Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Long Awaited ❯ when he could smile ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Long Awaited

AN: Okay here we go this is officially a trowa/usagi pairing however, I have planed a twist so be warned! Also I and doing a chapter on each of the gundam boys so there will be many chapters.

When He Could Smile

He watched as his fingers danced across the piano keys. Whose hands are these?

These are not mine, mine are stained with blood. He thought to himself as he strummed away all of his frustration and sorrow.

The years had been kind to the boy, as far as appearances were concerned. And he was still young, only a mere seventeen years. But inside, he had aged millennia.

Death takes his toll on all who call upon him. Whether it mattered or not, the young man was slowly dying himself, slowly aging with each person he killed, slowly loosing his hold on the world.

Sighing to himself, the young man took his hands away from the instrument. Even the music offered him no comfort.

Finding no peace in sitting alone he stood and stretched. As he did so he looked out the large window, to be greeted by a dim sun. It would soon rain, he thought. And sure enough, a light sprinkle began to fall against the window pane.

In this music he could find some peace of mind. So he walked over to the window and opened it, allowing the water to slap against his upturned face.

The rain felt good as it ran down his face to follow his hairline to his neck, and under his shirt, offering cooling and invigorating caresses.

He shivered against his will. As much as he was enjoying the weather, it would not do for him to become sick. So he reluctantly closed the window with a soft click.

Sometimes he needed to do silly things like that, just to remind him of his humanity, sometimes he needed to put himself at risk, to remind him of his mortality.

Not that getting a little wet was life threatening, but it could make him sick and that was all he needed to know. And that knowledge was a comfort, letting him know that he and the others where not invincible.

At that thought he frowned. Did the others feel this way? Did the others purposefully look for their flaws? Just to remind themselves that they too were irrevocably human? Or did they find that reminding themselves of that particular trait was a waist of time?

They were strong, all of them, but he was constantly trying to hold onto his humanity, and his emotions, he did not want to lose those things and become a shell, a machine. But holding onto such things made him weak, in terms of decision making. It made him question the missions that he and the others went on.


"Guys I really don't like this," he said starring at the others,

they just shook their heads, "You have to stop letting your emotions get in the way, it will be the death of you" one of them said.

"But," He began "he's only a soldier it's not his fault he was pulled into this, how do we know-

"That's just it we don't know! Now, we are wasting time hurry it up and commence the operation."

Where they right? He shook his head. It's a war, he told himself firmly, and in war there is no room for humanity, or emotions.

He was jerked out of his thoughts when the window blew open. He walked back over to it a noticed that the rain was now a full blown storm. "How fitting," He said to himself, a frown etched into his face, as the wind tousled his platinum blond hair, and ruffled his clothes. His light hazel eyes searched the sky before firmly closing the window with a snap that echoed into the depths of his heart like a silent plea.

A pair of eyes watched knowingly from the corridor belonging Quatre's servant (Anyone know his name? That one big guy T_T) Talahm (I will call him that for now). I am very sorry Master Quatre, but this war has not been kind to you. It has changed us all I think. But I will strive for the day when you remember how to smile.

AN: SO what do you think? This one took a little thought and effort, (Though you can hardly tell right?) Anyway I could use some ideas on what to call my chapters on Wufei and Heero. So again support is appreciated.

Preview On the next chapter:

When He Could Laugh

He reached for the nearest scrap of metal and lifted it up. It was rather heavy and many people would have dropped it. As it was he was not paying attention to the grease that coated it. So it dropped square on his foot. "DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!" He shouted as he flung it at the garage door. It just was not his day.

AN: So as you can see this next chappie is going to be on a MUCH lighter note, a cookie for the first person who can guess who it is about. Oh come on where there enough hints already?!

Ja-ne oh and don't forget to review okay?