Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One ❯ Prologue 1: The Returning ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"You always use inproper english it buggges the heck out of me, Look at all the little
red lines. Even the computer agrees with me. Change it now!!!...At least put proper
puctuation in.

And I didn't say that you always use inproper english I just said you used it there.

You are so inoying.

Ha that is not even how you spell inoying!

You are a brat.

Ah hu.

That is not how you spell hu!

And I said non of these things Oddball did!" Ditzy Freak cried happily as she tried to imitate Oddball.

"Cammy would you stop that!"

DF looks around "She's not even here...I think she is going crazy"

"I am not going crazy...Relena go away I don't want you in my fic!"

DF looks around again. "Oddball Relena's not here."

"Oh shut up you green eyed freak."

"Oh you think I have beautiful eyes...thank you."

"Arg, I cant even insult you."

"Heheheeheheheheheheheheheeh...I have a funny laugh
Di tzy Freak continued to imitat oddball

"It should be continues not continued, and that is not how you spell imitat."
Oddball throughs fit and storms out of room.

"Hehehe now I can write the prologe myself."

"That is not how you write Prologe." a faded voice yelled. "It is spelled not write and
bla bla bla bla bla….And you forgot the disclaimer…We own nothing except our crazyness!"

Prologue 1- The Returning

'Darkness complete darkness.' the raven-haired man tried every thing that he could to get out. Nothing helped;
even the powers of his other half couldn't get him free.

"So prince have you had enough? Would you like to see the sun again?" Before the man could answer a blinding
light appeared. The prince quickly covered his dark eyes. "Open your eyes Prince Mamoru and see your
princess." Mamoru's eyes opened quickly to see Sailor Moon lying on the ground covered in blood and dirt.

"Usagi!" Mamoru ran towards the broken senshi only to be thrown back by an invisible barrier. He scrambled to
his feet "Let me go Chaos!" he began to charge the barrier once more.

"No Prince I would rather you watch." His eyes went back to the dying princess to see one of the sailor senshi
walked up to the broken girl. 'Good now she is safe.'

"Jupiter Oak Evolution!"


~*10 Minutes Ago*~

"Chaos I will destroy you in the name of the moon!"

"Oh you think so Sailor Moon." A familiar laugh arose from behind her. The blonde sailor turned around to
see her best friend and guardian laughing.

"Mars what are talking about?"

"Oh Sailor Moon you don't get it do you?" Sailor Moon's eyes traveled from the warrior of flame to the
soldier of ice.

"Mercury?" That was when Moon saw it. 'Their eyes. Their eyes are pitch black.' The four scouts surrounded
her, laughing at her fear.

"Are you prepared to die Princess of the moon?" The senshi known as Venus inquired. 'Silver crystal I ask, no
I beg you to heal them.' The precious gem just lied in the blonde's hands, refusing to save the scouts.

"Venus love chain encircle." A golden chain surrounded Moon, searing into her delicate flesh. The blond
screamed in agony as arrows of fire and lightning drove into her chest. With all of her strength S. Moon
begged the crystal to help free the scouts from Chaos' wrath. The crystal began to glow, a smile appeared on
Sailor Moon's face. Which soon disappeared. The crystal slowly began to fade into the darkness, never to
return to the Princess again.

"Oh Gods, No!" Sailor Moon cried as the four senshi powered up for a planet attack. Though it would not have
been as strong as when all of the senshi are together but they still got the job done right. As the ball of power
engulfed Sailor Moon she got lost in a vision/dream.

~*Usagi's Dream*~

Usagi opened her eyes rather slowly and found herself surrounded by a dark mist.
"Where am I?"

"You are in another dimension Princess." a calm voice answered the distraught blond. Usagi looked around to
find the owner of the voice. She found what she was looking for.

"Mother?!" she cried, tears began to fall down her porcelain face as she ran into her mother's welcoming arms.
"Why mother? Why did the crystal refuse to heal them?" The woman softly stroked her daughter's hair as
she replied.

"I know this will be hard for you but, I believe that you are old enough now to know the truth." Usagi looked
up at her mother's kind face.

"What is it?" Serenity led her daughter to a crystal fountain. On top of the fountain stood a girl. She wore a
different outfit than the others, but it still had the same outline as the other sailor uniforms. Her eyes held
pure revenge as she gazed into the nothingness of this dimension. In one hand was a staff similar to Pluto's
but yet different and in her other hand were two gems. The silver crystal and a black crystal. As Usagi sat down,
her eye's never left the stone girl.

