Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning ❯ Back to Normal ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Back to Normal

It was a year later that Vampiress, or Natalie as the guys had come to know her as, became a family with the Gundam pilots. It was that year later after my death that the guys missed me so much, and it was though that year that I had come to act more like Duo instead of like Trowa and Heero. I had watched over the GW boys with interest, seeing that they left my room alone and never went into it, they were starting to buy each other Christmas gifts and put them under the tree, and more interest that Heero was buying me presents, and putting them under the tree under the name of SCH. Why would he do that, if I was dead and he thought I would never come back? Maybe he was psychic. Because I was allowed another chance on earth, I would be able to go back to my friends three days before Christmas.

I had watched on as the guys and even Natalie went on missions to defeat OZ, and bring peace to the world. So on December 22, I was sent back to earth.

I wore a short black dress that stopped right below my knees, and tall black boots. My hair was still as long as it always had been, but I had it up in a braided bun. My red eyes were now both dark red, and I didn't have the power to transform anymore. I walked into a huge room of Relena's palace, and looked around at all the people in the room.

This was where Natalie and the Gundam pilots were supposed to be on Christmas Eve. So here I was, Christmas Eve at Relena's palace.

I soon spotted Trowa, Duo, and Wufei at the refreshment stand, but Heero and Quatre were nowhere in sight. So I looked around the dance floor and saw Natalie dancing with Quatre. And who else but Relena hanging on my Heero. When the song was over, they came over to where the other guys were. I slowly started that way when someone else had gotten Relena to leave, and stopped behind Heero.

"Heero?" I whispered.

He slowly turned around, probably expecting to see Relena, and stared at me.

"Hey. It's me; remember? Shauna?" I asked.

He looked me up and down slowly and stopped at my eyes. Yep. Who could forget these eyes? His mouth slowly opened to say something, but nothing came out.

I simply smiled. "Well, I did die, but I got another chance."

He didn't really seem to care.

The others looked up and stared at me. But they didn't get a very good look at my eyes.

Heero wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips to mine.

I quickly wrapped my arms around him in return and we hugged each other close as the kiss was deepened.

When we finally needed air, we barely split so there was half an inch between us and we could feel one another's breath.

But it was weird. Who were all these, extra, people?

Natalie laid an arm on my shoulder and smirked. "My dad's here, as well as your mom, so don't mess this up."

I blinked. Was my mother back from the dead for a day? You see, when your dead and have been good while on earth, you can come back to earth for one day every year. I turned around to see my mother and Natalie's father talking.

"Who's your mom?" Heero asked in my ear.

I turned back to him. "You wouldn't believe me."

He smirked. "I have to."

I smiled. "Astraea, Queen of the Stars, known as the Starry Maiden."

He blinked and leaned to the side to see my mother. "Oh good God."

I smirked. "Ya, I know."

He tilted back so he was in front of me again and blinked. "How could you have a bad past if your mother was a goddess?"

I blinked and looked down. "There are things."

He blinked and put his forehead on mine. "Sorry. You don't have to tell me."

I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Maybe you should come meet her."

Too late. My mother and Natalie's father were walking towards us, and they stopped at my side.

I looked up and blushed. "Hi mom."

She smiled gently at me. "Hello, Shauna."

I looked back at Heero and blushed even brighter. "Oh, sorry! Mom, this is Heero. Heero, my mother."

Heero looked up at her and smiled. "So this is where you get your good looks."

My mother blushed and put her hands on her hips. "So you have a smart one, huh?"

I must have been so red! I turned my head away with a small smile. "Yeah, I do."

Heero snickered at me and looked back at my mother. "A pleasure, ma'am."

She curtsied, and he bowed.

"Well, take care of my daughter for me, Heero Yuy." Astraea said, and walked away.

"I will, I promise." Heero whispered, and looked back to me.

But my eyes were locked on the ground with my deep blush. "Did you have to embarrass me like that?"

He smiled and gently lifted my chin so I was looking into his eyes. "Just to see you like this, it was worth it."

Natalie rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Now let's just hope Serena and her stupid little friends aren't here."

"Speak of the devil." I muttered.

Natalie winced and paled at the same time. "Great."

