Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One ❯ Chapter 3a: Rice and Anger ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Oddball walks in and sees Ditzy Freak sulking at the computer.
"What's wrong Ditzy Freak?"
Ditzy Freak - "Trowa hasn't come to visit me yet."
Oddball - "Oh, don't worry I'm sure he'll come soon" They hear
footsteps outside. "Maybe that's him now."
Ditzy Freak - `looks up expectantly' "Trowa?" The door opens and
in walks Wufei. A scowl replacing her smile, getting up she slugs
him in the stomach, he falls to his knees.
Oddball - "Sorry Wufei fans, she's in a dangerous mood."
Wufei - "What'd you do that for onna?" Slowly getting up from the
Ditzy Freak - "You're not Trowa." Walking to the corner she sat down
and continued sulking. Wufei looked at Oddball. She shrugged.
Oddball - "Looks like I'm on my own for this intro. Except for Wufei
of course."
Wufei - "My names Wufei!"
Oddball - "opps." She giggled nervously as he glared at her.
"Um, We don't we don't own GW or SM." Glances at Wufei. "Did you have
a question or did you just come here to get smucked?"
Wufei - "Damn it onna, I did not come here to get hit. It is just
that the weakling over there made me forget that's all!" Ditzy Freak
looks over at the now mad Wufei.
"I am not weak! You just can't admit that you were hurt by a woman."
Wufei - "I would never admit to something that wasn't true!"
Ditzy Freak - "I did so hit you and it did hurt and you know it
and so do they!"
Wufei - "Damn it woman you are starting to see things, the only
person in this room besides you and me is your weak friend!"
Oddball - "Hey!"
Ditzy Freak - "Well she is kinda weak…"
Oddball - "Hey that's so sweet."
Wufei - "What's so sweet?"
Oddball - "She thinks I am kinda weak."
Wufei - "Damn weaklings I am leaving!"
Oddball - "Well you don't have to announce it you know."
Ditzy Freak - "Ya! We may be weak but we are not blind."
Oddball - "Oh I am, I am."
Wufei - `rolls eyes' "Why am I friends with these people?"
Ditzy Freak - "Oh, 'cause if you weren't we would pull a
Gregory Chaucer (from a knights tale) and make you weak for an
eternity." Wufei turned and stalked out of the room to search for
something to punch. Trowa he decided, after all he couldn't hit
the ditz but he could certainly hit the ditz's boyfriend.

Chapter 3

"Good afternoon Wufei." Sally said walking into the office they

"Woman." Wufei greeted her in his typical chauvinistic manner. She
smiled at her partner. He would never change.

"Hey Wufei?" She inquired politely, attempting to find a way to tell

"Hn. Woman get over here and help me with this stupid paper work."
She sighed and walked over. Smiling at the long string of curses
coming out of his mouth as he wrestled with the large stack of papers.
"This is woman's work I tell you. Injustice!" She looked over his
shoulder and took pity on him. What would he do when she was gone.
`I hope he doesn't go to hard on my replacement.'

"Tell ya what. Why don't we take a break and get something to eat?"
The frustrated man jumped out his chair and rushed for his coat.

"Let's go woman." He yelled over his shoulder as he dashed out the
door. Happy for any excuse to avoid the paperwork.

"Damn woman, why did you bring me here?" The very annoyed
Wufei mumbled unhappily.

"Wufei calm down, it is lunch time they maybe a little overworked."

"Are you blind woman! There is only Us, an old couple, and that
little girl over there." The green eyed girl turned around at his
comment. No one called her a little girl. Getting up she walked over
to them.

"Hi, I couldn't help but over hearing-"

"Damn woman, what do you want?" The girl glared at him.

"Hi," She turned to Sally. "My name is Makoto."

"Sally, and this rude man is Wufei." The angry man growled at Sally.

"It's a pleasure to meet to you. As I was saying, I couldn't help
over hearing. Have you been waiting long?"

"No, not really. Wufei's just having a bad day. Would you like to
join us?"

