Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ Choices of the Heart ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Authors Notes: Well, a friend of mine
(sort of a beta reader, but not really)
advised me that I probably annoyed a lot
of people with the place I left off Chapter 2,
and that it would be best to get out 3 ASAP.
So I'm taking her advice and doing just that.
Thanks to the same people who delayed the
last chapter, this chapter is out *gasps* early!
Now, to address a few requests - Sorry, but I can't
bring Ami with her, and you'll find out why later on
in the story. As to who she will be "Hooked up with"
your guess is as good as mine. This story is being
given to you as it leaves my brain, and I'm not
consciously trying to do anything. I do know that
I couldn't bring Ami, the reason why came to me while
I was writing the last chapter. Still don't know why I
made a time change, so I ask you to stick with me on that
one. I think it may be important in the end, but it isn't now
so I'm not worrying about it.

To the readers who have complained that the
existence of Chibi-Usa makes no sense - Can't
you at least wait till the story is over before
passing judgment? I'm sure I have a reason for
it, but again, I haven't figured it out yet. This will
probably be the last chapter to include Dimension
SM for a little while, but don't hold me to that
because it may change. WARNING - This chapter is
extremely long. Read only if you have the time for
it because it requires your full attention and time.

I have nothing. This includes Sailor Moon and Gundam
Wing. I make no claims to owning them. Sue if it pleases
you. You can have my twenty-five cents; I really don't
care too much, so long as you don't make me take down
my story. People will start throwing stuff at me if I
have to leave it unfinished, and that would be bad, and
then I'd have to sue you, and it would just become a
vicious cycle.

Moving On Chapter 3
By: Eternal Rose

~* Dimension GW *~

Trowa shook his head and leaned back
from the work he had been doing. Duo and Wufei
looked at him with surprise in their eyes. It seemed
almost like he was giving up.

"What's wrong Trowa? Why'd you stop
helping them?" Duo asked curiously.

Trowa raised his face to his two fellow
pilots and said, "There is nothing I can do for them

~* Dimension SM *~

The blinding light of the Silver Crystal
gradually faded from the room, leaving four very
confused senshi and a frazzled looking guy in a tuxedo
and a mask.

"Where did the youma go?" Mars asked.
She could have sworn it was here a moment ago.

"You mean you didn't destroy it?" Tuxedo
Kamen asked. He looked lost. Venus was badly
scratched, Mars's ankle was broken, Mercury was
unconscious, and Jupiter had a horrible looking cut
on her arm. The five detransformed and went to the
hospital to seek medical attention. Hours later,
they were still wondering how the youma suddenly

~* The Realm of Dreaming *~

Usagi collapsed to the ground in tears
the moment she arrived, wrapping her arms around
herself. Her tears clung to her dress as dew to
the morning grass, not penetrating its dry warmth.
She sobbed and sobbed as though she would never
cease, the emotional pain of leaving her life behind
too much for her to handle. Her body jerked when
she abruptly felt a hand touch her shoulder. Usagi
turned and gasped.

"Motoki!" She exclaimed. "How did you…?"

"Shhhhhh," he murmured, hugging her
close and letting her cry. "How I got here doesn't
matter. Right now you need to let it all out. Go ahead
and cry, I don't have anywhere I need to go."

She wrapped her arms around him and wept
bitter tears over what she had lost. Motoki sat simply
sat there and held her as she cried. Both were
surprised when a voice spoke up from across the room,
although it is safe to say Motoki was twice as scared
as Usagi.

"Usagi-chan, are you all right?" Quatre
walked slowly across the room. He had never seen
her this way, and it scared him. She was usually so
joyful, so light. Perhaps, though, the thing that
surprised him most was that now he could see her.
Long blond hair spilled out from two meatball-shaped
buns atop her head. Usagi was wearing a pure white,
ankle-length dress with gold rings at the bodice.
Her face could only be described as that of an angel,
and she had beautiful pale blue eyes, which were
filled with tears. The rivers of tears flowing down
her cheeks seemed somehow out of place.

"Quatre!" She gasped. Her eyes went
wide as she realized the mist had disappeared. In
front of her was the boy who's sweet, kind voice
she had been listening to for the past week. Quatre
had cerulean eyes and blond hair. He was very
handsome, and had an Arabian quality to his clothing.
She turned slightly and saw a gorgeous man with deep
mahogany colored hair and deep Prussian eyes. She saw
him and knew instinctively whom it was that stood before
her. "Heero… What happened to the mist?"

Heero and Quatre exchanged looks and
shrugged. Then Quatre spoke, concern in his voice.
"It doesn't matter right now. What happened to you?"

"My friends… my fiancé… my life… I don't
even know how I got here again. I thought once you
died, you moved on." Usagi sniffled, renegade tears
continuing to fight their way free of the confines of
her eyes. "I was ready to go, I thought I was finally
moving on in my existence, but I guess not. I'll wake
up and be trapped in the same life I've always been
forced into."

"Not necessarily." It was yet another new
voice that filled the realm of dreaming, one unknown
to all but Usagi. There stood her mother from the
past, Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom.

