Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One ❯ Chapter 4a: Of Essay and Myth ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ditzy Freak is at the computer, she is sadly typing chapter 4, when she hears the door open. Oddball pokes her head in, with a smile plastered on her face.

Oddball - “Hey Ditzy Freak” ‘in a sing song voice.’
Ditzy freak looks up and glares (one that could rival Hiiro’s) at Oddball.

“What do you want?”

Oddball - “I have a surprise for you.”

Ditzy Freak - “If it is like your last plan to cheer me up, don’t bother.”

Oddball - “What! My last plan was great it just didn’t work.”

Ditzy Freak - “What ever!”

Oddball - “Awe come on you will totally love it, please.”

Ditzy Freak - ‘Sigh’ “Fine what is it?” In steps Trowa. Ditzy Freak’s eyes grow wide. “Trowa!” Springing out of her chair, she jumped on him nearly knocking off balance. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Oddball smiled brightly at her success. Knowing Ditzy Freak would probably not be interested in participating in this introduction she continued on her own.

Oddball - “Hi everyone, we’re back, well I’m back. Ditzy Freak is sort of other wise occupied at the moment, so your stuck with me once again. And once again we don’t own Sailor moon or Gundam wing. We own our story though. As well as Trya, and Goda, who you will probably meet in the next chapter. Hehehe, I will have fun with that one.” Glancing over her shoulder she saw the ‘love birds’ staring at her. Gulp. Sigh. “Alright, we will have fun with that chapter.”

Ditzy Freak - Nods approvingly. “Thank you.” Turns back to snuggle with Trowa.

Oddball - “Ahhh, aren’t they cute.” “P.S. We apologise for taking so long to get this out. WE got sorta... sidetracked. Ya. Anyway we both” glances over shoulder, “scratch that. We all hope you enjoy this latest installation in the ONE saga.”

Chapter 4 - Of Essays and Myth

‘Great, I’ve been here for hours searching for what looks to me like a ‘non-existent’ book. Why can’t people put things back to where they belong?’ So far he had looked through every section, even the ones that had nothing to do with legends of the planets. ‘Why did Professor Boshoy assign this assignment anyway?’
“Can I help you?” A sweet voice asked softly. The teen’s eyes were taken from the line of books to the most beautiful sky blue eyes he had ever seen. “Can I help you?” The sweet voice replied again. Trowa shook his head, but he could not stop staring at the blue haired angel that stood in front of him.

“Um…I am looking for a book.” The girl just looked at him, waiting for the rest of the answer.

“Yes…” He tore his green eyes away from hers.

“About planetary legends.”

“Oh…well we don’t have a book like that here…but I do have one in my dorm.” Trowa nodded and turned and began to walk away. “Wait!” Trowa paused. “Would you like to read it?” The girl blushed as he turned around. “It would certainly help you in Professor Boshoy’s class.” Trowa slightly nodded.

His cup of coffee arrived after a good 10 minutes of waiting. ‘For an out of the way café, it sure is busy.’ Trowa thought as he stared down at the blank papers that lay in front of him.

“Hello.” A very timid voice came out of nowhere. Trowa looked up to see the girl, but instead of wearing that short, black skirt that he tried very hard to not stare at in their last meeting, she was wearing loose-fit jeans and a pale pink sweater. He smiled.

“Please sit down. Um….?”

“Oh I am sorry. My name is Ami Mizuno.”

“Trowa Barton.” Ami nodded and sat down in front of him. “Would you like something to drink?” Ami shook her head.

“No thank you, I had 2 bottles of water during work.” She leaned down and opened her back-pack and pulled out a rather large, old book. Softly placing it on the table, Ami ran her hand over the cover. “My family made this book along time ago.” She whispered. “It is full of all legends of the old worlds.” Trowa looked at her.

“But I need to know about planetary myths.” Ami smiled.

“Didn’t you know that there use to be life on the planets Trowa?” He looked at her like she was crazy and had a sudden urge to yell ‘Check’ “Here.” She opened the book and turned to the middle. “Read this.” She hands him the book and a piece of paper. “After you are done, please return it.” She smiled, then got up and left the café. Trowa was shocked and very confused. He sighed then looked at the page that Ami opened the book to.

