Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament ❯ Level 2, Match 5 ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Episode 29

Level 2, Match 5

Written By
Mark Moore

Emma Sheen has scored her second victory, defeating Iraq and keeping the United States in the tournament. Now, attention shifts to the next match.

Sunday, November 25, 2007, 4:52 PM, Eastern Standard Time

The United States military base where the Gundam was being tested was Aznable Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. The Gundam was in a hangar.

Lunamaria Hawke, the Gundam's test pilot, was sitting in the cockpit, which was located in the Gundam's chest area.

Emma Sheen stood on the platform adjacent to the cockpit, watching Lunamaria. Standing at consoles on the platform were Nina Purpleton and Lucette Audevie, the two engineers that had designed the Gundam for the United States Government. They worked for Anaheim Electronics and were currently under military command while on this project. The fourth person on the platform was Relena Peacecraft. She was interested in the proceedings but was primarily there to give moral support to Emma.

"Okay, raise the right arm."

At Nina's request, Lunamaria pulled the lever on her console that controlled the right arm. The arm slowly rose up until it was pointing straight up.

Nina smiled. "Good. Now, make a fist."

Lunamaria pressed the right fist button. The Gundam's right hand closed into a fist.

Nina nodded. "Good!"

"I think she can take a break for a while. We should look over the Gundam's algorithms."

Nina nodded. "Agreed, Lucette. Power down, Lunamaria."

Lunamaria opened the Gundam's hand, lowered its arm, and shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Lunamaria got out of the cockpit.

Nina looked at Emma. "You can chillax, too."

Emma smiled. "Cool."

Murrue Ramius, Emma's superior officer, walked into the hangar.

Emma and Lunamaria saluted her. "Captain!"

"At ease. How's the Gundam coming along, Nina?"

"Good. We're going to look through the Gundam's code right now."

"I guess you were so caught up in your work that you forgot about the time. Match 5 is going to start soon. Take a break. You can work on the code a bit later."

Lucette smiled. "Thanks for reminding us. Let's go to my house to watch it. I'll cook dinner."

Murrue smiled. "Sounds good."

Emma, Relena, Murrue, and Lunamaria gathered in the living room in Lucette and Nina's house and took their seats.

Lucette and Nina, each carrying a tray with three large glasses filled with cola, walked into the living room. The other four women each took a glass. Lucette and Nina set the trays on the table, each took a glass, and sat down.

Lucette turned on the television.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to Level 2, Match 5, of the First Gundam Tournament. We're here live in Madrid. Allow me to introduce myself to those of you watching at home. My name is Bright Noa. I am the commentator for this tournament. Today's match is Spain versus Italy. The Spanish pilot is Juan Zapatero. The Italian pilot is Giorgio Prodi. Spain's Gundam - the brown one - is 22 meters tall, 0.5 meters of which is taken up by the head. It is armed with a beam rifle. Italy's Gundam - the brown one - is 24 meters tall, 0.5 meters of which is taken up by the head. It is armed with a beam rifle. The match is about to begin."

"Fight!" a simulated male voice declared over a speaker.

Juan moved his Gundam forward and punched Italy's Gundam with its right fist. Italy's Gundam was knocked back a bit.

Giorgio made his Gundam jump into the air, then he fired at Spain's Gundam with the beam rifle in its left hand. The shots hit Spain's Gundam repeatedly.

Juan fired at Italy's Gundam repeatedly with the beam rifle in his Gundam's left hand. The shots hit Italy's Gundam repeatedly.

"Overheating!" the simulated male voice of Italy's Gundam declared.

"Take that!" Juan yelled.

"Take this!" Giorgio yelled.

Giorgio fired his Gundam's beam rifle repeatedly, hitting Spain's Gundam over and over again.

"Overheating!" the simulated male voice of Spain's Gundam declared.

"You won't do that again!" Juan exclaimed.

Juan kicked Italy's Gundam ten times with his Gundam's right leg.

"Overheating!" the simulated male voice of Italy's Gundam declared.

Giorgio kicked Spain's Gundam repeatedly with his Gundam's left leg.

"Overheating!" the simulated male voice of Spain's Gundam declared.

Juan fired his Gundam's beam rifle. Giorgio activated his Gundam's thrusters and flew his Gundam into the sky, dodging the blast.

