Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing Paths ❯ The Chase and The Talk ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

KK here it is….the third chapter. It is a bit longer that usual but I guess that that is no big whoop. Oh! And like always I don't own any of the SM or GW characters. I only wish that I did. Oh and by the way `…….' are thoughts and (…..) is one of my little notes. Now in with the show!

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Duo was running as fast as he could, but he had lost sight of the girl that had run away. It had been about 15 minutes and he still could not find out where she had gone.

`Man if I don't find her soon, Solo will have my head!'

Duo stopped running when he heard a faint crying sound. He followed it and soon came to the wall of an old brick building. There were two bricks missing in the wall and Duo looked in them. Inside, he saw her. She was huddled against the wall with her knees to her chest and…..she was crying.

"Umm…hey kid? Are you all right?"

She looked up startled at his question. It had not occurred to her that her crying could be heard from where she was, let alone someone would be able to locate her. The girl scooted closer to the wall and found her voice.

"Wh---who's the-ther?"

There was no answer. Now she was starting to get scarred. What if whoever had spoken found a way in? What if they just left to go and get something to attack her with? Maybe they just left and they would not come back.

`Yeah' she thought, `that's what it is! They just left and they won't be coming ba-` Her thoughts were cut short as she heard footsteps coming closer to her. `How could someone know how to get in here? It took me long enough to find a way in.' " Who's there!?" she asked once again. This time there was a reply.

"Hey babe, don't look so worried. It's just me. Look I'm sorry that I scarred you back there."

Soon the girl started to put two and two together and, once a stray beam of light came through those two missing blocks in the wall and lit up the boy's face, it finally donned on her who it was.

"Oh…. It's just you. You should learn not to go sneaking up on people like that! I thought that I was about to attacked!"

"Look, I said that I was sorry for before. I didn't mean to make you cry. Come on…..let's go back to the hide-out and get some breakfast." Duo held out his hand and waited for her to take it. However, she made no move to take his hand and just looked at him in the eye.

"How did you get in here?" was all that she was able to say, but she said it with a stern look. "Well? How? It was hard enough for me to find the entrance. So how?" She was starting to grow angry with this boy named Duo. First he had snuck up on her back at that place that he called "The Hide-out" and now he found a way into her little cubby-hole. She looked at his face more closely and was angered even more to see that he was smiling. "WHY ARE YOU SMILING?!"

"Jeeze you don't have to yell at me! I was gonna' answer you. Ya' see this is where I come when I need to get away. Well, I came to it more when I first became an orphan. I used to cry over my Mom and stuff but I soon got over it. This was the only place that I could come and no one would ever find me. I mean, why would anyone think to look behind the dumpster for an entrance to an old building?" He was about to go on with his story when a thought struck him. "By the way what's your name?"

The girl was taking all of this in and was only vaguely aware that he had even asked her a question.

"Umm…it's" She stopped and thought of the fact that she was in an American colony. `I better think up of an American sounding name' "uhh…it's Lita"

"Ok then Lita. How about we go back to the hide-out and get some breakfast. Then we will find a way to get you back home." Duo said this with a smile but when he looked back at Lita's face he frowned. "What's the matter? You look all sad all of a sudden." She just sniffed. He could see that she was fighting back a wave of tears. "umm Lita?"

"I'm sorry. It's just that…<sniff> I don't have….anywhere to really go back to. I just found out today that my mom and dad died in a shuttle wreck ( kk I know that they really died in a plane wreck but considering the timeframe I found the shuttle more appropriate) I was afraid that the orphanage was going to come an take me away since I don't have any living family." At this she let go of her restraints and started to cry. Duo wasn't sure of what to do. He had always been the youngest in the gang and was always the one that was being comforted, not the one giving it. He slowly edged toward her and put his arm around her.

"It's alright, Lita", he said while stroking her back, "You can always stay with us if you want to." This seemed to comfort her more and she looked up at him with big, red, puffy green eyes.

"Really?" Her reply sounded so small and helpless that Duo had to strain to hear her.

"Of course you can. We are a group of orphans and we all lookout for each other. How old are you anyway?"


"Cool then. That means that you will be the youngest and that also means that you get the most food and you get the bed." This all made Lita feel a lot better to know that there was still somewhere that she was wanted. She was so happy that she started to cry again.

"Hey don't cry. Come on now, let's go to the hide-out and get that breakfast."

Duo smiled down at her and she smiled back. With that, they stood up and walked out of the building and back to the hide-out.

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Yaya! I finished the third one! Sorry it took so long but I had a bit of a writers block. *sweat drop* Kk im done. R&R!

Ja ne!