I stared at her and looked up at Serena, who was walking over to us with some guy latched to her arm. I lifted an eyebrow and pushed myself against Heero, making him stare at me.

"Gee, I thought you were dead." Serena smirked.

I narrowed my eyes. "Well your nightmares back, and I'm not letting you off so easily."

She blinked and slowly backed up.

"Who are you?" I snarled at the boy.

He lifted an eyebrow and put his hand on Serena's shoulder, reassuring her that nothing would happen. "My name is Darien Shields, Prince of Earth."

I sighed and shook my head. "You and Relena would be cute together. With the huge ego and being prince and princess of earth, that is."

He narrowed his eyes. "You aren't that much on being respectful, are you?"

"Hey buddy, that's my girlfriend you're talking to." Heero snapped, stepping in front of me. "Back off."

Darien snorted and he walked off with Serena behind him.

Natalie snickered. "You two showed them, that's for sure."

Quatre was now latched onto Natalie's arm, or she was latched on his arm, however you want to put it.

I smiled at them. They made such a cute couple. "Hey, where's Trowa?" I suddenly asked, looking around.

Trowa, Duo, and Wufei were now missing from the stand.

"I don't know, they were here when we got here." Quatre said as he looked around.

I bit my lip and looked around. Duo was the kind of guy to get drunk and get into a one-night stand with a girl, and Trowa was just a good friend, I didn't want anything to happen to him. Wufei? Well he's another story that you just don't want me to get into.

"Calm down, Shawn, they're Gundam pilots, remember? They can take care of themselves." Heero said to me.

I sighed and shrugged it off. "Alright, if you say so."

He smiled and slowly led me to the dance floor.

So after that night, everyone was just really close. Nat and Q, Heero and I, and well, the others were already friends.

So the next day while the guys were out on a mission, I got on the computer and started typing some stuff.

Natalie was getting annoyed because she wanted to open her presents, and I wouldn't let her.

So when the guys finally got back, I got off the computer and sat on the couch. Natalie ran to the tree and held up a present. "Can I open it?!" She asked quickly, and quite anxiously.

I snickered and turned to Quatre. "It's from you. Do you mind if we start?"

The blonde shook his head with a smile.

Trowa sat down next to me and crossed his legs.

Wufei leaned on the wall; arms folded, and watched Natalie, quite amused.

Duo helped her by rummaging through the presents and finding more of the presents for her.

But, where was my Heero?

I looked around, but couldn't find him. So I got up and headed upstairs to his room. I heard running water in his bathroom, so I slowly went over to the bathroom door and gently pushed it open.

He turned around and stared at me.

"Heero?" He wasn't wearing his shirt, and I wished I hadn't found out why. The skin on his back was thrashed, torn, and bleeding heavily. "What the hell happened?!" I ran to him and stopped by his side.

He looked down and simply pressed a wet towel to his arm. "The mission went kinda rough."

"God, I shouldn't have let you go." I whispered as I grabbed another towel, got it slightly wet, and put it on his back.

He seemed amused as I grabbed the Neosporin from him and put it on his back wounds.

"What's so funny?" I demanded as I wrapped some bandages around his stomach and back.

"Nothing." He said as he shook his head, and put the towel that was on his arm back in the sink to wash the blood out.

He's only a teenager. He shouldn't be a Gundam pilot at all. Heck, he shouldn't be so damn hurt like this! "Ah, MISHA!" I screamed, and threw down the towel.

He turned slowly and stared at me. "Shauna?"

But all he saw was my retreating form.

I stomped down the stairs to find Natalie smiling at me. "What is it?" I asked impatiently.

She held out a small box with a smile. "This is from Heero!"

I blinked and took the box from her.

She smiled and ran back down the stairs to continue unwrapping her presents.

I sat down on the stairs where I was and opened the box. There, comfortable in it's silk box, sat a black, seven inch revolver. I blinked and slowly pulled it out of the box. Heero got this for me? I turned it slowly, examining every inch.

"I thought I might teach you how to use it."

I turned around to see Heero at the top of the stairs. I couldn't say anything to him. Guns is how people get hurt, people die every day at the hand of someone with a gun. I wasn't the kind of person to kill, with a firearm, at least. I preferred magick because it left no evidence.

