Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sheltered Heart ❯ "A Sheltered Heart is No More..." ( Chapter 32 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon. I do, however, own Naora, Tsuya, Megumi, Kiyoko, Taiyou, Shizue, all of the characters' clothing, symbols, attacks, attack names, and etc.

Sheltered Heart

Ch.32- "A Sheltered Heart is no More..."

As the ten finally reunited, Queen Serenity rose her arms and she, as well as the ten teenagers, rose into the air and a misty light flooded the room. Each person joined with their soul-mate and stood next to them.

Then, a glowing ball appeared in front of each couple and the teenagers all put their hands upon the five balls. The light of the balls then swallowed each couple and Queen Serenity solemnly watched as the couples transformed into people that were far more powerful then the stage they were at before because... of their love.

A song that seemed to come from everywhere began to play and a soothing voice began to sing.

Solid block inside me,
Crystalline cold heart.

When will someone come,
And thaw the shield apart?

Wu Fei and Naora floated down to the floor first, both in clothes of royalty that were a deep red and a light platinum. They had crowns around their heads, both with a red spinel gemstone in the middle, the same gemstone as Wu Fei's katana. However, Wu Fei's tall crown was a deep yellow gold while Naora's was a more feminine white gold and was shorter. Also, the crowns were engraved with phoenixes and novas.

Wu Fei had his right hand wrapped around his red spinel staff that had a small transparent orb at the top. The orb held his katana that was miniature, in it and had fire burning around it. His staff had engravings of the same phoenixes and novas as the ones on his crown.

Naora's twin daggers were in an orb that was floating at the top of her platinum staff. The orb had bright novas going around it that were rotating at the same time. Around the staff's handle were the engravings that matched Wu Fei's. Their faces held only happiness and love for each other, something that they hadn't experienced before in their lives.

Never will they come,
Never meet my eyes.
Never will they see me,
All they'll see are lies.

Then, Quatre and Megumi came down and also wore clothes of royalty, obviously dark blue and silver. Quatre had a yellow gold crown on his head similar to Wu Fei's except it had a blue beryl gemstone in the middle and had engravings of dragons and stars on it. Megumi's was similar except it, like Naora's, was made of white gold.

Quatre's shorters were in an orb that floated at the top of a staff made of blue beryl. The same engravings on his crown decorated the handle of his staff while streams of water floated around the orb.

Megumi's crossbow was in the miniature form and was in an orb that had stars flying around it. The orb floated on top of a silver staff that had engravings exactly like Quatre's. Quatre's face was smiling brightly as Megumi stood next to him like newlyweds. They stood happily in love on the ground with Wu Fei and Naora a few feet away to their right.

A cold facade cracks,
A warm hand on my cheek.
A smile gives warmth slowly,.
What does my heart seek?

Trowa and Kiyoko slowly transcended to the ground with Quatre and Megumi to their right. They wore green and copper clothes that were similar to the rest of the couples. Trowa wore a yellow gold crown that held a green gahnite gemstone in the middle of it. Around the crown were engraved basilisks and suns. Kiyoko had the same crown except it was made of white gold and was a more feminine shape.

Trowa's whip was in a small clear orb that was at the top of a green gahnite staff. Around the orb were vines that continued to move around it. Engravings marked the handle of the staff that were the same as the ones on his crown.

Kiyoko's sword was in miniature form and was also in a small orb on the top of a staff. Suns orbited around the orb and shone with light. Her copper staff had matching engravings with Trowa. For once, Trowa's and Kiyoko's normally blank faces held emotion, that of love and happiness. Trowa's arm was linked with Kiyoko's and they radiated feelings of love, like the rest of the couples.

A laugh, a hug, a peck,
Envelopes my cold heart.
The smallest kiss upon the cheek,
Can hit me like a dart.

Duo and Tsuya came down and were in royal clothes of dark yellow and gold. Duo had a yellow gold crown on his head that had a fire-colored opal gemstone in the middle. It was engraved with griffons and comets and Tsuya wore a similar white gold crown on her head also.

Duo's scythe that he said was quote unquote, the second coolest thing in the world, the first being his gundam, was in an orb that was at the top of a staff that was made of the same fire-colored opal. Ominous wind flew around the orb, creating a small cyclone of some sort. The staff had similar engraving as on the crown.

Tsuya's boomerang-like object was in miniature form but was in an orb that had real but small comets zooming around it. Her gold staff had the same engravings as Duo's. They stood there, without extremely funny expressions like they usually are but with expressions that were caring and joyful.

