Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing Paths ❯ The Next Morning ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here is the next one…chapter that is. Hmmm…. I really don't have much to put here. Oh well. I do not own GW or SM and (…) are my notes. Now onward!!!

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The morning's rays beamed through the cracks in the ceiling, lighting up the young girl's face. The sudden brightness caused her to stir slightly which also made the bed that she was on creak. She looked around hoping that she was still alone, but to her horror she was not.

About ten young boys were on the floor sleeping. She wasn't sure just what was really going on, but she wanted to leave as soon as she could. If she would have known that someone was living in the shack then she would have went elsewhere.

She got out of the bed and was about to leave when a very pleasant smell reached her nose. In her head, she told herself to keep on walking but her stomach, growling with hunger, suggested otherwise. The girl followed the delicious smell and found a boy cooking what looked like would be breakfast for the boys inside. She wanted to get a closer look at what was being cooked when……

"You know it's not nice to go sneaking around someone's house."

The girl screamed, went to run, but tripped and fell. She turned over onto her back to look up at her would be attacker. He was only about 5 years old and had a long brown braid. He looked down at her with a bright smile and cheerful cobalt eyes. The girl was so caught up in the boy's eyes that she didn't realize the commotion that she had been causing.

The rest of the boys in the house had heard her scream and ran outside to see what was going on. The boy cooking had also turned around and had started walking toward the pair.

The girl was still staring at the boy when her emerald eyes narrowed. "And don't you know that it's not nice to sneak up on people?" There was an edge in her voice that surprised her but the boy standing in front of her didn't seem to notice. He just continued to smile.

"She is right though, Duo. You should know better than to sneak up on our guest."

"I was just playin' around Solo." the boy pouted, but Solo gave him a stern look that mad the other boys "ooooo" and there was the occasional "Duos gonna' get in trouble".

Duo must have also sensed that he was in trouble and put on his best puppy dog face that he could and looked up at Solo and said in a baby voice. "I'm weally sowy Solo. I won't ever do wit again." And to finish off his performance he held out his hand to the girl. "I'm sorry that I scarred you. I was just playing around."

The girl just starred at his hand with the same scowl. She was still upset at what he had done and the fact that he was trying to weasel out of it just made her even angrier. "I'm so sure that you are" she said in a very sarcastic voice. With that she slapped his hand away, got up, and bolted away as fast as her legs could carry her.

"Well now you've done it Duo! Go and get her."

"But Solo, look at her go….she's as fast as lightning!" wined Duo.

Solo just looked at Duo with a look on his face that said "now or else no breakfast" Duo caught this, swallowed down any comments that he was about to voice and streaked away after the girl that was as fast as lightning.

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There a second chapter is done. Thanks to everyone that reviewed and I will be posting the next chapter soon. Please R&R

Ja ne!
