Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


(In order of appearance)

Shauna/Shawn Caspian Hell: Princess of the Asteroid Belt and all Stars; born on the star known as Planet X (Aether); Sailor Hell

Duo Maxwell: Gundam pilot of Deathscythe and Deathscythe Hell

Quatre Raberba Winner: Gundam pilot of Sandrock

Heero Yuy: Gundam pilot of Wing Zero

Wufei Chang: Gundam pilot of Shen-Long "Nataku"

Trowa Barton: Oldest Gundam pilot; pilots Gundam Heavyarms

Serenity: Queen of the Moon Kingdom; wife of King Endymion; Usagi's mother

Usagi/Serena Tsukino: Sixteen-year-old daughter of Queen Serenity; oldest Princess of the Moon Kingdom; Prince Darien's girlfriend

Relena: Earth princess; Heero's wanna-be girlfriend

Rei Hino: Usagi's guard; Sailor Mars and Princess of Mars

Minako Aino: Leader of Sailor Scouts; Sailor Venus; youngest of Sailor's; Princess of Venus

Makoto/Lita Kino: Usagi's guard; Sailor Jupiter and Princess of Jupiter

Ami Mizuno: Usagi's guard; Sailor Mercury and Princess of Mercury

Haruka/Amara Tenoh: Sailor Uranus; Princess of Uranus

Michiru/Michelle Kaioh: Sailor Neptune; Princess of Neptune

Setsuna/Trishta Meioh: Sailor Pluto; oldest Sailor Scout; Princess of Pluto

StarLights: Three Scouts that the Outer's despise; stronger then the other Sailor's

Ravenna/Natalie Death: Shawn's best friend; daughter of Prince Dario; Princess of the Rings of Saturn; Sailor Vampiress

Astraea: Queen of the Stars; known as the `starry maiden'; Shauna's mother

Dario: Knight under King Endymion; Prince of Termina on Saturn; Natalie's father

Darien Shields: Prince of Earth; Usagi's boyfriend

Artemis: Minako's guardian; headquarters voice

Endymion: King of Earth; Queen Serenity's husband

Luna: Usagi's guardian; Senshi organizer

Signs and Notes

{…} - Whenever these signs come up, it means one of the narrators is talking. There are four different narrators, and four different colors for them. Quatre is gray, Duo is blue, Heero is red, and Trowa is green. (though I'm not sure if your can see the colors)

*…* - When the narrators are talking, one of the others might be doing something to them. So this shows what is going on while they are typing.

(…) - Whenever the author or one of the narrators has something to add, or to make sure you know what's going on, they'll put these in.

[…] - When the time or scene changes, these will be put around the time change, like, [a day later], or [a year later] however much time is changed.

<…> - Natalie and Shauna are telepathic, so when they are thought speaking to each other, these will appear.


{I guess you could say it all started that day the five of us went to a concert. Duo was restless and somehow dragged us all down with him.

Hi, my name is Quatre Raberba Winner. I am the fifteen-year-old Gundam pilot of Sandrock. My fellow pilots are Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, and Wufei Chang.

Duo had been listening to some music group called `Pikkon', (pronounced pie-con) and thought that we should hear them, too. So he bought five tickets and dragged us to the concert building. Little did the rest of us know that this group would change our lives.

And little did we know, that this group consisted of girls. The lead singer, whose name was Shauna, wasn't your average girl. She didn't dress like a girl, with skirts and dresses, tube tops or spaghetti straps. She wore baggy jeans, a black tank top, and spikes everywhere she could wear them.

But, it wasn't how she dressed that changed us. It was what she did and said.

But she mainly changed Heero, and Duo, and our relationship with Trowa.

We all sat down, thinking it was going to be a lame show, except for Duo of course, and started to do other things. I remember Wufei polishing his sword, Heero examining his gun, Trowa looking over a paper of his circus performance act, and I was watching Duo, who was squirming in his seat.

"Duo, calm down." I said to him.

He bit his lip and twitched in his seat.

"Baka." Heero muttered.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed and we looked up to the stage.

There she stood, tall and elegant in a long pair of flares with four-inch tall boots, a skin-tight black tank top, her hair longer then Duo's, a sharp mini sword around her neck, and her gleaming red eyes. Wait, red eyes?! That was the first thing noticed. Seemed the others saw it, too. But Duo acted like it was natural.

"Must be contacts." Heero muttered, leaning back in his chair.

"Nope." Duo said with a smile. "They're real."

I stared at Duo and then back at the singing girl. The other odd thing was that the eyes didn't match…her left eye was a brighter red and her right eye was darker.

`They must be fake, or at least contacts like Heero said…' I thought to myself.