Giorgio fired his Gundam's beam rifle repeatedly at Spain's Gundam, hitting it repeatedly.

"Checkmate!" the simulated male voice of Spain's Gundam declared.

Juan's Gundam fell backwards.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!" the simulated male voice declared over a speaker.

"Damn it!" Juan exclaimed. "How could this happen?!"

"And there you have it. Italy has beaten Spain. Spain is out of the competition, but it is allowed to assist another nation of its choice. Italy moves on to Level 3. There will be more coverage on your evening news. Thank you for joining us."

Lucette turned off the television.

"We've got some time before the evening news begins. I'll make dinner now." Lucette stood up.

Nina stood up. "I'll help you."

Lucette and Nina collected the empty glasses, placed them on the trays, and carried them into the kitchen.

Lucette turned on her grill in her backyard. Lucette and Nina placed six steaks (three each) on it. Nina closed the grill.

The women walked back into the kitchen and then into the living room.

They took their seats.

The evening news came on.

Peter Jenkins, the lead anchor, was sitting at his desk in New York City.

"Good evening, everyone. The fifth match of the second level of the First Gundam Tournament was held in Madrid this afternoon. The participants were Spain and Italy. Italy won. It will move on to Level 3. Spain, meanwhile, having been eliminated from the tournament, has announced today that it will back the United States in the tournament. We turn to our White House correspondent, Donald Samuelson. Donald, how is the White House reacting to Italy's victory and Spain's defeat?"

"Peter, the White House is happy that Spain will be supporting us."

"Do the resources of Italy match those of the United States?"

"It's possible, Peter. It's a pretty good Gundam. However, we won't know for sure until we face it."

"All right. Donald Samuelson, many thanks. Now for the day's other news."

Lucette turned off the television.

"Dinner should be ready." Lucette stood up.

The rest of the women stood up as well.

Lucette opened the grill and turned it off. Lucette and Nina picked up the steaks (three each) and placed them on plates.

Lucette and Nina walked back into the kitchen and set the plates on the counter.

Each woman took a steak, placed it on her own plate, and poured barbecue sauce over it.

Nina added mashed potatoes on each plate and then poured gravy on it.

The women took the plates to the table, sat down, and started eating.

"What do you think of the match?" Murrue asked.

Emma swallowed a piece of steak. "It was okay."

Relena swallowed a piece of steak. "Yeah, but it could have gone either way."

Lunamaria smiled. "This match was mildly interesting."

Murrue smiled. "Yeah, it was about as interesting as the previous match, anyway."

Nina looked at Lucette. "Now that we've made it to Level 3, the challenge will be tougher. We should upgrade our Gundam."

Lucette considered that for a moment. "Yeah. Good idea."

Murrue frowned. "Once we finish dinner, there's someplace that I want us to go."

The women entered a photography studio.

"What are we doing here?" Emma asked Murrue.

"The higher-ups thought it might be a good idea for us to pose for some photos for a magazine. The publicity will help to boost national pride."

Emma frowned. "This is a military operation, not a sporting event."

"It's a bit of both. I can sort of understand their argument."

A heavyset Italian man walked over to them. "So this is the famous American Gundam crew. Am I right?"

Murrue smiled. "Yeah, that's us."

"I am the photographer. This will be by greatest spread ever. Who are all of you?"

"I'm Murrue Ramius, the head of the Gundam crew."

"I'm Emma Sheen, the pilot."

"I'm Nina Purpleton, the head engineer."

"I'm Lucette Audevie, also an engineer."

"I'm Lunamaria Hawke, the test pilot."

"I'm Relena Peacecraft."

"And what do you do, Ms. Peacecraft?" the photographer asked.

"I don't really do anything except cheer Emma on. I'm not actually part of the Gundam team."

"Well, then I have no need for you in my masterpiece. Shoo."

Murrue frowned. "You can't talk to her like that. This is Relena Peacecraft of the Peacecraft political dynasty. Her parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were involved in the local, state, and national levels of American politics. Her father was a U.S. Senator. She's so wealthy that she could buy this magazine. How dare you refuse to photograph her?"

