Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Generation Extreme ❯ The Trap ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sarie: We should go pack a bit.

Gina: Foster families?

Hope: I'll go tell them I'm going to go visit Alex's Parents.... My "aunt and uncle" *snickers* I wouldn't be lying, they are his parents...

Rini: I'll say I'm going to go to Marciana's house, and i'll call her to tell them I'm there.

Hope: I'll go get excused absense papers, these dopes keep 'em in stock since they're lazy...

Gina: Me'n Iris'll go tell my parents I'll be at her house.

Iris: Meet back here in two hours.

All: Right! *scatter*

*after packing and settling "things"*

Alex: This way, lets take a train.

Rini: I got plenty of money, if there's one thing I do best, is sponge off my parents for clothes money, since they think I'm at Marcie's and we always go shopping, it was a sinch.

Sarie: I packed lotsa food.

Hope: I simply packed money, clothes, my scout things, and a few things to prove we're their kids.

Gina: Smart. I brought maps, and books and things.

Alex: I brought little patience, let's GO!!

Hope: Idiot.

*on train*

Gina: *looking thoughtful* What If we run into an enemy?

Hope: same as always.

Gina: Hmmmmmmmmm. I'm just worried that we'll be welcomed into a trap. ANd it'll be one we can't get out of with our little powers.

Hope: I wouldn't worry. *but she had the same itching feeling*


Alex: Dicha hear that?

Rini: N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n--n-no *shivvering*

Alex: I did. It sounded big, and ugly and- *jumps on her back and she screams* Bwahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahha!!! Idiotic GIRLS.

Hope: Allie-baka please don't scare the leader of our group into Hysteria.

Sarie: Zekennayo shimata baka onna (fuck off {you} damn stupid woman)

Hope: *laughs*

Gina: I think we should pay more attention to Duo and Relena rather than cursing eachother in foreign languages.

Hope: *nods and quiets her laughs* Idiotic GUYS.

Iris: I really don't get you kids, why're you acting so- *steps and a barrier surrounds them*

Hope: I knew it...

Gina: I wanted to be wrong.

Sarie: I'm not taking this. *pulls out wand* Jupiter Star Power!!!! Make-up!!!! *Sailor Jupiter*

Hope: *grins* Right behind you. *holds up her own* Mars Star Power!!! Make-up!!!!

*Gina and Iris also morph into their Scout forms*

Alex: I miss my Gundam.

Mars: I miss my parents, kid. Get a grip, and hide behind Rini.

Rini: Hey!!! I don't trust him!!!!

Mars: *looks and all others shake their heads* Alex, hide in the corner.

Alex: *hysterically angry* It's a dome!!! There are no corners!!!

Mars: We may have to move. I can't protect you dear-

Alex: Dear?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

Jupiter: *meekly* Whooooops...

Alex: *jumps and makes Mars duck the lightning attack, and Mercury freezes it in ice* You okay?

Mars: Ya. Thanks.

Venus: Mercury is there any reasonable way out of this?

Mercury: Sailor teleport, but we never learned that-

Mars: *stands* I'll blow this. Don't worry *winks* I'll be careful.

Rini: But-

Mars: Mars Fire Splash!!!!!! ***the girls and their mothers had introduced themseves to new powers that only they possesed, each senior scout couldn't use their powers, but the new scouts had not only aquired their own but also their mom's powers***

Alex: Uh-oh... *looks up and sees a man on a building*

Mars: Ugh!!!!! *pulls our fireball charge paper* I call upon the Power Of Mars, make my attack strong enough for it to break the barrier!! Mars Fireball Charge!!! *throws it and it sticks on dome* Mars Fire Splash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mercury: Mercury Ice Explosion!!!!! *attcks weakened dome-spot*

Jupiter: Ah, I see. *antennae thing comes out of her tiara* Jupiter Thunder Storm!!!

Venus: AHA!!!! *points* Venus Rope of Faith!!

*now, as everyone knows when the scouts work together, all works out, and maybe you'll think that was toooooo easy for the baby Sailors. I guess you underestimate my powers as a writer. I made that easy for a reason **other than i was bored....** and you'll see what happens to them sooooooon... ^^*

Alex: Mars-

Mars: Yes!!!! We did it!!!!!!!!!

Jupiter: I wasn't worried at all!!!!!!

Alex: Girls-

Venus: My power is sooooo kick-ass.

Mars: Sure. The power of love. *rolls eyes* I have FIRE.

Mercury: Ah, but-

Alex: ^^;;; GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All: WHAT?!

Alex: Look over and up,on that building.

Rini: I'm scared!!!!!!!!!!!

Jupiter: *rolling eyes* So what? There's a sinister looking man standing on top of a building watching our every move. *shrugs*

Mars: *kinda scared-hysterical, and really very worried* There's a sinister-looking man standing on a building watching our every move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mercury: *looking through computer glasses* I'm getting definete readings on this guy. Definete evil and I'm fasirly sure we've found who set our trap, there.

Mars: *calmer* He knew WE were coming here.

Jupiter: And he knew we'd see him.

Venus: And know he's seen all of our attacks.

Rini: Not mine.

Jupiter: *patronizingly and acting as though she were FOUR* You never transformed.

Mercury: He doesn't even know you're a scout-

Mars: Mercury. I just realized something.

Jupiter: What?

Mars: He must've set the trap to either A-activate when someone steps on it

B-start when a powerful person steps on it, or C- he started it himself.

Mercury: If just anyone stepped on it that'd be bad. So A doesn't fit.

Jupiter: B-... He'd want us, not just whoever has powers. There are innocent people who don't know abouit their strengths. B neither.

Mars: But, to activate it himself he'd have to kno both of our forms.

Rini: He knows us and has known us for a while.

Alex: *cheerful* Least you know it's not me.

Mars: Great. How many other guys do we know, girls?

Alex: I get your point.

Venus: I think I recognize him.

Mercury: I can get his picture...

Rini: I might as well transform if he knows us.

Mars: Ya really. We may need you.

Rini: MAY? Idiot. *transforms too*

Alex: Mars... You're hurt.

Mars: *clasps arm* It's nothing.

Mercury: Let me see it.

Mars: I'm not gonna let our enemy get away, get his stats and the picture, then we'll tend to Mars' boo-boo. Alright?!?!?!

Mercury: Fine! *turns back* Ommigod!!

Mars: What?

Venus: Mars, remember, be strong.

Mars: Being impatient. Who is it!?!?!?!?!?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bwuahahahahahahahahah!! I hafta have some suspense!!!! I can't tell you everything and have the fight and identity in here and then you don't read anymore!!!! ^_~* Mwuhahahahahahaha!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~