Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning ❯ Mysteries of a Life ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Mysteries of a Life

But, there came a time when I thought about home, the home where I had been brought up in. And I couldn't help but wonder, did Natalie miss it, too?

I had to know. So, one night, I got out of bed and headed to Natalie's room. I slowly opened her door and looked in.

There came a quiet hiss from under the blankets.

"Na, Na, Natalie?" I stuttered as I closed the door behind me.

The hiss grew louder, and something moved under the covers.

I gulped. "Natalie?"

The covers were thrown off the bed and there Natalie sat on her heels. Her eyes were burning red, she had teeth of a vampire's, and her hair was straight and little longer then usual.

I blinked and slowly backed up. "So, you're a vampire, are you?"

She smiled, her long teeth poking out of her mouth. "Hello, my dear Shauna."

"What's your real name?!" I demanded.

She smirked. "Hecate."

I bit my lip. She looked scarier in her real form then I did.

"And, yours?" She hissed the `s' like a snake does, which only creeped me out all the more.

"Discordia, but the others call me Flamethrower." I whispered, slowly putting my hand on the doorknob.

"Ah, yes. You must be a dragoon!" She kept talking so weird, which sent shivers down my already shivering spin.

"Sort of," I stuttered. "A raptor." This vampire was creeping me out.

She smirked and slowly stood up, and walked towards me.

I narrowed my eyes. She must have seen a full moon. "Natalie, if you get any closer to me I'll be forced to,"

"To what?" She interrupted. "Get the boys? I will only turn to them to vampires, also."

I snarled and threw the door open. "Get away from me!" I screamed, and ran towards the stairs.

She hissed and ran after me.

Great, just great. I got a vamp after me. "I swear, if you touch me!" I leapt down the stairs and threw open the front door.

She snarled and jumped on me.

I screamed and turned so I was on my back. And there it was; that stupid full moon. I screamed all the more and a multiple of lights shot into me.

Natalie screamed in her vampire voice and backed away.

I suddenly grew to six feet tall, my skin changed to red scales, my hair grew into a wave of scales for my mane, my nails grew longer, thicker, and sharper, and my muscles got bigger.

Right about when I was in the middle of my transformation, the guys came running out of the house, guns loaded.

"What the hell?!" Duo yelled.

"What is it?" Quatre screamed.

Natalie looked over at them and hissed. "Leave us alone."

They turned to her and blinked.

"A, vampire?" Quatre paled and fainted.

"Oh great." Wufei murmured.

I screamed and a long tail sprouted from my butt. My neck grew longer, my face grew into a muzzle, my eyes became slits, my teeth got bigger, and so I turned into a raptor.

The guys stared at me, and Heero gawked.

Natalie gulped.

I snapped my jaws together and licked my mouth with my long tongue. I looked down at the guys and blinked my slits of eyes. I turned quickly to the side and hissed at them.

"Oh boy." Heero whispered.

Suddenly, clouds went in front of the moon, and with a simple scream, Natalie morphed back into a human.

"Natalie?!" Duo gasped.

Quatre was out cold, or he would have been out cold at the sight of Natalie doing that transformation.

I screamed in my shrill of a raptor voice and changed back to myself.

"Oh God, Shauna!" Heero yelled.

"We need to get inside." Natalie whispered, and pulled herself up.

I groaned and looked up. "What happened?"

"Come on! You need to get her inside!" Natalie yelled.

Without much hesitation, Heero grabbed me and ran into the house. He set me down on the couch and Natalie shut the blinds.

"Well, want to tell us what's going on?" Duo asked as he set Quatre down on the couch next to me.

I gulped and looked down. "Well,"

Natalie sighed. "It's a little hard to explain."

"Well, start and we'll try our best." Trowa said as he leaned on the wall.

Natalie sighed and rubbed her head. "We should wait for Quatre to wake up, then I won't have to explain it again."

I smirked, getting an idea. I kneeled down by Quatre's ear and licked my lips. It started as a snarl in my throat, then erupted into my mouth, then came out a huge roar from my mouth. The raptor voice never fails.

Quatre screamed and jumped up.

"Oh nice." Natalie muttered.

I smirked and leaned back. "Just a job well done."

She rolled her eyes. "Quatre, are you ok?"

He slowly looked at her and gulped. "What's going on?"

I smirked. "We're not humans."

