Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ In Dreams We Meet ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes: Due to the overwhelming response to
the Prologue (I've gotten more reviews on it then my two
previous works combined LoL), I decided to start the next
chapter right away. Aside from that, *gasps* I actually
don't have much else to say. Thanks for speaking peoples.
Oh YEAH!! READ THIS!! IMPORTANT!!! - The timeline has
been changed to the beginning of the Dark Moon Arc.
Chibi-Usa is there, and told Usagi all about where she
came from, without the Dark Moon showing up yet. The
Outers will put in appearances later on in the story. And
NeoSailor Jupiter - by "rebirth" I was referring to the
senshi's rebirth after the Silver Millennium. Hope this
clarifies for you.

This story is written without the consent of either Naoko
Takeuchi, or the person who wrote Gundam Wing. Credit
to Sailor Ronin for the idea of someone meeting with Usagi
in her dreams, even if I did twist the concept slightly.
BTW, everyone should read Light Meets Darkness, its one
of my favorite crossovers ever. Credit to me for the story
itself and all ideas in it except those previously mentioned.
Again, sue me if you really desire, but I really don't have
much money, and my CD and video collection isn't large
enough to be worth anything substantial. You'd probably
wind up with what little I do have though, because I wouldn't
be able to afford a decent lawyer. Again, pardon me if
Gundam Wing details are not as accurate as they ought
to be. I know the plot mainly through fanfiction, and as
we all know, authors tend to change personalities. I have,
however, watched enough to get the gist of it, and promise
to try my best.

Again, this is the unedited version. Please be gentle,
please read and respond, whether through email or
reviews. Arigato.

Moving On Chapter 1
By Eternal Rose

~* In Dimension SM *~

Thanks to Chibi-Usa's creativity in making
her wake up, Usagi was actually was actually on her
way to school on time. As she walked down the street,
her usual carefree grin upon her face, Usagi allowed
her thoughts to return to the dream she'd had the
night before. Who were those two guys, anyway? And
why in the Moon's name did she think she knew them?
There was something so familiar about them…

"Usagi-chan! Where are you going? And
why are you here so early?" Makoto was giving her a
strange look. For her part, Usagi looked completely
puzzled. Then she noticed she had just walked straight
passed the school, without so much as pausing. She

"Oh! I'm sorry Mako-chan, I wasn't really
paying attention to where I was going." She quickly
doubled back and entered the schoolyard. Makoto
was still giving her strange looks though.

"Is something bothering you Usa? You're
never early." Makoto looked at her, carefully
examining her facial expression. Usagi found that
this concern bothered her in a way that it never
had before. Usually it made her happy to just know
that the senshi cared about her, but for some
reason her one time of being early didn't seem to
be a good enough cause for concern about her.

"I'm fine Makoto, really." She said,
brushing by the senshi and heading into Crossroads.
She sat quietly in her seat, barely responding when
Ms. Haruna called her name. It seemed, however, that
responding had been a bad idea. Ms. Haruna fainted
dead away from shock, and classes were canceled
for the day. Not knowing what else to do, Usagi
headed for the Crown Arcade to talk to Motoki
about her strange dream. (AN - In the manga,
Motoki knows who the senshi are. He also knows
in this story.)

~* In Dimension GW *~

Upon waking up the next morning,
Heero and Quatre rose swiftly and looked at
each other. They had returned to the dream
world to continue planning for today's mission,
and were now preparing to leave. Much to the
disappointment of the two, the mysterious maiden
at not reentered the dreaming that night. (AN: I
know that the times are off by a few hours, but I
want it that way. You'll find out why later, presuming
I figure it out.) Although they had not spoken of her
again, the silence spoke volumes as each sensed the
others desire to see her again. Who was she and why
could she affect them in this way?

"Heero!" Quatre called. "It's time to
get going. Duo, Trowa, and Wufei will meet us
there in two hours. We need to leave right away
if we hope to be there in time."

"Hmph." Heero grunted and nodded his
head in response before jumping into his Gundam
to head for the OZ base they would be destroying
that day.

~* In Dimension SM *~

Usagi had not had a good day. First she
had been forced awake early. Her teacher then
proceeded to faint when she was on time to class
for a change. Next, Motoki couldn't come up with a
logical explanation for her dream either, although,
thankfully, he had agreed not to tell the others.
To make matters worse, there was a huge battle, and
the monster had left a huge bruise on the side of
Usagi's face that just wouldn't go away even after
she detransformed. Hours later it finally disappeared,
but not before Luna saw it and yelled at her to be more
cautious. With Luna mad at her, there was no way for
Usagi to force information out of her. To top it all off,
Mamoru hadn't spoken to her all day and that damn
dream just wouldn't leave her alone. No matter what
else she was doing, a small corner of Usagi's mind
refused to let it go.

