Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ground Zero ❯ Secret Agent Woman ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Alright! So I didn't take long to add, but what can I say? I love to type! Anyway, I don't own these characters or SM or GW. So, on with the show!
I heard Duo screaming, but I didn't make a noise. I picked him up and jumped out the window. I pulled out my gun and shot back, hitting the man right in the heart, killing him on contact.
'They're attacking. But why here and why so soon?' I wondered as I walked back to the shaking boy. I smiled when I saw he had pulled himself against the wall and was on the break of crying. "Duo, calm down." I whispered as I sat down next to him.
"Why? Why us? And why now?" He whispered.
I looked around and gulped. This was defiantly a huge no on my contract. Never get involved. I bit my lip and pulled him into my arms. Cradling him in my arms, he started to talk through a cracked voice. "They're probably dead...he probably killed them..." I closed my eyes and my memory flashed back to when the exact same thing happened to me. I was in my room with my best friend talking when suddenly, my door was kicked down and bullets flew everywhere. When I opened my eyes, I noticed my door was nicked in and my walls were covered with holes and my floor with bullet shells. My parents were dead; they had killed them. My two dogs and one cat was dead, and for God's sake did they have to kill the stereo while they were at it?! But no, it didn't end there, my all time best friend, the only guy I ever felt comfortable with, my wanna-be boyfriend, Shawn, was laying beside me. Dead. There were bullets in his head, legs, arms, and one directly in his heart. I threw myself over him and started to cry. That day... I learned the name OZ. OZ was my enemy...they killed my family and they would pay.
I adopted my boyfriend's first name and kept my last name. Then I joined the secret forces as a minor to collect food and supplies for the troops. But when I started to give the leaders hints, passwords, secret passages, and other info from the enemy, they boosted me up to a spy. So here I am today. A spy for the secret forces and a killing machine.
When I looked back down at him, I noticed him looking at me with a puppy-dog look. It was then I realized I had said it all aloud. I looked away and slowly let go of him. He wasn't the one who needed the holding and comforting, I was. I needed it.
I slowly stood up and whispered, "I'll go see if there are more." I ran into the street, but no looked like anything had even happened. "A silencer..." I whispered as I ran into the church. I gasped when I took one step in.
All the pictures torn and burned, the pews thrown over... everything ruined. It was then I noticed it. The priest and Helen were laying on the over thrown furniture, dead. I turned away and slowly walked out of the building. I saw Duo looking up at me with five of his friends beside him.
I shook my head and whispered, "They did it again." He closed his eyes tight and, without warning, ran up to me and embraced me tight. I held him tight and put my chin on his shoulder.
" real name is Minako." I whispered. But he didn't seem to care. He only continued to cry on my shoulder. After about five minutes, he let go of me and slowly back stepped down the stairs.
I sat down on the stop stair and said, "I'll be here when you get back." He smiled and nodded. I watched as he and his five friends ran down the sidewalk away from me. I swore that boy would change my life forever... I sighed and put my chin on my knees. When he got back, they were all holding some kind of food.
I laughed and said, "Do you guys always go on raids for food? You know you could pay for it."
"Why pay when you can it free?" One of his friends asked, handing me a loaf of bread. "You look hungry." I smiled and thanked him. Taking it from it, I looked at Duo to see him talking with a blonde haired boy. I took a huge bite from the bread and chewed. He turned to me and blinked.
I swallowed and asked, "What?"
"Can I ask you some things?" I shrugged and nodded. "How old are you?"
"Nine." I said as I took another, smaller bite.
He looked at his friend and said, "Why are you in all black? With red flames on the bottom of your pant legs and arm sleeves?"
I blinked and said, "Why are you?" It was true. He was wearing all black like me, but the bottom of his pant legs and arm sleeves were all red, and not in flames.
I stood up and said, "Unfortunately, unless you give me a true and real answer, I will not answer you." Finishing the bread up, I did a mid air front flip over him and turned to face him. "No answer? Well, when you find one, you will find me where the lands ends and the water begins." I said as I turned from him and walked away.
"Where the land ends?" Duo whispered, turning to his friends.
"And the water begins?" Another finished.
One of them rolled their eyes and said, "The Ocean you dummy!" "Oh..." Duo whispered.
"Well go find her!" Another snapped.