His mouth dropped open and he fell over, once again out cold.

"SHAWN!" Natalie screamed at me.

I laughed.

"You're, not?" Duo asked quietly.

Natalie shook her head.

"So what are you?" Wufei asked with a snort.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm a raptor, and Natalie's a vampire."

Yet they could only stare at us.

"Natalie, I don't think we should stay here anymore," I whispered to my friend as I turned away. "They should find real women to love."

Natalie nodded to them, just in time for Quatre to wake up. She looked down at him as he slowly sat up, and smiled. "We only want you guys to have good memories. And you can't have those when we might kill you one night when we see the full moon."

Quatre slowly blinked and looked up at her. "You're leaving?"

She smiled gently at him. "It's for the better."

I nodded at him and looked at Heero. "Look," I said as he looked at me with no expression. "I should find my own kind, someone back on my home planet. Natalie's going back to Saturn, so I think I should go back to X, or Aether as some people call it." I shrugged.

"But, you can't leave." Heero whispered.

I looked up at him and blinked my red eyes. "Heero, look at me. Do I look like a human to you?"

"Well, for a while you did." Duo said as he scratched his head.

I growled at him, my raptor shrills erupting from my throat.

He gulped and backed away.

"Discordia, the moons coming back," Natalie said as she threw open the curtains.

I sighed and looked from Nat back to Heero. "I'll miss you."

He only stared at me. "I won't let you leave."

I blinked. "Why would you want me to stay?"

"Because he could play with your tail." Duo laughed.

I snarled and threw my arm up. "Silence, beast!" I yelled, and a yellow light hit Duo, making him freeze in a block of ice.

Natalie smirked. "Listen,"

"NO! You listen!" Quatre yelled, making Natalie blink. "We won't let you leave! We," he looked at Heero and back to Natalie. "Well, I love you!"

Natalie blinked.

"Oh, damn you!" I yelled.

Quatre stared at me, and the other boys blinked.

"Why did you have to go and say that?!" I yelled. "Now she can't leave! Damn it." I bit my nail. "Perfect."

"Wait, because Quatre said that he loved Natalie, she can't leave?" Trowa asked.

I sighed and folded my arms to stop me from biting my nails. "Hai. When someone says that they love you, and really mean it, you are bound to earth until that person either dies, or say they don't love you anymore, and mean it."

Heero's frown suddenly curved into a smile.

I blinked and looked up at him. "Oh boy. Not you, too."

He smiled and slowly walked forward, making me back up. He put his arms around me and kissed me. When he pulled away, all I saw was his smiling lips and dancing eyes. "I love you."

I blinked and stared at him. "You, you do?"

He smiled wider. "Hai."

"Watashi," I whispered.

He nodded slowly. "You?"

"Watashi wa ai shimasu." I whispered, tracing my finger down his green tank top.

He smiled at me and pulled me into his hug.

Natalie smirked. "Well, it looks like we'll be here for a while." She looked at the frozen Duo and shuttered. "I can't stand him staring at me," she pointed her finger at the ice block and shot a red beam at it, melting the ice. But to her enjoyment, and Duo's pain, the beam hit Duo's butt.

He screamed and went running around the room, holding his ass and screaming.

We all just started laughing.

The next night, Heero was in his room typing on his laptop as usual.

I opened his door and closed it behind me.

"I was meaning to ask you," he simply started when I sat down on his bed. "Is there anything else about you that I should know?"

I put my hands on the back of my head and fell back on his bed. "Well, gee, I don't think so."

He turned the chair he was sitting on and lifted an eyebrow.

I smiled a fake smile so my teeth were showing and waved with my fingers.


I sighed and rolled over so he was looking at my back. "I guess,"

"Like what?" He asked, and I could hear him shutting off his laptop. This was going to be a long night.

"Well, you know that my mother is Astraea, so I guess you already figured out that I'm the Princess of the Asteroid Belt? And not to mention the stars?" I asked over my shoulder.

He didn't respond, so I figured he didn't figure that out yet.

"I'm ah, a Dragoon," I laughed quietly. "Though I think you know that," I tapped my head and shrugged. "I don't think there's anything else…"

He got off his chair and sat down on the end of his bed.

"Is there anything about you that I should know?" I asked as I pushed myself over so I was facing the ceiling.

