Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Sibling ❯ Missing Sibling 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Well, I can see that a lot of people read my last chapter. I hope that everyone enjoyed it. Here is the next chapter, and I almost forgot. Would you guys tell me whom you would like to see Usagi paired up with? I kind of want her to end up with Quatre, but if that's not what everyone wants, then I won't do that. Please vote because voting won't remain an option for very long.

Trowa, Quatre, Hiiro, Wufei, Duo, and Usagi are all 17

Minako, Makoto, Rei, Ami, and Hotaru are all 16

Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna appear the age of 20 to 21.

Enjoy the story

***Missing Sibling part two***

At this, Usagi's mother fainted. Wufei was about to say something when Usagi gave him a glare that could rival Hiiro's. This surprised everyone, and he didn't say anything about her mother.

Usagi ran to her mother's side while saying, "We need to get her off of the floor. Will someone help me?"

Hiiro walked over to her mother, and picked her up. He took her into the living room and laid her down on the couch. This surprised the Tsukino family, but the guys didn't seem to think it that amazing. In about five minutes, her mother started to wake up. Usagi kept the boys out of direct sight until she explained things to her mother.

The first thing that her mother said was, "What happened? Why am I on the couch?" After a second of reflection, she remembered what her husband had just told her. She immediately sat up and looked around. What greeted her wasn't an every day site. There were five strange boys sitting or standing around the room, and her husband and son were both watching her with eyes full of worry.

They could tell that she remembered what happened, and they were just as curious as she was on what was going on. Usagi knew that they were curious, so she finally said, "Kaasan, Tousan, Itooto, I would like to introduce you to these men. This is Quatre Winner, Hiiro Yui, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, and Trowa Barton."

She pointed to each boy in turn, then she said, "Minna, this is my family. My father, Kenji Tsukino, my mother, Ikuko Tsukino, and my little brother, Shingo Tsukino. Now if everyone will take a seat, I will tell the entire story so that you can find out."

Every one, with the exception of Hiiro and Wufei, took a seat, and Usagi stood up to face them. She started with looking at her parents. Boy she was regretting the lie that she was about to tell long before she told it, but she had no choice. She took a breath and said, "About a year ago, I found out that I had a brother. A twin brother. My parents didn't know that I knew, so I didn't say anything, but secretly, my cousin, Minako, and I started searching for him. We got many leads that lead us to different places.

'We finally managed to get him tracked down to an orphanage, but when we got there, he was already gone. They said that about a month previous to that, he had taken a job as a mechanic, and then he just didn't come back anymore. This was shocking to us, but we kept up the search. It led us to a man by the name of Dr. J." At this, she was glad that Pluto agreed to alter everyone's memories, because she saw all five of the boys' react to that name.

"Dr. J took forever to find, but when we did, he told us that we would be able to find you where we did. That was yesterday, and he also told us to be careful of mentioning his name. He refused to tell us anything other than the fact that we would find him with Quatre Winner using the name Trowa Barton. He wouldn't tell us how he knew this, or how he was related to you, but he did tell us where we could find you."

With that, Usagi finally took a breath and sat down. Everyone in the room, with the exception of Minako, let the information sink in. This had been a very exhausting day, and now it was finally catching up to Usagi. Within a few minutes, she was sound asleep. The room remained silent until Usagi started to snore. Trowa saw this, and for about a fraction of a second, an emotion passed through his face. He stood up and walked over to her picking her up. He turned to Shingo and said, "Can you show me where her room is?"

Shingo nodded his head before leading the two out of the room. While they were gone, Kenji turned to the other four boys and said, "How are you related to Trowa?" He was just trying to start a conversation, but it seemed to make the room tense.

Duo, however, was the one to answer. He said, "We're all friends. We met about two years ago."

Kenji accepted this as an answer when Trowa and Shingo walked back into the room. Shingo said, "Usagi is in her room sound asleep, like usual."

This didn't seem to surprising to anyone who knew her, but none of them seemed to realize that she wasn't asleep, she was actually awake, watching her family. She wanted to know what would happen after she left, so she pretended to be asleep. She was surprised when her twin picked her up.

She had sneaked back down to see what happened, and only one person realized she was there. Of course, it was the ever-watchful Trowa, but he didn't say anything. He knew what she was doing, and didn't really mind. He was curious as to what would happen too.