"Mother who is that?"

"My dear princess, always curious as a kitten." Serenity laughed and sat down. "That my dear is the most
powerful being in the universe and dimensions. And she is the one who is meant to own the crystal."

"Why does she have two crystals? And why didn't I know about her? And wh-" Serenity put her hand over
Usagi's mouth.

"If you want to know than you must be quiet." Serenity removed her hand from Usagi's mouth when she
began to tell the unknown girls tale.

"It began before the Silver Millennium, when my mother had received the silver crystal. The one who gave it
to her was a very old, but very wise god who could see the past, present, and future. When my mother Queen
Serenity received the crystal a warning came with it. 'If you use this crystal it will destroy you, it will drain the
life from your very soul. Though I am giving this gem to you, you will not be able to keep it. You and all who
follow after you must guard it until the one is ready to wield its great power.'

My mother wanted to obey the old god but she wanted the universe to be in a union of peace, and she knew that
the crystal could make her wish come true. In doing so she did achieve peace, but she also destroyed herself
in the process.

That was when the Silver Millennium was born and I became Queen. Not long before you were born, a hybrid
child was brought into the world. She was conceived by the king of Neptune, Poseidon, and the princess of the
Sun, Tenso.

Once I met the child Eos I knew that she was the one meant to wield the crystal. when I told the child's parents
they were a little surprised, but soon took to the idea that I had for the small child. If I knew what would have
happened in the future I might have not even suggested it.

As you grew older, the planet rulers sent their oldest daughters to be your loyal friends and guardians.
Every planet but one. The Sun kingdom. Tenso wanted her daughter to be apart of your court, but Poseidon
and myself both went against it. There was already a child from Neptune to guard you. And I still believed that
Eos had to become a true warrior, if she would ever be able to control the crystal. Eos trained non-stop, she
became a master swordsman and a master of all martial arts.

There was however a down side. A young boy. He was a scout for the Sun and Moon kingdoms, traveling into
different dimensions, to different planets and even to different times, thanks to Pluto. Eos fell in love with
Taiyou's strength and bravery and Taiyou fell in love with Eos' lust for life. Whenever Taiyou went to the Sun
kingdom you would find those two together, they were inseparable.

Then the worst happened, it is the reason why she has two crystals in her hand. Taiyou was sent to the
Negaverse where he was captured. They tortured and killed him. Tenso and myself went to Eos in hopes that
she would take it well. After Tenso told her daughter, Eos went mad and craved revenge for the death of her love.
With the help of the crystal, we sedated her and buried her innocence, as well as the memories of Taiyou deep
inside her soul and prayed that they wouldn't break free.

Upon awakening Eos had no memories of her love but she did have an intense desire to destroy all evil. As part
of a secret training that only she knew of, or thought only she knew of, Eos traveled to the Negaverse and began
to destroy the evil minions of Beryl and Chaos.

That was when tragedy struck. Beryl's forces attacked the Alliance, destroying every planet except the Earth.
Eos had arrived on the Moon sometime after I had defeated Beryl's forces. It was unknown to me were she had
been when it happened, but she had blamed herself for the destruction of the planets and their inhabitants. When
I wished that all of the people on the Moon and other planets would be reborn on the blue star, I had no idea that
she was still alive. When I made the wish, it brought her to the Earth but with all of her memories intact."

"But why does she hold two crystals in her hand mother?"

"Each crystal represents a path. The silver crystal is if she stays on the path that she is on right now. The black
crystal is what the silver crystal will become, if Eos' memories resurface and she chooses hate and revenge."
As Serenity finished she noticed two wings beginning to appear on Usagi's back.

"Dearest daughter, I am sorry that I have put you in this position, but you are going to die." Usagi's face went
pale; she did not want to die. But if this new scout could save her friends from a life of darkness, than she
would gladly give up her own.

"I hope that they can forgive themselves." Usagi whispered as mother and daughter embraced once more.
The two figures disappeared from the misty dimension never to feel pain again.

A small star shot out of the dark sky and landed in front of a lavender haired warrior. The soldier held out
its hands encircling the floating star.

"It's time."