He blinked. "Well, I'm a Gundam pilot,"

I smirked at him. "Ya, thought so. Guys don't ever have many secrets."

He smiled and laid down on his stomach so he was looking at me. "Yep, and we don't keep `em that well, either."

I smiled at him and looked back at the ceiling.

"You're not the quiet girl I once knew, you know that?" He said as he turned over so he was on his back, and put his head on my stomach.

I looked down at him. "Is that bad?"

"No, it's good. I like it that you talk more, and I think the guys like it also."

I smiled and slowly, with much caution on my part, put my hand on his head. When he didn't do anything except close his eyes, I slowly ran my fingers through his poor excuse of brown hair. "I know, I think I drove them crazy when I never answered them."

He smirked. "You can say that again."

I closed my eyes and my fingers stopped running through his hair. I could tell he was looking at me now, because he got up, slid his arms under me, and moved me into his bed. He gently put the covers on me and got in next to me.

I looked over at him with a gentle smile and kissed his cheek. "Thank you," I whispered.

He blinked. "For what?"

I giggled and snuggled closer to him. "For saving my life." I nuzzled my head under his chin and went to sleep.

He smiled down at me, kissed my head, and went to sleep.

The next morning, when I woke up, Heero wasn't there. Was it all a dream? I looked around and saw a red blinking light. Nope. I'm in Heero's room, that's for sure. I slowly pushed the covers off me and went over to the beeping laptop. I opened the lid and started typing. Next to Heero, I'm probably the faster typer anyone knows. I can go up to 128 words a minute, but I'm not sure about Heero, but I know he does type something awful fast.

"What the hell are you doing at my laptop?!"

I whirled around to find Heero glaring at me. "He, He, Heero?" I stuttered as I backed away from the computer.

He glared at me, sat down at the computer, then kept his back to me.

I gulped and slowly turned to leave. "Sorry." When he didn't answer, I headed to my room and changed clothes.

"Shauna, are you in here?"

I ignored the person at the door and continued brushing my long hair.

"Where were you last night?" The doors closed and the person came in.

"Heero's room." I stated as I pushed my hair down.

There came a moment of silence, and the person finally spoke up. "Do you want something to eat?"

I sighed and turned around to see Duo staring at me. "No thanks, I'm not in the mood." I turned back around, grabbed the comb, and headed downstairs.

Duo blinked and slowly followed behind me.

I sat down on the couch and pulled on my black boots.

"Are you going somewhere?"

I looked up to see Trowa smiling at me. "No."

He smirked. "Bored?"

I turned away and zipped the boots. "Not at all."

He snickered. "Really?"

I sighed. "Are you getting to a point here, Trowa?"

He blinked. "Not really, why?"

I sighed heavily, stood up, brushed my smooth black hair down, and walked into the kitchen.

There I found Natalie sitting on Quatre's lap.

I sighed. I couldn't stand this. Why was Heero being so mean to me?

Well, speak of the devil! Heero came down the stairs and walked into the kitchen behind me.

"Shauna," he started.

I narrowed my dark red eyes. He might be facing my back, but even my back can say something to him; and that's `Get away!'

"Something's up with your laptop."

I blinked and turned around to face him. "What are you talking about?!"

He shrugged. "Something's up with it."

I sighed and shoved past him, leaving a blinking Natalie and a staring Quatre.

"Inconvenient child, I wasn't worth their while." I whispered as I walked up the stairs to my room.

Natalie sighed. "What did you do to her, Heero?"

He lifted an eyebrow and turned away from them.

"Heero…" Quatre warned.

He sighed and sat down at the counter. "I didn't do anything."

"Not by the looks of it." Natalie muttered, and jumped off Quatre's lap.

"Uh, are we still going to the show?" Quatre asked the girl as she walked off.

She looked back over her shoulder and smiled. "Only when I know Shauna will be ok." She winked and ran up the stairs.

I typed in my password and looked around my computer memory database. "Well, everything looks fine." I muttered as I turned on the Internet to check my email.

Sure enough, there was a letter from Relena, addressed to me.

"Dear Shauna,

I'm sorry to bother you at home, but this is an emergency. (I rolled my eyes.) Treize and Mariamaia Kushrenada are here, at my home. They are saying they come in peace, but I know that something is just not right. Please bring the Gundam pilots to my mansion and help me! I do not know what to do.

