Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Long Awaited ❯ when she was whole ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Awaited

AN: Hello, Taiyoukai_Tenshi here, a.k.a Eternal_Angel or DemonZbride, ^_^ so hows it been? Long time no see hu? Anywayz I think this story is aptly named cuz for me it was a long awaited story, I haven't been writing for such a long time! Kami! Eh he he, *looks sheepish* and all of my other stories are not completed… I know I KNOW I wanted to finish them but… It just didn't work out okay? But I swear on all that is anime that I will complete this fanfic in one day! But you might not see it in one day.

OKAY! Some info, in this chapter Usagi is well… drifting, ah I cant really x-plain, and I have no clue as to what I want to do with this story! And if you have reviewed any of my other stories, (Thorn of the Rose/ To Love a Broken Heart) then you know that I receive and encourage flames, but trust me, good reviews are always best! And if you want a part in my story then say so in your review. Okay kind of a long AN but now…..



It hurt, it hurt so much at times that she thought she would surely die of the pain. But their should not have been any pain at all for she had no wounds, no blood was spilt that had been hers. She had sustained no injuries, not even a scratch marred her porcelain like features. So then, why the hurt? Why the tears?

But not all wounds show on the surface, some reach back and squeeze and wring out your heart as the memories add salt to the cuts and bruises you wish were there. And she did, she wished she could see bruises and blood all over her, at least then she could think she had tried to help.

Help her senshi.

But I didn't fight, I ran, I ran like the sniveling coward that I am. When they needed me the most…

But in all of her self-pity and grief she did not realize that she had had no choice in the matter.


"Sailor mars! We must protect the princess!" Sailor Uranus yelled over the deafening roar of collapsing earth.

Sailor Venus was the first to go. "AHH!" She screamed in surprise when a hand ripped from the earth to pull her under. "Venus! Crescent Beam Blast!" She cried in a futile attempt to free herself of the menace that gripped her like death itself.

Before she was brought under, Sailor Jupiter rushed over to help her fallen comrade. "Come on guys we gotta help her out!" She yelled as she began blasting her way through to the senshi of love.

However Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus stood backwith Sailor Mars. "Come on guys lets go!" Eternal Sailor Moon said as she tried to pass them. But they would not move.

Confusion was evident on her face. Hastily Eternal Sailor Moon pushed strands of blond hair out of her face. "Hey!" She cried franticly, "We have to help! Let me go!" She looked over Neptune's shoulder in time to see her friends pulled into the earth. "MINAKO, AMI, MAKOTO, MAMORU,NO!" she screamed"no".Then, "Why didn't you let me go to them! THEY NEEDED ME, THEY NEEDED YOU!"

"Our obligation is to your protection" Uranus said as shelooked back at where the three senshi had stood only moments agonow more of the dead where spilling through. "Damn," she spat. "Now what?"

Neptune too felt the weight of hopelessness. "What indeed," a voice whispered above the chaos. Theremaining senshi spun around towards the voice.

"Who are you?" Sailor Uranus demanded when she saw the shadowy figure. "Are you the one who created this terror?" The shadow however, only laughed. "Answer me damn you!" Uranus cried as she charged at him with her Space Sword Blaster…

It was futile, in a matter of minutes the remaining outer senshi were destroyed.

"No, no, no! I don't believe this!"Eternal Sailor Moon whimpered as tears fell down her face.

Suddenly, Mars took up a stance in front of her. A familiar stance that made Sailor Moon's eyes widen. "Mars no!" She cried when the senshi of fire began to chant. But it was too late. Already a jet of red light connected Mars to the shadow figure.

"MARS PLANET POWER!" she cried

"Mars you can't! it takes all five of us to Teleport! You don't have enough energy!" Sailor Moon cried out.

"Then lend me some of yours meatball head." Mars said.

"No, NO! I refuse to be a part of your death, Rei please, stop this!" Sailor moon pleaded. It was some time before Mars replied. But by then Sailor Moon had felt Rei drawing on her power, sucking it away from her.

"I can do this Usagi," she whispered, "So believe in me! It's not like I won't see you again!"

"Rei,"Usagi sobbed trying hard with all her might to make believe that this was not real.

"Thanks Usa, for everything!" Mars said, andas her aura flared red and gold. "PLANET TELEPORT!"

In a flash of brilliant light Mars and her unwilling passenger vanished into the deep realms of space where they both met their ends. And with the demise of Shadow, which the creature was soon to be named, the danger to the earth passed, as dust in the wind.

But grief often robs us clear memory, leaving behind only hurt. And in this case, and girl maybe of seventeen, long blond hair in two odango's with streamers falling from them now unruly and un-kept, with cerulean blue eyes shot with red from lack of sleep. Leaving behind a girl, broken and torn sitting on a worn bench in the middle of a park on a cold dim day.

And still she did not go to her, how could she comfort the child? She had not been allowed to fight alongside the other senshi either, as punishment for interfering with the time-lines . So she could understand Usagi's pain. But still, she wished she could do something to make her hime better. Setsuna sighed, what she would give to see her hime whole again.


Tenshi: So what do you think?? I like it!

Sess-chan: No one cares about your opinion onna.

Tenshi: Keep it up and I wont write you a fic!

Sess-chan: Hn

Anywho ( temporary insanity their srry!) please review if you like! It took me a long time to write this chap and some support would be appreciated.
