Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ Nightmare or Dream? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A.N. Konnichiwa! Watashi wa LilGeMiNi! (that's not my real name, duh!) Anyhoo, This is my first ficcie that I am writing and if you guyz have time, please review! But, don't feel burdened to cuz you guyz are the ones that should enjoy the story and I just want peoples to like my writing! Also, if you have time, please correct my mistakes cuz even though I really like Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon, I may not be as accurate on the info as I hope to be. I think the time is after the lockup of the gundams. so it's before Endless Waltz... and for Sailor Moon, Usagi is still a moon princess, but with a dangerous person after her. She has powers, but no seishi. She has the power to transform into an animal, but she has an advantage as a bunny because she is so much like one... *sweatdrop* I hope you understand... K, I've been talkin way too much and I hope you enjoy Sheltered Heart! (p.s. please help me on the title, I sorta don't like it and I want a better one! Arigatou!)



emphasis on word

flashbacks or dreams

(my notes)

*place of scene*

Disclaimer: Waah! I don't wanna do this! Do I have to? *looks around and sees nodding heads* Ok, *sigh* I don't own Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon. You happy now?! *sees nodding heads again.* Urrgh....

Sheltered Heart

Ch.1-Nightmare or Dream?

Heero couldn't sleep. It's been like that for a few days and even though he didn't want to admit it, he knows why.

~ that voice! Why can't I get it out of my head?!? I can't let it overcome me... I have to be strong because I am and I won't let this thing kill me from lack of sleep! ~

The normally impassive boy was having trouble from that dream that would call out his name until he woke up even when he closed his eyes in class. Whenever he was alone, he would hear his name whispered serenely in his ear and when he would look around, there would be nothing. As he walked to school, his mind was running so fast that he didn't hear the bell ring.

Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wu Fei were in class and as the three latter boys observed the young joker making a fool of himself, Heero slowly walked in, not caring about the eyes looking at him. He sat down, closed his eyes and crossed his arms on the laptop. He usually wouldn't sleep in front of everyone but he was so very tired.

"Heero... Heero..."

"Who's there? Show yourself or prepare to die..." said the boy who was wide awake in his dream.

"Heero, you must help my daughter. Her name is Usagi and she is so endangered that she can not be in her human form..."

~her human form?~

"Yes her human form."

"How did you read my mind?"

"I can do many things except protect my daughter from him..."

"Who is he? And where is this Usagi girl?"

"You will know in time for he is after her and her powers. Please help her! Can you promise me?"

"Mission accepted." he said with no emotion.

"No Heero! This is not a mission! I appoint you one of her guardians along with your friends..."

"Friends? I don't have any friends."

"Yes you do and don't try to deny it. Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wu Fei are your friends and so will Usagi be when you meet her. So is that a promise?"

"Yes...It's a promise."

She sighed with relief and appeared before him. He was surprised by how angelic she looked and yet powerful.

"Heero, you will be meeting Usagi soon and I pray that you can help her..."

~And she can help you..~ thought the queen.

"Goodbye Heero and don't tell your friends of this dream until the time is right. Thank you so very much."

She placed her soft hand on his cheek and Heero felt the gentleness she held. She slowly faded away and left Heero to wake up. The last thought he had was, "Why me?" not out of annoyance like he did with Relena (*gag*) but simply out of curiosity.

Heero woke with Duo peering in his face with an annoying grin on his face.

"Oh shinigami! Our Perfect Soldier was sleeping in class!"

Heero took out his gun and pointed it right at Duo's forehead.

"Omae o Korosu." He said in monotone.

With an "Eep!" Duo got back to his seat and wondered what Heero dreamed about for he heard him whisper, "Why me..." And by the looks of doubt on the other ex-pilots, he wasn't the only one wondering.

K.... That's the first chapter! Yay! I'm so happy! And, once again, if you want to review, you can. Please help me if I made a mistake and onegai, no flames. Ja Ne!