Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Thawing ❯ Chapter7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Usagi POV

The truth finally came to me as I stood there facing off with Wiseman.

"That was a very bad idea sneaking off in the middle night, your majesty." I chose to ignore his sarcastic tone as he addressed me by my title. My stomach ached and my head pounded. I couldn't believe what I had just learned. And all of it came from Wiseman twisted little thoughts.

"They weren't dead," I murmured as my legs weaken. "They weren't dead, were they?!!!"

"No" Wise man chuckled. "Your scouts were very much alive when you placed them there"

"I-I couldn't feel a pulse!!!!"

"A little trick and a bit of magic" He smirked as I fully slumped to the ground.

"All those years. And they were alive!!!" the boiling rage seemed to go through me. All those years of suffering! "Was Diamond in on this plan?"

"No." That brought me a little relief. Diamond…he was still sleeping in our bedroom and Sapphire was out again with Sally. That meant…I was defenseless.

"Why?" I asked warily.

"Why what?" Wise man loomed over me.

"Why…after all this time…are you brining them back?"

"They're the keys to destroying OZ and this kingdom" Wise man gloated. "When they destroy everything and each other. I'll take over"

"What about Diamond? Were you just fooling him?"

"Perhaps" He motion towards a shadow to come forward. "Take the Queen and lock her up in a tower. Make sure she doesn't leave," He ordered. My heart stopped when I saw who it was.

"Millardo" I tried to even my voice. I winced in pain when he grabbed my arm and haul me up. "Millardo! What are you doing?" I shuddered when I glanced into his eyes; there were absolutely no emotions in them. "What did you do to him?!!!!"

"Just a little memory wipe, nothing to worry about" Wiseman pointed towards the hall. "Take her and go" Millardo Peacecraft nodded before dragging me off. I couldn't scream with his hand over my mouth and I couldn't move with his iron grip on me. Soon, he had me in shackles in one of the castle's high towers.

"I hope you like you're new home" Wiseman crackled from the entrance.

"Diamond's going to notice I'm missing," I warned. "How are you going to explain that?" I watched in shock as he created another me, right in front of my eyes.

"This Serenity will take your place. A perfect likeness, wouldn't you say, Emerald?"

"Perfect" Emerald laughed wickedly as she touched her now blond hair. "Diamond's mine!"

"You're in love with Diamond!" Why didn't I see this earlier? I chide myself. I should have known that Emerald was after Diamond.

"Even after a thousand years you're still so naïve" Emerald smirked. "I'm not going to stay around here, my husband is waiting for me"

"COME BACK HERE!!!" I shrieked. She just laughed and skipped off, her blond meatballs trailing behind her. I tried to tug at the chains that held me.

"It's no use trying to escape" Wiseman calmly walked out. "Oh, if you would like to know. Your scouts, all of them, are thawed all ready. In fact, they're getting ready to attack" I pale slightly. He gave a small chuckled and turned to Millardo.

"You have my permission to do what ever you want with her" He quickly walked out, leaving us alone. I couldn't help back away as Millardo stalked towards me. His blue eyes were still unemotional as he came closer.

"Millardo?" I tried not to sound frighten. I gave a small squeak when he haul me up and threw me against the wall. I grimaced in pain. Taking my chin, he pressed his lips to me in a hard kiss. I could literally feel the bruise I knew was forming.

"Millardo! Don't!!!" I tried to move, but he pinned me against the wall with his body. The tears rolled down my eyes. Millardo…if anything happened, I would never blame him. He was always very sweet to me whenever me met, treating me with respect. Not this cold person who was taking advantage of me. Suddenly, he hissed in pain and step back. I slumped to the ground in relief. My chest heaved. Silently, I gulped for breath I lost when he kissed me. I watched in shock as a red stain appeared on his shoulder.

"Sally!!!" Sapphire voice called out worriedly. I glanced towards the door where Sapphire stood, holding onto a pale and weak Sally Po. Ignoring them, Millardo stalked towards me again. He seemed to have a one-track mind. Suddenly, Two cries of pain ranged out.

"I-I'm fine" Sally sounded feeble as she removed the knife from her leg. She took it and stabbed it into her side.

"Sally!" I watched stun as Millardo bleed in the same place.

"The same soul…" Sally laughed weakly. Her blue eyes dimmed a bit. "They feel the same pain"

"Sally!!!" Sapphire cried out as she fainted. He gently placed her on floor and walked towards me. He helped me out of the chains that held me to the wall.

"Let's go,"

"What about him?" I asked as I pointed to an unconscious Millardo. I quickly bent down to check his pulse. It was weak and unsteady. I quickly ripped off a bit of my dress and bandaged up his wounds, as Sapphire did the same thing with Sally. He gently picked up her body, gently kissing her forehead. He glanced at me sorrowfully.

"We have to leave," He told me quietly. "The scouts are going to attack soon."

"No" He looked at me in surprise.

"This is my kingdom. I'm not leaving it or Diamond" I smiled at him. "Take them somewhere safe. I'll follow you soon." He nodded hesitantly before disappearing with Millardo and Sally. Making sure to keep in the shadow, I watched as the castle prepared for a large battle.

"When they destroy everything and each other, I'll take over" Wiseman plans rung in my head. I won't let that happen! I cried out as a hand touched my shoulder. Luckily, no one seemed to hear it.

"Shhh…Sailor Moon?" a voice asked. That voice…so familiar!

"Allan?" I glanced at the Alien in shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not sure," he admitted. "I was talking to Hotaru when a light flashed, then I was here"

"I see" I smiled a bit. Nothing made sense to me so far, so why should this be any better?

"Are you alright?" he asked concern when he pointed to my ripped dress.

"I'm fine" I glanced around the empty hall before darting off. I had to find my crystal. It might be the only thing that can save my friends and my kingdom! Wiseman! You're going to pay for this!!!!!