Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The B.S. Story ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: TyniDarkAngel and Savvy_Rae
Disclaimer: We don't own any of these People or objects or whatever. Can't sue us because we have no money. Please.
Author #2
Author #1
The B.S. Story
Last time:
“Look Aunty Em!! It's a twister! It's a twister Aunty Em, it's a twister!” yelled a very excited Dorothy.
“Hold on to your hats boys and girls, coz weeeeeee'rrrrrrrreeeee oooouuuuttttaaaa hhhheeeerrrreeee!!!!” screamed Aunty Em.
“But I lost my hat.” said Shorty.
Chapter 6
“I think I am going to be sick…” said Sessy.
“Hey! I still can't find my hat!!!” said Shorty.
“Wee-wee!” said Tyni while running around in circles.
“I'm hungry! Anyone have any pizza or something?” asked Duo.
“The windows on the house go round and round. Round and round.” sang Savvy.
This went on for the whole `twister ride', which by the way lasted for about 7 hours, 52 minutes and 18 seconds.
Finally they landed. They all quieted and looked around at each other.
“Sessy, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.” stated Duo.
“What was your first clue, dumb ass?”
“Again! Again! Again! Make the house do it again Duo! Baby!” whined Tyni.
“Alright, alright…” said Duo calmingly. “Don't worry after all this is over me and you will go to a house alone and I will make it spin for you…… all night.”
“Yay! I am happy!” Tyni yelled missing the whole sexual innuendo.
Inuyasha, Sessy, and Savvy stood there listening to the newly formed couple red as beets.
Finally their curiosity got the better of them and they started to leave the house.
“Hey I think we should look for the green road….or purple road…..or…” started Tyni, unable to think, while Duo kissed her neck passionately, until finally her knees buckled and she had to be carried.
“IT IS THE FRIGGIN' YELLOW BRICK ROAD! THE yellow bri…..” Savvy started when Sessy's hand began to roam all over her. She soon was bestowed the same fate as Tyni and was carried.
“Hey look that is it! It is the road!” yelled Inyasha.
Tyni and Savvy immediately sprang up and began to look at the road.
“Hey let's hurry! I want Duo to fall in love with me!” said Tyni.
“But I already love you!” yelled Duo, “I loved you from the start, I just avoided the subject cause I was afraid you were just going through a phase and you would soon lose interest. I love you and I want you with me always!”
“Total OOC!”
“I know now get back in the mood and help me finish this part I am feeling a blush coming on.”
“Okay Okay Okay, go ahead and I'll just stay in my little head, mwuhahahaha! Oops that slipped.”
“Tyni..” Duo got down on one knee and presented her with a silver ring made of gundanium with a violet jewel surrounded by two dolphins made of the same silver material with a small inscription of love inscribed on the inside. “ Will you marry me?”
“Will YOU marry Me!"
“Tyni, It's the same thing!”
“Oh then yes! YES! I WILL MARRY YOU DUO!”
“Whoa whoa whoa! Okay, now where did Duo get a ring made of gundanium?? Where would he buy one?? They were just in a spinning house for 7 hours, 52 minutes and 18 seconds?”
“Well maybe he had some extra gundanium in his pocket! Never doubt Duo! He is a majorly awesome mechanic and he can make n-e-thang!.......or maybe he stole it…….or he just pulled it out his ass…….how about you just ask him,he is sooo right there! Maybe we shouldn't talk about him in his face……but……oh…..guess what………………….I see dead people……”
“Okay, I think I am the only sane person here!!”
“Okay author ladies, if you are done now, maybe we can start heading down this yellow brick road!” said Savvy.
“Fine go ahead!”
“Who the hell is she talking to!.....It must be you #2 cause it damn sho ain't me!....I don't give a damn……yall don't go any where with out me….yellow brick ass road or flyin damn house, fat ass monkeys, hell even yo damn shoes….it was all us, BE GREATFUL!”
“Everybody please forgive her, and remember kids, say NO to drugs!!”
“Yeah…and…wait hey I am not on drugs…..I don't think…..I cant remember….well anyway all yall shut the hell up and get to work I am tired of racking my brain.”
“Okay, now that that is over with, lets get a move on” said `the really hot' Sessy. “Do you mind?”
“Oh, sorry I couldn't help it”
“Do I mind wat?! Shut the hell up!”
“Okay back to the story”
“Oi, let go of my ear! You mudder fu…”
“Hey none of that now, we have to leave these kids to the story, and I know where some joints are.”
“Oh, goodie!!”
“Hey I want a joint!” said Tyni.
“After the story is over!!”
“Fine, lets go guys!!” pouted Tyni.
So our very mixed up group decides to head out. So they walk and walk and walk…. Until they reach Munchkin Land.
“Hey, what are all these little people doing here?” asked Tyni.
“They live here, hence the name Munchkin Land.” said Savvy.
“All right lets go see if they know a easier way to get to Oz.” said Inuyasha. “ I am tired of all this walking!”
So they all headed toward the little people…
Next time we encounter the little people!!
“Next time can I get my hat?” -Shorty
We shall see.
Hell no you won't get your hat! It is mine now…….I am so high….okay maybe you can get your hat…..NOT!