'No.' Usagi reflected as she crawled in
between her covers that night, 'today has definitely
not been a good day.' She turned out the light and
fell asleep, her previous night's conviction about
forcing someone to tell her information she desired
drifting away without a moment's thought.

~* After the base has been destroyed *~

Upon successful completion of the mission,
the five pilots returned to Quatre's mansion, where
he and Heero had spent the last week or two.
Naturally, the first order of business was to repair
the Gundams. Then they ate. Finally, the five headed
off to their rooms to catch some shut-eye.

All of this, mission included, occurred
without a word from either Heero or Quatre about
the mystery woman who had entered their dream.
If any of the other three suspected something was
up, they ignored it, for the topic was not brought
up at all. Only when they had returned to the mist
was anything voiced about the woman they both
felt they had met before.

~* The Realm of Dreaming *~

Usagi spent a couple of hours exploring
her dream. A dark mist covered the entire location,
obscuring it from her view. Once again, she had
become her former self, and the white gown swished
around her ankles. Her bare feet padded softly down
the hall, attempting to find where it led. However,
the hallway lacked a beginning and an end. It seemed
to stretch for all eternity. Something was on the walls,
but the mist was so thick over whatever it was that Usagi
was unable to discern it.

"Quatre, is that you over there?" Usagi gasped
as someone else's voice invaded her dreams. The intrusion
seemed almost natural, though, because his voice had
been caught in her mind all day. It was the person who'd
threatened her last night.

"I am not now, nor have I ever been, Quatre.
Nonetheless, I am here with you now." Usagi turned his
words back upon him. "Who are you?"

"It's you!" Another voice gasped in the
darkness. "You're the girl who visited us here last
night. How did you get here?"

She shrugged noncommittally. "I don't
know. I just closed my eyes, fell asleep, and *bam*
here I am. How about you two?"

"Pretty much the same story with us." Usagi
could hear the lie in the boy's voice and decided to force
an elaboration later. She strode forward slightly,
curious as to whom these two people were, but the mist
kept them separated. One of the boys was leaning against
a conveniently placed pillar, glaring at her. The other
was just standing there looking at her, his eyes wide.
Even though the mist hid them, some mysterious force
was allowing her to sense their emotions.

"Do you know where we are?" Usagi asked
innocently. Her dress swirled around her ankles as
a strange wind swept through the dark corridor.

"Who are you?" The glaring one replied in turn,
answering her question with one of his own. Usagi didn't
have a decent reason not to answer him with honesty,
and so she did.

"My name is Usagi Tsukino." She said simply,
then paused. "I know that the one of you who answered
my question earlier is Quatre. I have told you who I am.
Will you treat me with the same respect?"

"Heero Yuy." His voice was cold as he
answered. (AN: Would you have expected, perhaps,
a smile and an offer of tea and crumpets?) "And my
associate is Quatre Winners."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Usagi."
Quatre replied, again pondering how she arrived
in the dream, but feeling it was rude not to answer
her question. "We don't really know where we are.
We have scoured this whole area, and found nothing.
All we know is that while asleep we are here, and
when we wake up again we are wherever we were
when we fell asleep."

"The same is true for me. Have you met
each other while awake?" Usagi asked, attempting
to find out as much as she could about this strange
place and the others who visited it with her.

"Yes." Was all Heero said. He glared at
Quatre, alerting him to the fact that nothing was
to be said about their mission. Meanwhile, Usagi
was absorbing some facts. It seemed that they
could see each other in spite of the mist, they
could see each other. She had but a brief moment
to ponder why before her body shook and she was
once again pulled from the dream.

"Think we'll see her again?" Quatre asked

"Humph." Heero grunted in response,
although for once his grunt had and affirmative
quality to it.

~* In Both Dimensions *~

Things continued on this way for most
of the rest of the week. The Gundam boys went
on missions, Usagi fought youmas. The boys were
very rarely injured beyond simply having to repair
their Gundams. Usagi, on the other hand, was often
injured. The multiple battles were beginning to tear
her physical being to shreds. A wedge seemed to be
growing between herself and the senshi, driving them
further and further apart. The mental pain that the
fighting caused her was indescribable. Her only salvation
came upon her entrance to the dreamland, where
there was no pain. Each night she, Heero, and Quatre
discussed their lives. It grew to the point where Usagi
was more comfortable and companionable with the two
men then they had ever been with just each other, in
spite of their remarkably close relationship. (for Heero,
even caring about someone slightly is a big deal!)

All the while, Usagi's sense that something
was going to happen soon grew and grew, until finally,
it did.

~* End Chapter 1 *~

OK, I know that was sort of short, and I feel bad about it,
but I needed a little more fluff for background before I
could get to the cornbeef of my story. (LoL, those who
were in my frosh English class with Mercogliano know
what I'm talking about! "Writing is like a cornbeef
sandwich." LoL!)

I promise we'll get some real action into the next chapter,
which due to the overwhelming response and the chance
of a snow day on Thursday will probably be out around

Please read and respond!