The photographer nervously looked at Relena. "My apologies, Ms. Peacecraft. Perhaps I could include you."

Relena looked at Murrue. "Murrue, it's okay. I didn't want any part of this anyway."

Murrue smiled at her. "It's okay, Relena. Seek baseless celebrity. It's the American way."

The photographer grinned. "Okay, are you ready? Never mind. I am ready. This is enough. All of you lovely ladies go into the dressing room and change."

"Change?" Nina asked. "Change into what?"

"Oh, did your boss not tell you? This is a bikini pictorial."

Nina frowned. "Oh. I hope that my parents won't see this."

Lucette smiled. "Don't worry, Nina. Your parents don't give a shit about your work anyway."

Nina smiled. "Yeah, that's true. All right, let's do this."

The women walked into the dressing room.

Lucette closed the door behind her and locked it.

The women took off their clothes.

Emma looked at Murrue. "I still think this is a bad idea."

Murrue smiled. "Oh, come on, Emma. We're hot. Readers will love us."

Emma sighed. "I just think it cheapens what we're trying to accomplish."

"Murrue, would you perk up nipples before the shoot, please?" Lunamaria asked.

Emma sighed again.

At Ray Air Force Base in London, England, work was proceeding on the United Kingdom's Gundam.

Karen Joshua, the Gundam's test pilot, was sitting in the cockpit, which was located in the Gundam's chest area.

Sayla Mass stood on the platform adjacent to the cockpit, watching Karen. Standing at consoles on the platform was Dorothy Catalonia, the head engineer that had designed the Gundam for the British Government. The third person on the platform was Fraw Bow. She was interested in the proceedings but was primarily there to give moral support to Sayla.

"Okay, raise the right arm."

At Dorothy's request, Karen pulled the lever on her console that controlled the right arm. The arm slowly rose up until it was pointing straight up.

Dorothy smiled. "Good. Now, make a fist."

Karen pressed the right fist button. The Gundam's right hand closed into a fist.

Dorothy nodded. "Good! I think you can take a break for a while, Karen. I'd like to go through the data for the proposed missile system. Power down, Karen."

Karen opened the Gundam's hand, lowered its arm, and shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Karen got out of the cockpit.

Dorothy looked at Sayla. "You can take a break, too, Sayla."

Sayla frowned. "I don't like the idea of being armed with missiles."

Sally Po, Sayla's superior officer, walked into the hangar.

Sayla and Karen saluted her. "Captain!"

"At ease, Flight Lieutenants. How's the Gundam coming along, Dorothy?"

"Great. I was about to go through the data for the proposed missile system."

"Good. Speaking of which, I have some great news. The Romefeller Foundation is going to be financing the missile system, so you can get to work on it right now."

Dorothy grinned. "That's great, sir."

Sayla sighed. "Yeah, great."

Sally looked at Sayla. "You don't seem very happy, Sayla."

"I still think that it's a bad idea, sir."

"Noted. Come down here and take a break."

Sayla and Fraw walked into the elevator and rode down to the floor. They walked out of the elevator.

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Sayla and Fraw walked through a corridor in another building on the base.

"This is a really bad idea."

"Why do you say that, Sayla?"

"Iran has missiles, so we gotta have missiles. This tournament was designed as an alternative to war, but how can we truly have peace with continued weapon escalation?"

"I don't know."

They stopped at a vending machine.

"Want an energy drink?" Sayla asked.

"Why do we need energy drinks? It's not like you're doing any sim testing."

Sayla smiled. "But we might need some extra energy when we get home."

Fraw smiled. "Oh! Of course!"

Sayla took her wallet out of her front-left pants pocket, unzipped the coin purse, and took out some 50-pence coins. She zipped the coin purse and put her wallet back into her pocket. She bought 2 energy drinks.

Sayla and Fraw each took 1 can out of the machine, opened them, and took a sip.

"Still, I think you're worrying too much, love. You might not even have to use them."

"Well, if it comes down to it, I will." Sayla sipped her energy drink. "Fraw, how long have we known each other?"

"23 years - my entire life. Perhaps longer."


Fraw sipped her energy drink. "It just seems like a really long time. Why?"

"In all of that time, you've known me to a peaceful person; right?"