He was definitely surprised when Kenji looked at him and said, "Now that we've found you, or that Usagi's found you, I know that no one wants you to leave. Would you like to come and stay with us?"

He looked from one of his friends to the others. He finally said, "I would like to talk to my friends before I decide. This is all knew."

Duo's mouth dropped open, but Minako covered it before he could say anything. She had a good idea what he was about to say, and decided that Usagi's family should find everything out for themselves.

Kenji nodded, and Ikuko ushered the Tsukinos and Minako out of the room so that he could. He looked first at Hiiro who just grunted. It was approval, he could tell.

Next he looked at Wufei who said, "It's your choice, whatever decision, I will approve of it."

Duo was the next person to say something, "I think you should. You are the only one of us who has parents, you should cherish it."

None of them were expecting that from the braided pilot, but they all understood what he was saying. Usagi also knew what he was saying. This caught her off guard, but it did make sense. They didn't have families, so they were staying with Quatre, who was probably the only one who had a house. She felt horrible for them, but she knew that she couldn't do anything about it. Although she would love too, if she brought back their families, then they would become too suspicious.

She decided that it was finally time for her appearance. It didn't surprise her in the least that everyone knew she was there. If she couldn't say anything else about these boys, they were very observant, but she could say a lot about them.

She said something to draw all attention to herself; "Do you guys want to stay for dinner. I seriously doubt the Kaasan would mind too much. She loves having people over for dinner."

Duo was, of course, the first person to respond to this, "We would LOVE too!" He emphasized the word love because he himself was becoming hungry.

Usagi smiled at his enthusiasm. It reminded her of herself. She said, "Dinner should be ready soon, so I will go tell Kaasan that you've decided to stay."

She didn't see the glares that Duo was receiving from Hiiro and Wufei. She also didn't notice how Duo started to shrink down behind Quatre while she was walking away. None of it fazed her in the slightest.

Usagi walked into the kitchen and said, "They've agreed to staying for dinner, Kaasan."

Her family looked up at her appearance, they had all thought that she was sound asleep in her room. Ikuko smiled when she realized that the only reason that she did that was so that her parents and their son could talk. Kenji didn't pick up on this, but he did realize that his daughter had woken up on her own. He didn't say anything, but he wished that it would happen more often.

Meanwhile, Shingo was going to comment on anything that Usagi did. He said, "So you decided to wake up on your own for once, or did Luna scratch your face like she did yesterday?"

Usagi scowled at her brother before she said, "You know, I never knew that spores could talk."

This made Shingo scowl just like Usagi and say, "Haha, real funny."

Usagi gave one of her smiles before saying, "I thought it was."

Shingo stormed out of the room, and Ikuko looked at her daughter. She gave a frown before she said, "You really shouldn't talk to him like that. I know that he does it, but neither of you should. Especially on a day like today. You found your lost twin, and you two should at least try to get along."

"I will try," Usagi said sincerely. She did love her brother; they just fought in order to show their love. She knew that he loved her too.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Quatre had been able to prevent a fight before it actually started, preventing much of the embarrassment that would come with one of Duo's and Wufei's fights.

Quatre turned back to his silent friend and said, "Are you going to stay?"

Trowa nodded his head affirming what everyone was pretty sure about. None of them knew what would happen soon after this.

The dinner that night had been quiet before Usagi and Duo made it to the table. Trowa wasn't too surprised that his sister ate in the same pattern as Duo, but what did surprise him was that she ate twice as fast. No one knew why she ate so fast, she just did.

After she was done, she looked up to Trowa and said, "So are you going to be joining us, or remaining with your friends?" She asked it with a completely unbiased attitude, like she didn't care which one he chose. In a way she didn't because she would be able to see him either way.

"If it's not too much trouble," Trowa started, "I would like to stay here." Usagi saw her parents' faces light up at this, and boy was she happy. She knew her face was alight. She wasn't sure what his friends thought of it they seemed so distant.

Duo was the first one of them to speak, "Yeah! Trowa decided that he'd join his family, but I hope that you'll come to see us!" Duo looked at his friend for an answer. He got the normal affirmation of a nodding head from Trowa.

He was happy with that, and didn't say anything else, but Usagi did. She gave a bright smile before saying; "My friends and I get together for a study group every day after school, that would be the best time for you guys to meet them, so why don't you join us?"

