Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One ❯ Chapter 1b: Bodyguards and Stalkers ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Oddball and Ditzy freak are sitting at Ob's computer writing chapter 6.

Oddball - "You know that guy is really getting annoying."

Ditzy Freak - "Is that the moon?" She asked pointing out the curtained window.

Oddball - "What?" She gazed at her friend with a look that said, `have you lost it?' when
she didn't get a response she sighed and turned back to the readers. "My apologizes for the shortness
of this intro but it appears the DF is temporarily out of order. Please forgive us, it's a common

Ditzy Freak - "Look! I can spell my name with the moon." She cried happily as she bobbed her head
up and down. Oddball watches her for a moment, `Why me!?!'

Oddball - "Oi, you're making me sick. Would you stop that." Ignoring her Ditzy Freak continued her bob.
All of a sudden she stopped.

DF - "huh, the moon moved." She said, and then started pouting.

Ob - heavy sigh, "Like I said, or was saying, it's a common occurrence but I'll do my best to fill her
shoes." Suddenly A "weeeeeee' was heard. Looking over her shoulder Oddball saw Ditzy freak spinning
circles in the office chair. "Oh dear." Turning to readers, "Never mind what I said. No one can fill
her shoes." Looking back to Ditzy Freak, "I think we better go before she really losses it." Shakes
her head and stands up to attempt to remove her friend from the chair. "Thanks to everyone who
revived, to the lawyers for not suing, and to Quatra for dinner last night. It was great."

DF - Breaks into tears, "He hasn't come…!" she fell off the chair and continued balling in typical
Usagi fashion.

Ob - Sigh, "I know we better go. Thanks for everything. We don't own anything. Bye-bye."


Chapter 1b - Bodyguards and Stalkers

Minako crawled through her bedroom window to see her bodyguard sitting on her bed reading
Captain Spanky's bestseller `How to keep your woman home'. (Note to all those out there, Captain
Spanky is actually a friend of ours and in my brother's (who's C S's best friend) words he's
Grrrrrreat!) Upon seeing the book she promptly broke out laughing. Snatching the book from his
hands she stared at it in surprise, "Hey, this is mine. What are you doing reading my Sailor V manga?"

Hiiro looked at her, "You know you two look a lot alike." Minako blushed a little.

"Uh thanks. Um, did you want something?"

The lite atmosphere was dissipated by Hiiro's glare, "Where were you?" Minako looked at him,

"Um…Well…Um…" `Why do people always ask me the hard questions? Ami is the brains not me!' Minako cried
in her head as she tried to think up a good excuse. "Well there's nothing like a good run to make you
sleepy." that only made him glare more.

"I would have gone with you." Minako gulped.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were a runner." She began to walk away.

"Hn." His eyes scanned Minako's body as she left; green and purple marks were just beginning to form
on her arms. He lightly grabbed her wrist,

"Itai! Hiiro." Minako slaps him; he being Hiiro pulls out his gun.

"What happened?" She scowled at him

"Nothing happened. Let me go."

"I wouldn't call that nothing." He points to the new bruises

"I fell down a flight of stairs, so what."

"You fell down a flight of stairs?" He said with scepticism in his voice

"Yes! A flight of stairs."


"During my run." Hiiro just looked at her

"Alright it wasn't during my run, it was…after I climbed out of the window."

"And then you went for a run?"

"Yes, I am an actress after all, I need to keep in shape."

"Yes, you are…an actress." He replied coolly, totally not buying her obvious lie.

~*~*~*~Two nights later~*~*~*~

Minako and Hiiro were sitting on the couch/hammock. It is 7:00 and they have just finished dinner.
Minako is watching the day's film to find errors. Hiiro is bored and is therefore working on his
laptop. Suddenly her watch begins to beep. Hearing it Hiiro turned towards the annoying sound,

"What is that?" Minako looked at him her face the perfect picture of innocence.

"That's my watch alarm."

"Why is it beeping?"

"Why is it beeping?" She asked trying to stall while she came up with a good excuse and a way out of
the apartment.

"Yes." He said plainly. Minako smiled at him,

"Because it was set, silly. Why else would a watch beep?" He looked at her; she is weird.

"Why did you set it?" He inquired. She hadn't informed him of any engagements she had that evening.

