Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes: Hi people! Sorry it took me so long to get this
chapter up and running, but I had a rather busy
week. I should be updating even more frequently
from now on because I get off from school for
Christmas vacation this week. Honest, it'll be
there soon. Thanks for the reviews!! I really
appreciate most of them.

Chibi Tenshi!! Hugs and chocolate for picking up on my
insane dimensions. I'm so sorry I lost the email!!
Anyway, I hope you like this chapter.

I don't own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. That's pretty
much all there is to it. Don't sue, my meager amount of
money won't bring you anything, let alone happiness.
Please just let me keep writing my fic unmolested.

Hugs and chocolate to my beta readers Cheryl and
Janine. Love you two!!

WARNING - I went a little overboard on the
alliteration at some parts.

Moving On - Chapter 5 (at last!)
By: Eternal Rose

"Duo! Trowa! Wufei!" She said happily, and
sprang to her feet in spite of Motoki's protesting
arms trying to hold her down. As she ran and gave
a hug to each one, she proclaimed, "I'm so happy
you guys made it here too!"

Heero glared at them as Usagi dished
out hugs, but was pacified when he saw the
completely bewildered expressions on their faces.
His face returned to its perpetual mask, while the
others looked all the more confused. He then
glared at Quatre, who unwillingly removed his
hand and allowed Heero to stand.

"Made it here too? Hey lady, I never met
you before today!" Duo protested as she hugged
him tightly. She drew back from him in surprise.
Heero's face showed no expression, but his eyes
flickered with curiousity. How could they not
remember? Yet… the two glanced around. Motoki,
Quatre, Wufei, and Trowa all seemed as lost as Duo.
Serenity cleared her throat, and brought her hands
together until a small object glimmered between them.

"Serenity!" Motoki made a face at her. "Don't
you even think about using that Crystal right now. You're
much to tired still from everything else that's happened."

"Honestly Motoki! You're going by only what
I've done in this lifetime, and you forget the knowledge
and control of my crystal that I just gained today."
She shook her head. "Believe me, my control over the
crystal is such that I can now pull energy from nature,
and from those I'm using the crystal on. It prevents the
draining of my energy, and only does harm to those I wish
it to harm. All will be well."

Heero nodded. "She's telling you the truth.
We've got most of our memories back, wouldn't you like
to have yours? Serenity can give them to you without
hurting herself, and both she and I would prefer sooner
to later."

"I still don't like it…" Motoki made a face.
" But I don't suppose I can stop you, can I Renity?"

"Nope, you can't." She smiled, than raised
the Crystal over her head. "Crystal, give my friends
back their memories!"

There was a flash of white light, and suddenly
recognition filled the faces of the five men. Duo moved
over to stand next to Serenity, hugging her again while
ignoring Heero's glare. Wufei went quickly to Motoki's
side, and the two men nodded at one another before smiling
at each other and clapping one another on the back. Quatre
and Trowa both smiled brightly, coming together and
embracing in the tight hug of long lost friends.

"Renity, I can't believe I forgot you!" Duo exclaimed
before releasing her. "You know, you two are the same as you
were back then. You're still a bright, cheerful girl who for
one reason or another that I don't understand has attached
herself to that cold fish of a man over there. And you,
Heero! I'd think that after finally getting her back, you'd
at least smile!"

"Renity, is there any possibility of your commanding
your bodyguard to leave me alone?" Heero asked flatly. The
other four men exchanged glances. Now where had they seen
this before…? Serenity giggled.

"Duo, you leave Prince Heero alone! You're well
aware of his quiet tendencies, as well as the reasons behind
them. I won't tolerate this kind of behavior." She smirked
slightly. "Keep this up and I'll make you and Quatre trade
places, and you and Trowa can guard each other."

Trowa shook his head, and Quatre laughed.
Wufei and Motoki exchanged looks. Apparently some
things would never change. Heero would always be
reserved, Duo would always tease him, and Serenity
would always find some way to make her body guard
pay for it. Trowa and Wufei both mentally thanked
heaven that Queen Serenity had given them the easier
charges of Quatre and Motoki respectively to bodyguard.

"Hey, you guys?" Serenity said. "Do you have
any other clothes I could wear? This dress is ridiculously
heavy under Earth's gravity!"

"Silly Serenity. Why don't you just transform
into something else?" Quatre asked, glowing slightly as
his clothes faded back into their usual Arabian style.
She giggled and nodded her head, and in yet another
flash her clothing became a pale pink tank top and a
tight pair of jean shorts. Heero's eyes roved over her
body after he returned to his usual green tank and
black shorts. Serenity walked over to him and wrapped
her arms around him, holding him close.