"Away from here, I wanna be, away from here…" she was singing into the microphone, like she meant it… "Call me a bitch, and uh, call you a liar,"

I couldn't believe how she was singing! It was like it was so real, like it was true and not just some lyrics…

"Away from here, I wanna be, away from here, away from every little thing, used to love your every little thing. Now your, call me a bitch and uh, call you a liar! And we'll throw stones until we're dead."

It wasn't true, was it? Could her life be as bad as she was singing it to be?

"My innocence has been torn," she lowered her head and a tear rolled down her cheek. "And my inner vision dulled and darkened, and keep myself away from you…but now my anger is my best friend. Liar! So call me a bitch, and call you a motherfucker! And we'll throw stones until we're dead."

When the song was over, I felt like she had been telling us a story, an anecdote about her life. She was asking us to save her, to kill her so she wouldn't have to live her violent life.

Heero seemed to get the message, also, for he was done polishing his gun and was slowly aiming at her.

"HEERO!" Duo yelled, and jumped on him.

The girl snapped her head up to look at us, which only embarrassed me all the more.

"Baka! Omae wa korosu!" Heero yelled, whipping the boy off him.

Duo screamed and was sent flying off the balcony we were set on.

"DUO!" I yelled, seeing him fly off the balcony.

The girl narrowed her eyes and leapt into the air. And suddenly, huge, gigantic gray wings shot from her back and she soared towards Duo faster then I could even notice. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him up.

He looked up at her, and with trembling lips, smiled at her. "Thanks."

She smiled back. "You're welcome." She flapped her wings, set her feet on the one-foot tall plaster wall around the balcony and set Duo down.

"Thank you so much!" I said to her as I grabbed Duo.

She looked at me and gently smiled. "No problem." She back flipped off the balcony and tumbled to the floor below. Her wings caught her before she hit the ground and she turned around to go back to the stage.

But, no one even noticed that she had done it! It looked as if no time had passed by, everyone had been frozen in time, no one was cheering for her and no one was exasperated. They were only chanting her name for her to keep singing.

That girl changed our lives. She saved Duo's, and soon would do the same for the rest of us.

Well I should get off the computer now, Duo wants to type some things. This is QW, signing off}

{Hey everybody! My name is Duo Maxwell, I'm sure Quatre has told you about me. I'm the hyper one. Well, Quatre already told you about how we met the gorgeous one. She shouldn't have a name like Shauna; she deserves to be something like a Seraph, or an Angel. But oh well, I wasn't the one to name her.

So they're glad I dragged them to that concert now, cause if it weren't for me, they wouldn't know Shauna! I'm yet to ask her why she chose Pikkon as her group name…oh well.

Let's see…oh! She has long, long black hair! Heck, it's longer then mine! It goes all the way to her ankles! Sheesh. Anyway, like the Q-man said, her eyes are different shades of red, she's white, she's fifteen, a year younger then the rest of us, and she already has her permit. Oh ya, and her eyes glow in the dark! (I saw them when she was outside at night.)

Well, I don't know much about her wing thing, I haven't had time to ask her because Heero won't let me, and the rest of the time we're on missions.

She loves riding horses, she loves wolves, and she's always on the computer, taking up Heero's time on it. (He gets mad at her when he needs to be on it, but he doesn't say anything *smiling*) She likes a lot of mythology things, like magick (the real kind), dragons, unicorns, Pegasus', and things like that. She also likes raptors. But, there are a lot of things she likes and dislikes. Like, guns and swords. She absolutely loves swords! And glaive's, too. Though I don't know what they are…

But anyway, she doesn't like it when guys hit on her. She usually just walks away. She likes us, though. Because we don't try to get her to like us for someone we aren't, she likes us for us.

But, a lot of the time, especially at night, she just lays on her bed (in our house) and looks up at the stars. Like if she looks long enough, something might happen. She's fond of those stars, I swear. She could talk for hours and hours on end about the stars and planets and the moons.

So, I guess there isn't much to tell you since QUATRE *glares* said everything! But, oh wait!

Lets see, I'll leave the technical stuff to Heero, life to Trowa, gossip to me! And well, Wufei won't exactly want to talk, I don't think. Or type, that is.

So let me start the gossip! Personally, I think Heero likes Shauna. *Receives glare from Heero* Because Shauna is that kind of girl that likes to keep to herself and be left alone. She hangs around Quatre's animals and just lays on the ground stroking his dogs. I bet Heero wishes she would do that to him! *Gets punched hard in the jaw from Heero*}

{Shut up Maxwell.}

{Ok, so I won't say those things anymore. But it's true! *Ducks a punch* anyway, while Shauna lays out in the fields all day looking at the clouds and lays on her bed all night looking at the stars, my friends and I are out on missions or inside watching TV. Every once and a while, Quatre will go and check on her, make sure she's ok. Wait a second; I'm telling you what's going on, not what already happened! Oops. Well I better go, I'll add more later! This is DM signing off! Later!}

{Well, it looks as if the baka has already told you everything about Shauna. This is Heero Yuy, if you didn't already find that out. I don't have much to say since Quatre and baka boy already said everything.