Another kiss, another crack,
Deeply fracturing the ice.
A feeling deep inside me,
Not once, not twice, but thrice.

Last but certainly not least, Heero and Usagi came down from the ball of light in all their majestic glory. They wore royal clothes in pearl and dark purple and had crowns on their heads, Heero's being yellow gold and Usagi's being white gold. On each of the crowns was a purple sapphire gemstone in the middle. Engraved around the crowns were unicorns and centaurs entwined.

Heero's bow was in an orb that had a twister-like piece of metal around it that never stopped rotating. Around the handle of the purple sapphire staff were engravings that were exactly like the ones on Heero's crown.

Usagi's staff was an almost blinding pearl color and had nothing in its orb except a small ball of white light. The same substance floated eerily around the orb and stayed only there. Engravings that were the same as Heero's covered the grip of the staff. Usagi smiled at Heero lovingly and he surprisingly returned it with the same effort.

A confession of the heart,
A different feeling's in me now.
No longer is my shield intact,
And this had happened how?

The circle was complete and the five couples formed a star. Queen Serenity, King Cleus, Prince Shingo, Haruka and Taiyou watched with pride and happiness. The bright ball of light floated down and became a fountain, pouring white light onto the couples and blessing them. Free were they from the memories of being alone and without love, and now were they entwined for all eternity.

"I Love You..." said a tender voice,
Warm breath upon my ear.

A sheltered heart is no more,

For there is nothing now to fear.

This is the end of Sheltered Heart!! WHOO HOO!! I actually started cheering when i finished the last line! LoL! anyhoo, yes, i did write that poem thingie but at first, it wasn't for Sheltered Heart so i changed it a little... hehe. anyhoo, please review and tell me if you maybe want a sequel! Arigatou for everything!!!

Thanks to everyone who reviewed!!

Prophetess of Hearts


Sere Star

Senshi of life

Misu the Catgirl


Gemini Tenshi



the Desert Fox


John Steppenwolf


Jia^eR aKa HiKari

Sailor Nova


Vegetas Girl


Sunshine Aradia

Chibi Tsuki

Blue Moon

Sailor Cardcaptor Ryoto


Sailor chibi-chaos







Shadow Lunarian


Domeko Angel






lullaby 2021










Tainted Angel


Ms. Perfect aka Nekkyoo Ema

Air Faerie

Tenshi Cat


Lady Arwen

Faery Moon


Angels Rhapsody

Jedi Knight
















Last Dragon

Rain and Leena






moon bunny09



it's a secret O_^






Hikari no Tenshi

D-Chan's Ice Queen

Angel of Twins



and last but certainly not least for she was the first reviewer...


I also had an idea suddenly pop up for a sequel so read a part of it please!

Ring Ring!

"Hello? This is Naora Chang, may I ask who's calling?" Naora said as she tried to calm her two-year-old girl down.

"Naora! How have you been? I haven't talked to you for a while!" said a familiar voice.

"Usagi! Oh my gosh, I haven't talked to you for the longest time!" Naora said gleefully.

"Well, I have been busy with my girl, you know, and Hee-chan's been working day and night so that he could renovate the technology department in Censhind Kingdom." she said with a sigh.

"Aww, poor sis. Anyway, your kids being good?" Naora asked, already knowing the answer.

Usagi began to whine,

"No! They keep on running around and break everything in sight and then... Kai found Hee-chan's gun and amazingly learned how to use it and began shooting all the walls!!! There are so many bullets holes that we had to hang rugs on the walls just so the holes wouldn't be seen! And then, Keiko somehow got into my makeup and drew pictures with lipstick on anything she saw!! I swear, they're the most devilish twins I've ever seen!!"

Naora laughed at her sister's predicament. However, she also had experiences, not as funny as that, but just as tiring.

Usagi then cleared her throat and spoke again,

"Well, there is a reason a called you sister of mine. I wanted to invite you to the blessing ceremony of Kai and Keiko. I already called Megumi, Kiyoko, Tsuya, and Haruka and talked to them. It's in one week and you and your whole family is invited to Censhind Kingdom! I hope you come... No Keiko! Don't rip mommy's dress! Sorry sis but I have to go! Bye!"

Naora hung up the phone with a quick good-bye and was excited to see her sister which she hadn't seen in two whole years! Then, she stopped and her eyes widened in horror... what would she wear???

hehe.. that was just a preview! anyhoo, if you like it please review and tell me so i can actually continue the thing which might go on for forever and ever and ever and ever... etc.. hehe. Arigatou for reading my story and Ja Ne!