Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Sibling ❯ Missing Siblings I ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tsukino Usagi was a normal sixteen-year-old girl. She had lots of friends, and everyone who knew her, loved her as a friend. She was definitely naive, but she was always cheerful, and she could work her way into the coldest of hearts to make them see that no matter what they had done, someone would always love them. But there are always secrets in a family, and Usagi's was no exception to that rule. She was about to find out what that was.

It was her seventeenth birthday, and she was excited to say the least. She was going to be seventeen. Her birthday was June 30th, and it was her favorite day of the year. She ran home from school only to find that her mother and father seemed distressed about something. She couldn't figure out what they could be so distressed about, but she knew that she wanted to find out.

She walked into the dining room where they had been sitting. It was to the right of the door, and it was open so that you could see it from the door. She gave them one of her famous smiles and said, "Kaasan, Tousan, daijobu ka?"

Her mother took a long look at her daughter before she answered saying, "Iie, Usagi-chan."

"What's wrong?" Usagi asked genuinely concerned for her parents.

She could see that there was something terrible going on, but she wasn't so sure that she wanted to know what was going on. Her father looked up and decided that he would relieve her mother of having to tell her what it was. He gave her a very weak smile and said, "When you were born, you had a twin."

Usagi remained silent. If she had a twin, who was he? She wanted to know. Her mother continued where her father left off saying, "When you were about two years old, your brother, you, and I went to the store. You had fallen asleep, but he didn't. He always had a lot of energy, but you didn't seem to have the same amount. He had been walking by the basket, and I turned to get something out of the freezer, but when I turned around he was gone. We haven't been able to find him since that day. He just seemed to disappear. We went to the manager, and he locked the doors so that no one could get out with a little boy, but it seemed as if he was already gone."

Usagi soaked in all of this information quietly. She was so calm that it scared her mother and father, but she didn't notice that. They expected her to freak out like she did about other things, but she just sat there staring into space. Unknown to her parents, she was mentally looking for him. She looked up at her parents and said, "I'm going to find him."

With those words, she walked calmly out of the kitchen and up to her room leaving two very shocked parents. When she made it to her room, she looked up at Luna who had heard the entire conversation between her and her parents. Usagi said, "How do I find him?"

"I don't know," Luna said with worry evident in her tone. She too expected Usagi to freak out when her parents had told her of the news. She was immensely surprised by what her parents said.

Usagi sighed as she flopped down on her bed. She was supposed to go see the senshi today, but was she sure she wanted to do that. She thought about what Luna would do if she said that she wouldn't go, and got up to change. After she had changed, she went to Rei's shrine (A.N. I can't remember the name for it. If anyone does, please tell me).

Needless to say, she was out of it during the entire meeting. Makoto had brought with her some cookies to eat after the meeting was over, but Usagi declined when she was offered some. This was the last bit, and Rei finally said, "What's wrong with you, Usagi-chan? You seem so out of it today. You refused Mako-chan's cookies."

"Nothing," Usagi said while staring off into space.

Minako looked at her friend and cousin before saying, "I don't bye it, Usagi-chan. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Minako-chan," Usagi said finally looking at someone instead of staring off into space. She smiled trying to reassure her friends, but it didn't work. None of them would leave her alone.

Finally, Luna became tired of this and said, "Usagi, if you don't tell them, I will,"

"Luna," Usagi said with warning in her tone, " If you do, you'll go two days without food."

Minako looked at the black cat and said, " If you tell us, I will make sure that you get extra food, some of Artimas'."

Luna looked at the girls, and glanced back at Usagi with a look telling her that she was serious. Usagi let out a sigh drawing attention all of the attention to her. Luna smiled at this knowing that she had won as Usagi began to tell the others what she had found out that day. "Kaasan and Tousan told me today that I had a twin brother that came up missing when I was a little baby at the age of two. I don't know what to do, but I really want to find out what happened to him."

"Well, Usagi-chan," Ami said for the first time joining into this conversation. "Why don't you just use the crystal to find your twin?"

