Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Third Annual Big Fanfiction Contest/Award Ceremony/Oscars/Emmies/Golden Globes Thingie! ❯ Horror ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Special thanks to all of for helping in the contest.
Special thanks to the creators of anime for giving us inspiration for stories.
Special thanks to NBC for letting us borrow the auditorium.
No thanks to those responsible for censorship laws.
No thanks to moronic Democrats (My Contest, My Politics, so Nyah.)
Special thanks to Otis Elevators.
As the commercial break ended, all of the anime stars looked up and gasped as they saw the latest person come out to give the announcements of who would be the Judge of the next category. She was covered mostly in traces of dirt, her hair mussed up and parts of her body carefully stitched back together.
Lilith was there. She looked around at the gawking anime characters and grumbled.
“WHAT?! He dug me up, wanted to make sure I didn't really cause any trouble, and needed a celebrity host for this one. HAPPY?! Now just shut the hell up and let's get on with this. The Judge for this category is kuramaandkurasu, like I give a rat's...”
Ace Rimmer, one of the many bodyguards present for the event, quickly grabbed Lilith and dragged her backstage so they could put her back in her grave. Kuramaandkurasu walked out onto the stage.
“First we have the Vertigo Award, named after the Hitchcock movie that's meant to be more psychological than scare-em-up horror like Psycho. And the Winner is... Ars Daemonorum~The Demon Art by Fanilia!”
*End Excerpt*
The screen blasted and sparked for a moment. Fan wondered for a moment if it was him... However, she shrugged and simply grabbed her award and went back to the backstage. The technicians for the screen quickly went out, repaired it, and went back again.
“Er, anyway, our next award is the River of Blood Award for Most Gory! And the winner is... Sahmain to the Extremes by draechaeli!”
Both Kagome and Inu-Yasha flew to their tired feet, receiving not nearly enough sleep. Rushing out the hut and into the village the first and foremost was that every hut was adorned with blood. Smeared on the path, and on doorframes, someone was rather busy the night before Inu-Yasha could smell blood hours old, some that had just chilled and even some that was newly spilled. He cursed the ghost and the Sidhe for making him forget to check the area for safety.

Cautiously Inu-Yasha and Kagome entered the closest hut to the left, this hut already had its new decoration dried. Dried blood or not the sight was sickening, the sounds heart wrenching.

The daughter of the family had obviously not neared her mother once upon awakening; it was a parent the way her father held her back. The only non-blood stain part of either relative of the deceased was where the tears had washed away in lines of pink. The hut didn�t fair much better, though there was an artistic touch to it, the blood splatters seamed to have been random and yet deliberate. Hand prints, and blood streaks made by fingers roamed all over. Blood at one time even dripped from the ceiling.

The deceased was a mangled mess, her right leg missing. There was gnaw marks by her hip showing how it was severed. The sign of an animal? Oh no! The death of the poor lady was from the many knife stabs to her upper body. She was decapitated and her arms were removed, one in more then one piece. Her heart had been removed and the blood left in its chambers sucked dry.

Kagome jumped in fright as in her path was a glassy eyeball, she almost heaved and in an act to stop such an action she looked up seeing the flies had already begun to swarm the corpse. Gagging, but not quite to its extent Kagome turned to the fear, shock frozen family, the father smoothing out the blood encrusted hair of his daughter�s. Tears welled in Kagome�s eyes she whisper, �I�m so sorry, I�ll send Miroku right away.�
With those barely audible words Kagome flood the massacre. Upon exiting the hut Kagome tripped and fell over the marred and bloody torso that had lain there forgotten. Her head smacked into the pool of warm sticky blood that covered a very hard rough rock. It took Kagome a second for her newly found pounding headache to lessen and for her mind to register that she was indeed lying in fresh blood. Lifting her upper body off the ground Kagome looked back to see the source of her disgusting and rather painful fall.

Inu-Yasha ran out of the hut at the sound of the bile turning scream. To be met with the sight of Kagome attempting to crawl away from the hut while kicking away the mangled body part. She screamed until her hand came in contact with something cold and round. That was when she turned her attention back to where she was going. There under her hand lay an arm only from wrist to elbow, most of the skin and muscles had been eaten off just a centimeter above her finger. The whole arm was covered thickly in insects as they began to attach themselves to Kagome and bite at her warm flesh.

Kagome screamed once again, this time in pain, while Inu-Yasha stood frozen in shock. Kagome frantically brushed off the bugs that continued to bite, while trying to fight the bile that rose in her throat. But to no avail, from the lack of breakfast stomach acid poured from her mouth and onto the severed gnawed limb. Strangely it helped dislodge the insects.

A husband of one of the newly found victims stood under a nearby tree at the edge of the line of severed fingers and such. In his shocked and horrified state he took a step forward and under his foot squished the optic nerve of a poor woman�s eye. With a scream the arch of his foot fell on the eyeball and before it could completely loose the spherical shape under his foot it rolled.

