorway.
Everyone just stood there in a staring contest. Then Inuyasha just walked away, or at least they thought he was walking away. Suddenly he turned and attacked Kagome. The world seemed to slow down for everyone in the group. All Kagome could do was close her eyes and wait for it. The only thing she regretted was that she wouldn’t get to say goodbye to those that mattered. She felt Shippo cling to her. But the pain never came. Instead she heard Sango scream and felt blood splatter on her face. Slowly opening her eyes she saw exactly why Sango screamed. Miroku had jumped in front of her to stop Inuyasha from killing her. She felt faint…in all the time she had been in the feudal era she had never felt faint…sure she had cried after seeing carnage…but she had never felt faint at the sight of blood. But this was different…this was Miroku…oh Kami…
She screamed as he dropped to the floor when Inuyasha pulled his hand out of his chest. “NO!!!!!!!” Even Inuyasha seemed shocked that this had happened. Kagome dropped to her knees and pulled Miroku into her lap. She shook her head, “No. No no no no no…Miroku please talk to me…”her eyes began to sting and her vision blurred.
“K-Kagome…don’t cry…” he slowly reached up and touched her face. “I don’t regret anything..A-all I regret is that we couldn’t have happened sooner..” he coughed up some blood.“No Ro-kun don’t talk like that…you’ll be fine…” she looked up. “DON’T JUST STAND THERE! GET THE MEDKIT!!” Sango quickly moved to her bag and searched for the first-aid kit.
“T-there’s no need Kagome… I’m already gone…” Miroku whispered.
“No…no you’re not!” Kagome cried out.
“I am Kagome…my soul has already been pulled from my body.” he coughed again.
“No we can get Sesshomaru to bring you back! He can use Tensiaga!”
“It’s too late…I’ll see you…on the other side…” he paused. “Jo-chan…” and his hand dropped from her cheek.
“No…” Kagome shook her head. “No no no nonononono NOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Hugging him close she rocked back and forth sobbing. This wasn’t happening! Miroku wasn’t dead…he couldn’t be…this was a horrible nightmare…yeah…she was still in bed at home…she hadn’t woken up yet after seeing Duo. The thought of Duo only made her sob more.
When someone moved to pull Miroku from her grasp she slapped their hand. “NO! Don’t touch him! Just go away!” Instead of going away however she was roughly yanked up and out of the hut by Inuyasha tossing Shippo from her shoulder.
“LET ME GO!” She struggled in his grasp. “LET ME GO YOU GODDAMN HALF-BREED!” She slapped him and pulled away. Everyone in the area stopped. Kagome had never called Inuyasha that…she had always called him by his name. “This is all your fault!! He’s dead because of you!! Yeah, the soul that held Kikyo to this world returned to me! But it was MY soul! She was meant to stay DEAD Inuyasha! It’s why I was born! But you couldn’t just deal with that could you!? No! And even if I had told you from the beginning…who fucking cares!? Let her rest in peace Inuyasha! You tortured her enough! Chasing after her…keeping her here in this world because you couldn’t let go!! I know what you said to her! Every conversation you had with her! I know it all! She never hated me!! She gave you the chance to stay here and be happy!! She wasn’t forcing you to go to Hell with her!” her lips trembled and she took a deep breath. “I hate you. And I’m not just saying that as Kagome. She hates you too. You took away our only chance at TRUE happiness!”
He growled and was about to attack her when they were interrupted by the shout of “Youkai!” and the village people scattering to their huts. Hey turned to see a black haired man wearing Chinese style clothing standing behind them. He was accompanied by three others. One was blonde and had loose fitting almost linen clothing. The third a tall brunette with his bangs covering one of his green eyes wearing something that would be found in the European Middle Ages, and the third a guy with chocolate hair wearing attire similar to Sesshomaru’s.
She gasped…no way…it couldn’t be…she knew Wufie was a youkai…but the rest of his friends too? They were all Sesshomaru’s generals?