Before Wufei could say anything about weak women, Quatre said, "That is a wonderful idea!"

Usagi smiled and said, "When do you get out of school?"

Duo was the one to answer that question as he said, "3:30."

Usagi smiled saying, "That's great! I don't get out till 4:00, so you can meet me outside the school tomorrow! I go to Tenth Street High school."

Duo smiled and said, "We'll be there!"

At that time, Usagi's father spoke saying, "Ikuko and I have a dinner appointment, would you mind cleaning up, Usagi? Shingo will be picked up shortly and staying the night at his friends."

Usagi smiled. She remembered when her father had told her about this meeting, and they had rearranged the chores so that Shingo wouldn't get out of it so easily. "I will, Tousan," she said with her normal smile.

During the second half of dinner, Ikuko had been getting ready, and she was now ready. They left. Usagi and the others were talking about odd things when a horn honked signaling that Shingo's ride had gotten here. Usagi bid her brother farewell, and she turned back to the boys. They were about to leave when Usagi said, "Don't forget, tomorrow and four outside the Tenth Street High school, kay?"

Duo smiled and said, "I'll make them remember. But Usagi, I do have one question."

Usagi smiled and said, "What?"

Duo gave his goofy grin before saying, "Are all of your friends as gorgeous as you?"

That made Usagi blush, and Duo turned to walk out the door. He caught, in the corner of his eye, the glare that Trowa had sent his way, and knew that this girl was indeed Trowa's twin sister. He didn't say anything like that again. Not because he was afraid, or that he thought she was ugly, but because he thought of her as a little sister. She was in fact, two months younger than him.

Quatre, Wufei, Hiiro, and Duo all said goodbye to Usagi and Trowa who were left with the house to themselves. Immediately, Usagi started to do her chore like her father had asked her too. Trowa got up and helped her. There was a silence during the chore, but it was done in less then thirty minutes. That left them with about another two hours before their parents got back.

Usagi wanted to become friends with Trowa, so she decided to talk. The first thing that she said, "Tell me about yourself."

This caught Trowa off guard, and he didn't know what to say. What was there to tell about himself? He was quiet, and reserved, and he was a gundam pilot. That was about it. He decided to leave out the part about him being a Gundam pilot and said, "There isn't really much to tell. Why don't you tell me about yourself."

Usagi realized that she wasn't going to get much out of him so she decided to tell him about herself. She started, "Well, I'm seventeen, I'm a junior in high school, I have eight very close friends, and ex-boyfriend, and I just found my missing twin brother. I think that about covers everything."

Trowa smiled at her childish behavior, but he wanted to know more about his family. He decided to ask, "Tell me about your friends."

Usagi seemed thoughtful for a moment, and finally said, "Well, there's Ami Mizuno, she's really smart. You've probably heard of her as the smartest girl in Tokyo. Then there's Rei Hino. She's a priestess at the Hikawa Shrine that her grandfather owns. Next is Makoto Kino. She's tall, strong, and a great cook. You've already met Minako Aino, she's our first cousin, but she's also one of my best friends. Hotaru Tomoe, the daughter of Professor Tomoe, is also one of them. She's really kind, but shy. Setsuna Meioh, who is a travelling doctor, she's one of my friends when she's around, but that isn't often. Then there's Haruka Tenoh. She can look like a guy if she wants too, and she's also very protective of her friends. Last, but definitely not least, is Michiru Kaioh. I'm sure you've heard of her, she's the famous violinist, and one of my good friends. Why don't you tell me a little bit about your friends? I wasn't able to make much out of them when they were here."

Trowa was silent for a moment, and Usagi was about to say something again, but he spoke, "Well, there's Quatre Winner, he is kind, and loves to paint and play the violin. There's Duo Maxwell, who is a big flirt, and a prankster. Hiiro Yui is silent, and no one knows much about him. Then there's Wufei Chang who is from China. He used to live on colony L5, but he doesn't anymore."

Usagi was happy that he was starting to open up to her. She finally asked something that she had been curious about. She asked, "Do you have any hobbies?"

Trowa gave a smile and said, "I like to play the flute and read books."

Usagi smiled and said, "You sound a little bit like Ami-chan."

He gave her another smile, but didn't say anything. After a few minutes, he said something that he just thought about, "Where will I be sleeping?"