The man fell back on the blood soaked bark of the tree and seconds later something large and wet hit his head and rolled to the side of him. Before looking at the offending object he felt liquid slowly run down his forehead and catch at his brow for a second. Looking cross-eyed upwards the man still could not see the offending liquid till a drop of red fell in front of his eye. He looked quickly down at the feeling of the drop splattering on the back of his hand. Blood. Cold blood, so whatever had hit his head did not cause him to bleed.

Looking to the side, he saw the unidentifiable eyeless, nose less, earless, as well as jawless and tongue less blood red head. In his shock he looked back at the site of the massacre to make note that the naked female torsos were arranged in the center in a circle and the remaining arms and legs in the center. But nowhere were the heads, or the severed jaws, and tongues.

Shacking slightly the frightened man took no heed to the head beside him or the eyes and fingers in his lap from the fall, and looked up at the tree. In the thick foliage tied to bloodied branches by hair were the now fourteen heads. The man screamed bloody murder, literally.

Only described as a giggle a deep throaty male giggle reached the ears of the petrified man, �You know male blood is not so sweet and the meat a lot tougher. Oh well beggars can�t be choosey, but than again I�m not begging I�m taking! To sacrifice a man, in slow torture, to ensure that all maidens blood is sweet and at least one out there can satisfy not just my bloodlust,� the maniacal laugh was heard once more striking fear in the heart of the devil himself.

Just the evil laugh of the invisible foe and the sheer carnage that surrounded the area, the man pissed his pants and as the laughter grew in volume, an invisible knife played across his skin. Cutting his clothes and lightly scratching the skin, the cuts that although not deep sting.

The man screamed, and screamed in volumes un-mastered by mortals, his hair growing white in fright, as claws joined the knife. Suddenly everything was silent, deathly silent. The poor villager coughed and sputtered blood as it dripped slowly down his chin, what was left of his already torn shirt was soaked in the thick hot red liquid that poured shamelessly from the marred skin and jugulars. The man slowly lifted a shacking hand to his throat. And if he could he would scream, for hanging from his throat by a thread was his own larynx and with it his voice box.

He was still alive after all that, the man lay slump against the tree wishing he could scream in pain, wishing for death as the invisible demon broke off each finger and toe. Tears streamed from his eyes, down his face, until he had no more eyes to cry from. With what consciousness he had left the man felt a weight on his legs, and than a knife stab just barely missing his heart and the knife was slowly pulled out only to be slowly and shakily plunged back into the man�s beaten flesh right above the first stab wound and this torture, continued well after the man lost consciousness and life. When it was no longer torture but pleasure and a game to the insane homicidal maniac.
*End Excerpt*
“Hello, I am Roa (the Sidhe) here to accept this award for the authoress. I guess I should be happy right? That this tale of carnage has won, and I am. I am happy that draechaeli had the writing capacity to write this story. We would like to thank a dear friend who had said this story was not bloody enough, which led to the revision, and to another friend who said it was too gory. Well actually I believe I will thank all ye humans, for whatever ye have done for this tale. Thank You.”
The Sidhe left the stage, letting KK do her final award announcement.
“And the final award, in the style of last year's Freddy vs. Jason award for Evil vs. Evil, we have the Alien vs. Predator Award! And the winner is... Sonic Millennium, by Jiece18!”
Speed found himself in an old warehouse as he walked into the center of the building. Catwalks crisscrossed the ceiling and old boxes and crates were all over the place, "Where are you Wind?"

His dark glowing silver form faded and he returned to his normal green form. Speed's crimson eyes glowed, "What the Fire trUCK happen?"

"I had to turn the Chaos Deflector up to full in order to contain your super form." Wind's voice echoed through the building, "I also doubt your chaos powers will work either."

Speed pulled out his gold gun and turned it to regular energy, "I don't need my chaos abilities. Come out and stop playing these games."

Wind chuckled in the darkness, "Oh we will fight, but I want to know something. I checked your file. You were once known as Sperk, one of the greatest bounty hunters of all time. Yet you befriended Sonic, and stopped being a bounty hunter, Why? With Sonic, Knuckles, and Shadow's abilities that Robotnik gave you, you could have been a living legend."

Speed smiled, "I value my friendship with Sonic more than anything. Leda was the one who convinced me to stop. Now stop playing these mind games. You killed my wife and now I will kill you."

