Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning ❯ Collision Course with the Moon ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Collision Course with the Moon

When we landed on the moon, Queen Serenity and all the Senshi greeted us.

I jumped off of Heero's lap and picked myself up so I was standing straight on the ground.

"Heero!" Princess Serena, also known as Usagi and Sailor Moon, came running up to Heero and wrapped her arms around him.

I snarled and put my arm in the air. "That's it, this is enough!" A huge black light exploded from me, knocking everyone down. "Hell Power, Make Up!" The light changed to red and I screamed.

My gray wings shot from my back and the red light engulfed me. It slowly dissolved, but it didn't just go anywhere. It molded into me to make up my Senshi Fuku. I wore a black and red skirt, the body of the outfit was white, and the collar was black. The ribbons were also black, and the crystal in the middle of the front bow was black and red. I held a staff taller then I was, with a two-foot long glaive on the end. Black boots crawled up to stop at the bottom of my knees, and black gloves were placed on my arms. My two different colored eyes shone bright from under my black bangs, and an explosion hit the Sailor Scouts.

They screamed and all went flying, even the Outers. The StarLights were the first to recover, and came running at me.

I lifted my staff in the air and red light came down on it like lightning. "Pits of Hell, Explode!" I thrust the staff down so it was pointing ahead of me and with my left hand, hit the end that was facing me. The red formed a ball and flew at the StarLights. They dodged it well enough, but it followed them and exploded.

I heard their scream as the red light engulfed them, but the explosion soon rid me of the screaming.

"Ok, so she doesn't need a Gundam." Heero muttered.

"Kill her!" Queen Serenity yelled.

Duo snapped his head up and looked around to see all the Sailors getting up. "NO! Stop it!"

"You can't kill her!" Quatre said as he stepped in front of me.

I turned to Heero and narrowed my eyes at the princess. "Get away from him."

She blinked and slowly stepped away from Heero.

"If I see you with him again, I will kill you." The red light exploded again and I de-transformed.

Heero lifted an eyebrow and walked up to me.

I turned to him and blinked my right eye first, and then my left blinked. They never seemed to want to blink at the same time.

He slowly put his right hand on my shoulder, and his left arm went around my waist. I looked down at his arm and back up at him. This time, my eyes blinked together. He slowly pulled me closer to him and our lips touched.

It was ever so gentle at first, like a feather touch. But he pulled me closer, so I was pressed harder against him, making our lips press harder together.


Heero pulled away quickly and looked up.

I blinked and turned my head to see Relena Peacecraft staring at us.

"Relena…" Heero whispered, making me furious.

My eyes boiled and flames burned in my eyes. I turned around to face the earth princess and brought my wrists together. "Iku." My hands were going out to the sides and my fingers barely curled in at the end. A small blue ball of energy formed in my palms, and levitated between my palms. The ball slowly moved out of my hands and shot at Relena faster then the speed of sound. It hit her, and she disappeared.

Heero blinked and stared at me. "What did you do?!"

I smirked. "I got rid of the distraction."

He snarled. "Where did she go?!"

I narrowed my already burning eyes. "She's back on earth, that's all."


I looked up to see Serenity walking back towards her palace, the Senshi and the Gundam pilots following. I sighed and reluctantly followed after her.

"OZ is for some reason attacking us." Serenity said when we were all seated at a long table in the main chamber.

"That's no surprise." I muttered as I fiddled with a small pendant in front of me.

Heero snorted and hit me with his elbow.

"What can we do for you?" Quatre asked.

I hate reunions. I folded my arms and leaned back in my chair. Well, I wasn't going to help them.

"Sailor Hell, I hate to ask you, and I don't want to, but you are most powerful then all of my Sailor's combined." Serenity said as she turned to me.

I looked up at her and snorted. "So why should I listen to you? All you want to do is kill me."

She blinked. "Because all you want to do is kill us."

I narrowed my eyes as they all stared at me. I jumped up, knocking my chair back and making it fall over, and turned to her. "Because you killed my mother and father! Why shouldn't I want to kill you?! At least I have a reason! And if you think that I'm going to help you in the least, you are quite mistaken!" I shouted.