Usagi thought about it for a few minutes before she said, "Tonight, you can stay in Shingo's room since he's going to be gone. We will find a better place for you to sleep."

He nodded, and said, "I am tired, could you show me which room it is?"

Usagi smiled and led him to the upstairs. When they got to his room, before she shut the door, she said, "You don't have to be so protective of me with your friends, I'm sure that they are trustworthy."

When the door shut, Trowa showed an emotion that lasted. He was shocked that she had seen his glare at Duo earlier that night.

He was, however, to tired to think about it, laid down and went to sleep. Meanwhile, Usagi went to her own room. She sat on her window seal, and stared at the stars. She had a smile on her face that showed just how happy she was. She couldn't believe that she was actually able to find him in one day.

She finally grew tired, but didn't move to her bed. Instead, she fell asleep on her window seal, and she surprisingly enough, woke up early the next morning. The following day, she met her friends.

Ami noticed how happy she was, and at lunch, she asked her, "Why are you so happy, Usagi-chan?"

Usagi flashed her a smile before she said, "Well, two days ago, on my birthday, mom and dad said that I had a twin that came up missing, and yesterday I found him. He and his friends will be joining our study group today. I can't wait for you guys to meet them. Of course, Mako-chan's going say that they look like her old boyfriend, but that doesn't matter."

After school, the five boys were waiting for Usagi. When they looked up, they saw Usagi dragging some girls along behind her. When Usagi finally made it to them, she seemed out of breath and said, "Oniisan! I'm so glad that you could make it. Minna, this is my older brother, Trowa, and his friends, Quatre Winner, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, and Hiiro Yui. Guys, these are some of my friends. I believe that you've already met Minako, and this is Ami Mizuno and Makoto Kino. Now lets get going to the Hikawa shrine!"

Usagi led the way to Rei's shrine, and finally they made it there. Usagi was so happy that she was going to be able to introduce her friend and her brother, that she was skipping all the way up the stairs. When she made it to the top, Rei stared at her. It was a very uncommon thing to have Usagi on time for a meeting, and she was about to ask how when everyone else came up the steps. She saw the five boys, and gave Ami a questioning look.

Ami said, "Ask Usagi-chan, not me."

Rei looked to Usagi who gave her a big smile before she said, "Rei-chan, I would like you to meet my twin brother, Trowa, and his four friends, Quatre Winner, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, and Hiiro Yui. Minna, this is my friend, Rei Hino."

Rei nodded when she was introduced, and took a good look at Trowa before nodding in approval. Rei turned to Usagi before saying, "So I assume that you've invited them to come to our study group?"

Usagi nodded her head enthusiastically. Wufei muttered something, and Rei heard what he said. She turned sharply to him and said, "I don't want to hear those words ever come out of your mouth again when you are at this shrine. Women are not weak, but sometimes, stronger than men!"

Duo looked shocked at first, and then he burst out laughing. It was hilarious to see Wufei get told off by a girl. Rei turned to him and said, "What are you laughing at?"

Duo gave her one of his goofy grins before saying, "The fact that Wu-man just got told off by a girl!" With that, he started laughing again.

"MAXWELL! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT MY NAME IS WUFEI, NOT WU-MAN!" Wufei yelled at the braided pilot. He almost started the chase when Usagi interrupted.

Usagi saw what was about to happen, and she quickly said, "Well, we better start soon, or we'll get nothing done!"

Everyone who knew Usagi was completely surprised by this statement. She never wanted to study, but then again, she was stopping a fight. They could all tell that those two boys fought often, and Usagi must not have wanted to do that.

Rei decided to keep her comments to herself, although she had a good one, she kept it in because of the company. Yuuichirou chose that moment to come up to them. He was shocked at the five boys, but he said, "I finished for today, Rei-san, I need to go home. Who are they?"

"They are Usagi's friends…" and Rei introduced them to Yuuichirou.

Yuuichirou left for the day, and they went inside the shrine and started the study group. No one really said anything during it, but they did finish all of their homework. Everyone walked to Usagi's house, and what they found, they were not expecting!


I think that it's time to stop. It's almost nine o'clock, and I want atleast five reviews, not just readers. I hope that everyone is enjoying my story. I'll get the next chapter out as soon as possible.