Usagi jumped onto her friend saying, "That's a GREAT idea, Ami-chan!" As soon as Usagi got off of the ice princess, she started gobbling up the cookies.

Rei saw this, and smiled before she realized that Usagi was going to eat it all. She then screamed at her best friend saying, "USAGI NO BAKA! YOU'RE


"You guys get upset when I don't eat, and then you start yelling at me when I do eat!" Usagi stuck her tongue out, and the two continued the tongue war.

Meanwhile, across town, there was another argument going on with two people who had about the same characteristics as the two that we left. Their names were Duo Maxwell and Wufei Chang.

Duo was a mischievous child that loved to tease his friends. Especially this one in particular because he would react. No one was ever able to figure out why because this specific one was at this very moment chasing him around the house waving a katana in the air while screaming, "MAXWELL! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" It wasn't always the best reaction, but at least he got one.

With his other friends, he didn't get any. Hiiro Yui was what he liked to call the perfect soldier. He didn't have any emotions, or at least none that he shows. He was tall, but not too tall, with chocolate brown hair that always seemed to appear messy.

Then there was Trowa Barton. He never did anything. He never said anything, but he wasn't the perfect soldier. He was tall with dark brown hair that was short in the back with long bangs that covered one of his deep emerald eyes. He had a talent for learning languages and playing the flute. During free time, you would often find him either reading a book in the library or playing the flute with Quatre on the violin.

Quatre Winner was definitely the kind one of the group. He always spoke with respect to the person he was talking too, and no matter what, he would never be rude to anyone. He had very light blond hair that was short, and combed, but still seemed somewhat messy. His deep sapphire eyes always showed what he was feeling. He was no fun to tease because he was so polite.

Then there was the maniac that was chasing Duo at this very moment. His name was Wufei Chang. He was Chinese, and he looked it. He had long black hair that he kept tied back into a tight ponytail, and small eyes that never seemed to miss a thing. He also had a temper that could rival an erupting volcano. He was most well known for his `weak onna' comments.

Finally, there was the one that was running from the katana-bearing maniac, Duo Maxwell. He was tall, and he had long brown hair that was pulled back into a loose braid that he protected more than his life. He was definitely mischievous, and you could see that in his eyes which were a deep brown. He called himself the shinigami, or the god of death, but no one took him seriously, not even himself. He loved to torment his friend, and he knew that one day his braid would be taken.

Quatre had finally gotten fed up, and he stood walking over to Wufei. He put up his hand saying, "I would appreciate it if you wouldn't do this in my house."

Wufei realized that he was doing this inside a house, and valuables could be lost because of it, so he stopped what he was doing. Duo, seeing that it was safe, came out from behind the couch where he had been hiding, and took a seat on it as far away from Wufei as he could.

They would soon find out that there was more to one of them than any of the knew, even the one that this is about.

***Later that night***

Usagi walked into her room. She was thoroughly exhausted. When she had come home, her friends had insisted on coming with her. She didn't know why until she got there to find out that her parents had thrown her a surprise birthday party. Her friends had known about it, and that's why they came. The party had just ended, and her mom and dad said for her to go to bed while they cleaned up the mess.

She remembered what Luna had told her about using the crystal. These were her exact words; "Don't you do that. It's too dangerous for you to use it for something so trivial."

Usagi wasn't about to take this advice. She didn't think that it was trivial. It wasn't every person who had a missing twin. Before she went to sleep, she said, "Ginzuishou, please tell me where he is. Let me know where I can find my brother."

The crystal started to glow, but then it stopped. Usagi thought that it wasn't going to do anything, and she assumed that she was too tired to do it, so she decided to wait till morning. Unknown to her, the crystal was granting her a wish.


Usagi was surrounded by mist in a place that she didn't know. She called out, "Is there anyone here?"

Usagi didn't expect an answer, so she jumped when she heard, "I'm here with you, Usagi-san."

She tried to find the voice, but soon gave up saying, "Who are you? Where are you? Please come out and let me see you."

"I can't let you see me," the voice said, "I am the Ginzuishou, and I'm here to grant you your wish." The voice must have know that

Usagi was about to ask another question, and it quickly said, "I know where your brother is."