"Shauna, sit down." Sailor Mars said.

I turned to her and snarled. "SHINU!" I screamed. A black light consumed the Sailor Scout of Fire, and she disappeared.

"Sailor Mars!" The Inner Sailors yelled, jumping up.

"That's it, here and now Sailor Hell!" Serena yelled.

I turned to her and snarled. "Don't challenge me, moon brat."

"Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!" An orange light exploded in front of me, and Minako transformed.

"Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up!" A green light consumed Makoto, and she transformed.

"Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!" Ami was enclosed in a blue light, and she transformed.

"Moon Crisis, Make Up!" Serena pulled up a chalice and she was engulfed in all different colors.

"Uranus Planet Power, Make Up!" Amara was folded in a yellow light and transformed.

"Neptune Planet Power, Make Up!" Michelle was covered in a sea green light and transformed.

"Pluto Planet Power, Make Up!" A purple light circle Trishta and she transformed.

The StarLights were already as their Sailor forms, and were already circling me.

"That's it." I put my arms in the air and closed my eyes. "X Planet Power, Make Up!" A black and red light surrounded me and I spun in circles as a different Fuku was placed on my body. My eyes turned a brighter red, my wings turned the same bright red, spiked horns grew from my head, and my glaive turned into a three headed spike staff.

They stared at me as I stepped onto the top of the table and held my staff in both of my hands. "You want a fight? You just got one."

"Venus Love Chain Encircle!"

"Jupiter Oak Evolution!"

"Mercury Rhapsody!"

I snarled and thrashed the attacks away from me with my staff. "You'll have to do better then that!"

"Uranus World Shaking!"

"Pluto Deadly Scream!"

"Neptune Deep Submerge!"

The attacks combined and flew at me faster then the other attacks had.

"Pits of Hell!" I pointed my staff at the huge energy ball and a red ball of my own flew at the attack, and they exploded.

"Shauna! Stop it!" Duo yelled.

"Stop now."

I turned around to see whom else but another Sailor Scout leaning in the doorway.

"Who are you?!"

The girl simply smirked, pushed herself off the wall, and walked up to the table. She jumped onto the table and twirled her staff in her hand. "The name's Vampiress, Sailor Vampiress."

I smirked. "So, you aren't a regular Sailor Scout?"

She smirked back. "No."

"She's a Rebel Scout." Sailor Moon said as she jumped on the table with us.

"Shut up, I didn't ask you." I snorted at her. "So you don't like the Sailors, either?"

She shook her head. "They only take things away from you. They took everything away from me, and it will be soon enough that they do the same with you."

I shook my head. "I'm not with them. They already killed my family. I won't let them take my friends, as well. What do ya say, join me?"

"Oh great, the most powerful Senshi joining." Sailor Moon muttered.

I smirked at her. "First mission,"

"Kill Sailor Moon." Vampiress finished for me.

I nodded and turned to the moon brat.

The inner and outer Senshi jumped in front of their Princess and got into fighting positions.

"Oh, and you think you can defend her against us?" I asked, folding my arms.

"We'll try to our deaths!" Venus shouted.

"Too bad that's today." Vampiress smirked.

"Stop this." Quatre stepped onto the table and put his hand on my arm.

I looked down at his hand and back into his eyes.

"He a bother?" Vampiress asked, pulling her staff up.

"No. Just a friend of my friend." I said, turning away.

"Listen to me! You can't destroy them!" Quatre demanded, pulling me to look at him.

"Leave me alone, baka!" I yelled, whipping around and throwing him off the table.

Heero snarled, jumped on the table behind me, and grabbed my staff. "Stop this!"

I blinked and looked into his eyes. "You too?"

He blinked back at him. "Listen to me," he whispered. "If you kill them, there will be no one to defend the moon."

"And I couldn't care less!" I shouted, pulling away from him.

He slightly fell forward, but caught himself on my arm.