"I've missed you so much! You don't know what
I've had to go through in that other dimension. He was
there, you know. He used some kind of magic so that I
thought I loved him. Then he manipulated me into acting
like a klutz and a total idiot." Serenity's voice was a soft
whisper, and only Heero could hear her. "I can't believe I
didn't see it! I was so blind."

Heero pulled her nearer still to him. "It wasn't
your fault. Don't worry, he'll pay. I will never forgive him
for what he's put us through, both in this life and the last."

"What's wrong?" Duo asked, interrupting the
tender moment. Heero glared at him, and Serenity shook
her head slightly. There had been so much pain in Heero's
life, so many problems. Why couldn't they ever be alone
long enough for her to help him? The goddess closed her
eyes and let her memory flow swiftly back to similar times
in the Silver Millennium, and to one of the few times Heero
had been alone with her long enough to open up.

~* Flashback *~

Princess Serenity sat quietly among the
flowers in her garden. She was supposed to be in
lessons with the other princesses and her brother,
but somehow she couldn't force herself to sit there
quietly today. She pondered what Heero might be doing,
as well as how long it would be before Duo found her.
Naturally, he had no idea where she was. Giving him
the slip was surprisingly easy, considering his background
as a pocket picker. Duo was definitely not the brightest
crayon in the box. She jumped when a hand touched her

"Duo, please leave me be. I don't want to go
back to lessons today." She murmured softly, staring
at the ground. "Can't I just skip them for once?"

"Of course you can, Renity. And please, don't
mix me up with that braided baka." Serenity spun around
and wrapped her arms around Heero.

"I've missed you so much!" Serenity exclaimed.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home
trying to work things out with your brother? I'm so
sorry I came between you."

"Serenity," Heero said, and he stared deep
into her eyes. "We need to talk."

"Of course Heero. What is it?" Serenity felt
fear as Heero took her hands and led her over to the
small bench near the river in her garden. His usually
composed face was somewhat tight, and his hard eyes had
become soft and sad.

"Serenity, something terrible has happened.
My brother has joined Metallia, and declared that he
loves Beryl and will become King of Earth with her by
his side. He then declared war against me, "his traitorous
brother", and your kingdom." Heero looked down at their
hands for a moment and did not lift his face as he
continued. "Serenity, I don't think I'll ever see him again
on our side. From now until eternity, he and I are enemies."

"But Heero, he can't do that, can he? Your
parents said that they wanted our kingdoms united,
and that the union had to be by marriage." Serenity
had tears in her eyes. "It's because of me, isn't it? Because
I chose to love you, to follow my heart, instead of choosing
the "older, wiser brother." All this is my fault Heero.
I can't tell you how sorry I am for all the pain I've brought
to you and your family."

Heero grabbed her arm as she started to
flee and pulled her close, gripping her face with his
other hand so that she was forced to stare into his eyes.
In that instant, the mask came off completely, and she
could sense all that he wanted to say. Serenity now
knew him, and Heero wasn't sure if he liked it, but he knew
she had to be shown the truth. His history, his pain, his
loss, and most of all his love were all a part of her. In
scarcely moments their faces moved towards each other,
and their lips came together in the sweetest of kisses,
light and gentle.

In that sacred second, volumes were spoken.
Their minds opened and united, binding them together in
the most holy of vows. Serenity felt deep pain as she
watched the murders of Queen Gaea and King Stephen
from their younger son's viewpoint. Fate had been so
cruel to her beloved. Heero was filled with comfort as
Serenity showed him significant scenes in her life, most
cast in the silver shades of the Silver Millennium's
royalty. Her peaceful and loving nature filled him,
calming the wounds of his soul and assuring him that
he was right to trust her. He could feel her pain at the
loss of her father and brother, and regretted the fact
that his goddess had ever had to know such a terrible
pain. Serenity would never intentionally do anything to
hurt him. Heero swore a vow, in that moment, to protect
her at all costs, and in return Serenity gave him her heart
and life, for as long as he would allow her to remain with
him. They were two of a kind, regardless of how different
they seemed, and would not be broken apart. Slowly, they
pulled apart.

"I love you, my Heero." Serenity said, cradling
his head in her hands. "And from this moment on, we'll
never be alone. I'll always be with you, and I'll always,
always love you."

