Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning ❯ The Start ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Start

I glared at the crowd from behind the curtains and leaned on the wall. Why did people come to my concerts? Why did people listen to my music period? It always puzzled me. But it was a way for me to talk to someone, since I never spoke any other way.

I soon stepped onto the stage and started my songs. But when I got to the end of `Throwing Stones', a boy fell off the balcony.

I had seen him fighting with his friend over a gun. So someone got the picture that I meant every word I sang. I narrowed my eyes. I didn't want anyone to die at my concerts; it would be bad for the agency, and for me. So I stopped time. The five boys kept moving and yelling and breathing, but everyone and everything else just stopped.

Huge, gray wings extended from my back, and I soared towards the boy. It was a long way from the balcony to the floor, so I had time to get him.

I grabbed his black shirt and pulled him into my arms.

He looked up at me, his limps trembling, and smiled. "Thanks."

I smiled back. "You're welcome." Flapping my wings, I set my feet on the balcony `wall' and put the boy down.

"Thank you so much!" A boy with blonde hair said as he grabbed the other boy.

I looked at him and gently smiled. I back flipped off the balcony and tumbled to the floor below. But my wings caught me before I hit the ground, and I turned around to go back to the stage.

So no one was cheering for me and so no one was exasperated. They were only chanting my name for me to keep singing.

The reason I went to live with the boys, you ask? Well it started when I was sitting on the boardwalk pier, looking at the ocean.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?"

I turned around to see five boys smirking at me. "What do you want?" I asked quietly.

"Get up." The red head snarled, pulling me up by the collar.

The boy with his hair died green punched me, and my back hit the wooden barrier of the pier. Hmm. Some barrier.

After another punch, I heard footsteps running. I looked up to see those five boys from my concert running to me.

The boy with black hair from the group that was attacking me punched me, and the fence snapped. It must have been old, because if it were new, it wouldn't have broken and let me fall into the ocean's open arms.

I screamed as I fell head on into the freezing ocean water, and went under the salty water.

It seemed like hours before a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me above the surface. I was pulled out of the water and set on the wooden boardwalk floor. I coughed up some water and turned on my stomach.

"Are you ok?" The boy asked me desperately.

Well, I couldn't just say `Ya, fine, peachy.' I was gulping for air while letting salty, ocean water trickle from my mouth.

And so they took me to their home.

"Where do you live?" The boy with long brown hair asked.

"I think we should tell her our names, first." The boy with blonde hair said.

The other boy with brown hair like it wasn't combed snorted. "Ya, fine. Go ahead and tell her everything about yourselves. Even that you wear teddy bear underwear,"

The boy with brown hair in a braid blushed and looked down.

"But don't go telling her everything about me." The boy snorted and walked off.

The boy with black hair snorted. "Don't bother telling her anything. She'll just be leaving in a day or two." And he too walked off.

The boy with blonde hair looked at the other boy with brown hair over one eye. "You too, Trowa?"

He smiled and shook his head. "It's ok with me."

The boy smiled and nodded. "Thanks." He then turned to me, making me blink my red eyes. "My name is Quatre Winner, that's Trowa Barton, and Duo Maxwell. The guys that stalked off are Heero Yuy and Wufei Chang."

I blinked slowly, a slight frown on my face and nodded. "Shauna."

"Where are you from?" The boy with a braid asked quickly.

I smirked. "Germany. I'm half German, half Japanese."

"Ooooooooooo." His lips formed a circle, starting from the right and went all the way to the left, saying `o' all the way through.

I rolled my eyes. "You are?"

"English!" He said, getting overexcited.

Quatre chuckled. "I'm Arabian."

"Latin." Trowa said; arms crossed.

"Are you going to tell her about our history line, also?"

I looked up to see Heero walking into the room.

"Chill Heero. We were only talking." Duo muttered.

I blinked and looked back at Quatre. "Do I, get to stay here?"

He blinked at me. "Do you want to?"

"But what about the concerts! You're supposed to be coming out with a new record! And your family, friends, and fans!" Duo argued.

"Ah yes, the three f's." Quatre laughed.

Duo shrugged. "But, you know, it would be cool having a music star in our house! Oh, can't we keep her Heero?!" Duo begged Heero with longing eyes.

