Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing Paths ❯ Solo's Decision ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kk here is the next chapter and like always I don't own any of the GW or SM characters. So ……. Yeah! On with the chapter!!!@

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As Duo and Lita approached the hide-out they could hear the group of boys talking and the smell of a freshly made breakfast greeted their noses. Solo spotted the two and walked up to them. He was about to offer them some food when he realized that Duo was not his cheery self and that the girls eyes were all red.

"We'll talk after you guys get something to eat."

They both nodded and walked to one of the tables that had been bade out of an old cardboard box and sat down. Solo soon came over to them with some food (a little bit of bacon and two apples) and sat next to the girl. He looked at her as if asking her to introduce herself but she didn't catch it. Duo did however and he answered Solo unspoken question in his usual cheerful tone.

"Oh yeah! Solo this it Lita and she is 4

Everyone was now looking at Solo waiting for his answer. Solo's eyes went from Duo's pleading ones to look down at the girl in question. Lita had her head cast down and was spinning the apple that Duo had just given to her. He could tell that she was expecting him to refuse.

Solo looked up at the other boy's and saw that they all were giving him the `please we want her to stay and we promise to protect her' looks. This made him sigh because they knew that he had never turned down an orphan before.

"Well I don't see why not. She is an orphan and that is all of the requirement that she needs. But since she is a girl you all better look out for her." Solo then turned to Lita. "And I hope that you don't mind becoming a slight tom-boy since you will be staying with about 10 young men like ourselves. We all look out for each other but we all also know how to fend for ourselves if need be. That will be our first task. After breakfast we will be teaching Lita some self defense and tricks of the trade."

Lita looked down at her plate with a thankful blush on her cheaks while the boys applauded and went back to eating. Duo turned to Lita with one of his Cheshire grins.

"See that Lita! You are already part of OUR family now. Oh and don't think that we will be going easy on you just `cause you're a girl."

"Don't worry, Duo. I used to watch my dad teach a friend of mine how to do martial arts." Lita looked back at her plate, the thought of her father bring tears to her emerald eyes. " I sure do miss them. I wonder if Ken even realizes that I am missing?"

At the menchion of this unfamiliar name, Duo raised his head from his plate.

"Who is this "Ken" guy?"

" He is a friend of the family. He is about 10 I think. He would come over everyday after school so that my dad could train him. And while he was with my dad my mom was teaching me how to cook….well kind of. I was still to little to do much but I was able to help a little bit. And when Ken and my dad were done mom and I would set the table for them so that we could have a nice lunch. But Saturdays were always the best cause Ken would come over early and we would go on a picnic!" Lita was now smiling from ear to ear thinking about all of the good times that they had. " My dad always knew of the best places to eat too. I think that my favorite was near the lake in Juuban park."

When Lita looked around her she saw that everyone was listening to her story and that they all had shocked expressions on their faces. "What are you guys staring at?" Duo was the first one to come out of his shock.

"Umm Lita……where is Juuban? There is nothing like that around here."

" Ohhh that's right you guys wouldn't know. Juuban is in Japan." If possible the expressions on their faces got wider.

"JAPAN!!" they chorused in unison.

"Lita you never told me that you were from Japan!!! That means that you are also from Earth!!! If you are though how come you got an American sounding name?"

"I'm sorry Duo, but I just didn't think that it was important. As for my name well I thought that my Japanese name would be too hard for you to remember so I just chose the name that my American neighbor had always called me."

" You gonna' tell us your real name?"

" Umm well it's Kino Makoto"

" So your name is Kino?" Duo was really confused now. Solo just walked up to him and hit him over the head.

" You retard! In Japan last name comes first. Her name is Makoto!!!" He turned to Lita. "Isn't that right?"

Lita nodded " Hai!" She noticed that once again that they were staring at her with confused looks. " <giggle> It means yes."


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Well that took longer than I thought! Oh well I'm just glad that it is done!!!! Like always please R&R. It would be greatly appreciated! Ja!!
