Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Crossing Paths ❯ That Fateful Day ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

KK here is the next chapter. I'm sorry if it confuses you at all but I was on a sugar high and had just finished reading the last part of the second MARS manga so it is a little bit ….umm …..odd. Oh well. Like always I do NOT own any of the SM or GW characters. I do however own the psychotic Colonel Hiroyuki. Now on with the ch.!!!

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The days passed by and Lita seemed to fit right in. The boys taught her self-defense and how to steal without getting caught and in turn she told them stories about her family and even cooked some things for them. This all went on for about a year. They were always laughing and even Lita and Duo fell into a "puppy love". They were always leaving to go to their secret place under the old building where Duo had found Lita crying. Above the entrance you could see little carvings like hearts that said "D + L Forever" and even just Duo + Lita. Well this day was no different that all of the rest so Duo and Lita were in their little place and they were watching Solo chase one of the other kids through the two missing blocks in the wall when a group of soldiers carrying machineguns came up. The group of soldiers scanned the group of children and asked in a calm voice.

"Where is the youngest in your group?" This man appeared to be the leader of the group. Noticing that none of them were answering his question, the man voiced a different one.

" If you wont tell me who the youngest is then maybe you will tell me who your leader is. That way we can talk…. Leader to leader." The kids all looked at eachother when finally Solo steped forward.

" I am Solo, the eldest of the group as well as the leader. What is it that you want from us?" The Leader of the soldiers just smirked at the 10-year-old boy.

" Well then, I am Colonel Hiroyuki, not necessarily the eldest but I am the Leader. And I already told you what I wanted. I want to know where the youngest in your group is. Can you tell me that kid. Where is he!!!"

(I'm gonna' do a little bit of a character POV with Solo so that it is a little bit easier to understand)

+++Solo's POV +++

` He? I thought that Lita was our youngest. But….WAIT! This guy must not know that. He must be referring to Duo! I don't know where he or Lita went though even if I did…..'

"I don't know where he is so go away and leave us alone!"

" Sorry Kid but I can't do that. Ya' see I got orders to take the youngest in your group to a friend of mine. So be a good boy and hand `em over……..or else!"

"Or else what? You think that we are afraid of you goons? Well we aren't!"

` Man I really don't like the look that this guy is giving me. I keep forgetting that they got gun with them. <gulp> Hope that they don't plan on killing us or something.'

" Fine then. If you really want to know what I meant then I'll show you. I guess that the doc will have to find another kid to do whatever he was gonna' do `cause all these little brats are gonna' be dead!"

`Awwwww shit!'

+++ End Solo POV+++

Duo and Lita were still watching from the whole in the wall. Lita looked on the verge of tears while Duo looked like he was about to bolt out of there hiding place.

" They are looking for me! I should just go out there. I don't want anyone to die because of me!! You stay here OK Lita?" Lita just shook her head

" No you can't go!!! What if they kill you are something! You have to stay here! Please don't leave me… <sniff> I don't want to be left alone again." Duo wrapped his arm around Lita's shoulders when all of a sudden…….


Both Duo and Lita froze. They turned to look out of there peek-hole and Lita almost screamed but Duo had his hand over here mouth. He looked down at her with tear filled eyes and shook his head `no'. They both returned their attention to the scene in front of them. There in the middle of the alley way laid Solo……dead….with a bullet wound to the head.

" HAHAHAHA! That will teach him to lie to me! Now for the rest of the brats"

There were a bunch of noises at once. The machineguns going off, the boys screaming, and above it all the laughter of the man in charge. Soon the only ones standing were the solders. And the alley way was covered with blood.

Duo was so outraged that he came running out of the hiding place not noticing that Lita was behind him. As he ran out he grabbed a dagger out of his shoe that Solo had given him.

"You bastards!!! How could you to a group of kids. You'll pay for this!!!" Duo's shouting had caught the attention of Hiroyuki. He smirked as he looked at the young boy.

"So there you are. You know if you would have come out sooner all of this COULD have been prevented. But please also note that I said `COULD'. Oh and what do you think that you are going to do with that dagger, huh? You gonna' throw it at me?"

Hiroyuki started to laugh. Seeing this made Duo even angrier so he went to charge at the Colonel but Lita stopped him.

"Duo you can't! There is nothing that we can do. They are full grown men and we are not even 10 yet! What chance do we have?!"

"I don't care that the odds are against me!!! I will do what I can but I refuse to just stand here while the only people that were important to me were just killed before my very eyes!!!" His words make Lita stare at him in shock. She looked like she was on the verge of tears but she held them back. She had not cried since she came to the group a year ago and she didn't want to start up again. But during this little conversation the Colonel lost his patience.

"You should listen to your little girlfriend." Hiroyuki reached over and pulled the dagger from Duo's hand. " Now both of you will die!" Hiroyuki pulled the dagger back and brought it slashing in front of him. It was a good thing that his aim was off `cause he was only able to cut the two across their arms. Because their arms were together both of their cuts matched up perfectly with the others in a straight line.

Duo opened on of his eyes to look around and saw that the Colonel and his group of soldiers were missing.

"What happened?"

"I have no idea but I think that my arm needs a bandage." Lita was looking at her wound but suddenly looked up. There was a group of people that had gathered at the entrance to the alleyway. A Nun and a Priest came forward ant picked up Lita and Duo and took them to the Maxwell church to live.

Soon after Ken, Lita's friend, came to take her to live with him and his parents in Japan so that they could be her guardians and Duo was left to stay at the Maxwell church. It was a year before Lita was able to come back to L2, because ken's family had moved there, to see Duo but she was too late. The Maxwell Church tragedy had already occurred and Lita was told that no one survived. Lita was so heartbroken that she ran to the only other place that was familiar to her….the alley. When she got there she was surprised at what she saw.

The alley way had been named " Blood Alley" because of the massacre of the young children. A fence was put up at the entrance to keep people out but she could still see the shack that the kids had lived in, the blood that was still on the walls ( they had tried to rice it down but it would not come off and since the alley was just dirt, it had absorbed most of the blood), she could still here the kids terrified screams and just faintly still smell the blood.

"Duo where are you? I hope that you are still alive." Lita looked down at her now scared arm, remembering that day. `At least if he is alive he will remember me every time he sees his scar. And when we do meet again, I will be able to tell that it is really him because our scars will match up perfectly!'

With that Lita turned around and walked back to the place where she and Ken's family had moved into, hoping that she would never again return to that alleyway and that she would one day find her lost friend…..and love.

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<sniff> well that was the odd ending. Sorry that it is a little bit uhhh…..demented, but yeah. Well till next time! Oh and please read and review.