"But I don't know the answer..." Duo whispered. They all stared at him, making him laugh nervously. "Never mind!" He turned from them and ran to where I had left. When he found me, I was sitting on a wood table in front of the cliff of the ocean.
"Hey Shawn." He whispered.
"Anwser?" I asked.
"Because these are the only clothes that I have." He whispered.
I turned to him and said, "The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of mystery."
He blinked and asked, "You have to say everything in weird little phrases?"
I smiled and said, "It means, when you have a lot of knowledge, there's always something new to explore from it."
He looked sideways at me and whispered, "Your boyfriend, how old was he?"
"So this happened four years ago?" He asked, pulling himself beside me.
Tears trickled down my cheeks as I whispered, "I didn't even get to kiss him...or tell him how I felt..." He turned to me and just stayed like that till I turned to him.
"What is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. He pushed my hands down and slowly kissed me. My eyes widened, but I soon relaxed. When we parted, he smiled at me.
"Was that the first time you kissed someone?" I asked. He nodded. "Really? You were really good at it." I giggled. He blushed and looked down. "Anyway, look. I'm really, really busy. So I should go." I hoped off the table and stood in front of him.
"Man, you act like you're a grown up or something. What is it with this job of yours?" He asked, leaning forward.
I narrowed my eyes and said, "This job keeps me alive. I'm very serious about it and if you tell a soul..." I turned my back to him and continued, "I'll take yours from you and shove it back down your throat."
He blinked and whispered, "Alright."
I turned back to him with a smile and said; "I'll see you later! Next time I'm here, I'll look ya up!"
"Wait!" He yelled before I left. I turned back to him, my hands in my pockets and nodded.
"There might not be anyone in the world except me named Duo, but just so ya know, my last name is Maxwell."
I smiled and nodded. "See ya." I waved to him as I turned back around and ran down the street quickly. 'He's so cute...' I thought to myself as I ran. I leaped into the moving train and leaned against the wall of it as not to be seen. I buttoned the top button on my black trench coat and strapped on my spiked wrist bracelets. When the train came to a city two hours later, I leapt off before the train station and did a summersault in mid air to land on my feet. Someone yelled at me, but I didn't pay attention and kept running through the tall grass.
"STOP!" Someone yelled.
'Ya right.' I thought to myself as I leapt over a fence like I would the hurdles in track. I dodged some trees and spiked bushes, but he still didn't catch up. I took out my sword and chopped down some tall bushes.
"Stop now or I'll shoot!" They yelled.
'Damn. They're still at it. I knew I should have jumped earlier.' I thought as I put the sword away and ducked under a low branch. Two shots went off, one hitting the tree and the other grazed my arm. I swore under my breath as I climbed under a wall too tall to jump and kept running. "Keep up with me now!" I laughed to the man as he ran into the fence and pounded on it. I snickered as I did a front flip over a stream and ran into the city. "That was fun. But now to find somewhere to stay..." I looked around the city, but there weren't exactly any hotels that welcomed nine-year-old kids, that were alone. I sighed as I slumped into an alleyway and watched as people walked past. "There has to be an easier way to do this..." I suddenly heard screaming, and the people in the street scattered. My eyes widened as I jumped out of the alleyway and saw people holding guns. "Damn." I whispered. Suddenly, my cell phone started to ring. "Hello? Well, yeah. But right now isn't exactly the time for me to talk. I'll call you back. See ya." I shut the phone and put it in my trench coat pocket. I leaped into the street and pulled out my gun.
Man, that was a sight for the people. A nine-year-old girl holding a gun. I shot at the men, and one fell. The rest turned to me, and the leader growled.
"Drop the gun and I won't hurt you!" He yelled. Smirking, I pulled the trigger. He fell to the ground, signaling the other four to step forward. 'These are the guys that were back at Duo's town...' I thought to myself. I just shrugged and shot at them, making them scatter. I growled as they surrounded me and shot. I dodged them all and shot back. I leaped over them and killed them after five more minutes. I sighed and put my gun back in its place. All the people that were still around just stared.
"What?!" I snapped as I ran away. I sighed and called Artemis back. "What's up?" I asked, walking around in circles.
"You need to go to England. There's a helicopter waiting for you at Georgetown." He said.
I nodded and climbed back into the train. When I got to Georgetown, I went to the top of a building to find a helicopter waiting for me. I jumped in and it took off.