Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Thawing ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The soft sound of a flute sprung throughout the darkness. The notes silently comforted her as she sat. After a moment, the music stopped.

"That was beautiful" Hotaru commented. "Thank you, Allan"

"Anytime," The Alien smiled as he brought the flute back up to his lips. "Would you like me to play you another tune?"

"Yes, Please" Quietly, she allowed the music to lull her. The sweet notes chased away the darkness that seemed to hover over her.

"How is Anne?"

"She's happy now." His smiled slip a notch as he tucked the flute away. "She finally found more members of our kind"

"More aliens?"

"Yes. There were actually more survivors then just the two of us. She found a guy…I forget his name…but she's happy" He grinned at the girl that sat in front of him. "Do you know how long we've been dead?"

"For about a thousands years" Hotaru smile sadly. "This is almost the exact time we've came here"

"Two royally dead aliens" He grinned. "Trapped in limbo together" that brought a small smile to her lips.

"How did you die?" she asked curiously. "You've never told me how you died" Allan glanced up. His voice was strain, but he managed to speak.

"Anne and I. We were attacked one time. Probably about the same time you were fighting the Dark Moon." He grimaced and rubbed his chest unconsciously. "A stray blast was heading towards Anne, so I pushed her away."

"You took the blast and died" Hotaru finished. She glanced at him somberly. "What happened to the attackers?" Allan chuckled.

"They got blasted back into hell…" he left the rest of the story unfinished.

"Oh" Hotaru brought her knees up to her chest. She shuddered at the darkness. Even after a thousand years, the dark stilled scared her.

"You, ok?"

"I'm fine." She smiled weakly. "Thank you, Allan"

"What for?"

"For keeping me company" Hotaru glanced up. "Without you, it'll be lonely in here"

"You know what they said" Allan joked. "Bad company is better than no company at all"

"That was a horrible joke," she told him.

"I know. Just wanted to see you smile" He grinned. "You welcome, Kid." He glanced up sharply.

"Allan?" Hotaru tried not to panic as her skin began to glow. "What's happening?"

"Hotaru?!!!" Allan quickly ran forward. His hand reached out and grabbed hers. Hotaru closed her eyes tightly and slowly opened them again. It seemed to take a lot of effort to just flutter her eyelashes.

"I don't believe it," a voice murmured in the distance. "Doctor J, you actually did it!"

"Did you have any doubt now, boy?"

"Argh" Hotaru moaned. "Allan?" she forced her blurry eyes to clear. Her teeth clattered slightly and she was freezing.

"Get a towel," a man ordered. He grinned at her.

"How are you doing, my dear?"

"W-Where am I?" she asked, her dark violet eyes were confused. One minute she was talking to Allan, the next, she was in a strange room. She felt a soft towel suddenly wrapped itself around her.

"Thank you" The Prussian eye boy didn't even acknowledge her thanks, but stared at her. They were all staring at her.

"Where am I?" she asked again. "Who are you?" She glanced in amazement at a stout man that seemed to be mostly computer and robotics!

"Forgive me" the man grinned. "I am Doctor J and these are…"

"Duo Maxwell" the boy with the braid came up closed and studied her. " You're cute" he grinned at her blushing face. "For a living corpse." Doctor J gave him a hard look.

"I'm Quatre Winner" a blonde cut in. "It's nice to me you…"

"Hotaru Tomoe"

"Hotaru, that's a beautiful name"

"Thank you…what did he mean about being a living corpse?"

"I'm Trowa Barton" a boy with serious green eyes interrupted.

"My name is Wufei Chang, you weak onna" Hotaru frowned slightly. They wouldn't answer her questions and where was Allan?

"You must be starving now," Doctor J beamed.

"Answer my question, please," she told him softly. "What did he mean?"

"Doctor J had brought you back to life" A large man with a baldhead suddenly entered. "My name, young one, is Master O"

"Brought me back to life?" Hotaru frowned. "How?"

"We've have developed a small amount of life serum. It brings the dead back to the living. And we have just enough for the rest of your friends" he motion to the other crystals near by.

"Setsuna-mama!!!!!!" she quickly jumped off the table and ran forward. "Setsuna-mama!!!"

"She can't hear you" Doctor J told her. "She's dead." Hotaru head pounded heavily and she started to sway. The same boy that had brought the towel reached out and steadied her. She felt her eyes growing shut. She couldn't remember much after that; only that someone had gently picked her up and tucked her into a bed. As she drifted off to sleep, she finally remembered that she didn't catch the name of that Prussian eye boy.