Heero stared at him, like he had lost all sense of his mind. "Keep her away from me, and I won't care."

I blinked at him and looked down.

{Maybe that's why she never talked around us anymore. Heero made her feel unwelcome, like she was a burden, because from then on, she didn't talk much. Except a little to Trowa.}

"Come on, I'll show you to your room." Quatre said.

But I wasn't paying attention. My eyes remained locked on the ground, and my hands were gently trembling.

Quatre sighed silently, glared at Heero, and took hold of my hands. He pulled me up and led me up the stairs to a room.

But at the time, I didn't see just how huge it really was. I slowly sat down on the couch and pulled my legs tight to my chest.

"Don't worry about him," Quatre said to me as he remained at the door. "He'll get to like you, he just isn't the type that likes you as soon as he sees you. Oh, and you're right next to my room if you need anything. Ok?"

I nodded and slowly tipped over so I was laying down on the bed.

He smiled gently and closed the door behind him.

[That night…]

I looked out my window and smiled when I saw the stars were out. I slowly got up and sat down on the windowsill. I pulled my legs against my chest and rested my chin on my knees as I looked at the stars in the sky. After a while, I finally went to bed and went to sleep.

When I woke up, I noticed there wasn't anything for me to wear except what I had worn the day before. So I just went downstairs and sat down at the counter in the kitchen.

"What can I get you?" Asked a servant.

I folded my arms on the table and rested my head on them. "Bacon. Just, bacon."

She smiled and nodded. "Alright then, some bacon it is." And she left.

"What are you going to eat?"

I turned around to see Quatre and Duo walking towards me from the front room. I just shrugged and turned away.

He looked at Duo and shrugged. He sat down next to me, and Duo sat on the other side.

"We have a mission!" Heero yelled as he ran by, pulling on his shirt.

I blinked and stared after him. I picked up a strip of bacon that was placed in front of me and bit down on it. I chewed and swallowed before Duo and Quatre had both gotten up and ran off.

"Shauna, we'll be back in a while!" Trowa yelled as he and Wufei ran outside.

I sighed and shook my head. "Boys." I walked outside after they had left, walked all the way to a far field, and laid down.

That night, when the boys had come back home tired and sore, I was on Heero's laptop typing when he walked up to me.

"What are you typing?" he asked from over my shoulder.

I tried to ignore him, but I didn't want him reading what I was typing. I moved the touch pad so the arrow moved up to the corner of the screen and minimized the system I was writing in.

Heero folded his arms.

I looked down and fiddled with my fingers.


But I didn't move.

He grabbed my arm and threw me off the chair.

I landed hard on the ground, right in front of Wufei's feet.

Heero sat down in the chair and opened up the document. When he was done reading it, he turned back to me and stared.

I looked down, stood up slowly, and ran up to my room.

"Great, good going smart guy." Duo muttered as he watched me run off.

"Why did you do that?!" Quatre demanded.

Heero snorted and deleted the document. "It's my laptop."

"You shouldn't have done that, you know. You could have left her alone or been more gentle. It's not like she was hurting the stupid thing." Duo grumbled.

Heero ignored him and shut the laptop off. "If she touches it again, I won't be so gentle." He got up and went to his room.

"Heero, what did the thing say?" Trowa asked as he followed the pilot of Zero.

"Nothing." Heero muttered as he went to his room.

But before he could shut the door, Trowa grabbed it and flung it open. "You are going to tell me now, Heero Yuy!" He shouted.

Heero turned back to him, eyes narrowed and shaking, and thrust him a piece of paper. "Leave me alone." And with that, he slammed the door in Trowa's face.

"Was he, crying?" Trowa whispered as he gripped the paper. He shook his head and went to his room. He flicked his light on and sat down at his desk. He un-crumpled the paper and started to read it.