"Well…" Suddenly a light went on in her head, "Because I need to go to bed. I have a big day tomorrow.
Got to get my beauty sleep." Standing up she headed for her room. Hiiro watched her go then looked at
the clock. `It's only 7:00. She's four hours to early.'

~`~`~`~ Flashback~`~`~`~

First Night at Minako's

Hiiro's finally recovered from his beating. It's 11:00 and Hiiro is very tired. He still has work to
do and wants Minako to go to bed so he can do it and go to bed as well.

"It's 11:00." Hiiro stated in monotone. Minako looked up.


"It's eleven. You should be in bed. We have to be at the studio by 6." Minako stared at him like he
was insane.

"What are you talking about? It's only 11:00." Hiiro looked at her.

"Exactly, it's 11 o'clock. Aren't you tired?" Minako burst out laughing.

"Tired!" she said through her laughter, "Hiiro, I don't usually go to bed until like 3."

"What? That's crazy. How can you work like that? Your body needs rest to function. Rest as in sleep."
Minako stopped laughing and stared at him blankly,

"You're serious aren't you?"

"Yes," Hiiro replied. "You should be in bed." Minako glared at him.

"Look Mister, it's your job to protect me, NOT to tell me what to do. I'll go to bed when I am good
and ready." Hiiro glared back,

"It is my job to protect you but I can't do that if I don't get some sleep. And after what you pulled
on me today the least you can do is just be quiet and go to bed." A strange twinkle appeared in
Minako's eyes.

"Fine, I'll go to bed." She agreed happily. She quickly went to her room. `I may not be able to
watch my `soap's' but I can catch up on my Sailor V mangas.' Closing her door she pulled boxes of
comics out from under her bed. Minako smirked. `Ha! Let's see you make me go to bed now Mr. Yui.'

Back in the living room Hiiro was staring at Minako's door. `That was way too easy. She was happy
about it. Hn, something's not right.' Crossing to the door he noticed the lights were out. `Could she
have actually gone to bed?' He shrugged he was too tired to care. Walking back to the hammock he sat
down and began typing once again. After about half an hour he was finished. Closing his laptop he
walked towards the guest room to get some sleep. `I think I'm going to need it. She's crazy.
Work at 6, bed at 3. I got more sleep as a Gundam pilot.' As he passed her door he heard giggling.
He paused and looked at the door. The lights were still off. `There it is again. What is that crazy
girl up to now?' His curiosity getting the better of him, he opened the door and peeked in. What
Hiiro saw made him scowl. There was his charge, lying on her stomach reading one of her many Sailor V
mangas. Hiiro's growl broke Minako out of her happy trance.

"Oh hi Hiiro, What are you still doing up?"

"Hn." Minako sat up and gave him one of her own glares. Which didn't have the same affect that his
did. Hiiro smirked.

"So what if I can't glare. I am to happy to glare at people, even annoying men who don't know when
to quit." Minako placed the manga that she was reading back under her bed.

"When I give an order I expect you to obey." Hiiro said sternly. Minako grumbled.


~`~`~End Flashback~`~`~

Hiiro quietly crept over to Minako's room and placed an ear on the door.

"Damn it, why do they always call this late anyway. It's not like it couldn't wait till morning."
Minako whispered; unknown to her Hiiro had heard every word. `What the hell is she talking about?'
Minako opened the window. "Hiiro is such an inconvenience." She sighed, as she jumped out the window.
Hiiro quickly went to the window to see Minako running down the street. He just rolled his eyes.


"Hey Buddy. If you think that you can prey on the minds these defenceless creatures, you're wrong.
In the name of Venus, I will punish you!" Minako yelled at the large, misshapen creature terrorizing
the innocent people of England. The Youma grinned like a mad beast. ("Mad as in crazy. Just to
clarify. You know Mad actually means crazy. When we studied -" "Shut it Oddball. They don't want to
know." Oddball did as she was told with a pout and continued the story.)

"That's a fancy speech for such a ditz. Where'd you learn all the big words?" the creature sneered
at her. Venus's mouth dropped. Up on top of a near by building, Sailor Irihi arrived in time to see
the blonde get insulted by the youma. 'Their getting smarter. This isn't good. Maybe I should -.'
The barely audible words of the blonde senshi reached her ears.

"Why I otta…" Venus yelled. "How dare you insult me!" Venus placed her pointer and middle finger
on the amber gem of her tiara. "Venus Crescent Beam Smash!" A golden beam shot out of her tiara,
heading straight for the Youma.

