Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One ❯ Chapter 2a: A Coffee Shop Meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Oddball - "Hey Ya'll were back!"

Ditzy Freak - "Ya and if you loved the last chapter you'll like this one."

Oddball - "Why wouldn't they love this one?"

Ditzy Freak - "Cause they might hate this chapter!" `Poke'

Oddball - "Yes." `Poke.' "But Why?! This is a great chapter." `Poke'

Ditzy Freak - "Itai" `Poke'

Oddball - `Poke'
Silently they begin a vicious poking war, similar to the one in `Ice Age'
The door opens and in walks Quatra. Seeing the comical poking war in progress he walks over and
grabs their hands,

"Hey you two. That's enough!"
Oddball springs too her feet,

"Quatra!" She said excitedly wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. Pulling away he
flashed a smile at her.

"Hey babe."

Ditzy Freak - `rolls her eyes' "Can we help you Quatra? If not, we do have work to do."

Quatra - `pulling away, with a slightly sheepish look on his face' "I have a question." Oddball
continued to snuggle with him.

Ditzy Freak - `clearly annoyed at the intrusion' "and what would that be?"

Quatra - "Why did you set me up with `her'? I'm a pacifist who hates fighting remember."

Oddball - "That's why I love you!"

Ditzy Freak - "It's the opposites attract phenomena. It's perfect."

Quatra - "Oh, okay." `He turned back to oddball and started kissing her again.'

Ditzy Freak - "We don't own GW or SM" `Kuso I hate them.' Crosses her arms and viciously glares at
them. Oddball feels someone watching her; she stops kissing Quatra and laughed.

"Ditzy Freak you know you can't glare so stop looking at me and my guy."

Ditzy Freak - "Well I wouldn't have to glare at you if the blonde didn't come and see you every
damn day."

Oddball - "You know you are very cranky did you eat anything today?" Ditzy Freak's mood changed
from annoyed to happy.

"Yes, I had a Banana power bar, 3 bowls of cereal, a protein shake, a huge stack of sausage and
peanut butter pancakes, and an apple for breakfast. Than at lunch-"

Oddball/Quatra - `Clutching their stomachs' "We don't wanna know!"

Quatra - "Does she always eat that much?"

Oddball - `Shakes head' "Nope, she must have not been very hungry this morning."


Chapter 2 - A coffee shop meeting

In Jubban - Quatra is studying ancient cultures while making contacts and planning functions.
He's staying at Hiiro's place as Hiiro is currently out of town. (He's protecting Mina.) Quarta
is exploring and notices a cute little coffee shop. He decides to grab a cup of coffee, and take a
break from his wanderings. Sitting down he hears someone ask him

"What can I get for you sir?" in a heavy Japanese accent.

"Coffee's fine." He said his eyes looking at a map. The waitress brought him a coffee and without
taking his eyes off the map he thanked her. Silently he sipped his coffee while trying to figure out
where he was. Hearing music starting to play he looked over and saw a beautiful Japanese angel
singing a song, wearing a waitress uniform.


"I've waited all my life,
for the day when love appears.
Like a fairy tale in days gone by.
He will rescue me from all my fears.

And now… I feel him standing close to me.
And how… can I tell him what he means to me?
My heart stands still.
Has he come?

Oh… Starry Night,
Is this the moment I dream of?
Oh… Starry Night,
Tell me, is he my one true love?

Every night I think of him,
Here in my lonely room,
Waiting for my prince to come,
Wondering if he'll be here soon.

And I… sit patiently waiting for a sign.
And I… hope that his heart longs for mine.
He calls my name.
Is he the one?

Oh… Starry Night,
Is this the moment I dream of?
Oh… Starry Night,
Tell me, is he my own true love?
Oh… Starry Night,

Is he the one that I dream of?

Oh… Starry Night,
How will I know,
Will his love show,
Is he my own true love?"


