Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ground Zero ❯ Once Friends, Now Foes ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Ano kuroi kage ga hirogaru mae ni. Isoide yaranakya maniawanai. Nikushimi no honoo YATSURA mo honki. Inochi wo kakenakya kachitorenai. Chikyuu no owari wa mitaku wa nai kara. Kokoro wo kimete tatakai no toki. Ikitankunai kedo shinitakunai kedo. Mugoi zankoku yurusi wa shinai. Yume mo omoide mo yarikake da kedo, kuru toki ga kita to wakatta kara. Aisuru hito-tachi kono te de mamoru wa. Hitomi wo agete tatakai no toki. Chikyuu no owari wa mitaku wa nai kara. Kokoro wo kimete tatakai no toki. Tatakai no toki."
"What the hell did she say?" The man demanded. The other boy just shrugged.
"Get Yuy in here!" A few minutes later, another boy walked in. "Say it again." The man said to me.
I glared at him and said, "Before that black shadow spreads. If we don't hurry, we'll be too late. The flames of hate and those guys are serious. If we don't risk our lives, we can't win. Because we don't want to see the end of the world, decide on your heart when it is time for the fight. We don't want to do and we don't want to die, but we will not allow merciless cruelty. Both our dreams and memories are unfinished, but when the time to leave came, because we understood. We will protect the people we love this way. Give us a look when it is time for the fight. Because we don't want to see the end of the world, decide on your heart when it is time for the fight. When it is time for the fight."
He narrowed his eyes and asked, "What does that mean?"
"It means nothing to you. If it did, you would have understood." I said. He growled, slapped me one more time, and ordered me to be taken away. The two boys watched on as they dragged me to the jail cells, but the one with longer brown hair was the only to follow. I rubbed my sore head as the guard slammed the jail cell shut and walked away.
"Baka." I whispered as I sat up against the wall. Yet another mission failed. I figured it was because Artemis wasn't there to tell me what to do or how to do it.
"You ok?" Someone whispered. I looked up to see the boy from the other room standing in front of my cell. I pulled my hair from my face and nodded.
"I'll be fine." I said. I saw a smirk appear on his face, and he took a bobby pin from his hair. He put the ends together and started to fiddle with the lock. When it came undone, he slowly walked into the cell.
"Come on, let's beat it." He said as he put is hand out.
I blinked and asked, "Why are you doing this?"
"What? You mean you don't remember me? It's me, Duo Maxwell." He said.
I blinked and stood up. "Duo?" I whispered.
He nodded as he stepped out of the cell and said, "You got yourself into a pretty big predicament here, don'tcha?"
I nodded as I walked out behind him and said, "What are you doing here?"
"A mission. But don't worry, I finished just before they called me into the room to get you to talk." He shrugged.
I smiled and said, "Alright, let's get out of here."
"Hold it right there." Someone said. A door slowly creaked open to show the other boy that was supposed to be their translator holding a gun up to us.
My eyes widened and I slowly backed up. "Duo..." I whispered to the boy.
He nodded and said, "Yep, Heero Yuy." He was wearing a blue knitted sweater and black pants.
I growled and said, "Heero, get out of our way!"
"You're really getting on my nerves, buddy." Duo groaned. I pulled my gun from my belt loop and without thinking further, shot at Heero. His eyes widened as it closed in on his and hit his shoulder. I grabbed Duo and ran past Heero.
"Come on!" I yelled, pushing Duo ahead of me. He led the way to the exit and jumped into a huge room. He threw me a helmet and pulled one on himself. I shrugged and pulled it on. The room had no gravity in it, so I was just floating in the air. Duo grabbed my arm and pulled me into a huge black mobile suit.
"So this is your mobile suit?" I asked as he strapped me in over him.
He nodded and said, "It's a Gundam. I call it Deathscythe." I nodded and just shrugged. He turned on the oversized machine and took off out of the hanger.
"So what have you been doing since you got this thing?" I asked him.