"I am Rose Weed and you will soon find out why Master calls me this." Rose Weed shot out vines from
her fingertips, creating a wall of vines. Venus' attack collided with the wall. Her attack exploded
knocking the Senshi of Love off her feet, and leaving the Youma unharmed. Rose Weed smiled happily,
her vines unravelled. Making them as sharp as daggers, Rose Weed began to attack her. Venus would
dodge one, but two would take its place, cutting deep into her. Sailor Irihi watched as the senshi of
love was getting pulverized. `I should just leave the weak scout too her fate.' She turned to leave
and then the usually silent crystal whispered. `Kuso! Why can't you stay quiet.' She mumbled/thought
to the `horrid thing' before jumping off the building. Irihi tossed Venus behind her, as she took Rose
Weed's attack. Venus flew back, crashing full force into a tree. Once Venus came too, she saw Irihi
and Rose Weed. Both looked beaten up...though Irihi seemed worse. Rose Weed shot out her vines for a
final attack; all of her power went into it.

"I will destroy you!" She hissed. Irihi smirked.

"Not if I destroy you first." The silver crystal began to glow. "Silver Crystal Destruction!" A beam
shot out of the crystal, surrounding Rose Weed. A ear-shattering cry was heard as the green plant
woman was destroyed. Irihi drooped to the ground, the crystal still safe around her neck. Venus rushed
towards her.

"Sailor Irihi, are you okay?" The sailor in question quickly picked herself up.

"Fine." She said. Turning she quickly headed back to where ever it was she had come from.

"Try to be more careful next time. Anger is too much of a weakness." With that she was gone. Venus
stared after her. 'Why does she always leave like that?' Venus wondered. With a sigh she started
towards home. She hurt and it was a long walk. 'Stupid youma. Why'd it have to attack on the 'other'
side of town.'


Minako's slow walk home was very painful. After she de-transformed, the pain greatly increased, and
her new wounds opened wider. She looked at how high up her window was. `Damn, as I said before Hiiro
is a big inconvenience.' Minako sighed unhappily as she entered the lobby. Bobby rushed over to the
very hurt girl.

"Miss Minako are you alright?" He cried as he helped her walk.

"Yes I am…I just need some sleep." She said. Her voice came out hoarse and broken.

"No Miss, you need a Doctor." Minako sighed.

"I am fine. Really. Please let me go home." She softly begged. Bobby gave up, one just couldn't
reason with her. He escorted her to the elevator.

"Now you get that boy to help you." Bobby ordered, as the doors closed. `Am I wearing a sign that
says `Give me orders. I can't take care of myself.'' Minako sighed as the elevator began its slow
journey to her floor. It was torture. It gave her much too much time, to anticipate the warm welcome
that she would receive. Once she arrived at her door, Minako realized she would have to knock,
seeing that she had left her keys on her table. The door opened to reveal a very unhappy Hiiro.
Her head hung down in shame, she couldn't even bring herself to meet his gaze.

"Where were you?" His emotionless voice was like a knife in the gut. Tears began to form in Minako's
eyes, as she felt grief well up inside over her actions. She'd betrayed him. Hiiro's eyes quickly
scanned her body. She was covered from head to toe in cuts and bruises. She'd been beat. He sighed
and slowly put a hand on her arm. Oh, how he wished she would look at him. He felt a small tug inside,
an urge to comfort her. Instinctively he pushed it away. `I can't get attached.'

"Come on." He said softly. She followed obediently as he lead her to the bathroom. Pulling out the
first aid kit he tended to her wounds. `She's so innocent and hurt. She looks like a broken porcelain
doll that's been dragged through the mud.' Gently lifting her shirt he tended to the lacerations
covering her torso. After thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting her wounds, he bandaged the ones on her
face and back as well as the majority covering her arms and legs. Leaving her for a few minutes he
returned with a needle and thread. Threading the needle quickly he took her arm and gently started
stitching the deep gash located there. "This might hurt a little but I'll try to keep them small."
Leaning weakly on the wall she heard him mumble something but she was to lost-in-thought to notice.

Tying off the last of the stitches he looked up only to discover she'd fallen asleep. With a sigh
he picked her up and carried her from the room. Gently laying her on the bed he noticed a few
scratches hidden under her long silky locks. Flipping the hair off her forehead so he could inspect
them his fingers brushed her skin. Standing quickly he swore and walked swiftly from the room.


