Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One ❯ Chapter 3b: Partners in Work and in Ahh Dont Jump Me! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Psyco - "Nice reviews. Good Reviews. Please don't bite my hand!"

Insane - "We didn't mean to take this long…HONEST!"

Psyco - "YA! I thought no one was actually reading our little story."

Insane - "You know it is not little! This story will span over many CHAPTERS!"

Psyco rolls her eyes.

Insane - "You know as well as I do that each couple has 6 chapters plus 2-3 side stories EACH! PLUS-"

Psyco - "You know you are totally spoiling the surprise."

Insane blushes…Oops!

Psyco - anyway I am totally sorry that this has taken so long to update. Please forgive us. We Just moved out into our own place! 4 bedroom home 300$ a month…I need one more roommate if anyone is interested…Hu no takers?

Insane comes over and hits Psyco on the head - Stop advertising and get on with it already!

Psyco blushes and rubs her newly acquired bump - anyway we are sorry so here is the next ALL NEW chapter for Wufei and Makoto

Partners in Work and in AHH! Please don't jump me!!!

"Wufei could you come in here please!" The Chinese man growled at Makoto.

"We will finish this later, woman." He quickly turned and walked into Lady Une's office.

"I am looking forward to it." She laughed, knowing what Wufei was in for.

Wufei, Lady Une and I have something to tell you." Wufei eyes them suspiciously,

"What is it?"

"Your getting a new partner."

"Why?" the two women looked at him. "Since the woman is leaving I shall be on my own. It is much better that I work alone. There is no real need to have a partner."

"I don't care what you believe Mr. Chang." Lady Une stood up and walked to the door,

"Preventor Thunder will be your new partner."


"Me!" A perky voice cut threw Wufei's confusion like a knife, and in walked the bane of his existence…for the moment.

"No! I will not work with this unjust girl! I rather have the braided fool use my sword as target practice then be partners with `this'!" He pointed at Makoto with rage flaming in his eyes. Wufei stormed out, pushing Makoto into the door frame on his way out.

"Well that was interesting." Sally Laughed trying to lighten the mood that Wufei created.

`Damn women. They think they can run my life. I don't think so.' Wufei had been in the Preventor's gym punching the life out of the punching bag. He was alone, the only one that was in a 2 mile radius of him was his new partner. There were other Preventors in the gym, but as soon as they saw Wufei enter with an I-am-going-to-kill-all-in-my-way look on his face, they all scattered. He had been there for 10 minutes, completely at peace with his raging thoughts when Makoto entered. She just stood off to the side and watched him. Wufei could feel her eyes boring into him. Once she walked into the gym, his accurate, steady punches became erratic.

"You know that is unfair, that poor punching bag can't even defend itself." Wufei grabbed the swinging bag with his fists, turning around he glared at her. "Fight me instead, I will defend myself but I will not go easy on you." Wufei just picked up his discarded jacket and headed towards the door.

"I will not fight a woman." Makoto growled,

"I am your partner now. You must consider me equal to yourself; from now on we hold each other's lives in our hands."

"Feh, don't make me laugh girl. After one mission, your weakness will show threw your pride and you shall leave and I shall be rid of you." With that said he walked away. Makoto's anger was rising slowly, her temper was as bad as her brother's when it came to people who considered her weak, and thought that she should stay in the kitchen. Usagi was one of the few who looked up to her and not because she was tall. Usagi loved Makoto's strength and pride. Makoto always wished that Usagi and her brother could have met. They would have been great friends. A beeping interrupted Makoto's thoughts, and it wasn't the Preventor's alarm. Pressing the flashing button on her communicator, Makoto gasped.

Trya smirked. "So this is what the princess looked like in this time…Not much of a change I'd say." The lavender haired girl watched as the former princess fought the loyal sailor of Jupitor. The princess' power was amazing. `She never was this powerful when she had the crystal.' Trya figured that it was a part of Chaos that took the form of the princess so that he could destroy the sailors without much trouble. But Jupiter did not. Trya growled at Jupiter's stupidity. After muttering a few choice words, she transformed into Salior Irihi, stepping out of the shadows, the unwanted leader of the sailor soldiers headed towards the battling duo.

"Usagi…Usagi, please snap out of it!" Blood red eyes focused on the green soldier, a smirk appeared on her lips.

"Goodbye Mako-chan." A dark ball formed in her hands. "Dark Cloud Abolish!" Jupiter stood strong, she knew that her Usagi wouldn't really do this; she must be controlled by Chaos. Usagi was alive. `She is alive!' Jupiter stood there intent on taking the full blast.

"Flaming Solar Blast!" Jupiter's eyes widened, `No!'

