Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing Paths ❯ In the Beginnig ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I have decided to revise and repost this story. (there are a lot of errors that I missed -_-;) I'll do it one chapter at a time so that means that this is the first one ^_^! Well, like normal, I do not own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon… wish that I did…but I don't. Now on with the fic!!!

Oh and (…..) are my little notes… didn't want you all to get confused.

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A girl, no older than 4, walked slowly down the street of one of the colonies in the L2 colony cluster. Her brown hair that had been put up in a pony-tail was coming out at odd angles and her emerald green eyes were red and puffy like her nose. The clothes that she was wearing were soaked from the fake rain that had just stopped coming down. She didn't seem to be going anywhere in particular, but soon found herself in a bad part of town. Her breathing became quicker as she realized where she was.

Despite where she was, the girl continued to walk and soon she came to a dark alleyway. After looking in both directions she decided that she would venture down it and see if she could find somewhere to spend the night. The alleyway was dark and damp as the last traces from the storm that had just passed dripped down the buildings. At the end of the alley was a broken down old shack and the girl, shivering from the sudden drop in the temperature, decided that she would stay there for the night.

The girl walked in and found that several ratty-looking blankets were placed on the floor and some on well worn furniture. In the corner there was a small bed that had a decent looking blanket (compared to the others) and a pillow on it. She decided that she would sleep on the bed and then go looking for food in the morning.

While she slept, a group of young boys stopped outside of the shack. They were wet and out of breath but they looked happy. In their hands they carried some of food. The youngest, who appeared to be only 5, decided that he would check to see if anyone had gone into the shack while they had been out. He poked his head in and saw that there was a figure in the bed that was placed in the corner, which was also his. The boy walked in to check out the situation further and was surprised to see that it was a girl in his bed. He ran outside to get what appeared to be the leader of the group. This boy, who was obviously the oldest (about 10) went into the little house and stopped at the bed.

"So what do ya' think Solo? What should we do with her?" stated the youngest boy of the group.

"I don't know Duo. She looks like she has been walking for a while. Let's just let her sleep for now. We can ask her stuff when she wakes up." replied Solo. He spoke with a wisdom well beyond his years that only came with living on the streets all of you life.

Duo made a pouty face but then smiled and went to lie on the floor for the night.

"I guess that this means that she will be getting the bed and more food `cause she's younger than I am, right Solo?"

"Well, we won't know that until she wakes up, now will we. Just go to sleep now and I'll look after her."

"Hmph! Just remember that I saw her first" pouted Duo as he drifted off to sleep. Solo went over to the sleeping boy and put one of the ratty covers over him and smiled "I will Duo. Don't worry, I will."

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wow….that was….short. I changed it to 10pt and it is only, like, one page! Hmmm oh well. I'll get working on revising the next chapter right away!!

Ja ne!