He seemed startled that she knew his name. So did everyone else for that matter. “How do you know me onnanako?”
“Now, now Wufie…Lord Sesshomaru told you of her origins…it’s possible she met you in her time.” The blonde, Quatre, spoke up.
“And you’re Quatre…and you’re Trowa…and you’re Hirro!” she pointed at each of them. They each nodded. “Duo told me about all of you! And I JUST spoke to you!” she pointed back at Wufie. “And you told me…not to…Oh Kami…DUO!” She turned and ran off towards the well.
Inuyasha made to go after her but was stopped by a kantana to his throat. “Make one move half-breed and your head is mine. She is under the protection of Lord Sesshomaru…the monk came to us not to long ago asking us to protect her from you. He knew what would happen when you found the truth out.”
Inuyasha wasn’t a fool…he remembered these four. They were his aniki’s best generals, and wouldn’t think twice about killing him. Wufie was from the mainland…he was Kuro Inu. Inuyasha could just smell the fire and brimstone rolling off of him. Quatre was a Kaze youkai and he was also from somewhere on the mainland. Trowa…he had no idea where he was from… he controlled lightning…Inuyasha had felt the sting of it quite often as a child. And Hirro was an Ookami…related to Kouga if he wasn’t mistaken.
“Hiraikotsu!” Sango shouted as she threw her boomerang at them. They all dodged as it crashed into the ground. Wufie nodded and the other three took off in the same direction as Kagome. “I’d stick to planning the funeral for the monk onna... instead of jumping into fights you can’t handle.” His black eyes began to bleed a blackish red as he looked up at her. Sango had never been more scared in her life.
“Sango…get Shippo and run.” Inuyasha spoke. Sango just nodded and turned to pick up the kitsune. Said kitsune growled at Sango making her step back.
“I won’t hurt the kistune, half-breed. He is also under our protection.” Wufie looked at Shippo. “Head west into the wood kit… Lord Sesshomaru is waiting.”
He nodded and ran off. When Wufie turned back Inuyasha and Sango felt as if something dark and unforgiving had just passed over them.
Kagome ran for her life. She knew she was being followed. But she didn’t bother to check for who it was. For all she knew it could be Inuyasha… and she wasn’t able to stop and concentrate long enough to see if it was. If he was after her…he would kill her…she knew it…she had to make it to the well…and seal it. Finally the well came into view, but she tripped.
“NO!!!” she reached out as if to catch herself on the well, but hit the ground hard.
Get up. She whimpered. She couldn’t move…she hurt too much. And if it was Inuyasha behind her she was a goner.
“Umm… are you alright?” a concerned voice asked her. She looked up and Quatre was looking down at her worried.
“Are. You. Alright?” He asked again.
“I-I think so.”
He smiled quickly. “Good.” He pulled her up then dusted her off. “Can’t have you doing back to your time all dusty and dirty now can we? Oh drats your covered in blood! Hmmm I don’t have anything for that. A quick wash can get it out!” he began to ramble.
“Quatre…” Trowa spoke.
“Or we could get you a pretty new kimono!”
“Yes that will work! A new kimono!”
Kagome was scared. Duo told her he was a mother hen…but this…kami this was worse than her case of OCD!
“Ah!” he turned to look at his comrads. “Yes Trowa?”
“You were rambling again.”
“OH! Oh my, I’m sorry!” he turned back to look at her and bowed low. “I forget myself sometimes.”
“Uhhh its okay…” there was a lowed explosion nearby.
“Dear me it seems they’ve really pissed Wufie off…anyways we’ve come to give you something! Lord Sesshomaru stated that it was urgent that you get this!” he pulled a small bag out and Kagome suddenly felt the shard that was in the bag.
“The last shard!”
“Yes he said to give it to you and wish the cursed thing away. Well not exactly but I know he was thinking that.” He smiled sweetly.
