Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Knights in Shining Armor ❯ My fault ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer I do not own sailor moon or Gundam wing

Note I just saw 50 First Dates; it was everything a movie needs. Happiness, suspense, Humor and well I could do without the sadness but it fit well into the extraordinary plot line. Now the only thing on my mind is how sweet the movie ended up being. Anyway read and review, Hope you like, Enjoy…


Usagi reached up to let her hair loose from the restraints her odango's held them in. letting the soft gold hair travel to her ankles in waves she let a hand run through the silken strands her hand quickly getting soaked by thick red substance. Looking shocked Usagi quickly washed her hand with hot water. Raising it again to touch her bruised and tear stained cheek.

Where had it all gone wrong? Laughing bitterly she realized or actually wanted to realize… it was her fault. Because she worries and cares so much for him.

She had run away at her wedding day. After the ceremony Mamoru was offered a scholarship to study in America. So she ran, she knew she would only end up holding him back.

She hadn't heard from him or the senshi since. The war had started soon after since Crystal Tokyo no longer existed to bring peace, pain and silence took its place time always in a constant battle.

Usagi had moved on though. She found someone she loved but by the time she had remarried he went off to war fighting for what she believed to be the wrong side. When he came back he had turned into a totally different person.

Though she always forgave him. Even though he almost killed her several times. She blamed the war for what he's done. Because she believed that is what changed him.

Now with the war over, and Mariemaia's rule gone from the people he stayed with her in their home. Always getting mad at the simplest things. Even if she agreed with him he would lash out.

But this time he had gone to far. Calling her names she didn't even want to know. He resurfaced some of the worst memories she had. She should have never confided in him so early.

The door creaked open making Usagi cringe from fear. She turned slowly to see who it was and then she saw her daughter, her pride and joy, her hope.

Rini stood in the doorway, tears falling from her wide ruby colored eyes.

Rini had been born nine months after she left Mamoru. It's been four years since then.

"Rini honey, what are you doing home from school so early?" Usagi said as a wave of dizziness blurred her vision, making her stumble.

"Mama what happened?" Rini asked cautiously stepping towards Usagi.

Usagi smiled painfully. The bruise hurt too much and it was started to swell slightly.

"Nothing sweetie. Mommy just had a small accident." Usagi said packing some more of her and Rini's cloths.

"Mama are we going somewhere?" Rini said standing close by Usagi.

"Yeah Honey are you leaving?" Usagi's husband said twirling a gun in the doorway.

Usagi quickly shoved Rini to the open window and pushed her out with the bag.

She quickly swiped her leg underneath him so he would fall to the ground.

But he was able to get a shot at her hitting her upper arm. Usagi cried in pain but climbed out the window.

Rini was standing out there with the bag looking frightened and lost. Usagi picked her up making sure Rini held a tight hold on the bag.

Jumping from the 3-story building to the balcony just below, Usagi repeated this action till she reached the ground where she almost fainted from blood loss.

Rini by now was crying loudly, scared and unsure of what was going on.

Usagi quickly ran to her car and unlocked it jumping in after she set Rini in the front seat putting on her seatbelt.

Pulling out of the small parking lot she spread away just as her husband came out of the house waving some papers like a mad man.

Smirking she couldn't help but think, I see he found the divorce papers…


It was midnight by now and Usagi was still driving. She almost fainted from blood loss three times, after the forth she made sure Rini kept her awake. Though every now and then she would swivel the car, fighting to stay awake.

She could take a break soon. She was almost there.


Motoki was just closing up shop when a car pulled up in front of him. Motoki raised his arms just incase it was a hold up.

The car door started to open and out stepped a slightly familiar face. He couldn't see in the dark that well.

"Usagi-chan?" he asked noticing her ankle length hair, that seemed to be silvery in the light of the moon.

"Motoki" Her voice was quivering as she stepped forward. She seemed to be in pain as her steps faltered.