Minako awoke to the sound of knocking on the door and groaned as she rolled over to look at the clock.
"Oh my gosh. I'm late!" She said jumping to her feet. She instantly regretted it as pain seared
through her body. With a grimace she slowly made her way to the door. Eddie was going to kill her.
Before she had a chance to open it Hiiro walked in with a plate of food.

"Sit." He ordered and pointed to the bed.

"Hiiro I don't have time. I have to get to work. Eddie's going to kill me. I can't believe I slept
so late. Why didn't you wake me up?" She felt dizzy from speaking so fast and didn't object as he led
her back to bed.

"I already called Eddie and told him you wouldn't be there. Now sit and eat. You need to keep your
strength up." Hiiro stated in monotone. Reaching the bed Minako nearly collapsed. `I can't believe
how sore I am. I was never this sore after a battle. I must have really got beat.' Reaching out to
take the plate from Hiiro she noticed a string of black running along her arm. She gasped.

"Oh my gosh. What happened to my arm?"

"I had to put stitches in it. Don't worry they'll be gone soon. Now eat. I'll be in the Kitchen."
He turned and walked from the room. Minako felt tears come to her eyes. `What have I done. I shouldn't
have gone last night. Now he hates me.' A sound in the hall startled her out of her thoughts.
She could here Hiiro and …

"Chad!" She jumped up and headed for the door. She couldn't wait to see him. It had been so long.
He reached her as she stumbled over her own feet. Catching her easily he scooped her up.


Chad picked her up in his arms. "Oh my gosh. Minako I'm so sorry." He pulled her close and spoke
into her ear. "I should have been there to protect you."

Hiiro stood outside as the two embraced. 'Sorry. As he should be. Hurting her like that. What does
she see in him? She deserves more. Someone like me. Wait what am I thinking. I don't care about her.
She hates me. She doesn't even trust me. Sneaking out at all hours of the night. Not even telling me
where she's going.' Hiiro gets lost in his thoughts as Minako and Chad decide they need to talk.

"Minako." Chad said softly pulling away. "Are you okay?"

"Ya I'm fine. Chad I think we need to talk." She said as she sat on her bed. Chad sat beside her
feeling guilty that deep down he wanted to be somewhere else. 'Molly.' He thought longingly then
mentally slapped himself. 'There'll be time for that later. Right now I need to tell her. But is it
right. She's so fragile. But then what about that guy. Who is he anyway?''

"Minako."/"Chad" They both laughed goofily. {OB- "Is goofily even a word?" DF- "Yes. It is. It's in
the dictionary." OB picks up a dictionary and flips through it. "It's not in here." DF picks up a pen
and scribbles it in. "Now it is" She said proudly. Ob rolled her eyes.}

"You first" Minako said softly. Chad nodded.

"Minako there's something I need to tell you." He took a deep breath. 'You can do this.
She'll be fine. What's his name is here.' "I've meet someone." Minako's face fell slightly.

"Oh." She replied. Half of her felt sad. 'He's going to leave me.' The other half felt overjoyed;
though she didn't know why. Chad saw her fallen expression and felt guilty.

"Minako. If you really want me too, I'll stay." Minako looked up. 'What am I supposed to say?'

'Chad I..." She let the sentence hang.

"Minako look at me." She turned and met his eyes. "If you can look me in the eye and say you
love me I'll stay. But if you can't..." He couldn't say it. She looked so breakable. Minako
immediately dropped her gaze. Standing slowly she walked to the window.

"Chad how long have we been together?"

"Since you came to England." Minako sighed, 'Why is this so hard? Do I really love him?' She knew
the answer but wasn't sure if she could say it. She did care about him but they just didn't spend
enough time together. He was always touring or busy with the band. She was always acting or
at meetings. She had to face it. They just didn't fit. Standing Chad joined her at the window.
"We've drifted haven't we?"

"Ya, though I hate to admit it we have." She turned around and half sat on the window's ledge. She
looked at him and found a smile slowly spreading across her face. He grinned back and the pair
slowly started to laugh.