"If you don't want it, you don't have to keep it." He said as he slowly made his way down the stairs.

I smiled. "You baka,"

He smiled back, knowing I was just kidding. He stopped at the step I was on and looked down at me. "Are you going to open the rest of your presents?"

I smiled and picked myself up. "Ya, come on." I turned and walked down the stairs.

Heero followed not to far behind me. He sat down on the left side of the couch so one arm was resting on the arm rest, and I sat next to him, so close that the couch just slightly sunk in and I was right again him. He put his right arm on the back of the couch and put his hand on my shoulder.

Natalie was so hyper that she was handing out all the boxes, so I could just sit there and wait for a box to be handed to me.

When she finally handed me one, I pulled in onto my lap, put my new gun on Heero's lap, and opened the present. There, in it's own box, sat a new laptop. It was about an inch thick, like Heero's. Except his was black, and mine was black with red flames around it. I smiled, looked to my side at Heero, and kissed him gently.

"Thank you." I whispered when we parted.

He smiled and nodded. "Your welcome."

"Heero!" Natalie yelled.

He blinked and looked over at her, only to be pummeled by a huge box.

"This is from me!" She said with a soft laugh.

He blinked and just stared at her.

I narrowed my eyes at her, and she blushed. She mouthed the word sorry, but it wasn't like I was jealous!

Heero stared at the gift and finally started to open it. "What is it?" he asked her as he undid the bow.

"You're so impatient! Just open it already!" Natalie sighed.

I folded my arms and leaned back on the couch, watching Heero's hand slowly open the box.

He finally got the wrapping off and opened the cardboard box. And what else but three brand new guns sat on his lap? But, I could tell they weren't any ordinary guns.

"Why the hell did you get these for him?! And where the hell did you get them?" I yelled at her as I grabbed a gun from the box.

She shrugged. "I had them, but never used them. I thought he might use them."

"You baka! He could destroy a whole planet with this thing!" I yelled at her, pointing the energy blaster at her.

She gulped and slowly backed up. "I didn't mean to upset anyone."

I sighed and threw the gun down. "He doesn't need that one. Destroy it."

She sighed and pointed her finger at her. "Rings of Saturn Shatter." Purple rings surrounded the gun and it exploded.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Sorry Heero. But that thing was too dangerous."

He was only staring at the now powder on the ground.

"Heero, chill." Natalie said as she waved her hand in front of his face.

I rolled my eyes and closed the box with the two guns in it. "Think before you give humans things like these." I said to the girl, and put the box on the ground.

She sighed and reluctantly nodded.

"Can we just keep opening presents?" Quatre asked.

"Ya! More presents!" Duo cheered, and crawled behind the tree. He came out pushing a box with his name on it and, with his mouth dropped open, started to rip open the box.

I ignored him and looked at Heero. "Are you ok?"

He nodded. "Fine."

I sighed quietly and shook my head.

Soon enough, there came a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it." Quatre said, and got up.

I watched as he left, and bit my lip. Who the hell would be here at Christmas?

"Uh, hi." Quatre stuttered.

I gulped. That didn't sound too good.

"Is Heero here?" Came a soft voice.

I snarled. Relena.

The girl came into the room, and stopped when she saw me sitting on Heero's lap, and Natalie on Quatre's. "Heero?" she whispered.

I smirked inwardly, but on the outside kept a straight face.

Heero slowly put his arms around me. "What are you doing here?" He asked her.

"I, I," she stuttered slowly.

"Spit it out, kid. We don't have all day." Natalie snorted.

I rolled my eyes. "Natalie,"

She smiled. "Sorry Shawny!"

I blushed. "Don't call me that!"

Heero snickered, forgetting about Relena. "Why? Shawny is a cute name."

I blushed even brighter. "Heero!"

Quatre smirked, and figured he might as well embarrass Natalie while we were at it. "Nattie," was all he had to say to get her hyped up.

"Quatre!" She gasped, turning red.

I snickered. "That was easier then I thought."

Quatre nodded.

"Don't you have a cute name for him?" I asked.

