Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning ❯ A Painful Goodbye ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Painful Goodbye

So we were still bound to earth.

"Baka. Those baka's. Now we can't go to the moon!" I screamed.

I had had to de-transform because of the electricity, that painful reminder that we had to stay on earth.

Natalie held me in her arms as she floated in the air with her wings as she examined the barriers. "What is it?"

I looked up at it. "Some kind of force. It keeps us bound to earth until the guys fall out of love with us."

She snorted. "I didn't know there was downfall to being in love."

"Ya, the earth." I snorted in return.

She sighed and looked into my eyes. "We should go back to Quatre's."

I exhaled heavily and rubbed my temples. "After the scene we made there? They don't expect to see us for another millennium."

She sighed and shook her head. "Let me try something." She lifted her arm and shot out an energy blast. And right when we thought it was going through, it bounced off the barrier and hit us.

We screamed and went toppling to earth.

"Anyone ever tell you that love hurts?!" I screamed to her as we fell.

She nodded. "One too many times! And you don't have to remind me!"

I screamed and sooner then I had hoped, smashed into the earth. I crashed into a tree branch, broke that, and smashed into the earth's ground.

Natalie snapped two or three smaller branches, hit a huge, prickly bush, and finally hit the hard ground.

"Natalie, are we alive?" I whispered as I slowly moved.

But no answer came.

I flipped myself over so I was on my stomach and pushed myself up. We aren't humans, as you can tell, so we wouldn't die so easily.

"Is this a painful reminder or what?" Natalie groaned as she pulled herself out of the brush.

I smirked at her and nodded as I pulled myself up. "Totally."

She smiled at me and we headed out of the thicket.

"So, where are we?" She asked as she ran her hand through her hair, and had to stop every second to pull out thorns.

I sighed and shook my head. "I have no idea."

"Well, it looks like one of Quatre's neighbors." Natalie muttered with a frown.

"Well, if it is, I don't think I want to go to their neighbors."

She stared at me.

"Quatre." I said. "DUH!"

She blushed. "Sorry."

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Natalie and I turned around, only to be thrown to the ground.

"Who are you?!" I yelled as I flipped so I was on my back.

There came a snicker, and Natalie was blasted from me.

"NATALIE!" I screamed.

Then a blast hit me, and I went flying farther then Nat did. I landed on my side, screamed, and flipped over to hit the ground on my back.

"Oh lordy, let me die now." Natalie muttered as she tried to get up.

I looked up to see someone smiling at me. "Who, who, who are you?" I whispered, slowly slipping into the dark comfort of unconsciousness.

The teeth curved in a smile. But no answer came, only something more painful.

I screamed as another blast hit me and I went flying.

The next thing I knew, I was tied down to some metal `bed', with Natalie next to me.

"You ok?" I whispered.

Her eyes slowly creaked open, and her vampire instincts took over. She screamed in a high-pitched voice that could shatter a mirror and her nails grew longer and longer. She thrashed in her metal chamber and her nails scratched and left marks in the metal bed. "Let me out!" She screamed as she pulled on the metal bars.

"Natalie, it won't help." I muttered, and looked up at the ceiling. "But I know what will." A sudden smirk came over me and I screamed.

But, of course like an idiot, I forgot that I either needed sunlight or moonlight.

Nothing happened.

I screamed at the stupidity of it all and started to thrash like Natalie still was.

"Princess, Princess, stop thrashing about! You will only make it worse." Came a haunting voice that has a lisp with it's s'.

"Let us out you creep!" I screamed as I pushed and pulled on my arms.

"If you want your freedom back," it started with that evil smirk. "You will have to do something for me."

<Natalie, I got a bad feeling about this. He isn't some creature; he's human. What do you think he's doing? >

She nodded, to the confusion of the thing. <I think he's just some mad scientist. Lets see what he wants, first>

"What do you want?" I snarled.

He smirked. "For you both to transform!" he started to laugh evilly.

I blinked and looked at Natalie. <Oh boy>

<We can't do that! He'll take pictures and we won't be able to be seen in public ever! > Natalie said as she started to thrash about.

"What the hell about you talking about?!" I yelled.

He laughed evilly again. "Well, as soon as the moon comes out, you won't have a choice, will you?"

I blinked. "How dare you…we are not lab rats!"

"No, but you are lab creatures!" he started to laugh and with that, he left.

"Oh nice." I murmured.

"Come on, help me." Natalie said as she tried to pick the lock with her nails.

Well, I guess I should tell you something. Natalie isn't a vampire right now, because there isn't any sunlight or moonlight to see or receive. When we can't see it or feel it, we go back to being humans. But she still has her nails because, well, I don't know why she still has her nails. She must have done something to keep them. But her teeth, hair, and well, her skin is back to normal. Oh ya! I forgot to tell you. When she transforms, her skin turn either bright yellow, or a dull brown. Nasty, huh?

But before we knew it, that stupid human was back.

He pressed two buttons on the wall, and metal cages shot up around our metal beds. They went all the way up to the ceiling so we couldn't get out, and then he pressed another button. A skylight opened on the ceiling, but there were still metal bars on those.

"Oh great." I groaned.

The moon soon enough was overhead.

"Don't look at it!" I yelled at Natalie. I closed my eyes tight and looked away.

Natalie did the same.