But, Shauna isn't like everyone else. She can defend and look out for herself, which makes my job, well, deleted. Shauna likes computers and guns as much as I do. She probably wants her own laptop for Christmas, which is around the corner, because when she's not on it, I am. She never uses the phone, which surprised me when we first let her live with us. I thought she'd be a ditzy girl that always talked on the phone, and if she weren't talking on the phone, she'd be talking without it. But I guess I was wrong, huh?

She's a quiet girl, well, not quiet, but used to being a loner. No one around that wanted her to talk, or talk to her. So she just figures it's the same with us. But Duo's working on it; trying to get her to talk and to befriend her. And not that he's doing a horrible job, but it doesn't seem to be working.

She's a little like all of us combined. Except Duo, that is. She seems to have the kindness of Quatre, almost a better death glare then I do, she has the ego of Wufei, and the smile of Trowa.

Other then the fact that she doesn't talk a lot, she is a nice girl.

Well, you know Quatre, right? And how his life isn't any better then the rest of ours? Well it seems that he's gotten a lot of it off his shoulders. I know he's been talking to Shauna a lot; maybe that's how he's calmed down.

But he hasn't said anything about her talking to him, except for the usual hi and bye that we all get, everyday.

I'd like to know what her voice sounds like, except when she's singing. And I know that you don't have the voice you have when you're singing. And I'm wondering right about now how Duo knew all that stuff about her; maybe it was in her CD covers?

I wish I knew something more about her, just so I could talk with her. Maybe having a holiday with her will bring her closer to us all.

Well, I better go. Trowa still needs to talk about some stuff and I need to go check on Shauna since Quatre isn't here right now. This is HY, signing off. Sayonara.}

{Well, it looks to me as if all the guys have gotten in their two-sense about Shauna. Except Wufei, who doesn't want to say anything. My name is Trowa Barton, the oldest Gundam pilot. I'm seventeen, while the others are sixteen and Shauna's is fifteen.

I don't know about you, but I don't think there is anything else about Shawn that I can say. Besides the fact that all the guys seem to like her, like, not as a friend but as `Wow, she's cute'. But not that I'm saying they're thinking that, but that they look like it.

I don't know about Wufei, though, but Quatre talks to her a lot, whether or not she talks back, Heero watches her 24-7, and Duo is trying to get her to talk to him. I think it would be easier on us all if she would just talk to us, instead of just shrugging it off, nodding, shaking her head, or glaring at us, more or less.

I think it annoys Wufei that she never answers him, and that she isn't annoyed when he calls her a child or weak. She doesn't mind the way Quatre talks to her, she doesn't mind when I go on walks with her, she does seem to care the way Duo is trying to get her to talk, as he's doing it like it would be the first time she is talking, and she doesn't seem to care or mind the way Heero looks after her and stands up for her.

To me, I think she just wasn't cared for when she was a child. A puppy kicked too many times. She hasn't told us anything about her past, not that she's told us anything about it her really, but I don't think it was a happy one. Then again, all of us Gundam pilots had a rough childhood, but we still talk. Even Heero says something every now and then.

But, I guess that's her business if she wants to talk to us or not.

She probably thinks we won't like her, or something. But hey, who am I to judge?

She probably thinks we talk too much, course, I could go on and on about what she might be thinking. I could just ask her. *Blinks* course, she probably wouldn't talk back.

This is getting so old. Maybe I should just slap her and yell at her to make her yell back.

Anyway, I should get off that subject.

Sometimes, when she's in her room, I can hear her singing. Just slightly, not real loud or anything; it's real soft, slow music. Like Quatre said, it's like she's singing about her life, not just lyrics someone made up and told her to sing.

She sings it from the heart; she really means it. I could tell, and so could my friends.

But you know what? It looked like during the concert, her eyes seemed to be locked up at us. She might have been looking at the wall, or maybe she was looking at us. Is it possible for someone to eyesight that good? Well, it must have been, because Heero said he felt like someone was watching us.

But, why would she be looking at us, of all the people in the crowd? I guess I'll have to ask her sometime.

There's so much I need to ask her, same with the other guys. We need to talk to her, to make us feel apart of her life. Maybe that's why she doesn't talk. So we'll feel apart of her when she finally does.

Well, I better go. Duo is getting hyper again. Quatre just got home, and Shauna is following him. This is TB, signing off. Bye.}