Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ground Zero ❯ The Hit Points ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To say the least, the next time I had time to go back to where Duo lived, was two years later.

I jumped off the train, did a mid-air summersault, and ran into the town. I looked around and slowly walked down the quiet streets. I looked up at where the church had been, and saw a business building. I gulped and went to Mr. Winner's place.

"What is it?" Mr. Winner asked me.

"The church. What happened?" I asked, pulling myself up on a rolling chair.

"We had to have it torn down. It was old and orphans stowed away there." He said as if it were a good thing.

I jumped up on the table and walked over to him. I looked down at him and said, "Where did the kids go?"

"The orphans house." He said.

Quatre looked up at me and said, "Where have you been?"

I looked down at him and said, "As soon as my contract runs out in three months, I'll be back to kill you." I leaped off the table and ran down the stairs and out of the building, leaving a white Quatre blinking at the door. I soon stopped at a run down orphans house and walked in.

"Are you another orphan?" Came a man's voice.

I blinked and shook my head. "No, I came to see a friend." I said.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "Alright, they're in there." He pointed to the room on my left, but I didn't really like this guy from the start.

I kept my back from him and slowly turned when I got in the other room. I gasped when I saw at least twenty kids running around. "Whoa…" I whispered. I walked up the desk in the room, slid my $100 glasses on and said to the lady, "I'm looking for a Duo Maxwell. Is he here?"

She looked up at me and smiled. "He's right outside." She said.

I thanked her and walked outside, keeping my hand on my gun. I looked around and gaped when I saw twenty more kids. "You're kidding me, right?" I whispered as I looked around. I saw three kids in the tall tree in the middle of the fenced area, and sure enough, the one at the top was Duo. "DUO!" I yelled, walking out into the yard.

But he wasn't the only one's attention I got. Some other boys also looked at me, and smiled. I clenched my teeth, but soon released the tightened grip when I saw Duo jumping out of the tree and ran to me.

"Hey babe!" He said as he jumped in front of me. I smiled and said, "Hey D. Ready to get out of here?"

He blinked and said, "What? You can't get me out of here."

"Sure I can. I am the daughter of a billionaire, or should I say now trillion?" I said, tipping down my glasses.

He just gaped and said, "Uh, I thought your parents died?"

"Yeah, they did. But my guardian Artemus has tons of money. Now come on, let's go." I said as I turned my back to him and walked back into the building.

He slowly followed and watched as I walked up to the lady at the desk.

"Hi. I wanted to know, how much is it to ah, say, adopt one of these kids?" I asked, sliding down my glasses.

She lifted an eyebrow and said, "An approximate? Probably about a hundred bucks."

I laughed and said, "No prob. I'm taking D here home with me. So, papers you can fill out yourself. I'll give ya the money and leave ya'll alone."

"What are you talking about? Ten-year-olds don't have one hundred dollars!" She said, as if she was insulted.

"Excuse me, I'm eleven. And I do have the money." I put my hand in my back pocket and pulled out a hundred dollars. "Here ya go."

She gasped and said, "Did you steal this?!"

"Nope. It was just my allowance. But Duo's worth it." I smirked.

She blinked and me and said, "Well, if you can pay for it. Name?"

"Shawn. Shawn Aino."

She blinked and said, "AINO?!"

I nodded and she jumped up. "Your father is a billionaire!"

I rolled my eyes and said, "One, he's my guardian. And two, it's trillion."

She slowly sat down and wrote the papers.

"Thanks! Bye now!" I said as I left.

Duo walked behind me and said, "I can't believe you did that."

"Did what?" I asked, taking out a cigarette.

"Got me out of there!" He said as he walked beside me.

"No problem. I told ya I'd come back, and I did." I lit the cigarette and put it in my mouth. I held one up to him, but he just gave me a funny look. I shrugged and put the box away.

"So, where do we go now?" He asked.

"I have a mission in L.A. But you're staying at the base." I said as I walked up to a black limo and opened the door.

He climbed in and I got in behind him. "Why can't I go with you? L.A. is so cool!" He said as the car took off.

"Because it's too dangerous." I said as I let out the smoke. I sighed and put it out. I wanted to kiss him, but I didn't want my breath to smell horrible. I put a mint or two, actually, four, in my mouth and chewed them.

Duo giggled quietly.

"What is it?" I asked, swallowing.

"Nothing." He said.

I crawled over to him and sat down beside him. I wriggled next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "I missed you Duo-chan…" I whispered.

