Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One ❯ Prologue 2: The death of Chaos or the Birth of Aggrivated Dog ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Spiky Haired Weirdo walks into the computer room and begins to read
'Chapter 5' Spiky Haired Weirdo - "I can't believe the stupid names that you two come up with."

Ditzy Freak - "I can't believe how alike you two are."

Oddball - "Hey I resent that! After all I came up with the name."

Ditzy Freak - "What!! You did not. I came up with that."

Ob - "No I did"

DF - "NO I did"

Ob - "No I did, you came up with gouda"

DF - "Well at least it is better than yogo"

Ob - "Hey I resent that"

SHW - "Stop it! I came up with that name."

Ob - "But you weren't even in the car when we picked a name."

SHW - "Fine than the dog came up with the name"

Ob - "The dog wasn't there either"

SHW - "I don't care the dog came up with it, now shut up and get out. I want the computer!!!"
Oddball and Ditzy Freak pout as the Spiked one kicked them out.

SHW - "They don't own anything..." An evil look crosses his face
"It's mine, all mine. Mwhahayhahahahahah...ect...ect...ect...ect." as he began to
furiously type.

Ditzy freak reenters the room quietly.

DF - "Ahhhh, I'm going, I'm going."


Prologue 2

The Death of Chaos or The Birth of Aggravated Dog

A small star shot out of the dark sky and landed in front of a lavender haired warrior.
The soldier held out its hands encircling the floating star.

"It's time." A dark mist surrounded the warrior; a tall woman appeared out of the mist.

"She's dead isn't she?" The soldier asked as its hands snatched the crystal.

The woman nodded "Chaos has taken over the inners and with their power's in his grasp he will
rule the universe." The warrior nodded. "You know what you must do? They will have no
knowledge of what they will have to tell them everything." The solemn sailor of
Pluto took out a sapphire and gold chain and gave it to the warrior. Attaching the crystal
to the necklace, the warrior placed the chain around her neck. The crystal began to glow

"Crystal of the gods I call upon you, grant me your power!" The lavender haired girl cried out

"Warrior of water and light, your request is granted." the crystal flashed engulfing the
warrior in a wave of light.

Once the light died down. It revealed a pair of light saphire blue boots, with deep almost
black saphire top. It shined like a crystal and the same phoneomonon with the laces.
They were the style of Uranus' with the dimond top like Pluto's and tie up's down the front
like Saturn's. A dark yellow silk skirt fell to the middle of her thighs, and the normally
white bodysuit had a soft hint of saphire blue. Her gloves were yellow white with 7 large
silver hoops embroided all around it, they started at her thumb and middle finger's, and
traveled down to the triple blue ribs. As well as gold and saphire circular chains
crisscrossing around the gloves. Starting at her ring and pointer finger's and working their
way to the ribs. An ancient marking sat on her left sholder. It was a eclipsed sun with three
scar red claw marks in the center. She had a deep saphire cape (the same as the tops of her
boots) with a light purple lineing, that started at the coller and flowed to her ankles. There
was the Sun and the planet Neptune embroied on the back. The crystal hung from the necklass,
resting where the original broach use to be. On her forehead sat a crystal glass tiera with a
yellow saphire gem in the center. Her long, wavy, lavender hair flowed freely, as the
transformation concluded. In her hand there sat a long, silver staff, with a yellow crystal
surrounded by flames of gold sitting on the top. In the center of the crystal there was a
metalic blue rod that eminated a magical blue light. Revieling the symbol of Neptune.

"Are you ready?" The new sailor nodded, as she pulled her staff closer to her for comfort.
Pluto waved her staff and the two disapeared.


"You killed her!" Mamoru yelled to the dark nothingness, that surrounded him.

"I did not kill your precious love, they did." A part of the nothingness parted and the four
inners appeared. "They have ruined your perfect life, they killed her. You must take your
revenge out on them." Chaos said as he began to infect Mamoru's mind. Pulluting it and turning
the Earth prince against his *former* allies.

A purple mist appeared on the forgotten battle feild. The dark senshi of time stepped out;
the new senshi soon followed. Pluto slowly walked towards the fallen princess. Her solom face
showed guilt, as she waved her staff over the body crystal tears began to fall. The forgotten
warrior began to walk towards the crying woman, only to be stopped by a wall of ice. She
quickly turned around and came face to face with the four guardain's of the former princess.
It didn't take the new one long to noice their black eyes. 'He has taken their minds...but
their souls remain untouched.' She felt their power level increacing rapidly 'I only have one
chance.' She slipped the necklass off and held the crystal in her right hand. Chanting softly
in a long forgotten language. The words were wrapped in mystery as they flowed from her mouth.
The haunting melody weaving a spell into the now glowing crystal. A silver glow spread and
surrounded the four scouts, cries of agony were heard, as the light released their mind from
Chaos' grasp. The light deminished, the four fell to the ground. They awoke moments later,
all memory of their actions completely gone.