Finishing her song she came over to his table and asked if she could get him anything else.
Quatra gapped as he looked at `his' waitress. `She's beautiful'.

"That was beautiful." Quatra blurted out.

"Thank you" She replied blushing slightly, "My friend wrote it." `Wow, he's really cute. And he has
gorgeous eyes.'

"Wow" He said with wonder in his voice, "I can see why she lets you sing it. I'm not sure anyone else
could do it justice." She smiled, her blush turning a deeper shade of pink. "Hey," He said
[DF - "You know I hate that word, no I despise that word, all people do is use that word
over and over it is like no one has any emotion, like when I first met Trowa he had no emotion but
now `said' isn't in his vocab. He-" Oddball throws her off the chair and continues typing.]
"I don't suppose you could point out where we are. I think I'm a little lost." Quatra admitted with a
smile. The waitress smiled brightly at him.

"Sure thing." she said cheerfully. Leaning over him, her hair falling in his face, she studied the
map carefully. Quatra studied her face, his eyes running over her flawless skin as she examined the
map lying on the table. "Were about here." She replied, pointing to a section. Quatra was immediately
pulled from his thoughts at her words. Taking his eyes off her he glanced at the place she was
pointing, noticing her creamy hand had no ring on it.


~A little while later later. Back in the coffee shop. ~

"Rei. Hey Rei." An exuberant Molly shouted as she walked into the coffee shop. Rei looked up from
the corner booth where she was serving a brown haired man. She smiled warmly at her friend and
made her way to the bubblely girl. Molly grinned back.

"Hey stranger. Long time no see. What've you been up to?" Rei hugged the red head as she spoke.

"Oh not much. I ran into someone I thought you might like to see and decided to bring him by." Rei
was slightly surprised when Chad stood from the booth and greeted her with a smile.

"Hey, Rei." She met his smile with her own. Her mind reeling with things she wished she could say.
`Stop it Rei. He's with Minako now. Just be happy he's here.'

"Chad, it's so good to see you what are you doing here?" Rei inquired politely still fighting
with her own emotions.

"Uh, my band's back in town for a few days. I decided to take a stroll around and ran into Molly.
She's been catching me up on the happenings around here."

"Rei," Molly interrupted, "why don't you take a break and join us for a few minutes.
It's not very busy right now."

"Ya, I think I'll do that. Let me just get you guys something to drink." Taking their orders
she rushed back to the counter and told her boss she was taking a break before returning to her
friends. As she did so the blonde Arabian entered the café, taking a seat at a near-by table; he
noticed the group of three. He watched them, (or should I say her) intently, trying to memorize
every detail of the raven-haired priestess. `That picture really did her no justice. Hm…I wonder
if she would let me walk her home?'

"Hey guys, I get off work soon…Um…Would you mind staying and walking me home?"

"Why Rei? What's wrong?" Molly asked in her high-pitched yet concerned voice.

"Well, I have been sensing something or someone following me, and the fire won't show it to me." Rei
answered sadly and a little worried.

"Of course we will. What do you mean `the fire won't show it to you'?" Chad inquired worriedly.
They may not be together anymore but he still cared for her.

"Well I - "

"Rei! Breaks over, get back to work."

"Okay! Thanks guys, I owe you one." Rei whispered. She quickly ran to the newly occupied table.
"Hi My name is Rei, are you ready to order?" her eyes opened; shock completely took over her face.
`What is he doing here again? This boy is really starting to freak me out.'
"Oh…Hi Quatra…what will it be?"

"The usual, Miss Rei." The stunned girl nodded, leaving to get Quatra his usual. Unknown to her,
light blue eyes followed every move she made.

~Later after Rei got off her shift. ~

"Hey guys thanks for waiting. I hope you weren't board." Rei looked at both of them; she thought
she saw something in their eyes and silently wondered at it. The thought left quickly however as
her friends started talking.

"No Rei we weren't board. Molly has some great stories."