"Usagi!" running forwards Jupiter pushed Usagi out of the way and took Sailor Irihi's attack.

"Idiot, what did you do!" Irihi yelled over the loud explosion. As the smoke cleared, it showed Jupiter standing-as best she could- with her arms crossed in front of her chest and lighting sparks coming out of her gloved fingers and tiara. Usagi was lying on the ground, behind Jupiter in complete shock. Irihi noticed this and charged the stunned girl, intent on destroying her.

"Jupiter Oak Evolution!" Electric orbs crashed into Irihi-not damaging her-but stopping her in her tracks. "I will not let you harm the princess." Jupiter growled, using most of her strength to keep herself from collapsing.

"Open your eyes. This is not the princess." Irihi slowly began to move forward.

"This is Usagi! She is alive!" Jupiter cried, gathering the last of her strength, Jupiter prepared for battle. "You shall not hurt her. I am her loyal friend and guardian. I love her like a sister. You will have to kill me first."

"I have no choice." Irihi whispered, raising her staff above her head, Sailor Irihi yelled.

"Artic Tsunami Explosion!" The staff came crashing down, slamming into the ground. A giant wave of water and fire rose up out of the ground; rising up over Jupiter it surrounded the thunder warrior, caging her like a wild animal.

"No!" Jupiter ran to the wall, only to get shot back.

"I am sorry." Irihi whispered before leaving the sailor and staff behind and headed towards Usagi.

"You cannot destroy me Sailor of Sun and Water." Usagi laughed. "Without your staff you have no magic. Without the complete trust of your companions that crystal is powerless. You will die!" Irihi grinned. "Yes, I may have no powers, but I can still kill you with my bare hands." Irihi lunged at Usagi, with hands tightly balled.

"Alright then. Let's dance."

As the two fought, Jupiter watched in horror. `There must be a way out…but how?' Her eye's scanned until they landed on Irihi's staff, noticing that it wasn't covered with water or flame, Jupiter took a chance.

"Jupiter Oak Evolution!" With each lightning orb that struck the staff, Irihi felt it ten-fold.

Falling to the ground, clutching her stomach, Sailor Irihi cried out in pain. Once Irihi fell, so did the waves and her staff. Blood eyes looked from the soldier to the staff. `I must tell Master.'

"Thank-you Mako-chan, she would have killed me." A black flame surrounded her and Usagi disappeared. Picking up the staff, Jupiter walked over to the fallen Irihi.

"If you ever try to kill her again, just remember. I will destroy this." Throwing the staff down, Jupiter walked off, de-transforming in the process. Reaching over, Irihi clutched her staff to her chest. After regaining some of her strength, she also de-transformed.

"Next time we meet former princess of the moon, I will destroy you and all who get in my way.

Once Makoto was out of view of Irihi she collapsed against a wall. That Solar Blast had been more than she could handle, her eye's closed and she sank to the ground. `I'll just rest here a moment.' Once her eye's closed, she was in complete darkness. The sounds of footsteps echoed up to her ears but Makoto did nothing as someone picked her up and cradled her in their arms. She tried to open her eyes but it was to late, the lack of blood and energy made her pass out instantly.

Her head pounded as she woke up. A dull and very annoying pain coursed threw her entire body. Makoto muffled her pain and forced herself to get up.

"Woman stay down. You will only injure yourself more." Looking over at her partner, Makoto growled. "Where am I?" Wufei turned and left the room. "Hey!" Her voice was dry and husky from lack of water. "Don't walk away from me!" Forcing herself to get up and with a little help from the wall, Makoto slowly caught up with him. "Hey Wufei…Wufei…Wufei!"

"What Woman!"

"I just wanted to know why you brought me here?" He snorted "A man with no honor would have let you die there. I have honor." He stated plainly then gently forced her down onto the couch. "You are very pale girl. Lost blood if you haven't noticed." `The attack from Irihi must have damaged me more than I thought.'


Jupiter ran towards Usagi, intent on stopping Irihi's attack. She however forgot all about Usagi's own attack. With her eyes glued on Irihi and her mind focused on Usagi, the Cloud Abolish attack connected with Jupiter's right arm and chest.


"Damn it Irihi. I will destroy you." Wufei glanced at the now very angry Makoto. `I wonder if she ran into that gang of freaks that are attacking innocent people.' Wufei looked her up and down. `She looks like the type that would go in without back-up.' Makoto was having the exact same thoughts as Wufei…well sort of. `First he treats me like a disease and now he looks like he is going to jump me. Literally!' "I am leaving." She announced, getting up quickly on unsteady feet. "Oh, why is the room spinning?" her eyes rolled back and she fell to the floor, or would have if Wufei hadn't caught her.