"I'd love to." Matoko said with a smile as she took a seat.

"What? Woman what are you thinking? Why would you want her to join
us?" Sally glared at him.

"It's called being polite, Wufei. Besides, it's always good to meet
new people." Wufei grumbled and looked started looking for the
waitress. Sally just rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry Makoto. He's
actually quite nice once you get to know him."

"I"ll take your word for it. So do you work around here?"

"No, not really. We both work at the preventors down town."

"Really. That's actually pretty far away. Not many downtowners
venture down this way."

"I can see why." Wufei muttered under his breath. Both women
iccnored him.

"How did you discouver Cathy's?" Makoto inquired sweetly.

"My fiance brought me. He loves the food here. I must say I agree."

"Ya, Matt's a great cook."

"Yes he is. Do you work around here?"

"No, I actually just moved here and still looking for work."

"Really? I wish you luck."

"Thank you. So how long have you and your fiance been togeather?"

"Not long. We only dated for a few months. We've known each other for
years though."

"Really. That's always nice. I think it's good to be friends first.
The relationship lasts better that way."

"You're a woman. Of course you would think that. In reality a
successful marrige has little to do with friendship." Wufei
interupted condisendingly. Both women turned and gave him a funny

"Really?" Makoto replied in a challenging tone. "And what would you
say makes a successful marrige?"

"First of all before even considering such an undertaking both
should understand the level of commitment. Marrige is a sacried
union that way to many people take far to lightly. Secong both
parties must know their place. For any partnership to work both must
know their roles and fulfil them to the best of their abilities.
But I wouldn't expect someone like you to know that."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Makoto asked angrily.
She couldn't belive his nerve.

"Mearly that a little girl like yourself would tend to think more
about romance and little about what it actually takes to make a
marrige work."

"That's enough Wufei." Sally said calmly.

"Well you would know wouldn't you?" Makoto said with a surprisingly
relaxed voice. "I mean after all the lack of a ring on your finger
is clear evidence of your extreme expertease. Tell me how is the
lovly wife these days?" Wufei gave her a death glare. She wasn't
fazed. Iccnoring him Makoto turned back to Sally. "Where were we?"

"I don't really remember? Why don't you tell me a little bit about
yourself." Sally answered her, also iccnoring her fuming partner.
She wasn't really in the mood to feel sympithic, he'd had it coming.

Finally the food was placed down on the table. "Now that the food is
finally here you can leave." Wufei grumbled.

"Well, if you were nicer, then you would have gotten your food
quicker." Makoto smugly replied.

"What! How would being nice get the food here quicker?"

"For starters Cathy over there probably would have told the cook-a-dear
friend of mine-to speed up your order."

"Do all women have a thing against men?" Wufei grumbled.

"Only against you." Makoto whispered.


"Oh sit down before you have a stroke." Makoto scolded.

"Baka Woman!" She had enough of his lip. Picking up his plate of food,
Makoto dumped the entire plate on his lap. Wufei was fuming. Instead
of saying anything, He just got up and left the restaurant. The inter
conversation was so...oh she couldn't describe it. Sally got an idea.

"Makoto." The brunette had a huge smile on her face.


~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ `

*The Next Day*

The still cranky Preventor was stalking down the hall. Everyone knew
when to stay away from him. And this was one of those days. His
stalking turned into lying on the ground with a heavy someone on top.

"Oh gosh I am so sorry." The person climbed off of him, taking his
hand and began lifting him off the floor. "You!" she cried, letting
go of his hand, making him return to the hard, cold ground.

"What is your prob-You! Damn it woman, what are you doing here?"

"I work here, why else would I be here?" Everyone stopped what they
were doing to watch the amusing, angry couple.

"Wufei could you come in here please!" The chinese man growled at

"We will finish this later." He quickly walked into Lady Une's room.

"Wufei, Lady Une and I have something to tell you." Wufei eyed them

"What is it?"

"Your getting a new partner."
