Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Tainted Souls And Womanizers ❯ Meet Shinigami ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
ArtemisDeLaSoleil: OMG…. +Looks around+ Is this…. Is this chapter four of “Of Tainted Souls and Womanizers”? OMG IT IS!!! YAY!!!! Lol I got the urge to work on it. And TA DA!!!! Hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I do not own any anime characters in this story. Only Jin.
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Kagome stared at the ceiling in her room. She couldn’t believe it. None of it. Miroku was…dead and she had completed the jewel. Her mama had tried to take it from her when Souta had dragged her in, but Kagome had started panicking and told her not to touch it.
Now two days later, she still hadn’t sealed the well or made a wish on the tama. She wasn’t sure there was an unselfish wish… she had thought of just wishing it all away…but even that was selfish. She would be gaining peace if it was gone…so it was selfish. Maybe…maybe it just needed to be returned to where it originally came from. The only question was…did it need to go to her body? Or back to Mirodiko’s cave and put with her crystallized body? Midoriko was dead… so that must mean her body was the most…logical choice. She stared at the damned jewel that had caused so many issues. She just wanted the damn thing gone. But seeing as how it couldn’t be wished away…it would never truly be gone. If it was returned to her body…she would no doubt be hunted continuously. And the thought of that made her feel nothing but contempt for the damned jewel. Better in her body than out in the open though...she was startled out of her thoughts when she noticed the jewel had started to taint as she stared at it.
‘Ah! Pure thoughts Kagome! Pure thoughts!’ She had never told the others….but as time went on she had to continuously think pure thoughts or the shards she held on her person would become tainted. This hadn’t started happening until Kikyo had come back into the picture and Inuyasha had started messing things up. When Inuyasha had started disappearing in the middle of the night to see his dead lover was when she noticed that her shards would turn a dark purple. It had gotten even harder after she had received the lost portion of her soul. And now that she had the whole jewel…she definitely needed to do something with it.
She watched as it went from blackish purple to a light purple. “Phew…”she closed her hand around I and concentrated. ‘Return.’ There was a bright flash of light then nothing. Opening her hand she found it empty.
“Thank Kami.” She sighed and sat up. Looking at the calendar in her room she realized that today was Saturday. Damnit all to hell!!
Kaede was tending to Inuyasha’s and Sango’s wounds when suddenly Inuyasha felt his brother near.
“Sesshomaru!” he growled out.
“It seems ye brother wishes to speak with ye Inuysha.” Kaede spoke from re-wrapping a wound on Sango’s leg.
Inuyasha lept up and ran out of the hut and towards the well. Along the way he noticed he was being followed. Ookami…they didn’t bother to hide themselves. Kouga’s Ookami tribe viewed Kagome as their “sister”…even referring to her as little sister when they often saw her. It was obvious the news of her absence and the reason had spread. He could feel Sesshomaru’s smothering youki and Wufies…and Kouga’s...who seemed to be quite agitated. Great just what he needed.
When he got to the clearing he saw his brothers’ pack plus Shippo, the generals and Kouga and his mate Ayame. Kouga had finally given up on chasing Kagome and had mated the red headed Ookami. He had however developed the quirk of trying to find her the “right mate” because he stated Inuyasha wasn’t good enough for her. Hirro was talking to Kouga; he couldn’t hear what was being said but he knew it had to be about what had happened.
Inuyasha lept up and landed in front of the well instead of in it. His aim was off after his beating from Wufie.
“Fuck!” he slammed his fists into the well then jumped into it. Instead of seeing the familiar blue light he just hit the ground.
“Whatsamatter mutt? Kagome finally give up on you?”Kouga laughed as he leaned over the well. “It’s about time she did.”
Inuyasha growled, “That bitch lied to me!”
Suddenly he was blown up and into the sky and landed ungracefully on the ground. “I did not get the chance to talk to her for long, and thus do not know her well, but from what I’ve heard “That Bitch” gave you food, clothing, and even a place to sleep. Be grateful half-breed.” Quatre spoke up. [A.N. WOOO HOO GO QUATRE!!]
He growled again and felt the familiar sting of lightning hitting him. Looking at Trowa he felt like crawling under a rock. Trowa did NOT like having his mate threatened.
“Face it half-breed, she’s moved on. Just as you did with the slayer.” Sesshomaru spoke in his usual ‘I-don’t-give-a-shit-about-you’ voice.
“I did not!”
“We can all smell it!” Shippo shouted from where he was next to Rin. Even though it had only been two days it looked as if Shippo had been through a growth spurt. He counted up in his head and decided that it was about time for one of the Kitsune’s growth spurts. The boy, once smaller than Rin, now stood just a little taller than her and his hands and feet looked normal instead of their normally smaller forms and he had grown a nasty set of claws. Suddenly the atmosphere changed. He felt as if he were being smothered. The smell of fire and brimstone got stronger. This time however there was an added hint of crispness. Like a fire on a fall day.