"I've never killed anyone. I've never even shot anyone. The possibility of firing at someone with missiles sickens me."

"I understand. Maybe you could talk with Karen about it."

"Yeah, good idea."

Karen was sitting at a table in the break room, sipping a regular cola.

Sayla and Fraw walked into the break room.

Sayla sat across from Karen, and Fraw sat to Sayla's left.

"Karen, I've got a question. If we end up being paired with Iran, would you please pilot the Gundam in my place?"

"What's the matter? You scared?"


"You're pathetic, Sayla. You knew there were risks in piloting this new type of hardware called a Gundam when you accepted Sally's offer. Now, you wanna back out, because you're afraid?"

"I'm scared of dying!" Sayla exclaimed.

"You're in the wrong profession."

"Yeah, I probably am."

"You know that I'm trained as a back-up pilot, the least of the reasons being that you chicken out. Why are you asking me to take over for you?"

"I dunno. Just to hear you say it, I suppose. It'd make me feel better."

Karen sipped her cola. "Yeah, I'd take over for you."

Sayla smiled. "Thanks."

Fraw smiled. "See, Sayla? Karen will take over. You have nothing to worry about."

Karen looked at Fraw. "That's true, Fraw, but Sayla should consider whether she's making the right decision or not. What will people think of her and of our nation?"

Sayla stared at Karen for a moment. "I don't care."

Sayla stood up and walked out of the break room.

Fraw stood up. "Bye, Karen."

"Bye, Fraw."

Fraw walked out of the break room and caught up with Sayla.

Sally locked the hangar's door by typing in her code on a keypad and submitting to thumbprint and retinal scans.

"Where would you like to spend the night?" Sally asked Dorothy and Karen. "My place or yours?"

Karen smiled. "Yours."

Sally smiled. "You go ahead. I'll be there soon after."

Karen and Dorothy walked over to Karen's red convertible.

After checking to make sure that the hangar was secure, Sally walked over to her own green convertible.

Dorothy was sitting at her desk in her bedroom, working on her computer.

Karen walked into their bedroom and over to Dorothy.

"Are you still working on that?" Karen asked.

"I want to make sure that everything's okay."

"It's chilly tonight. I feel like taking a nice, hour-long shower. Care to join me?"

"In a bit."

Karen smiled. "If you take it now, I'll make it worth your while."

Dorothy saved her work and shut down her computer. She stood up.

Karen and Dorothy took off their clothes, put them on their bed, and walked into their bathroom.

Just then, Sally walked into the bedroom.

Karen smiled. "Hi, Sally. Dorothy and I were just about to take an hour-long shower. Care to join us?"

Sally smiled. "Absolutely."

Sally took off her clothes, put them on the bed, and walked into the bathroom.

Dorothy, Karen, and Sally stepped into the shower cabin.

Sally slid the door closed.

"Do you want any music, Dorothy?" Karen asked.




Karen turned on the portable radio. "All Night Long (Touch Me)" by Cathy Dennis started playing.

Dorothy waited in anticipation.

Karen turned on the water. She felt it with her left hand to determine the temperature. When it was warm, she turned on the shower.

Water splashed on all three women, getting them wet.

Dorothy took a bottle of body wash, opened it, squirted some body wash on Karen, set the bottle down, and started washing her girlfriend with her hands and breasts.

Karen smiled. "That feels so nice."

"Do you think we should install that algorithm?" Dorothy asked.

Karen sighed. "We're having a warm, romantic shower, and all that you can think about is the Gundam."

"I'm sorry." Dorothy kissed Karen on the lips briefly. "I'm yours for the rest of the night."

Karen smiled. "Let's make love. We haven't done it in a week."

Karen hugged Dorothy.

Dorothy stared back at Karen.

Karen kissed Dorothy on the lips.

Dorothy hugged Karen.

Karen pressed her tongue against Dorothy's lips.

Dorothy parted her lips and allowed Karen's tongue into her mouth.

The two women french-kissed.

Dorothy felt warm - both because of the water and because of Karen's kiss.

Sally stood behind Dorothy, pressing against her, and placed her hands on Karen's ass.

Karen placed her hands on Sally's ass.

Sally licked up the right side of Dorothy's neck repeatedly.

Karen finished the kiss. "Let's turn around."

