Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ground Zero ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey guys! This isn't a new chapter, I just re-did it to make it look better. So anyway, I don't own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing. And to clear things up, Shawn is Mina, but it's just her code name. She's not a different character, she's Minako. Got it? Cool! Now on with the story!

I stretched and leaped up from the hard ground with a yawn. I walked out into the morning light and pulled back my blonde hair into a braided ponytail. I put my hands in my pockets as I strolled down the street and looked around at all the adults walking around me.
'This is nothing like London.' I thought to myself as I walked up to a church. I lifted an eyebrow and walked into it. I had my sword slung over my shoulder and my gun around my waist. I walked into the room and looked around. I ran my hand through my hair as I looked up then to my sides. 'Where is everyone?' I wondered as I slowly walked forward.
"Intruder!" Someone yelled. I blinked and looked up. I saw a boy in all black jump down from the ceiling and pointed his fingers at me like a gun. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked the boy.
He blinked and looked down at my waist. He screeched and backed up. "Are you with, 'them'?" He asked.
I lifted an eyebrow and asked, "Who are, 'them'?"
"I am terribly sorry miss! Are you alright?" Came a girl's voice. I looked up to see a nun, I guess, smiling behind the boy.
"I'm just fine." I said.
Another person, an elderly man, also came slowly walking up to me. "Welcome to Maxwell church." He smiled.
I lifted an eyebrow and asked, "Who are you people?!"
The girl blinked and said, "I'm Helen."
"I'm the priest here."
"The name's Duo!" The little boy piped up.
I rolled my eyes and said, "Well, I just came to see what it looked like. See ya."
I turned my back to them, but the boy asked, "What's your name?"
I turned back around, sliding my black sunglasses on and said, "Shawn. Shawn Aino." I turned back away from them and walked back out of the church. 'Weird people in this city.' I thought to myself as I went further down the street.
"Hey! You! Stop!" A man came running out of a bakery shop shaking his fist as a small boy went running past me, holding three loaves of bread.
I blinked and slowly backed away from the sidewalk as the man ran after the boy. I sighed as I went back on the sidewalk and continued further down the street. I soon came to a huge white building with glass windows and two doormen standing in front of it. I lifted an eyebrow and walked up the building. I reached for the door, but one of the doormen grabbed it before me and opened it. I blinked and slowly walked in.
"Weirdo's." I whispered.
"May I help you?" Asked the lady at the counter.
"The name's Tigress. T-i-g-r-e-s-s." I said, looking up at her.
She typed on her computer and said, "Alright. Go all the way to the top floor and it the door at the very end." I nodded and went to the elevator. When I got to the top floor, I went all the way down to the end where a huge door was. I put my hands in my pockets and opened the door with my shoulder. Two men and two boys my age looked up, and two smiled. One man and his son. I nodded and said, "Mr. Winner?"
He nodded as he sat down on his chair and said, "You're Tigress?" "The one and only. The last time I checked at least..." I said.
He laughed and said, "This is my son Quatre and my friends Mr...." But he didn't continue.
"They aren't any of my concern Mr. Winner. I came here to settle a deal with you about the weapons." I pulled myself up on a chair and folded my hands on top of the table.
He blinked at me and said, "Aren't you a little young?"
"I'm nine. Anyway, they didn't think anyone would suspect a little kid, especially a girl, to be their weapon handler. I am especially trained for stuff like this, trust me." I said.
He shrugged and slid me a piece of paper. His son smiled at me, and sat down next to his father. I looked over the paper, nodded, and signed. Suddenly, something started to ring. Quatre, his father, and the two other guys took out their cell phones. I smirked and took out my black cell phone that had fire streaks on it.
"Konnichi wa?" I asked as I leaned on the table, the other men staring and glaring at me. I winked as I said to the person on the phone, "Ee, soo desu." After a little while, I blinked and gasped. "Sumimasen? Iie, chigaimasu!" I soon nodded and said, "Chooto maate." I looked up at Mr. Winner and whispered, "This weapon agreement, how long are you willing to let it last?"
He blinked and said, "Ah, three years."
I nodded and said to the person on the phone, "San-years." I nodded and added, "Doo itashimashite, and arigato. Sayonara!" I shut the phone and said, "Good deal, he agrees." I reached across the table and shook the man's hand. "Thank you very much and have a good day Mr. Winner!" I looked down at Quatre and added, "See ya Q-boy!"
He blinked and asked, "Why are you so nice now?"
"Because your father just signed me a three year contract to keep me from getting killed by my own men! See ya!" I jumped off the chair and walked out of the room. I walked out of the building, hiding the paper in a pocket inside of my jacket and whispered, "My mission's done. Now I can have some fun." I smiled and skipped to the circus. I snuck in without paying and was just in time to see a young boy with brown hair covering one eye balancing himself on a ball. I turned around and left. 'That was so boring. I could do that...' I blinked when I saw a boy with black hair pulled back in a ponytail running into the forest. "Now what's he up to?" But I didn't have time to follow, because my phone started to ring. "Hello?" I answered, leaning against a tree.
"Tigress? It's me. Look, Doctor J has sent out his own spy. I don't know anything about him, only that he's a boy and has brown hair."
'Great, you know how many guys have brown hair?' I thought to myself. "Age?" I asked aloud.
"Ten." He said. I sighed and nodded.
"Alright. See ya." I hung up the phone and started to walk back to the train yard. "It could be that boy at the circus...the boy at the church...anyone!" I put my hand on my head and shook my head. "I don't want to think about it." I looked up to see a sign above a shop that said, 'Open Floor: Jokes and Karaoke welcome!' I smiled and ran in. I looked around the audience and saw that boy from the church and the other one that had stole the bread from the bakery sitting and eating in the back. I smiled and went up the stage.
"Hey, it's her..." Duo whispered to his friend.
I picked up the microphone and said, "This song is called 'Gotta Tell You'."
The music started and so did I.
"You're love for me came as a waterfall
Flowing inside me like never before
You're love for me
Something I didn't see
But baby, I know better now