No one had seen her since the wedding where she ran from Mamoru. That was four years ago, during that time Mamoru took the scholarship, and only a year after he was sent to war, months later he ended up being killed. No one could find Usagi to tell her. It was like she fell of the earth and disappeared.

"What are you doing back here" Motoki spat out coldly.

She kept stumbling and when she was close enough to him he then took notice of the large swelling bruise on her upper left cheek and the blood dripping from the back of her head matting her hair down.

"Oh my Kami, what happened to you?"

Before she could answer she fell he went to help her but she insisted he go to the car.

Nodding he only went because she would only make things worse by making a fuss.

Looking in the car he saw a bag attached to a small hand. Looking closely he noticed it was a small 4-year-old girl with chin length cotton candy pink hair and a heart shaped face with pale skin. Her eyes were closed in a fitful sleep, like demons haunted her dreams. She wore a blue pleated skirt and a white short-sleeved blouse with red suspenders, a preschool uniform. Her chin length hair was styled in pigtails with small cone shaped odango's.

Anyone could tell this child was Usagi's and Mamoru's. Usagi must have been pregnant when she ran away.

Picking up the bag from the child's tiny hands he carried the little girl princess style.

Looking over to see Usagi standing with much trouble.

"Looks like I'll be staying another night at, the crown arcade"

Usagi nodded looking around uneasily. Motoki opened the door and let Usagi in, still carrying the little girl and the bag.

It was going to be a long night.



Once the clock struck one in the morning Usagi was fast asleep.

She had told him everything. Even why she ran from Mamoru, it was all for him.

One thought crossed Motoki's mind, if this guy were like any other soldier from OZ who survived then he would be after her, probably for revenge. He wanted to control her. And she knew his secrets. His plans.

Even though Motoki was angered with her, he needed to help her. Besides if this guys plans go through then another war will ensue.

Thinking back to when the war was at a stand still, Mamoru had made two friends with soldiers, and not just any soldiers, Gundam pilots. They were all introduced before Mamoru died in the freak bombing.

Maybe they could help. He had to try not just for Usagi but for the little girl she had to take care of now.

She'll have to go into hiding though.


Usagi sighed extremely annoyed. Reika was trying different looks on Usagi to make her not stand out as much. With out dieing her hair the only thing she could thing of was that she couldn't wear her odango's till everything was settled.

Reika ended up placing he hair in a high ponytail and braiding it. She picked out some cloths Usagi should where to make her look different and unnoticeable.

Usagi cam out of the bathroom sporting her new look. She may not like the fact hat she can't where odango's but she did like the cloths.

Usagi wore a tight crystal blue shirt that accented her eyes nicely and a pair of faded tight blue jeans.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Rini said rushing into the room.

Usagi smiled when she saw her. She looked so adorable.

She wore light cherry colored overalls and a light yellow shirt. Pink sparkles were on the shirt and white bunnies were on the overalls. She wore little work boots. Her cotton candy pink hair was taken down from her cone shaped odango's, and placed into pigtailed braids.

"Mommy, we look pretty" Rini said raising her arms wanting to be picked up.

After picking her up Usagi was rushed outside with her bag that carried a few extra things then before.

Outside waiting patently was a large man with gentle eyes. He stood by a limo.

"Wouldn't he suspect if I rode in a limo?" Usagi said holding Rini tighter.

"You said you lived like crap why would he suspect, YOU riding in a limo" Motoki said.

Usagi glared at him and sighed he was right, she lived like crap. Maybe it was because she was so afraid.

Putting Rini in the car Usagi hugged Motoki and then Reika.

"Thank you for helping me" Nodding they hugged back.

Getting into the car she waved one last time.


Hope you liked by the way don't worry about my other fics. I have chapter six done for Give Me Reason to Fly.

I'm just waiting till I reach thirty reviews till I post the chapter. And that's only two chapters away.

Tell me what you think of this story

Sayonara till next chapter.