‘…their lives were very different from the earthlings. Many times they would travel to the distant planets searching for knowledge and wisdom. They sent their people to the 4 corners of the galaxy, coming back with many gifts and weapons. They recorded everything that happened throughout the Galaxy, till the end of time. The people of ice know everything that has ever happened. They know how to advance. If Mercury became destroyed, all would regress back to the beginning of time and all knowledge would be lost. The Mercurians placed all of their knowledge in a book. They sealed the book in the tomb of Poseidon. Corkhaw stole the Book of Knowledge and once that happened, Chaos was born. It destroyed all the stars and planets. It ate the very soul of each world. The Mercurians, though known for their wisdom, also rivalled the Martians in weapons. Their technology was so advanced that if they ever turned away from the silver alliance, they could destroy the planetary coalition…’

Trowa looked up at where Ami use to be. ‘This is just a myth…” He continued to read, scanning every detail of the book….Took over 7 hours. (DF- “Hehe good thing that the Café is open late ^_^ OB – You are so cruel, why would you make him do that. DF – 'shrugs' I don’t know. OB – I DO, YOU ARE ANGRY AT HIM FOR STANDING YOU UP. DF – Nope OD – ARE TO!! DF- 'sticks her tounge out' Am not OD – Don’t stick your tounge at me! I HAVE TO GO TO WORK IN THE MORNING GO AWAY!!!!! DF – Fine…..Back to the story.)

'...Through research, the remaining inhabitants of Mercury; discovered a way to destroy Chaos permanently. They found that the 8 warriors were still alive and guarding the princess. If the 8 joined and gave their powers to the 9th they could destroy Chaos and set the earth right. The 8 however would not join with the 9th. They believed that their Queen could handle Chaos, because she was the keeper of the Silver Crystal. But the true holder of the crystal is the 9th warrior. She is a powerful warrior that controlled not only water but the sun as well. She was given the crystal at a young age. But the Queen took the crystal away from the 9th. It is not known why or how she was able to accomplish this...'

"Sir. I am sorry but you have been here most of the night. And well, we are closing now. So um....Please leave." Trowa slightly blushed. He had been there till 3 in the morning. He was dead tired and still had to go to class in 4 hours.

Trowa decided not to bring the book back till he could understand it better. He left the closed cafe, returning to his apartment, Trowa's mind wandered to the girl. 'Ami....she seems differnt then most...I wond-'

"You cannot take the souls of the dead! They will never be reborn if you do so!"

"Ha ha silly soldier. I can do whatever I want. The master has said so." Trowa hid in the shadows as he saw a girl dressed in a blue sailor uniform, standing in a battle stance facing a yellow monster that looked like a car crossed with a dog. It was standing on its hind legs, laughing at the girl. "You think you can stop me you pathetic scout. You are separated from the others. The sailor scouts are been finished. Ever since your 'princess' died, you have been destroyed!!" Mercury stared at the monster. 'It is right, ever since Usa-chan died we went our separate ways...' Mercury glared at the monster.

"Even if we are in different places, we are still together in spirit. Mercury Aqua Rapsody!" Mercury sent a wave of ice towards the demon. It smirked. "Goody."

Trowa watched in shock. It was amazing; this 'Mercury' looked exactly like the drawing in the book of the soldier of Mercury. He watched as the blue ice soldier fought the strange monster, and she was loosing. Trowa tried to remember what he read about the ice warrior.

'...the 2nd in command is the warrior if Mercury. Though she is not one for fighting, Mercury can devise almost any plan to defeat any enemy that may appear, though she might not have the power to destroy it...'

The monster brought its hands to its chest. “Say hello to your princess for me will you.” An evil smile crossed over its face. “Dark Soul Destruction!” The souls that the monster collected were pulled out of its body, but instead of being pure white they were dark, black as the night sky.

“Silence Wall!” A blinding flash of light surrounded the ice warrior, the demon and the uninvolved Trowa.