Out in the hallway Hiiro heard them laughing and scowled. 'Get her out of your head Yui. If she
wants to let him beat her then it's her problem not yours. You can't choose her boyfriend.
Get over it.' Forcing his emotions back into their cage he walked to his room. 'At least I know
where she is.' A little while later Hiiro heard the door close and went to check on his body guarding
person. {Ob- 'Okay Ditzy Freak. I guess that works." DF-"Of course it does. I came up with
it after all."}He found her rummaging through the kitchen cupboards.

"What are you doing?" He stated in monotone. "You should be resting" Minako jumped in surprise and
immediately fell flat on her butt. Wincing as she landed on recently formed bruises.

"Don't do that." She yelled. He smirked.

"If you'd stay home I wouldn't have to." Minako's face immediately fell. 'He's still mad.' She
thought sadly. 'Why did that stupid youma have to attack. It ruined everything.'
{Note to readers: side stories are coming that will explain things in more detail and
hopefully answer your questions.} Tears started to seep into her eyes, wiping them away
forcefully Minako stood up.

"I am sorry Hiiro...But you don't understand I had to go." Minako tried to explain without giving
away her secret.

"Why? Was it because of him?"

"I just had- What do you mean 'Was it because of him?'" Minako eyed the man in front of her.
"You think Chad did this to me don't you?" Hiiro just stood there, watching her.
"Answer me Hiiro! You think Chad did this...How could you think such a sweet man would ever do
this to me." Minako was now right in his face. "If anyone would do this to me it would be someone
like you." Hiiro glared at her.

"Don't blame me for your own mistakes and weakness'." His cold voice echoed in her mind.
It was almost like Trya's, and her own. 'First Usagi, than Trya, and now Hiiro. When will I stop
letting the people I love down.' Minako broke into tears as she rushed out her apartment, out of the
building, and into the pouring rain.

As the rain poured down on her. Minako had thought of only one place to go...The Park. She ran until
her legs gave way and found herself face first in the mud. Her mind wanted her to get out of the dirt,
and continue on. But her heart wouldn't let her. 'Why do I feel this way?' A dark figure sat in a
cherry blossom tree. A wide smile grew on his face.

"Master will be so pleased." He whispered happily. As she lied there, Minako felt a shadow creep over
her, and the rain stopped pounding her. Minako knew who it was but refused to get up. His strong
arms wrapped around her tiny waist as he picked her up off the ground. Turning around so that she
was facing him, Hiiro wished that she would look at him. She was covered in mud, soaked to the
bone, but he still thought that she was gorgeous As one hand held onto the umbrella, his other went
under her chin, softly raising her face till their eyes met. Tears softly fell down her soiled face,
making her irresistible to him.

"Hiiro, I-"

"Minako I am sorry." He softly whispered. Her blue eyes widened, 'He's sorry!' Using her chin,
Hiiro softly pulled her closer to him, their lips slowly coming closer. Unknown to them both.
The dark figure lined the gun up perfectly with the blonde's head.

"Say good bye." He laughed uncontrollably. His eyes opened, just in time to see a bolt of
lightning shoot down, heading strait for his mouth. *Crash* Lightning filled the sky as the storm
continued to pound on the two. Hiiro's eyes refocused, to see that Minako had disappeared. His eyes
scanned the area, he was going to walk forward, but he felt a dead weight against him. Hiiro looked
down to see the soaking blonde, clinging to his now muddy shirt. He leaned down

"Lets go." his warms breathe sent a chill down her spine. She slightly nodded in agreement.

Arriving back at the apartment, Hiiro ordered her to sit down while he got some towels. Minako
smiled at how he was treating her. `Maybe things could go back to the way they were?' But she spoke
to soon. *Beep* Minako looked down. Her watch was beeping, but it was a senshi trying to contact her.
She wanted to answer, what if one of her friends were in serious trouble. Minako rushed to the door
only to be stopped by Hiiro.

"Where are you going?" He asked coldly, nothing good ever came from that watch.

"Hiiro I have to go." Minako stated firmly. Hiiro shook his head

"No you are to stay here that is an order." Minako glared at him, than did what neither she nor he
ever expected her to do. She punched him on the face, than ran. It wasn't like it hurt or
anything...It just surprised him. It didn't hurt him, but it sure as heck hurt her.

"Damn, does he wear steel under his skin or something?" She whispered to herself. After she left the
building. Minako answered her beeping watch.

"Where in the name of Shinigami have you been?"

"Rei what's wrong? Are you being attacked?"

"No, I need to talk to you." She asked with a rather worried tone in her voice.