Karen took her hands off of Sally's ass.

Sally took her hands off of Karen's ass.

Karen and Dorothy turned 180 degrees.

Karen hugged Dorothy.

Dorothy kissed Karen on the lips and pressed her tongue against Karen's lips.

Karen parted her lips and allowed Dorothy's tongue into her mouth.

The two women french-kissed.

Karen felt warm - both because of the water and because of Dorothy's kiss.

Sally stood behind Karen, pressing against her, and placed her hands on Dorothy's ass.

Dorothy placed her hands on Sally's ass.

Sally licked up the right side of Karen's neck repeatedly.

Dorothy finished the kiss. "Let's pleasure Sally now."

Dorothy took her hands off of Sally's ass.

Sally took her hands off of Dorothy's ass.

Karen let go of Dorothy.

Karen and Sally switched places.

Sally hugged Dorothy.

Dorothy kissed Sally on the lips and pressed her tongue against Sally's lips.

Sally parted her lips and allowed Dorothy's tongue into her mouth.

The two women french-kissed.

Sally felt warm - both because of the water and because of Dorothy's kiss.

Karen stood behind Sally, pressing against her, and placed her hands on Dorothy's ass.

Dorothy placed her hands on Karen's ass.

Karen licked up the right side of Sally's neck repeatedly.

Dorothy finished the kiss. "Let's turn around."

Dorothy took her hands off of Karen's ass.

Karen took her hands off of Dorothy's ass.

Dorothy and Sally turned 180 degrees.

Dorothy hugged Sally.

Sally kissed Dorothy on the lips and pressed her tongue against Dorothy's lips.

Dorothy parted her lips and allowed Sally's tongue into her mouth.

The two women french-kissed.

Dorothy felt warm - both because of the water and because of Sally's kiss.

Karen stood behind Dorothy, pressing against her, and placed her hands on Sally's ass.

Sally placed her hands on Karen's ass.

Karen licked up the right side of Dorothy's neck repeatedly.

Sally finished the kiss. "Let's pleasure Karen now."

Sally took her hands off of Karen's ass.

Karen took her hands off of Sally's ass.

Dorothy let go of Sally.

Dorothy and Karen switched places.

Karen hugged Sally.

Sally kissed Karen on the lips and pressed her tongue against Karen's lips.

Karen parted her lips and allowed Sally's tongue into her mouth.

The two women french-kissed.

Karen felt warm - both because of the water and because of Sally's kiss.

Dorothy stood behind Karen, pressing against her, and placed her hands on Sally's ass.

Sally placed her hands on Dorothy's ass.

Dorothy licked up the right side of Karen's neck repeatedly.

Sally finished the kiss. "Let's turn around."

Sally took her hands off of Dorothy's ass.

Dorothy took her hands off of Sally's ass.

Karen and Sally turned 180 degrees.

Sally hugged Karen.

Karen kissed Sally on the lips and pressed her tongue against Sally's lips.

Sally parted her lips and allowed Karen's tongue into her mouth.

The two women french-kissed.

Sally felt warm - both because of the water and because of Karen's kiss.

Dorothy stood behind Sally, pressing against her, and placed her hands on Karen's ass.

Karen placed her hands on Dorothy's ass.

Dorothy licked up the right side of Sally's neck repeatedly.

Karen finished the kiss. "Let's relax a bit now."

Karen took her hands off of Dorothy's ass.

Dorothy took her hands off of Karen's ass.

Sally let go of Karen.

Dorothy lied down in bed, smiling. "That was fun."

Karen lied down to Dorothy's right and smiled. "I knew you'd like it."

Sally lied down to Dorothy's left and smiled. "Now, get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow."

Dorothy kissed Karen on the lips briefly. "I love you. Good night."

"I love you, too. Good night."

Dorothy kissed Sally on the lips briefly. "I love you. Good night."

"I love you, too. Good night."

Karen moved over Dorothy and kissed Sally on the lips briefly. "I love you. Good night."

"I love you, too. Good night."

Dorothy soon fell asleep.

With Japan's second Gundam match fast approaching, Fa Yuiry is worried of her performance. Will she be ready in time?

Next on "Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament":

"Fa's Anticipation"

You will race with the tide.