"So does Chad." Molly giggled.

"Okay, well let's get going." The two nodded, and began to follow her only to be stopped by
none other than Quatra.

"Miss Rei," the blonde approached the small group, "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, I was just
wondering if I could walk you home. I - "

"Oh um, well. Actually my friend just got into town and they were going to take me so we
could catch up." Rei interrupted.

"Oh." Quatra replied, looking slightly disappointed. "Okay then. Maybe some other time.
I'll just be on my way." Without waiting for a reply he turned and left. Rei sighed in relief.

"He's gone. I'm glad you guys were here. That guy really gives me the creeps."

"What? He seems so sweet though." Molly said slightly shocked.

"Ya, I know. The first time I met him he was really sweet. He complimented my song, it's just…" She
let the sentence hang as she searched for the words to describe the feeling.

"It's just what. He seemed friendly. You don't think he's the one that's been following you. Do you?"

"I…well, I don't know. He's come by almost everyday this week. He always orders the same thing and
hangs around long after he's done."

"Maybe he just really likes the food."

"Ya, maybe. But I started getting that weird vibe around the same time he appeared. Maybe I'm
imagining things, but I really don't know. I just don't know what to think." Rei said as a
defeated look crossed her face.

"I've got some time. You want me to check it out. If that guys following you I'll stop him." Chad's
words made both the girls smile.

"Thanks Chad. I'll let you know. I want to check with the fire again before I do anything."

"Alright. I'll come by the temple later and check things out. Can't have the fire lady being
threatened now can we."

"Gee thanks." Rei replied a slightly sarcastic tone in her voice. "Hey, have you been to see Minako
lately? Apparently Eddie made her get a bodyguard. Makoto was talking to her and said they had some,
and I quote, `interesting encounters'." Molly laughed thinking about the kind of things the blonde
actress might have pulled. "I wish I could have seen her face when Eddie told her. It must have
been classic." Rei grinned. Chad didn't look so pleased.

"Ya, I heard. I talked to her not long after he showed up. She hit him with a frying pan when
he tried to set up security cameras in her bedroom." Both girls gasped and tried to hide their
giggles as he continued, "He also flipped the hammock, tried to make her go to bed, and doesn't talk
much. She's going absolutely crazy. Can't stand him." The trio continued to talk cheerfully as the
walked. Not one of them noticing the man following them; watching every move their every move and
planning his first strike.


It was a lovely Saturday afternoon and Rei having gotten off work early decided to head
back to the temple and do some meditating out in the gardens. As she walked up the stairs she
heard her grandfather laughing. `Hum, that's weird only pretty girls make grandpa laugh like that.
Well, Chad could when he was still here. They used to have such fun together. The place really has
been lonely with him gone.' Reaching the top she paused, `I wonder what's so funny? Maybe Chad came
by for a visit. Oh, I really hope so. It's so good to hear Grandpa laugh again.' Listening intently
Grandpa's voice reached her ears.

"That's right, keep it steady now. You can do it. That's the way. Won't Rei be impressed
when she sees this." Rei gasped, what was he up to now. A scowl slowly spread over her face as
she walked towards the sound. `He better not be planning something. The last thing I need is
another of Grandpa's schemes to set me up.' Following her ears she found herself by the back
training room. She paused once again to listen, the sounds of buckets dropping was what she heard.
`Oh no. If he's trying to set me up again...' She forced her anger back down as she prepared to enter
the room. Sliding open the door, she stepped in. What she saw made her gasp in shock.


Oddball - Alright I admit it. This chapter sucks. But I've been staring at it for a week now and
it's not getting any better. My apologies for the lateness and horribleness of this chapter.
Hopefully the next won't be so hard. Hehehe, Chapter 3 is in DF's court. I just get to edit. I'll let
her explain that to you though. I'm going now. I got a date with my bike. Ahh, dirtbike. Mountains.
Trails. Speed. Weeeeeeeeee.