She looked at me and blinked. "Ya!" she turned to Quatre, already making him panic. "Quey!"

I fell off of Heero's lap, making everyone turn to me. "Quey?!" I yelled as I looked at her from my outside-down position.

She blushed. "What?"

I looked up at Heero, who was staring at me, and smiled evilly. "Heero-chan…" I whispered as I pulled myself up.

"Ok, who wants to go shopping?" Heero said quickly, before I called him his nickname in front of everyone. (I had already given him one while I was in his room one night.)

I rolled my eyes.

"I do!" Natalie said, jumping up and off Quatre's lap.

I sighed. "Thanks a lot, Heero."

He smiled and stood up.

"Can I come?" Relena asked.

I glared at her, and Natalie stared.

"You're kidding, right?" Natalie asked.

Relena blinked. "Why can't I?"

"Duh! Because Heero already has a girlfriend!" Duo snapped.

"Duo!" Quatre hissed.

"Come on Quey!" Natalie said, grabbing his hand and dragging him out the door.

"I'll pass." Wufei muttered, and headed upstairs.

"I need to clean up this mess, you guys go ahead." Trowa said as he started picking up the mess of wrapping paper.

I shrugged and headed outside, dragging Heero behind me.

But he didn't seem to really care.

Quatre got into a white limo with Natalie behind him, and Heero got in behind her.

I just stared at the long car, and slowly got into the car.

"Something wrong?" Quatre asked as I looked around the car.

I shook my head.

"Well, at least there's enough room for everything I'm going to buy!" Natalie said as she looked around.

"Uh, Natalie?" I said, making her look at me. "Dur! We have no money!"

She blinked, and then blushed. "Oh ya."

"That's no problem." Quatre said with a smile, and put his arm around Natalie. "I have plenty to share."

Natalie beamed. "Oh thank you, Quatre!" And she wrapped her arms around the blonde, making him as red a tomato.

I snickered and decided to make Heero a little more embarrassed. "Oh thank you, Heero!" And I too threw my arms around Heero.

He blinked and stared down at me. "Uh, your welcome?"

I giggled and let him go. "I was just mimicking Nattie."

"Hey! I didn't do it like that!" Natalie snapped.

I snickered. "Well, everything looks like it's back to normal."

Heero slowly put his arm around me and hugged me tight. "I'm glad your back."

I leaned on my head on his shoulder and nodded with my eyes closed. "Me too."

"So what can I get?!" Natalie interrupted out silence in two seconds.

I groaned.

"Anything you want." Quatre smiled.

"You're spoiling her way too much." I muttered to the blonde, making him blush.

Heero smirked. "Well, I don't think either of them mind."

I shook my head. "Looks that way."

When we got to the mall, I mean the mall of all malls! It was HUGE! Anyway, when we got there, Natalie dragged Quatre right to Hot Topic, both Nattie's and I favorite store. She looked around, rubbed her hands together, and started pulling things down from the wall.

I groaned and rubbed my temples. "You just had to say she could get anything!"

Quatre blushed. "Shouldn't have, huh?"

I shook my head. "Bad idea."

Heero smiled. "Go ahead and buy what you want."

I smiled at him and started looking around.

After half an hour in that store, Natalie came out with almost three hundred dollars worth of stuff. I came out the same time with about two hundred dollars worth of stuff.

"On we go." Quatre said as he headed down the mall.

Well, the Q-man had brought quite a few servants and even an extra limo for extra stuff; so about four servants left with our stuff and came running back when everything was in the car.

I stopped at Pacific Blue and bought some clothes. Then, next door to that was Software Ext., so we went there next, and I bought a Playstation 2, and quite a few games for it.

The servants ran from there with all the stuff and put it in the cars.

Natalie and Quatre headed off in the food court for something to eat, but I didn't want to see what Natalie would buy there, so I kept shopping with Heero.

At the music store I bought almost a hundred music CD's and not to mention quite a few videos. Then I went across from there to the bookstore, and bought a few books.

When all of us had finally finished our shopping, both limos were full and Quatre thought he might actually be broke.

So for the rest of that week, Natalie and I spent most of our time putting everything away and rearranging things.