Usagi became excited and said, "Really! Where is he?"

"He is with some of his friends," the voice said. Usagi knew that whoever it was that said that was also smiling. "He is with Quatre

Winner. That is the name that you need to look for. His name is…"


Should I end it there?



"His name is," the voice said, "Trowa Barton. He won't recognize you, but he will believe you. I wouldn't trust his friend when you're alone with him, however, the one name Hiiro Yui. The others will be quiet excepting. Take one of the senshi with you. Minako may be your best choice. Only take one, however, too many may seem threatening."

Usagi nodded. She noticed that as the voice spoke, it was getting farther and farther away. It said one last thing; "You are waking, so I wish you the best of luck with your twin brother."

Usagi smiled and said, "Thank you," just before she woke.


It was six thirty in the morning when Usagi woke up, and boy was she surprised, but she didn't expect everyone else to be. They were all shocked to see her at school thirty minutes early. The day went smoothly, and at lunch, Usagi spoke to Minako. She pulled her aside and said, "Minako-chan. I didn't listen to Luna, and I used the Ginzuishou. It told me where I could find him, and what his name was. It also said that I should only take one of the senshi, it suggested you. I guess it's because you're a family member."

Minako gave her one of the famous Minako grins and said, "I would love to go with you. Are you going today?"

"Hai," Usagi said smiling at one of her many best friends. She knew that Minako was mischievous, but she would never do anything drastic.

Except when she starts to match make, she turns into a maniac.

After school, they took a bus to the other side of Tokyo. Usagi was surprised when she found where she was going, and found a mansion. Her and Minako went up to the gate while ringing the intercom. Someone with short blond hair appeared on the screen. He said, "May I help you?"

Usagi smiled and said, "Yes, we were looking for a man by the name of Trowa Barton. We were told that he was staying here."

Quatre gave her a smile and said, "He is, but he's not in right now. Why don't you come in and wait. He should be back anytime now."

Minako smiled and said, "That would be great." She knew that Usagi would have denied the invitation, so she had accepted it before Usagi could do that.

There was a buzzing sound, and the door opened. Usagi and Minako walked into the gate, and up the driveway. It wasn't too long of a driveway, and when they

got to the top, the same boy was waiting for them. He gave them a smile and said, "Hello, my name is Quatre Winner."

"Hello," Usagi said, "I'm Tsukino Usagi, and this is my cousin, and friend, Aino Minako."

Quatre smiled at them as he motioned for them to go inside. He knew that the two had to be related because they both looked so much alike. He led them to the living room where their were two other people sitting. Quatre gave a smile at the two as he introduced Usagi and Minako. This is what he said, "Usagi, Minako, this is Wufei Chang and Hiiro Yui. Hiiro, Wufei, this is Aino Minako and Tsukino Usagi. They have come to visit Trowa."

"Weak onnas," Wufei said as he walked out of the room. Usagi ignored him because of the person that was sitting right in front of her. She remembered being told to be aware of this person, and she hoped that the Quatre wouldn't leave them alone. Quatre motioned for the girls to sit down, and they did.

Usagi and Minako sat on the loveseat while Quatre took a seat beside Hiiro on the couch opposite of the girls. Quatre started a conversation by saying, "So, why are you looking for Trowa?"

Usagi gave him a smile before she said, "Well, I have been looking for my brother for a long time," so she lied, she couldn't tell them the truth,

"and I got a lead that said to try talking to Trowa Barton. It seemed as though I have been one step behind him then entire time."

Minako knew that Usagi was lying, but she didn't show that. She wasn't so sure about the one that sat there beside Quatre. He kind of freaked her out. Minako decided to join in the conversation by saying, "What Usagi-chan is trying to say, is that we believe that Trowa Barton may be her twin brother."

Quatre seemed shocked. He knew that Trowa couldn't remember his family, but to have two people walk up and say that they think that he is a part of their family was definitely strange. He had wondered about that, but he said, "Well, he should be back any time now."

As if one cue, the door opened and someone called out saying, "We're home!"