He put his arm over my shoulder and nodded. "I missed you too…"

I looked up at him, and he looked back down. I closed my eyes and he put his hand on my cheek as we kissed gently. When we arrived at my secret base, I jumped out of the car, slid my sunglasses on, and walked with Duo behind me into Headquarters. I pressed a button to one of the doors inside and it slid open. I walked in and down a white hall.

Duo blinked as he walked behind me and kept close to my back.

I smirked at him as we walked into a white room at the end of the hall with a table in it. On the table sat a computer and in front of the computer was a chair, turned backwards. "Artemus." I said. The chair turned around to show a black man with a black hat tipped back. All his clothes were black like mine, but he didn't have flames on his.

"Who is this?" He asked as he stood up.

"Duo Maxwell. I'm leaving him here while I go to L.A. Make sure nothing happens to him." I said as I turned away from them and back down the hall.

"Shawn! I am not staying here!" Duo yelled.

"Yes you are." I said as I reached for the door button at the end of the hall. But before I pressed it, it slid into the wall quickly and Silverstone and Hawk walked in. "What's up?" I asked as I looked up at Hawk.

"We just got back from a mission." She said as she walked to Artemus.

looked at Silverstone, smiled and said, "Are you coming with me?"

He smiled and nodded.

"Alright, let's go." I walked through the open door with Silverstone behind me and went to the helicopter on top of headquarters. After a few days, the helicopter arrived back to the top of the headquarters roof. I jumped out of the copter and down to Artemus's lair.

"Good work Silverstone, Tigress." Artemus said as we both walked into the room.

"Thanks." I said as I sat down at the table. "Hey, where's Duo?"

"He's out with Hawk, training I believe."

"TRAINING?!" I screamed, jumping up.

"What's wrong with that?" Silverstone asked me, lifting an eyebrow.

"He's only a year older then me! I don't want his life to be like mine!" I snapped.

"We were only sparring." Came Hawk's voice.

I sighed as Duo walked beside her, and smiled at me. `Thank God he's ok.' I thought as I walked up to him.

"Tigress, you have another mission. Something's up with that circus in Lakeview." Artemus said as he typed on his computer.

I nodded and motioned Duo to follow. We took a train back to Duo's town and went to the circus.

"I never thought anything weird would happen at a circus." Duo said as he scratched his head.

I smiled and said, "I have to except everything and anything. Now let's go, I want to see what's up." I started to run as we got closer and I leaped into the tent. I gaped as I saw soldiers everywhere, holding guns to the audience and someone talking to the performers. "That's it…they're really getting on my nerves…" I growled as I took out my machine gun.

Duo stepped behind me and gulped.

"BACK OFF!" I screamed as I shot the gun.

The men holding the audience `hostage' all fell to the ground, but the five surrounding the performers shot back.

I rolled to the ground and jumped up. I grabbed a bar and swung onto the platform. I took aim with my silencer and kill two more of them. I hid myself behind the pillar as the remaining three shot at me. I ran to the side of the platform and leaped off, grabbing the trapeze and swinging to the other side. I jumped to the ground, did a mid air summersault and landed on my feet. I jumped up and shot the other three. I brushed myself off and looked at everyone.

"Thank you so much!" The manager said.

I nodded my head and said, "No problem, just another day for me." I turned away and slowly started to walk away.

"Wait a minute." I turned back around to see the clown walking to me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"What's your name?"

I slowly turned and said, "Shawn Aino." I walked out of the tent and looked into the forest.

"That was so cool!" Duo said as he just skipping beside me.

I shook my head and said, "Just another day. Now come on, I need to find three more." I started to run into the forest, Duo following not to far behind.

"What do you mean three more?" He asked.

"None of your business." I said as we came a clearing with tents and people walking around. I slowly walked in and found the boy I was looking for. "You Wufei Chang?" I asked the boy with black hair tied in a ponytail.

He turned to me and nodded. "I am." He said.

I put my hand out and said, "Shawn, Shawn Aino."

He shook my hand and said, "Weapons?"

I motioned further into forest and whispered, "They're all there."

He smiled and thanked me as he walked to where I pointed.

"What was that about?" Duo asked, stepping beside me.

"Business." I said as we walked back out of the forest.

"Now where?"

I looked up at a tall building, snapped my silencer to refill it and said, "Revenge." I went into the building and up to Mr. Winner's office. I kicked open the door and held up the gun.

"Shawn! What are you doing here?!" Quatre gasped.

I narrowed my eyes behind my glasses and said, "Like I said, the contract's over, and now so is your life." I put the gun to my eye and tilted my head.