She took the shard slowly and pulled it out of the bag. As soon as it touched her skin it purified. She could finally go home…it was all over…she could be normal again! She pulled out the almost completed jewel and melded the shard to it.
“Now, you might want to hurry…though I doubt that Wufie will let him get close you need to get to your time before Inuyasha gets here.” Quatre smiled. He gently led her over to the others. She looked between them and immediately knew that she would be safe with them. Besides they were Sesshomaru’s generals, and she and the taiyoukai had created and alliance of sorts. And after what Duo had said about them she knew she could trust them.
She looked around as they slowly walked through the forest. They were making a wide circle around the village, and heading west. Why were they taking her this way? She had to get home! “You will be allowed to return home soon Kagome.” Quatre spoke suddenly.
“I am an empath.” He smiled. “You will get to see your friend soon I promise. Lord Sesshomaru just wishes to speak with you.” He continued to lead her west until they met up with Sesshomaru’s small group.
“Mama!” Shippou came bounding out from behind Sesshomaru and crashed into her. “Mama I was so worried about you.”
“I know Shippou I know…I’m sorry…” She whispered into his hair willing herself not to cry.
“Miko…”Sesshomaru’s baritone cut through her thoughts.
“Hai?” She looked up slightly, peaking over Shippou’s tail.
He paused for a moment before speaking again, “Are you alright?”
She bowed her head slightly before nodding. “I will be…”
He nodded. “And what of the jewel? What do you plan to do with it?”
“I’m not sure…but it will be gone…either by wish or return it to my body…” she hugged her kit closer to herself.
She looked up again and locked eyes with the taiyoukai. “I might as well tell you this… this will happen again…Inuyasha lives long enough to be alive in my time… he met up with Sango’s reincarnation… she was in a relationship with Miroku’s reincarnation…” here she looked at Wufie. “You… you’re his best friend… you’ve watched over him since he was born…and you have saved the world countless times together… there will be a war that starts… and you four…plus Duo fight in this war…you ended it. Please… continue the cycle… until I meet him you have to be his source of comfort… he will ferry the souls of the dead until finally being granted a second life… as a result… death follows him quite regularly… to the point that his nickname has become Shinigami…” She stroked Shippou’s tail.
“I’m sorry Shippou but I have to go…” she smiled sadly. “I’ll see you again… be a good boy for Sesshomaru-sama…” He nodded sadly as she put him down.
She turned around and was escorted back to the well by Quatre.
“We will see you on the other side.” She nodded dumbly and started tearing up when he said the last sentence. Miroku had said that right before he…
Quatre turned her around and helped her to the well. “Good-bye Kagome… it won’t hurt for long…I promise.” She leaned back and dropped in. As the magic of the well flowed around her she began sobbing again. When it faded she curled up into a ball and began sobbing loudly. She didn’t know how long she had been there when Souta found her. All she knew was that her heart ached. She was happy it was over…but she had lost something that had taken all her happiness with him…and brought it into this life…where he was waiting for her…she could feel it…she sniffled and smiled as she was helped out of the well and into the house. Duo. I’m home.
ArtemisDeLaSoleil: DON’T HATE ME!!! It had to be done! +hides from angry people+ Miroku had to die so Duo could live! I’d like to thank muh friend Kaze for helpin me when I was stuck…cuz I would still be on page 8 if you hadn’t helped me! And look! 16 pages long! (17 now with the newest stuff added to it) TYPED! That’s a record for me! Lol this is what happenes when you have a lack of sleep! Excited over being 16 pages long! And the actual story is 6,591 words! That’s a record too! My stories are normally short! Anyways! I’d like to tell you I would LOVE to put a lemon in the story between Duo and Kagome...buuuut a) I laugh every time I try and b) I honestly think my attempt at one was sad…but if you can write one within the rules of this site I wouldn’t mind adding it to my story! Just send it to me and I’ll work it in.