Wind stepped out of the shadows and onto the catwalk above Speed. He leveled a chain gun on his arm, "As you wish. I guess your mind doesn't have the capacity to be toyed with." He slammed the safety off and fired on Speed. Bullets spewed out of the gun and Speed jumped out of the way. Speed ran at the wall and went fast enough to run up the wall and at Wind. Wind tried to follow him with the gun, but Speed was to fast. He returned his gun to its holster and drew his sword. He swung at Wind, slicing the gun in half. Wind jumped off the catwalk and landed on the floor ten feet down, "Son of a Bitch!" He drew two heavy pistols from his belt and fired at Speed. Speed jumped into the air and tossed three daggers at Wind. Wind rolled out of the way and the daggers hit the ground. Wind glanced at them and ran as they exploded. Speed caught his foot on one of the rafters of the warehouse and pulled both of his guns out. He took aim and fired. Wind ducked behind the crates as the energy bolts struck the box. Speed fired so fast that guns acted like they were full automatic. Wind pulled a sphere from his belt, "Let him try to avoid this." He pressed a red button on top of it and tossed it over his shoulder. The sphere floated in the air and hurled its self at Speed. Speed took aim and fired at it. The bolt hit the sphere and it exploded in a sphere of fire and ash. Speed fell down and wrapped himself in his coat. He landed on a tall box and rolled to the floor. Wind counted to three and jumped out from behind the crate and fired on Speed. The shots hit his red coat and blasted straight through. Wind ran to it, but saw no blood, "What the Fire trUCK?" He lifted the coat, a deflated balloon was under it.

"Surprise!" Wind looked up in time to see Speed leap from the crate above him and kick Wind in the chest. Wind dropped his guns and slid to a stop. Speed landed on the floor, but jumped up again and lunged at Wind. The white hedgehog rolled away as Speed slammed his fist were he was sitting.

"To slow!" Wind's robotic right eye flashed and a red beam fired from it. Speed rolled under it and tossed one of his daggers. Wind caught it and spun on his heel and tossed it back. The dagger exploded in front of them, kicking up smoke and dust. Wind scanned the smoke, but the smoke was to thick. 'That wasn't his regular dagger. He knew I catch it.' Wind was out of guns so he hit a button on his belt. The belt glowed green, "Speed I have a little surprise for you. I can use my chaos powers now. Wind Wall!" Wind pressed his hand onto the ground and a wall of wind spun around him and blasted forward. Speed was hiding in the smoke and was knocked into wall. Wind didn't wait for him to recover, "Wind Slash!" A sword of wind blasted from his fist and slammed Speed through the wall and into another room. Wind walked through the hole in the wall. Speed struggled to his feet, his crimson eyes dimming. Wind smiled, "Your berserker system is failing. Your are suppose to be the perfect killer, but your not. I just want to know one thing before I finish this little spat. How much did you leave your wife alone? I am sure she has other little run ins like me. To bad I couldn't have got to know her , BETTER."

Speed stood up, "You ass hole. You have no idea what you are doing."

Wind smirked, "Oh really! And what pre tell is that?"

Speed smiled, "The berserker system feeds off my hate and anger." Speed's eyes glowed crimson and his entire body erupted in crimson light. Wind stepped back as Speed's body returned to its dark silver form, "Something wrong Wind! I thought you wanted this." Speed's voice had grown as dark as Robotnik's, with eyes to match.

Wind lunged forward, "Wind Blade!" The sword of wind bounced off Speed and he grabbed his fist.

He pulled his arm back, "Speed Shot!" Speed slammed his fist into Wind's chest and was blown away as Speed's energy beam hit him at point blank range. Wind flew through the hole in the wall and landed against the wall on the other side of the warehouse. Speed picked up a piece of metal tubing. He took aim and tossed it at Wind. The metal tube stabbed through Wind's right arm and pinned him against the wall.

"You bastard! I won't die like this!" Wind's right eyes flashed and he fired its beam at Speed. Speed just tilted his head and the attack flew past his head. Speed pulled his gold gun and fired at Wind's eye. The bolt blasted the robotic eye apart. Wind grasped his eye in a failed attempt to stop the blood. Speed walked to Wind and pressed the gun to Wind's forehead, "Go ahead! And kill me. Avenge you pathetic wife."

Speed played with the trigger, "You have killed my wife and plunged my soul into the darkest pits of despair. You won't die now. I will leave you like you left me. Alone, injured, and in eternal pain." Speed dropped the gun and shot Wind's left thigh. He turned and walked to his coat, he threw it on, "I'll will be hunting you. One day I will kill you, but not to day." Speed burst into crimson light and vanished.

Wind tried to pull himself up, "You stupid Bastard! Come back here! I won't live like this."
*End excerpt*
Speed, the fan character by Jiece18, sped up to the stage and grabbed the award. “Glad you all like the fight! Both me and Wind were out for blood. I rarely play the villain, but I enjoyed the role and look forward to other chances. Thank you again D Hell for your character Wind. He is a great challenge. Good night everybody!”
He ran off the stage to rejoin the rest of his cast members. KK left the stage and allowed Psy and Fan to reenter once more.
“That little bitch bit me!” Psy grumbled.
“Well, what do you expect when you first shoot at her to ensure she doesn't rise, and then pull her out so she can do a guest spotlight?!” Fan states.
“Oh, whatever. Action/Adventure is up next!”
“Blast! They keep fixing the screen... Well, then perhaps a more direct approach to the matter is needed...”
To Be Continued...