"Mother!" Usagi yelled, and launched
herself into her mother's arms without thinking.
However, instead of falling through the image
like she usually did, Usagi was caught in a strong
embrace. "I've missed you so. Why wouldn't you tell
me that this was to happen?"

"My darling daughter," the queen
began, "I wanted nothing more than to confess
everything to you, but your father and Pluto
would not let me. Pluto said it was necessary
that you reach this place and make a choice.
First, though, you must be given all the facts."

"Pluto, mother? And what facts have I
not been told?" Usagi looked inquisitively up at
her mother. Meanwhile, the thus far forgotten
and unmoving others finally regained motor and
speech skills.

"You're Usagi's mother?" Heero asked,
the cold edge omnipresent in his voice. Usagi was
startled. He hadn't spoken like that since the first
time she'd conversed with him in the dreaming.
"Why are you here?"

"Why my dear Heero, you haven't changed
at all!" Queen Serenity exclaimed to the surprise of
the four. "I'm here for one reason really, and that
is to assist my daughter in what will be the most
difficult task of her life. Serenity, Pluto is another
of the senshi, and the guardian of time. No matter
what you choose, you will eventually meet her. As
to what you do not know yet… Well, that is quite a
long story. Come with me."

Queen Serenity turned and walked down
the hall, and Heero, Quatre, Usagi, and Motoki
followed her. As they walked, Usagi noticed how
beautiful the realm was without the mist blanketing
it. The windows were no longer fogged, and through
them many sights could be seen.

One window showed a spiky haired
man wearing an orange training suit and a
blue… something with antennas. Another showed
unicorns, a strange green girl, and a human much
like themselves as well as a dog in human clothes
and a guy in purple robes. Yet another showed two
girls, one with brown hair pulled up in Usagi's
meatball style, only shorter and with pink ribbon
wrapped around them, the other with short blond
hair. Both were wearing brown uniforms, and a man
with turquoise hair in a braid was talking to them while
they sat on the ground. In still another a crazy blond
was watching a baby in a diaper dance. The next showed
a man in a blue body suit with a yellow-backed, red S on
the chest talking to a man in a black body suit with a picture
of a bat on it. One showed three teenagers in black robes
pointing what appeared to be wands at a creepy looking man
with a big nose while two other men watched. So involved
were the four in their surroundings that they almost did
not notice Queen Serenity had stopped.

"Please sit down, and I will tell you all."
She said, gesturing to a table with six chairs set around
it. Something about it clicked in Usagi's mind, as though
she ought to remember it. She was stunned when her
mother interrupted her thoughts by saying, "You
should know it."

"But from where?" Usagi could not hide her
curiosity any longer. "Mother, please tell me what
you've been hiding."

"Very well daughter. I suppose the best
place to start would be with the story of our location.
This is the astral realm, more commonly known as the
realm of dreaming. This realm is the doorway to all other
dimensions and worlds. It is a place that may be accessed
only by a very small number of people. Those people have
all been granted permission by the realm's ruler, Princess
Serenity of the Moon Star Kingdom." She paused in her
tale as Usagi and Motoki gasped.

"Who is this Princess Serenity?" Heero inquired,
his voice flat and toneless.

"No, I didn't think you would remember. Princess
Serenity is the name Usagi was called by in her past life. Do
not worry, all will become clear shortly." Serenity took a
deep breath before continuing. "Daughter, in your past life
you granted access to this realm only to those closest to
your heart. Not even the psychic senshi of Mars knew of
this place. There were six people who had access to it, three
males and three females. You came, naturally, and so did
your beloved. The others were your older brother and your
twin brother, and their soulmates."

"But mother, there are already three men here,
and none of them are Prince Endymion!" Serenity protested.
"Are you saying that one of these is my soulmate and the
other two are my brothers?"

"That is precisely what I am saying, daughter."

"What?!?!?!?!?!?" The realm of dreaming echoed
with the astonished shrieks of the four as the truth
crashed into them. Quatre and Heero exchanged glances,
as did Motoki and Usagi. It would certainly explain the
pain the Gundam boys had experienced and why Motoki
came with Usagi when she wished for them all to forget
her. It is impossible to completely forget someone with
whom you have a deep bond without losing a part of
yourself large enough to drive you insane permanently,
especially when previously wounded by something else.

"If you would allow me to continue…" The queen
said patiently. They nodded. "Serenity, the senshi love you,
but were led to act the way they did in the Silver Millennium.
It was necessary, for if you chose a future in that realm,
the senshi would grow to be more and more like their past
selves. The process was sped up slightly, but only because
this event had to take place either tonight or in another
16 years when the new moon once again arose on your

"What is taking place?" Usagi asked. She was
quite confused by the whole thing.

