Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ground Zero ❯ Changing Lives ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I gasped and whispered, "Heero!"
Dragoon shook his head and said, "Just get rid of them! They're the ones that attacked two weeks ago!" I growled and nodded. Friends or not, they had to be punished. Dragoon launched at Duo, but Duo simply stepped aside.
"Counter!" I yelled to my friends. Lioness nodded and punched Duo right in the stomach. Heero jumped at me and turned so our sides smashed into each other. I stumbled back and launched at him again. He pulled out his gun; hit me with it on my shoulder and leapt over me when I fell.
"Hawk! Watch out!" I screamed.
But it was too late. Heero pulled the trigger, shooting Hawk in the stomach. I closed my eyes and covered my head with my arms. Two more gunshots went off, and I heard a scrambling of feet running off. When I looked up, I saw Dragoon and Lioness laying on the ground beside Hawkins, all three of them dead. I growled and stumbled up.
"You'll pay Heero Yuy..." I growled. "You'll pay." I limped back to headquarters to find it in flames.
My mouth flew open and I fell to my knees. "No..." I whispered, and dug my hands into the ground, bragging dirt into my hands. "NO!" I jumped up and threw the rocks and dirt at the overgrown flames.
That was when I didn't want to fight anymore. I always lost, anyway. I turned my back from the flames and walked away. Another home there was nowhere to go.
So I finally signed up at a school called Crossroads in my real name and moved to a new house I bought. I had gotten all of Artemis's money and bought the house with some of it.
I slowly went to my class with a fake smile on my face and sat down in the back. I pulled out my math book and flipped to the page the teacher said we were on. At lunch, I ate by myself. But it didn't stay like that for long. Four girls my age walked up to my table and sat down on the other side.
"Hi! My name's Usagi Tsukino." The girl with her blonde hair in pigtails said.
I smiled back and said, "The name's Minako Aino."
"I'm Rei Hino."
"Ami Anderson."
"Lita Kino."
After school, Usagi told me to meet with them at Hikawa Temple in a while. I smiled and said ok. Since my home as about fifteen minutes away, I just went right to Rei's. She was sweeping off the porch when I came trotting up the stairs.
"Hey Rei!" I yelled to her.
She stopped sweeping and smiled. "Hey Mina!"
I stopped at the steps and said, "Am I early?" She laughed and nodded.
"By about half an hour."
"Oh...well that's how long it would take me to get home and back here, so oh well! Better early then late."
"Actually, it's better late then never." Came a voice. I turned around to see Ami walked up to us, holding her books.
"Hey Ames!" I said. She smiled and greeted me back. About ten minutes later, Lita came up the stairs.
"Where's Usagi?" I asked, looking around.
"She's late. Like always." Rei muttered. Five minutes after she said that, Usagi came running up the stairs of Hikawa Temple and ran into Rei's room, where we all were.
"Usagi! You're late again!" Rei yelled at her.
"Sorry Rei! I had detention and then my mom wouldn't let me go unless I cleaned my room!" Usagi said as she plopped down on Rei's bed.
I smirked and whispered to Lita, "Are they always like this?"
"Yep. Everyday." She said back.
I rolled my eyes and said, "So you guys are all best friends?"
They all nodded and Ami said, "There's room for one more." I smiled and thanked her.
Later that day, when I was walking home, I saw something shining in the bushes. I narrowed my eyes and bent down to pick it up. I stared at it and thought to myself, 'What the heck is this?' A sudden light surrounded me, making me scream. When the light dispersed, I was wearing some kind of Fuku! You know, like the Sailor Scouts. I blinked at the orange costume and twirled in a cirlce. I blushed and smirked. 'This is kinda cool. But uh, how do I get out of it?' Just as I said that, the twirls of light surrounded me again, and went into the stick.
"You are Sailor Venus." Came a voice. I loooked up to see a white cat walking up to me.
"Who said that?" I asked, turning around again.
"It's me." They growled.
I turned to the cat and went white when he smiled and said, "My name is Artemis."
I slowly backed up whispering, "'m loosing it. Cat's can't talk." I shook my head and clutched it with my hands.
The cat sat down with a smirk and said, "Well I can. Now come on, I have a lot of explaining to do." He stood up and jumped on my shoulders.
"Uh, ok." I whispered, and started to my house. When I opened the door, he jumped off my shoudlers and onto the back of the couch. Locking the door behind me, I turned to him and asked, "So what the heck did I turn into back there?"
"You mean who. You are Sailor Venus! The warrior form the planet Venus." He corrected.
'Great, just great. An ordinary girl would get a non-talking cat, but I get a talking cat that has a crescent moon on his forehead.' I thought to myself. I groaned and flopped down on my couch.
He jumped down next to me and added, "There are others like you. Very few."
"Yeah? Well give the power to one of the many without it. And how many have talking cats, by the way?" I snapped.
He stared at me and said, "Never mind that. But you need to know your duty's."
'Great, now I'm back to fighitng.' "Look here kitty-cat! I don't want to fight anymore! The people I love always get killed!" I snapped, standing up.
"But you have to! You need to protect the earth."
"Protect the earth nothing! I tried that before and it didn't work. I'm not doing it!" I snarled.
He blinked and said, "You are doing it and that's that."
"NO! That's not that!" I yelled, stomping back over to him.
He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Don't you want revenge?" I blinked and my eyes went blank.
"Revenge doesn't won't..." 'I'm gonna have to go to extremes with this one.' Artemis groaned to himself. "Try it for a week. That's all I ask." He said aloud.
I looked down at him and sighed. "Fine. I'll do it." He smiled in triumph and nodded. 'Well, I'm back to being a secret agent again.' I groaned. Artemis only smiled and laid down on the couch. The next day, things started to get weird. Some kind of pink lion monster was attacking the people in the park.
"Take out your transformation stick and repeat after me: Venus Power, Makeup."
I gulped as I stared at the pen and yelled, "Venus Power, Makeup!" A ribbon of stars surrounded me and changed me into the super herione, Sailor Venus! I leapt in front of the couple that was being attacked and said to the monster, "I am Sailor Venus! And on behalf of love, I shall punish you!" I blinked and thought to myself, 'Where did that come from?'
The lion only roared and launched at me. I scremed and dodged. "Not good!" I yelled as it jumped at me and pinned me on the ground.
"Jupiter Thunder Crash!" The lion was thrown from me and rolled over. I jumped up and looked behind me to see four girls in outfits like mine standing in a pose as if for a picture. I rolled my eyes adn turned back to the monster.
"Alright...this guys mine. Venus Crescent Beam Smash!" The beam of light hit the monster, sending him flying.
"Now Sailor Moon!" The girl in the red Fuku yelled to the other girl that was shaking.
I rolled my eyes and turned to the monster. 'He's gonna get away.'
"Mercury Bubbles Blast!" I watched as a cloud of mist surrounded us. Smirking, I knew this was my ticket out. I ran out of the fog and front flipped into a tree. I turned back to the girls to see the girl in multi colors finally yelling an attack. I leaped off the tree and de-transformed. I went up to Hikawa Temple a while after that and found the girls sitting outside on Rei's porch. I smiled and walked up to them.