"Missions. Like you." He said.
I looked out into space and said, "Who are you with?"
He looked at me and said, "The colonies." I closed my eyes but didn't say anything till we were back on earth.
I jumped out of his Gundam and said as he landed behind me, "Then we are against each other."
He blinked and whispered, "What?"
"I'm with earth. I support them and I fight for them. We might still be preteens, but we know our sides and we can't turn our backs to them. Goodbye for now, if not forever, Duo Maxwell." I said as I turned my back and started to walk away.
"No...I don't want to fight against you..." He whispered.
I leapt into a tree and started to run farther into the forest. I was soon reassigned to different headquarters in the US, where I was born. Headquarters used to be in London for me, but the US? Wasn't that a little harsh? I walked up the huge building that was supposedly hidden and went in. I walked up to a desk and said, "Tigress." The person nodded and pointed down the hall. I sighed and trudged down the hall. I soon opened a huge door and saw three men turning to me. "The name's Tigress. Relocated from London." I said, looking up at them.
The man at the head of the table smiled and said, "Welcome. Now, I know you were a spy before, and you still will be. But we also want you to battle."
'No duh.' I thought to myself.
"Your quarters are upstairs." He added. I nodded and went to my room. It was kinda hard to miss since it had my name on it. I opened the door and went in.
I looked at the bed and noticed some kind of outfit on it. I rolled my eyes and thought to myself, 'It looks like Xena's.' And it basically was. It was the same material, and had the same weapons. I picked up the sword and ran my hand along it. It was a lot sharper then mine, but not as long. I figured I could change mine to be that sharp, but decided to carry both anyway. I picked up the gold and silver discus and smirked.
This was gonna be fun after all. But suddenly, my door was thrown open. I turned around and gasped when I saw Wufei pointing his gun at me. I gulped and slowly stepped back.
He narrowed his eyes and yelled into the hall, "I found her!" I heard footsteps running down the hall and four other boys came into my room.
"Is this some kind of reunion or something?" I asked.
Heero growled and said, "Yes. And this will be your last." My eyes widened and he shot. I screamed as it pierced my left shoulder and I fell back.
"Heero! Stop it damn it!" Duo yelled, and hit him. Duo and Quatre ran to me and kneeled beside me.
"Look, we have a mission and we're fulfilling it!" Wufei snapped.
"Shut up Wufei." Duo said as he sat me up.
"I'm ok...really..." I whispered as I rubbed my head with my right hand.
"There they are!" Someone yelled in the hall.
"They're in Tigress's room!" Another exclaimed. Heero cursed under his breath and ran to my window. "Let's beat it!" He said as he leapt out the open window.
"Damn it, Heero. I'll get you." I whispered as Wufei, Trowa, and Quatre followed him out the window.
Duo smiled at me and followed them. I slumped back down to the ground so I was laying on my back and closed my eyes.
"Tigress! Are you ok?!" Someone bent down next to me and picked me up.
"I'll be ok." I whispered.
A week later my arm was just fine; unlike most people whose arm would have taken a few weeks. I started to use my real name again instead of my boyfriend's, and instead of my other uniform, I used the one that looked like Xena's. One day as I was walking down the hall in headquarters, the ground started to shake.
"Intruders!" Came the overhead speaker. I looked up at the speaker and ran to the front office. Just as i came in, two boys ran out.
"I need help! Get me Dragoon, Lioness, and Hawkins!" (AN: corny names, huh?) I threw the main doors open and ran full sprint to catch up with the boys.
"Tigress! The dispatchers are cutting off the boys! Go head on and you should find them!" The two-way radio announced to me.
I nodded and kept running straight. I soon found the other three spies I called for surrounding the boys. I stepped in to fill the gap and smirked at the boys.
"There's no way out. Now tell us why you were in there."
The one with a tumble of brown hair turned to me and smirked.

Ok, not a good cliffhanger. But the next chapter will be up soon! Ja ne!