“Jin-sama!!!” Rin squealed and ran in a random direction and into the arms of another youkai.
“Hello Mei-Lein!” The woman had gold hair in a loose braid and gold eyes. She wore Chinese styled armor and she smelled similar to Wufie. Definitely related to him. [A.N. Well Duh! Smart one!]
“Who the hell are you?”
Suddenly he felt like he was burning from the inside out, and he knew that Wufie had struck him. It was almost like he had been thrown into lava. Melting from the inside…
But it was his brother’s deep growl that caught him off guard.
“You will not speak to this Sesshomaru’s mate that way half-breed.”
Kagome sighed as she tried to find an escape route. No such luck. She had tried to fake a catatonic state to get out of the date, but her mother wasn’t fooled. DAMNIT! As of right now they were at a café then it was off to the movies. Where she was certain he would try and do more than just feel her up. Damnit! She needed a cell phone! She knew the girls were following. BLEH!
She felt Hojo’s hand on her thigh. But there wasn’t much she could do. The girls, she knew, were spying for her mother. DAMNIT ALL TO HELL!
Suddenly she heard her name being called out. “Kagome!” She looked up to see Quatre in the arms of Trowa standing not too far away. Her eyes widened as she lept up and ran to them. Throwing her arms around Qautre she whispered in his ear, “Help me! I can’t escape! And the girls are watching.”
“We know. That’s why we are here.” He whispered back.
“Quatre! Trowa! It’s been a while! How have you two been?” She spoke louder as she stepped away.
“We’ve been great! Couldn’t wait to see you! He’s missed you.” Quatre smiled. Trowa nodded.
“I’ve missed him! So he’s back in town?”
“And he’s looking for you. He should be here soon.” Trowa answered.
“Excuse me, but we are on a date that you interrupted.” Hojo stood up.
“Winner! Barton! Where are you?” Wufie shouted as he rounded the corner followed by Hirro. “Ah!” he tossed his hands in the air before taking hold of Hirro’s hand.
“Wufie! Hirro!” She grinned and hugged them both.
“Maxwell is coming Onnanako, you won’t have to wait long.” She normally would have corrected anyone who called her that. But she figured she would let Wufie get away with it for now.
“Who is Maxwell? And who are these people? We have a date to get to Higurashi.”
“Wait…I thought her name was Kagome…” a young woman stepped around Wufie.
“It is Mei-Mei, the ningin just refuses to use her name.” Wufie scoffed.
“OOOH! Hi I’m Jin Taisho Wufie’s Mei-mei!” She bounced over and shook Kagome’s hand.
“Taisho…isn’t that…”
She grinned wickedly. “Yep! I’m Sesshy’s mate!”
Kagome giggled she could tell she was gunna like Jin. Though she was shocked that Sesshomaru took a mate like her. He was so…hell he had a stick shoved up his ass!!!
Jin glanced at Hojo and bounced over to him, “Geese…you look puny! D-kun is waaaaaaaaaay better than you!”
“Excuse you?” He looked taken aback. “Who are you people? And Mates? What the hell? Do you think your animals?” They all just snorted at that.
“You’re excused!” She laughed then began speaking in Chinese to Wufie, who pointedly ignored her until she yelled in his ear. This started an argument in Chinese between the siblings that made the others shake their heads. In all of the chaos that was going on around her Kagome failed to see the person coming up behind her.
“Jo-chan.” She jumped as arms wrapped around her. “Don’t make any sudden movements. Ima get you outta here….” He whispered in her ear. While everyone was distracted he pulled her away. They ran out of the café and around the corner.
Kagome pulled out of his hold and tackled him into a hug. When she felt his arms wrap around her she began to sob into his shirt.
Duo was tense. He was not happy. Today was Saturday. Normally Saturday was a good day. But not this time. Today was the day that Kagome had to go on a date with that Hojo kid. He had tailed them every other time to make sure nothing had happened. But this time he wasn’t.
Two days ago he had felt a deep ache in his soul. He had known right away that Kagome had needed him. He had however been halfway across the country. There was actually no particular reason for him being there. That he knew of. Wufie and Hirro were going to visit Wufie’s sister, Jin and her husband and he was told he needed to come with them. Jin was nothing like he thought she would be. There was no way she could be related to Wufie! She was so…full of life! So AWSOME! And her husband Sesshomaru …wow… talk about ice block! He had never found out exactly WHY they were there, but he did here them talking about someone coming to stay with them. He kept hearing, “She’ll be here soon.” And “She’s almost ready.”
When he had felt that ache he told them he had to return. They didn’t try and stop him and had in fact helped him get there quicker via Sesshomaru’s personal jet. As soon as they had landed he had made to go after her. But Wufie stopped him and told him to go home and shower. They would find her for him.
They hadn’t called yet!
