Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Thawing ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Usagi POV

Every part of my mind was in pain and every movement I made only served to make it more excruciating. I had no choice but to lie there in bed, waiting until the agonizing ache in my head stopped. A small ironic grimace made it's way onto my lips. All this happened because I fainted. Here I thought I was stronger than that.

"I'm sorry, Serenity" a voice murmured.

"It's fine" I tried to make my voice even as Diamond approached. He looked so sorrowful that it tugged a bit at my heart. Ever since the time we first married, it had been my goal to make him as miserable as I was. To make him feel the same pain as I did when my scouts and my prince died. To make him suffer. Now, after a thousand years of being together, I found that my feelings have changed slightly. I've actually grown to love him in a way. He had showed me another side of him that I never knew exist. A gentle side that I never knew he had.

The first night we were married I waited for him. I knew what a man and a woman did on their honeymoon and I was dreading it. Every ticking of the clock nearly drove me insane as I laid in the dark. I remember wishing that the night was over and that Diamond just hurry and do what ever it was, so after he would leave, and that I could cry in private. So, I crawled under the covers…waiting. After about midnight, the door finally opened, showing his silhouette. The light in the hall crept into the dark, illuminating the room for a brief while. After a moment, he finally walked in, shutting the door behind him. Again, the room was silent and dark. I could hear his footsteps coming closer and the unzipping of his shirt. I closed my eyes, my stomach churning. He was close enough that I could feel him as he took his shirt off. He gently slid himself underneath the covers. I thought for sure I knew what he was going to do…but to my surprise all he did was take me into his arms, so the back of my head rested lightly against his chest.

"I won't force you to do anything, Serenity," He told me as he stroked my hair. He must have sense my confusion because he continued to talk. "You're my wife" he said it so simply that I couldn't believe that he was the same Diamond that I knew before. "And I do love you. I promise…" he swore. "I'll try to make you happy" He fell asleep just holding me. I still didn't trust him, so I believed that the next night he'd change his mind and take me. But the next night, it was the same. All he would do was to take me into his arms and go to sleep. He seemed content to just hold me. That's all that made him happy. And the next night, he still kept his promise and the next night after that and so on. He didn't force me to do anything. All he asked was for me to try to love him. And for the first one hundred years of our marriage, I spent most of my time in the rose garden he had ordered to be grown for me. Since he was away most of the time on business, I had no one to talk to. All of the maids were too afraid to make me unhappy and the guards were only there to protect me. They weren't up with chatting ,anyway. So, all that left was Emerald and Sapphire. Emerald, I tried to avoid. I still couldn't figure out why she was so mad at me.

Sapphire was the only friend I had. Soon, he became my closest advisor. Even though I was the Queen, he was the one that ran the castle. Everything I've learned about being a leader and ruler came from watching him. I don't think I could have made it without him and that seemed to make Diamond jealous, but he was never suspicious. He trusted us that much, even when Emerald tried to prove it otherwise. That was one thing I grew to love about him. He was trusting around the people he loved. Despite all of Emerald treachery, I would never ever willingly hurt him. Diamond had grown that much in my heart. And… He was my husband.

The pain faded bit by bit and I was finally able to sit up.


"I'm well enough to get up," I told him as I got out of bed. Immediately he came to my side.

"Did they unthaw them yet?" I asked shakily.

"I can't sense anything. But I assume my barriers around them are still up" Diamond tried to assure me. He pulled me into his arms. "I'll find them, don't worry. First, I have an OZ meeting to go to, but I promise, nothing will happen to your scouts…or the prince" He gently kissed me on the forehead and led me back to bed. I gave him a small brief smile that he couldn't see and watched as he walked out.

"Where's Sapphire?" I asked a maid who came in. She bobbled a curtsy before answering.

"He said that he had to meet someone and that he would be back"

"I see" I close my eyes after she left. "Sally" It's been too long, since I've last seen her. Suddenly, that agonizing pain was back.

"NO!!!" I gasped a bit as a vision came into my mind. One about my scouts, all of them attacked my castle. They destroyed my kingdom. With them were several pilots that Diamond had tried so find. I shuddered as the vision left.

"It's too late" I murmured. My scouts had already been thawed!