Sincerely, Relena Peacecraft"

I blinked and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right. Like I'm going to help her!"

"What's going on?"

I whipped around to see Trowa, Wufei, and Duo at my door. I smiled a fake smile and waved with my fingers. "Nothing." I said through my clenched teeth.

"Hmm. Your face says otherwise." Wufei muttered.

I sighed and turned around. "Go away."

"Nope. Not until you tell us what Relena wanted." Duo said.

I groaned and turned back to them. "She didn't want anything. But she needs a brain." I grumbled, and stood up. "Good enough?"

"No. What did she say?" Trowa asked.

I sighed and looked out my window. "She thinks she's in trouble."

Duo blinked. "What do you mean?"

I grabbed the printing letter and shoved it into his arms. "Read. Oh wait, you probably can't." I grabbed it back from him and shoved it at Trowa as I headed for the stairs.

Duo blinked. "Well, Heero sure has put his attitude into her."


I almost fell off the stairs at the loud scream. "WHAT?!" I yelled back as I pulled myself up.

Natalie blushed. "Battle at the moon, let's go."

"Wait a minute, we have to go to Relena's." Trowa said as he stopped at the top of the stairs.

"You guys can take care of it. Natalie and I are well," I smirked. "Needed. We'll be back in a year or two."

"WHAT?!" Duo screamed. "A year?"

Natalie nodded, no smile present. "These trips are long, and there are quite a few enemies on the moon we need to defeat."

I nodded. "But don't worry, we'll bring back three girls for you, Trowa, and Wufie."

Duo and Trowa stared at Wufei.

"Don't say a word." Wufei muttered.

"Wufie? What, did you ask for a nickname now?" Duo asked with a snicker.

Trowa couldn't help but join in on the snickering. "Wufie. That's good."

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry Wufei." I turned away and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?"

Apparently, Natalie hadn't told Quatre and Heero.

I turned back around, arms folded, eyes narrowed. "You didn't tell them?"

She gulped and turned to her boyfriend. "There's a battle, on the moon, and we have to go."

"Since when are you allies with the moon brat?" Heero asked, leaning on the doorway.

I snorted. "You're a jerk full of yourself, you know that?"

Natalie sighed. "Great. Thanks a lot Heero. Now she'll be swearing the whole trip."

The other three pilots came to the door, making it even harder for us to leave.

"You guys, come on." I begged. "You leave all the time and we don't know when you'll be back, or even if you will be back! It's not like we can't take care of ourselves!"

Natalie nodded. "We're Sailor Scouts!"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't go that far."

She blushed. "Sorry."

I looked up at the clear, sunny sky, and sighed. "Alright, let's transform."

Natalie turned to me and nodded. She ran to Quatre, kissed him, and ran back to me. "Bye love!"

He smiled and waved. "Bye!"

I closed my eyes and soaked up the rays. "Transformation of a beauty to a beast…stars of the Asteroid Belt, take my soul and transform me!"

Nat closed her eyes and soaked up the rays. "Transformation of a beauty to a beast… rings of Saturn, take my soul and transform me!"

"Super Kao-ken!" We both screamed.

The light from the sun soaked into us and exploded. I screamed as my tail sprouted, wings shot from my back, scales traveled along my body, and I grew taller.

Natalie held her painful scream, as her teeth grew longer, her hair, fingernails and toenails grew much longer, and ripped, hideous wings shot from her back.

I blinked my dark red, slit eyes and turned swiftly to look at the pilots.

Natalie slowly turned to look at them, and her eight-inch long nails rapped on my scales.

I opened my long muzzle and let out a raptor shrill.

Natalie flapped her poor excuse of wings and we both flew upwards.

"Be careful." Quatre whispered.

"They are just flat out hideous." Duo muttered, and shivered.

"I heard that!" Natalie yelled down at him.

I screamed my raptor shrill and we left earth for the moon.

Now, you might say that ya, we are hideous creatures and why the hell would the guys still want us around? Well maybe because they care, you dimwitted excuse for a person!

"Uh, Shauna?"

I looked over at her with my slit eyes and nodded since I couldn't talk.

"I thought we were bound to earth because they said they loved us." She whispered.

I blinked and looked up at the barrier between us and space. Oh boy.

We hit the barrier, and screamed our painful screams from the heat, and shock.