Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Knights in Shining Armor ❯ Spoiled Brat ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer I do not own sailor moon or Gundam wing


Wufei was leaning back in a chair tipping it slightly; Duo was sitting on the couch not far from him, throwing paper balls at him while Wufei tried desperately to ignore him.

Heero was sitting on the floor typing swiftly on the keyboard of his laptop.

Quatre and Trowa walked into the room calm yet nervous.

Quatre sat down next to Duo.

"Do any of you remember Captain Mamoru Chiba?"

"Who?" Duo asked concentrating on hitting Wufei one more time.

Heero closed his laptop "I remember him, he shouldn't have gone to war"

Quatre sighed agitatedly "Well, he wasn't going to. On his wedding day is I remember correctly, he was offered a scholarship to Harvard."

"So" Wufei said extremely annoyed but still ignored the idiot throwing things at him.

"So he never married, His wife ran and left him. He always thought it was because she wanted the best for him and knew she'd hold him back. He took the scholarship but ended up being recruited for war. He died not even 5 months later." Quatre said sadly.

"And why in the name of Shinigami are you telling us this" Duo said, who stopped hitting Wufei in the head.

Trowa sat down on the table in front of them.

"His supposed wife disappeared after that day, no one new if she was alive or not, she never contacted anyone, until two days ago"

"So what does this have to do with us" Duo said throwing another ball of paper at Wufei.

Quatre looked at Trowa before turning back to the rest of them. "She needs our protection"

Wufei after hearing that tipped his chair a little to far and fell down with a hard and loud thump.

Duo was to busy gawking to laugh at Wufei.

Heero glared at Quatre with anger, " I am not protecting a spoiled brat"

Trowa looked annoyed "She's not, she's been through much and you know how kind she is from the stories Mamoru would say about her"

"She left him alone on there wedding day, how more spoiled can you get" Wufei said glaring at him.

Quatre stood up catching everyone's attention. He glared at all of them except Trowa.

"She's lived a life of hell after she left Mamoru, she was to scared to return to him after she found out she was pregnant with his child. Thinking he could finally live his dream with out her dragging him down. She's been beaten and abused in a life she fell into. I know this because a dear friend of hers and Mamoru's, told me so."

Duo stared up at Quatre gaping but as soon as the doorbell rang everyone got out of there seats and made there way to the door.

The doorbell kept ringing through the house annoyingly.

Duo opened the door to reveal to all of them a beautiful young woman, that looked to be there age. On her cheek there was a swelled and ugly black and blue bruise. Her lip was cracked.

In her arms was an adorable little girl who looked just like the woman.

The little girl was sucking her thumb and waving shyly.

Duo grinned and waved back happily making the little girl bury her head in what they thought to be her mothers shoulder, which held a heavy bag.

"Hi, umm… May I come in?" her voice was soft and sweet.

Nodding Quatre opened the door wider for her to step through, once it closed Usagi turned around.

"I just want to say thank you for helping me. I know you knew Mamoru and you probably know what I did to him. I may not be able to change your opinion of me, but I will try to show you I'm not who you think I am" she smiled before turning around.

"Um, I'm sorry but we don't even know your name" Trowa said kindly.

Turning around again she set her daughter on the ground.

"My name is Serenity Usagi Tsukino please call me Usagi, Sweetie say your introductions" Usagi said smiling pushing her daughter forward.

Bowing she spoke "I am Small lady Serenity but you can call me Rini" she looked up at Duo and Wufei with wide ruby colored eyes.

"What?" Duo said uncomfortable

"I though only girls were suppose to have long hair"

Duo growled and Wufei glared.

Heero started to smirked.

Usagi picked up Rini, "Rini hun, that wasn't nice. Please say you're sorry"

Rini put her thumb in her mouth and glared back at them, shocking everyone.

"Rini!" Usagi said putting her on the ground again kneeling in front of her looking at her disappointingly..

Sighing at the puppy dog face she stood back up but didn't pick Rini up again.

"Aren't you gonna scold her or something" Duo asked with a puppy dog look.

Usagi glared at him and crossed her arms. "why are you begging, she's just a child on the other hand your supposed to be a grown man, get over it."

Duo started to glare at her when a small voice spoke up. "yea get over it, baby" they looked down to see Rini stick her tongue out and pull her eye lid down.

"Rini!" Usagi said annoyed.

Rini dropped the face and the attitude "Sorry Mama"

"Smart attitude for a kid her age" Wufei said looking at Usagi with a look of I'm better then you so don't mess with me.

Usagi glared at him. "Well if you saw your mother getting beaten not even 24 hours ago, and had to jump out the window to avoid getting shot, while learning that the man she lived with and thought was a good father figure was a murderer and a liar. What do you think you'd act like Ass wipe?"

Wufei was gawking at her. He remained quite.

"She doesn't know Mamoru is her real father?" Heero said dangerously.

Turning her glare to him she spat out angrily "I would never disgrace Mamoru like that, I have always loved him, I myself just learned of his death. But I made sure Rini knew Dan was never her father. I made sure she knew most everything of Mamoru. You would understand anything I've been through in my younger years. I want my daughter to know where she comes from and just how much she would have meant to her father.

Quatre-san is it? Please show me my room. Me and Rini don't feel like chatting right now"

Rini was crying because her mother was upset and wanted to be picked up. Usagi instead of picking her up knelt down letting Rini ride piggyback style.

Quatre obliged in showing her to her room but not before glaring at the guys with annoyance.

Duo stuck out his tongue at Rini who did the same back.

Wufei hit him in the back of the head

"It's her fault" Duo muttered darkly a hint of whining in his voice.


Well isn't this an interesting turn of events. Looks like she lost her chance to change their opinions maybe another time.

Till then a review would be appreciated, it would make me smile…something I haven't done in a while.

Hope you liked this chapter, I know instead of me hoping and never knowing what you think, why don't you tell me in a review.

Till then sayonara.