I looked down at him and back flipped away so I was in front of the Sailors. I turned my staff to face them, but stayed how I was so my back faced them, and whispered, "Destroy."

"NOOO!" Serenity screamed.

A huge red ball exploded from my staff and hit the Senshi, sending them all flying.

"SHAUNA!" Duo screamed, running forward.

"I can't believe you let her do that…" Quatre whispered to Vampiress, turning pale.

As I turned around on the table, I saw the Senshi laying on the floor. "If I could do that with one hit, I think Vampiress and I could protect any planet with ease."

"You don't understand," Serenity whispered as she kneeled next to her daughter.

"Yes I do." I snarled. "You killed my father and mother, so I killed your daughter. Live with the guilt, Serenity. You brought this on yourself, for hurting me." I jumped off the table and de-transformed.

Vampiress jumped off the table next to me, and also de-transformed. The girl standing beside me had black, short, curly hair in a bun. She stood at my height and wore a pair of green camouflage pants, a black tank top, and tennis shoes.

I nodded and turned to Heero. "Are you going to stay?"

He turned to me and blinked. "Why did you do that?"

I sighed. "Will you never listen the first time I say anything?"

He looked down.

"Not even Heero would have done that." Duo said as he looked up at me.

I turned away and looked at the Sailors. "Serenity!" I yelled.

She winced and looked up.

"If I bring them all back to life, will you not only leave me and Vampiress alone, but keep your daughter and her friends away from the Gundam pilots?" I called to her.

She blinked, but nodded frantically.

I sighed and jumped back on the table. I turned to Heero and held up my staff. "Goodbye, my love." Different colors of light shot from my staff, and hit the Senshi. Their aura slowly started to glow around their bodies, and they finally all sat up.

"SERENA!" Serenity cried, and hugged her daughter.

My eyes fluttered, and I fell to my knees on the table, and finally collapsed all together on it.

"Shauna?" Duo whispered, walking up to me.

Getting the idea of my name, Vampiress slowly walked up to the table and shook me. "Shawn?"

Yet no answer came from my still body.

"Good going, girl. You killed yourself." Vampiress whispered.

Heero slowly pushed by his fellow Gundam pilots and looked at my body that was laying so still on the table. "Is she, dead?"

Vampiress looked up at him and tried to crack a smile. "She'll live, really, she will. Just watch." She turned back to me and bit her lip. "Come on girl, wake up." She gently shook me, but my lips didn't move.

"At least we got rid of one nuisance." Sailor Moon muttered.

"Shut up!" Heero yelled at her with a crack voice, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Just shut up! You would be dead if she hadn't given her own life to bring you back! But I don't know why the hell she did it!"

Vampiress smiled at him. "You cared about her, huh?"

He looked back at her and narrowed his wet eyes.

"Heero, calm down. She did what she wanted." Duo said to his friend, putting his hand on his back.

"She, she, she didn't even say goodbye. She could have at least said goodbye." Heero whispered, his lips trembling.

"Uh, she did say bye." Vampiress chuckled, trying to loosen the tension. "And I hate to say it, but she loved you."

Heero stared at her, and turned his back to me. "She shouldn't have done it." He pulled out his gun and pointed it at his head. "At least I won't have to live a life without her,"

"STOP IT HEERO!" Quatre screamed, and grabbed his gun. "I don't want to lose you too!"

Heero stared at him with blank eyes and then looked at the ground.

"Come on, let's go home." Trowa said, and turned away.

Quatre nodded, and followed his friend outside.

Duo slowly put his hand on Heero's shoulder and led him outside to his Gundam.

"Do you think, I might, be able to go back with you?" Vampiress asked Quatre, fiddling with her fingers.

He smiled at her. "Course. Come on, you can ride with me."

They got into their Gundam's, Heero in Wing Zero, Duo in Deathscythe, Quatre and Vampiress in Sandrock, Trowa in Heavyarms, and Wufei in Nataku.

And so they left the moon, the death place of their loved one, who they knew so little about, yet felt so attached to.