Suddenly his phone rang. Again without looking at the caller id he answered it.
“Duo it’s me Jin. We’ve found her. Come to the same café you took her to when you first met.” Then she hung up.
The hell? They have Jin helping too? How the hell did she know where he took her? Not waiting to wonder on the subject any longer he took off. He forewent the elevator and took the stairs knowing it would be faster. He ran straight passed the pretty receptionist at the desk. She didn’t even compare to Kagome anyways.
“Have a good day Mr. Maxwell.”
“Hey! Hey you!” He heard someone shout. “Hey you! Duo!” He skidded to a stop and looked behind him. ‘Ah fuuuuck!’ He didn’t have time for this!
Standing behind him was that Inuyasha guy. “Damnit I don’t have time for this!” He turned back to the direction he was originally going. Suddenly it was like there was a dog growling behind him. He looked around. No dog. He turned back around and looked at Inuyasha. It was him! Inuyasha started stalking towards him cracking his knuckles.
“I said stay away from Kagome. But you didn’t listen.”
“I didn’t know her at the time dumbass so it didn’t count. I wouldn’t have if you hadn’t said her name either.” Duo reached for his gun. ‘Damnit!’ He left it again! Wufie was right he was getting lax!
“Sides you have Satchiko…why do you need Kagome?”
“That bitch lied to me!” He growled out.
Hearing Kagome being called a bitch made something click in his mind. Like before in Satchiko’s apartment his eyes began to glow. “She is NOT a bitch!” Iunyasha stopped growling and looked startled. “Her name isn’t wench, bitch, miko, OR onna! It’s KAGOME.” He grabbed hold of the half-breeds shirt and yanked him forward. “And it’s YOU who needs to stay away from her. If she tells me that she even catches a glimpse of you. I’ll KILL you.” Duo shoved him away and took off towards the café again.
“So how does it feel to know you met a Shinigami and lived mutt-face?”
“What are you talking about you flea bitten wolf?”
“After you killed him the monk became a Shinigami…he ferried the souls of the dead for a while before being reborn as Duo Maxwell aka Shinigami the pilot of Deathscyth…alongside your brothers generals he fought to keep this planet safe while waiting for his TRUE destiny to find him.” Koga snorted. “Did you really think you and Kikyo were meant for each other? No. She died because her soul mate wouldn’t be born or another fifty years. Kagome came back because of the Shikon no Tama, but Miroku was not her soul mate, he was Kikyo’s. Duo is her soul mate. She aided in helping his soul ready for this life. Face it Inuyasha… you lost.”
He wasn’t gunna drive. It would take too long to get there. He was almost there…only a few more blocks to go! He caught sight of the red hair and saw that guy… Shippou, with a young black haired girl, who wore a big smile. She kinda reminded him of Kagome in a way. Then he saw Jin. She grinned at him and waved and pointed inside a door before walking in.
Stopping he leaned against a wall trying to catch his breath. He could see everything going on. When Jin jumped in and started yelling at Wufie who in turn started yelling back he saw his chance.
‘Ah! Thanks guys!’ He managed to sneak in and wrap his arms around Kagome. “Jo-chan.” He felt her jump. “Don’t make any sudden moments. Ima get you out of here.” He waited for one particular nasty comment from Wufie that had Jin jumping him before he pulled her out. They ran around a corner and he felt her pull away then crash into him. He wrapped his arms around her and he heard her start sobbing. He didn’t know what to say. He was never good at calming down a crying girl. So he just let her cry until she was ready to talk.
“H-he killed him!” she sobbed. “M-Miroku i-is dead! And Inuyasha killed him!”
He winced in sympathy. Seeing someone you cared about killed in front of you was never easy. So that was the pain he felt. It was her heart breaking as she returned from where she was.
She sniffled, “He overheard Kaede asking when I would tell him that Kikyo was gone for good… and he attacked me…” she felt Duo tighten his hold on her. “and Miroku jumped in the way.”
Duo pulled back and moved the hair from her face. He smiled at her and cleaned her face with his sleeve.
She placed her hand over his chest above his heart and he could feel warmth emanating from it. “You aren’t him…just as I am not her…but we both hold what was once theirs. I can feel your soul calling to mine. I won’t look for you to be just like him… but I do hope you take good care of what is now your soul.”
He smiled again and pulled her into another hug. “I won’t let you down Jo-chan… I promise. Now let’s get out of here before they find us.” He kept his arm wrapped around her shoulder and walked away.
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ArtemisDeLaSoleil: This is as far as I could take this chapter. LOL The long awaited 4th chapter is finally out! YAYAYAYAYAY!! LOL Hope y’all like it. Review. Don’t review. Like. Don’t like. But I would appreciate it if people gave me CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. If you say anything rude… I’ll just dedicate my next chapter to you. And post a rant calling you a dickwad and all kinds of nice names I can think of :D Be polite and I’ll be polite back.