"That would be Duo," Quatre said with a smile, then he called out, "In the living room, Duo!"

Two boys walked into the room, and all besides Hiiro stood to greet them. Usagi looked them over. She saw that the first one with the long braid was cute, but he seemed to remind her of Minako. The other one, however, had a strong resemblance to her father, of all people. She hoped that this was Trowa Barton. Quatre said, "I would like to introduce you. Usagi, Minako, these are our friends, Duo Maxwell, and Trowa Barton. Trowa, Duo, this is Usagi Tsukino, and Minako Aino." He said their first name first for the benefit of Duo who didn't know that much Japanese.

Usagi stared at Trowa before she gave a huge smile and turned to Minako while saying, "It's him. I'm sure of it. He looks so much like Tousan!"

Minako smiled at her friend before she walked over to Hiiro, helped him up, and led everyone out of the room so that Usagi could explain it to Trowa.

Usagi hadn't noticed this because she was staring at Trowa. He had noticed it however, and was about to leave when Quatre shook his head for him to stay. After they were gone, Usagi finally said something, "I can't believe I finally found you!"

"What do you mean by, `finally found me?'" Trowa asked.

"I'm so sorry, you don't know me," Usagi started. "I am Tsukino Usagi, and I am seventeen. I used to have a twin brother, but he came up missing during a shopping trip when we were two years old. I found out about a year ago, and recently I got a lead that said it was you. I now it is you because you look almost exactly like Tousan."

He stared at her in shock. Usually, he wouldn't show any emotion, but this was definitely unbelievable. She started talking again; "I can't wait to tell


"How can you be so sure about this?" he asked.

She stared for a moment before she answered, "Well, all the facts say that it's you, you look like my father, and the lead that I got is very reliable."

He wasn't sure that he believed her, but he decided that he would look into this. He would meet these people who believe that they are his parents. "I will meet them, but I'm not so sure that I can believe that they are my parents."

Usagi smiled at him, she got way more then she expected, and started pulling him out of the room. Meanwhile, Minako had explained everything to Duo who was in shock at the news. She smiled as she waved a hand in front of his face, and he didn't move. She walked out of the room, and came back a second later with a cup of water. She dumped it onto him. That brought him back while Wufei, who had just walked into the room, cracked up. Finally, the jokester got joked.

Just then, Usagi and Trowa walked into the room, and Usagi smiled while saying, "We're going to my house, Minako-chan!"

They started to walk out the door dragging Trowa with them when Quatre said, "I could give a you a ride home."

Minako smiled and said, "We would love that!"

They piled into Quatre's car, and he took them to where Usagi said that she lived. They were surprised to see the house, because in Japan, you have to be pretty well off to have a house that size. Usagi went up to the door, and swung it open coming face to face with her little brother, Shingo. It caught her off guard, and she fell backwards. When she landed, she yelled, "SHINGO NO BAKA. WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT THE DOOR!"

He grinned at the girl, and then looked at the five guys that were accompanying his sister and cousin. Although Usagi and Shingo fought a lot, he was protective of her. Not as much as his father, but he did love her. He eyed them all as Usagi brought them all into the house. She took them to the living room where her father was sitting reading a newspaper. He looked up when five strange teenage boys came in with his seventeen-year-old daughter.

Usagi smiled at her father and said, "I found him, Tousan!"

Kenji looked surprised for a second before he realized what she was saying. He got up and went to the kitchen telling his wife what Usagi had done. She ran into the room to see him, but she was greeted with five boys instead of one. Usagi smiled and stood. She said, "These people are Quatre Winner, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, Hiiro Yui, and my long lost twin, Trowa Barton." She pointed to each one in turn. Her father recognized the names. They were the gundam pilots, and he was definitely surprised to hear this.

At this, Usagi's mother fainted. Wufei was about to say something when Usagi gave him a glare that could rival Hiiro's. This surprised everyone, and he didn't say anything about her mother.

To be continued…

I hope that you all enjoyed the first chapter. It came out so much longer then most of my chapters do. I will get the next one out as soon as possible.