The four were surprised to see Sailor Pluto, and even more so to see the new sailor in front
of them.

"Pluto, what are you doing here? And where is Sailor Moon?" The always quizitive Sailor Mercury asked.

"Ya, and who is this?" Mars yelled as she pointed to the new girl.

"This is Sailor Irihi. She will be your new leader." Pluto plainly answered. The four
looked at the girl Pluto called Sailor Irihi.

"Hang on a second, where is Sailor Moon." The ever persistant Sailor Venus asked.
Pluto's eyes traveled to the new scout "As I said before you must tell them." Pluto
waved her staff and she disappeared. Irihi sighed, she didn't want to work or even be near
such weak minded warriors. That killed the one they were destined to protect. Irihi held out
her silver staff, the metalic light shone out of the yellow crystal, and landed on each of
their foreheads.

The four watched, mesmorized as their past selves searched for Chaos' lair. Sailor Moon was
frantic, she knew something was wrong with her Mamoru. The scout's saw a black mist creep up.
Watched their other selves engulfed. Watched it take over their minds. They cried in horror,
as the attacks were launched at their leader. Watching, unable to avoid the horrors of truth,
Usagi died by their hand. Finally they saw Irihi break the hold that Chaos had over them.

As the vision concluded the four broke down into tears. 'How could we have done that!' Jupiter
yelled to herself. 'Why? Oh gods why?' Venus could bearly suport her own weight.
'She can't be gone.' Mercury sobbed into her skirt.

"Usagi!" Mars screamed. Falling to the ground, she began to pound the Earth.

Irihi began to get fed up with them wallowing in selfpity. "Shut up!" The four stopped and
looked at her in shock. "Get up, and stop feeling sorry for yourselves. Your leader is dead,
and it is your fault for being weak. Get up, help me destroy the darkness, and then if you
wish you can take your lives and forever be with your princess." Mars' blood began to boil

"How dare you say that!" She charged her new 'leader' only to find herself flat on her back.

The scouts staired in wonder, 'what happened?'. The new scout looked upon her would be
attacker with disgust. "The hot-headed warrior of fire. If that's the best you can do perhaps
I'd be better off taking on Chaos alone." Mars glared. Who did this girl think she was, the
ruler of the Universe. She stood to her feet, 'I don't have to take this.' Walking up to
Sailor Irihi she looked her dead in the eye. Their bodies were so close Venus wondered if
even Irihi's cape, whick was made of the finest silk, could fit between. They could feel the
tension increase as the two staired at each other. Neither were willing to give an inch. Rei
knew she had invaded the scout's space. She'd done it on purpose. No one was going to show up
out of nowhere and push them around. So what if Pluto had proclaimed her the leader,
'She's not the leader in my book and never will be.' It was Mercury who broke the silence,

"Uh guys, we've got company." Both scouts imeditly truned to face the oncomeing danger.

A cloud of darkness began to surround the senshi 'You will have to join your powers with
the scouts.' 'No crystal, I will not help these pethetic warriors.
I shall do this on my own.' 'If you do this on your own Chaos will not be defeated.
you must join together.' Irihi growled but agread.

"As much as it displeases' me, we must join our powers together if we hope to defeat Chaos."
Irihi quietly told the others. Thou none of them were ready to trust her, they all knew that
Chaos had to be destroyed.

Nodding in agreement the four senshi powered up, giving all of their strength to Sailor Irihi.
The four elemental powers flowed into the crystal that lay in the new girl's hands.

Once the crystal had received all the energy Irihi cried out "From the darkness to the light,
I demand that you Chaos 'bringer of evil' vanish from the plains of existaince, for all
eternity." A beam of light shot out of the crystal, covering the darkness with its glow.
Chaos cried out in pain, as the light slowly destroyed him.

The new scout turned, her task was complete. For now. She began to walk away, only to be
stopped once again.

"Wait!" Venus yelled as she ran towards the retreating senshi. "Please stay." Sailor Irihi
turned around.

"You and I both know that I can't stay. Your friends despise me and I feel the same about
you all." turning around, she began to walk away.

"If you must go that please tell us your name, so that we may be able to find you again."
Venus begged. She had already failed one leader, she would not fail a second.

"Trya." Sailor Irihi yelled over her shoulder, as she disapeared into the night.


A dark figure, began to mold a dark smoke till it had the figure of a man. The new man's
eyes opened. "You are my loyal servent. Everything I tell you to do you will obey without
question." the man nodded. "You are named Aggrivated Dog, and you will destroy the Sailor