When you walked in the room that very night
A special feeling just burst inside
It was only you, nobody else
But baby, I know better now

Don't wanna love you, if you don't love me
Don't wanna need you when you won't need me too
Don't wanna tell you this now
But it wouldn't be right if I
Didn't tell you this tonight

And now you're back inside my house again
I'm trying deeply to explain
Cause baby I wanna get it on
And baby, you're the one for me
And now that I have got you all alone
After all this talking on the phone
I should be strong
There's nothing wrong
I'll tell you this is where you belong

Don't wanna love you, if you don't love me
Don't wanna need you when you won't need me too
Don't wanna tell you this now
But it wouldn't be right if I
Didn't tell you this tonight

Don't wanna love you, if you don't love me
Don't wanna need you when you won't need me too
Don't wanna tell you this now
But it wouldn't be right if I
Didn't tell you this tonight

There was something in your eyes
Made me realize
Now I hear voices deep inside
Telling me, telling me it's you and I

Don't wanna love you, if you don't love me
Don't wanna need you when you won't need me too
Don't wanna tell you this now
But it wouldn't be right if I
Didn't tell you this tonight

Don't wanna love you, if you don't love me
Don't wanna need you when you won't need me too
Don't wanna tell you this now
But it wouldn't be right if I
Didn't tell you this tonight." The music stopped and everyone cheered. I smiled and walked off the stage.
"Hey, that was great." The boy from the church said to me as I was walking out of the building.
"Thanks." I said as I put my hands in my pockets and slowly walked down the street.
"Where are you going?" The other asked me.
"No where really." I said as I stopped and turned to them.
Duo blinked and stepped back.
"Where do you stay?" I asked him.
"The church." He whispered. I smiled and nodded.
"I'll stay with you for a while then." He smiled at me and nodded. "Alright then! Come on!" He grabbed my arm and ran back to the church.
I smiled as he raced across the street and into the church. He ran past the priest and the other lady and into another room. "This is my room!" He said, practically jumping up and down.
I giggled and said, "You sure are a happy-go-lucky boy."
He looked over at me and said, "Thanks! So anyway, it's nothing fancy, but it's better then nothing."
I looked around and sat down against the wall. "How long have you been here?" I asked.
"A year." He shrugged.
I closed my eyes and said, "I feel so sorry for you."
"Why?" He asked, walking up to me.
I opened my eyes and said, "Because you don't get to sleep in a real bed, eat real food, and go to a real school."
"Ya. What's that like, anyway?"
I looked down and whispered, "I wouldn't know."
He blinked and said, "Not even what it's like to sleep in a warm bed?" "I don't really sleep in beds. Heck, I hardly sleep at all." I whispered. He blinked and sat back on his heels. "Really? Why not?"
I blinked at what I had already said and stood up. "I should go."
He looked up at me and said, "Shawn, if I may ask," but he never finished. Someone threw open his door and an array of bullets went everywhere.

Alright, so that's not a very exciting cliffhanger, but tell me what you think and I'll have more up soon! Sayonara!