The Anti-Faith

The pain surges through you like a bullet

It grabs you and won't let you go until you can't breathe

The pain drives you to the breaking of tears

Stab wounds couldn't be worse

Weak flesh

Trembling bones

An anti-faith of which you've no control

Fallen and flying angels

Pick at that scab of sanity until it's gone

Even strong ones lose control

Vulnerable to the dreadful pain

Blood is everywhere

It's a nightmare of no comparison

No wound is worse

It seeps through till all sense of life is gone

Vanished with the wind

You can't run

You can't hide

No one is safe

No one can be saved

Yet the pain remains through the blood cries

Drains you of all life

Sense of life, vanished

Control is lost, all control…

Pain drives you to the edge of your sanity

Letting you know you have no control

Life seems endless

With all this pain

So many ways of death

So many ways to die

Pain is the only matter

For nothing else remains

All you can think of is the pain

Nothing else matters

Blood surges

You can feel the insanity coming

The scabbing of the hurt starts

But you want it to still bleed

So you still pick it

And the bleeding is horrendous

No way to stop it

When and how did it start?

No one knows

For everyone has the pain

Blood is everywhere

Pain is the word on all lips

Old and new scabs surface

Yet no one wishes to die

The pain stings like a thousand hornets

Worse than a thrashing of glass

A world of pain

A mind of blood


He blinked and just stared at the paper. `Could this be what her life was like?' he just couldn't believe it. No one's life could be that difficult, that, heart stopping. It had even made Heero Yuy, the Perfect Soldier, cry.

He slowly set it down and made his way to his bed. He had to talk to her in the morning. He'd make her talk if it killed him.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked out my window to see a tree full of birds singing. I pushed myself up and went downstairs.

Trowa sat on the couch with Quatre next to him, Heero was in the kitchen eating with Duo, and Wufei was nowhere to be found.

"Shauna, can I talk to you?" Trowa asked quietly.

I looked over at him and put my hands in my pockets. "Call me Shawn."

He smirked and nodded.

So I stepped over to him and stopped in front of him.

He shoved me a piece of paper and glared up at me. "Want to tell me what this is about?"

God, he sounds like my parents! I looked down at it and sucked in my lips. "A poem."

He sighed. "Is it true? Is it about you?"

I looked down at it and slowly ripped it in half. "Hai."

Heero looked up and turned towards us. "Speak in English."

I looked up at him and sighed. "Yes it is."

Trowa blinked. He couldn't say anything; he was too stunned.

"It's my life. What's so wrong about it?" I asked, putting my hands in my pockets.

"Finally, she talks." Duo muttered as he shoved some pancake into his mouth.

I looked down.

"Leave her alone, Duo." Quatre said.

"So you want to tell us why you don't talk a lot around us?" Duo asked sharply.

I blinked at him. "Well I'm soooo sorry! Sumimasen!"

Heero rolled his eyes. "Good going smart one."

"Ok, how about this. We won't ask you about your past again if you just talk to us once and a while?" Quatre said.

I looked over at him and pulled my right shoulder forward, stretching it. "Fine with me."

"Uh, Q-man? Don't you think we should tell her what we are and what we do?" Duo asked as he slowly walked into the room.

I snickered. "I already know."

They all looked up at me and stared.

"Hai." I nodded.

"How did you figure it out?" Quatre asked.

I shrugged. "Easy. While you were out on a mission one day, I went to Heero's laptop, hacked into his files, and read some of your missions."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Duo yelled. "Back up! You can hack!?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yep."

"Guys, we have another mission. But this time, we better take the girl." Wufei said as he ran into the room.

"What do you mean?" Trowa asked.

Wufei handed him a piece of paper. "She's, needed," he glared at me. "At Relena's."

I blinked and backed up. "Uh, I should just stay here."

"Oh no you don't!" Duo grabbed my arm. "You're coming with us this time."

I ripped my arm from his grasp. "Stay away from me, misha!"

He blinked and scratched his head.

Heero snickered. "Come on Shawn, they aren't going to kill you." He took my arm and pulled me to his Gundam.

"You don't understand, Serenity and her little princesses don't like me!" I objected as I tried to get away.

He ignored me for the most part and sat me down on his lap in his Gundam. "You know, we're going to have to do something about getting you a Gundam."

I blinked and turned to stare at him. "Are you kidding?! I could never learn to control one of these things!"

He snickered. "We would teach you, you know."

I bit my lip as he started the machine and it slowly lifted into the air. But as it went faster and hit the earth's ozone layer, I wrapped my arms around Heero, clenched my teeth, and shut my eyes tight.

He smiled at me and simply headed towards the moon, the others following.