Heero struggled to make a reply, but just
couldn't. His head told him he had to say something,
but deep in his heart, Heero was sure she knew. Serenity
brought his face near her own and leaned against him so
that their foreheads and noses were perfectly aligned.

"You don't have to say anything." Her voice was
as gentle and soft as her touch. It comforted him, and he
smiled slightly before replacing his mask.

"He will be coming after you now. It is unlikely
that we will be allowed any peace until either he and
Metallia are dead, or you and I are." His voice held no
emotion, but Serenity knew better than to trust her ears.
He was hurt and upset by the betrayal of his older
brother. For years their hatred for Metallia and drive
for revenge had unified them. It was a terrible thing
that the arrogant fool had allowed his desire for power
to override his sense of honor and kindness.

"Don't worry Heero." Serenity said quietly.
"I'll never let Endymion win. We will always be together,
no matter what he tries to do. Always."

The Silver Millennium had been destroyed later
that same day.

~* Present Day *~

"You know, I'm Really getting sick of these
two always drifting off into space." Duo remarked.
"Hello? This is Earth calling, is anyone there?"

"Shut up or I'll kill you Duo." Heero replied.
Serenity giggled softly, and stepped sideways so that
Heero's arms remained around her but she was able to
see her friends. Motoki had changed into normal
clothes while she and Heero were lost in thought,
and was now wearing a pair of jeans and a white shirt.

"Princess Serenity, it is an honor to have
you with us again." Wufei said, bowing. (AN: He actually
bowed to a girl! Wow!) "But where are the senshi?"

"You never could wait to see her could you?"
Serenity remarked, laughter running through her voice
before it was stilled abruptly. "They are not here, nor
will I be the one to bring them here. The senshi have chosen
not to trust in me and follow me, and so I have taken their
memories. They remember nothing, and will remain to protect
their dimension."

The looks on the faces of the three bodyguards
were priceless. Their eyes bulged and they stared at her.
Heero held her tighter, his face remaining expressionless
as he led her from the room, opening the door of the
apartment only to step back when he saw at what was
waiting there for them…

~* Dimension SM *~

"Luna, what are you talking about? Who is
this Usagi you keep going on about?" Makoto's voice was
extremely puzzled.

"She's the Princess of the Moon, the holder
of the Imperium Silver Crystal, your leader, and the future
ruler of this time!" Luna exclaimed, exasperated and upset.
The senshi and Tuxedo Kamen were gathered to discuss the
defeat of the youma earlier that day, and their guardian
cats joined them.

"Luna, are you feeling all right?" Ami asked,
concern evident in her voice. Luna and Artemis exchanged
looks. Something was very, very wrong here. The princess's
protectors were all acting strangely. How could they not
know her name, and who she was after all the time they'd
spent together?

"What could have happened to her to make
them forget her?" He asked. "You don't think that she…"

"No, I won't believe that!" Luna yelled.
"Serenity is stronger than that, and I refuse to believe
that she's dead!"

"Honestly Luna, Artemis, what are you
going on about? Minako is our leader, and she always
has been!" Rei declared. The cats were beginning to
annoy her.

"And who is Serenity?" Minako asked.
"I thought we were talking about this Usagi person."

A flash of white light had filled the small
room at Cherry Hill Temple. The eyes of four girls,
one man, and two cats went wide with shock as memories
flooded their minds. A beautiful woman with silver hair
and sea blue eyes smiled at them in a welcoming way,
greeting them. She giggled as they played games like
tag or hide and go seek, or splashed around at the
Neptunian beaches. Together they watched as she
cradled a man with brown hair in her arms, apparently
very sad, and were horrified as he stabbed herself to
death with the man's dagger. Shots of the same girl, only
with blond hair now, infiltrated their minds. They all
simultaneously breathed out the name that had been so
important to them for so long…


~* End Chapter 5 *~

Ack! Double cliffie!!! This story is getting to be more
trouble than its worth. Now tell me, did anyone expect
Heero and Mamoru to be brothers? I was just sitting
there in study hall thinking about how similar they were,
and suddenly the idea smacked into me. Both cold, uncaring
men who have blue eyes and dark hair, as well as a deep
running desire to protect that which they care about. It
was too perfect! Hugs and chocolate if you saw it coming,
because believe me, I didn't!

Anyways, my schedule should be pretty tame this week, and
I'll probably have another chapter out soon. If not, then
Happy Holidays Minna!

*hugs and chocolate*