"It is time for you to choose your fate. Most
people do so indirectly, but the fate of all worlds, times,
and spaces, lies in your hands, so there is an exception.
Your choice involves these three and Mamoru. Only one
of them is the person you were truly destined to be with,
but you must choose to go with him willingly. If you choose
correctly, you will gain your full power and become the
Imperial Senshi, Sailor Serenity, former Princess Serenity
of the Moon Star Kingdom, goddess Selene reincarnated as
the goddess Artemis / Diana but with the memories, knowledge,
and power of them all. Right now, your physical body, as well
as that of Motoki, is existing on the Astral Plane. Make the
correct choice, and you will all be brought physically to
the dimension where you belong, to live together and happily.
If you choose incorrectly, you and all here will forget
tonight's events, and return to the lives you led before
entering this place. It will once again be closed off until
you are again reincarnated and willing and ready to receive
your full power."

"Mother, how can you ask me to choose,
not knowing what any of them were like previously?
What if they change like the senshi did?" Usagi was
frightened. How could all of this be in her hands?
The three others remained silent, wondering what
the queen would answer.

"Serenity, you will be allowed to discuss
this with these three. Each of them must be given a
label. One is your past flame, one your older brother,
one your twin brother, and finally your one true love.
You already know Mamoru well enough to decide from
his words and actions, and the same goes for Motoki.
Quatre and Heero have been meeting you in this realm
that you might learn about them in this life, and decide."
Queen Serenity stood up, walked over to Usagi, and
embraced her. "I must go now. Choose wisely, my daughter.
When you are sure of whom each is, call out their name and
title using your formal, royal tones, and the weavers of
fate and destiny will hear your commands and alter things
in this life as you will it. Good luck."

The four sat in silence as the long dead Queen
faded from the room. Usagi rose quietly to her feet.

"Usagi, no Serenity…" Motoki said. She turned
to look at him "I love you, but the feelings I have are those
for someone dear to my heart as a little sister."

"I agree completely. You've always been just like
the big brother I never had in this life. I think that means you
were probably my older brother in my last life too." Usagi
smiled at him, then switched to a tone of voice she had not
used since fighting Beryl. "Motoki is and will always be
my older brother!"

The heavens nodded their approval by
returning memories to the two. Usagi smiled as they
flooded into her mind, showing her times when she
came begging for advice, or teased him about the girl
he liked *this* month when she was ten and he was
fifteen. She laughed aloud at the sight of her pushing
him into a pond, and grimly watched as her father sent
him off to battle.

"Guess we were right." Motoki said. "Come
here little sis and give me a hug!"

Usagi wrapped her arms around him and then
turned to face two of the three still undecided. She
stared deep into Quatre's eyes, and knew precisely what
she felt for him. He nodded. Without another word
passing between them, she opened her throat once

"Quatre is one of the two men whom I was
made to be with, my dearest twin brother, now and
forever!" Again, memories filled her mind. Taking
lessons, playing tag, tricking the guards, and
ultimately, another sad memory. There was her
mother, sending him to Earth for training. As the
memories became permanent and real again, Usagi
smiled at her brother. "Well, you do know that
you're required to attend family reunions!! Get
over here, Quat (pronounced Kat)"

He ran to them and embraced his siblings,
holding on tightly. Safe in their embrace, he felt a
joy he had not known since his family's destruction
in the war of the colonies. Tears slipped from his

"I do not know what I am to you." Heero
said, to Usagi, his voice quiet but kind. "But I know what
you are to me."

Usagi and Quatre gaped at him. Heero
was never so open with his feelings. Then Usagi
remembered. If she chose him and was correct,
they could live together forever and be happy.
If she chose him and was wrong, they would forget
this had ever happened. Perhaps he was being honest,
but did he really love her, and did she love him?
Usagi searched her heart. Heero was still taking
a chance. If she chose Mamoru and was right, he
would remember forever that which he had lost.
Usagi could remember times when he made her laugh,
and how he always respected what she had to say.
Mamoru could learn a thing or two from him. It was
then that she realized the decision was already made,
and perhaps had always been waiting for her to open
her eyes to it.

"From this time until eternity, I make my
decision." Her tones were clearly that of royalty,
strong and sure. "Mamoru Endymion is nothing but
a past flame. My heart always has and always will
belong to my Heero."

A flash of blinding white light filled the room.

~* End Chapter 3 *~

Who expected that one? Hugs and chocolate if you could
guess that Motoki was coming along for the ride! *LoL*
I almost ran out of words for blue while describing their
eye colors! Could anyone find a reference back to the
title? It was in one of Usagi's lines (when she was talking
about dying and then moving on). I don't blame you if you
didn't, I only saw it when I skimmed for typos.

CHALLENGE! - Anyone who can identify all of the
dimensions I used for windows will receive an in-story
mentioning of their name and the next chapter a day
in advance of its online release. However, you must
get them all to earn the prize. Send responses to or include them in your
review. Either way works. HINT: Not all of them are
anime, some are books and some are TV shows, and
the second one is the hardest.

PLEASE REVIEW!!! I don't think I can say it often
enough. Onegai, I need to know what is good and
what is bad so I can perfect it. Aligatou!
(Japanese for Thank you, my semi-beta reader
corrected me on that one. It actually isn't
arigato, its aligatou.)


PS - Don't ya just hate cliffies? The next part
should be out relatively soon. Hey, I did get this
part out early!