The man started to laugh, and before we knew it, the bars on us were undone and the beds suddenly shot into the ground.

I groaned as I hit the cold stone floor, and rubbed my butt. "Thanks a lot."

Natalie sighed and rubbed her head.

We were separated by bars once again, Natalie in one cage and me in the other.

"Look up." He said slowly.

I narrowed my dark red eyes. "You wish! We aren't stupid like you!"

Natalie gulped. "No, seriously, look up."

I blinked and did as she said. It wasn't the moon that was for sure. "Oh, damn it! How bad can this get?!"

"A, a solar eclipse." She whispered.

I groaned and looked at the man. "You asked for it."

He rubbed his hands together with a smile and nodded.

"You're an idiot." I muttered.

Next to me, Natalie screamed in her cage and she slowly started to transform.

I looked back at the eclipse, and screamed. Great, now that was way too much energy for us to consume in one sitting. My tail, which was supposed to be red, was black! My scales molded together to form just a tougher skin, my hands and feet grew bigger and my boots snapped off my feet for my bigger claws and paws. My neck grew much longer and a mane of plain hair grew from the tip of my nose, went between my long dragon ears, and down my neck. My head was longer, and a blue tongue slithered from my mouth. My teeth were four times as long as someone's finger, a foot long, my eyes were a bright yellow in slits, and my body altogether kept growing until my back hit the ceiling and tore it off. Well, it was an awful small place; otherwise I was only about nine feet tall, small for a dragon. You could see my muscles bulging from my neck and legs, and I was so skinny that you could see my ribs. My wings were huge, black, molded together, silky wings! The only down part: I wore a purple harness with a small `saddle' on it for Natalie to ride in. I lifted my long neck and screamed in my dragon voice.

Natalie wasn't a vampire anymore; she was more of a faery. She wore a teal, cut very low in the front, outfit. But in the back it dragged to the ground. Her wings were like that of a dragonfly, and she had six of them. They were multi colored, and very long. She wore a gold belt around her waist, with no shoes, and she looked like she was around twenty instead of sixteen. Her hair grew down to in front of her shoulders and got straight. Her ears, surprisingly enough, grew longer and pointed.

She got onto the saddle I was wearing, and I lifted into the air on my huge wings.

"Where are you going?!" The man yelled.

Natalie smirked. "Powers of the Dark…" red collected at her fingertips and she threw her palm down at him. "Destroy!" the five balls flew at the building and it exploded.

<Now no one will know>

She nodded.

I flapped my huge wings harder and soon landed in Quatre's back yard.

"Uh, Quatre?" Came a small voice.

I snorted through my nose and lowered my head to the ground.


I blinked and saw Duo go running into the house.

Natalie smirked and jumped off of me.

The Gundam pilots came running out of the house, Duo whimpering behind Heero and Wufei.

"Hey guys, it's me." Natalie said, putting her fingertips on her chest. "Natalie."

"Nat?" Quatre whispered.

She smiled and took a step forward. "I need to get out of the light, and then you can see." She looked up at me. "You got anywhere where she can get out of the light?"

I snorted. "Dragons have no need to hide."

She rolled her eyes. "No, but I'd prefer if no one found out about you."

"Ditto." Heero muttered.

I sighed and stood up on my Dragon legs. "Alright. Where do I go?"

Heero headed towards the field, but when I didn't follow, turned back to me. "You coming?"

"And how are we supposed to get back?" I asked. I saw how far away the huge trees were, and it would take quite a while to just walk back.

He shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

I sighed and walked towards the trees, actually, I waddled.

Natalie snickered as I left, but I ignored her.

When we got to the trees, I ducked under them and I dissolved back to human form.

"Here." Immediately, he took his green shirt off and threw it over my head.

"Hey!" I objected.

"I'd rather you not see the eclipse again." He muttered.

I slowly moved the shirt from my eyes and smiled at him. "You're cute without a shirt."

He looked down at himself and blushed. "Put it back over your eyes."

I sighed and let it fall over my eyes. "Brat. This is the only time we have alone and you have to ruin it."

"Oh, you want time alone?" He asked with a tint of haunt in his voice.

I smirked and nodded.

He put his hands on my shoulders and led my hands onto his bare chest.

I blushed under his shirt and slowly explored his chest with my hands.

He slowly put his arms all the way around me, put his head on his shirt with me, and kissed me.

I held a giggle as he knocked us to the ground and I sat on top of him. "Heero!" I hissed.

He snickered, but reclaimed my lips with his.

But before much else could happen, we both heard a loud snap.

I whipped my head up only to see a man with long white hair standing in front of us.

"Heero, Heero, Heero. I never thought I'd see you like this." He said with a smirk.

I slowly got off Heero and stood up. I pulled the shirt off my head and handed it to Heero.

He sighed and slipped it back on. "What are you doing here, Zechs?" Heero asked as he pulled his shirt on.

But the man didn't answer. Because when Heero's eyes were covered with his shirt, he jumped at Heero.

"NO!" I cried, and jumped on the man, knocking him down.

Heero blinked when he saw me punching the living daylights out of the man with white hair.

But that didn't last long. He punched me back and I flew back and hit a tree.

"SHAUNA!" Heero screamed, watching me hit the huge tree.

I groaned, fell forward, and hit the ground with my stomach first, then my head hit.

"SHAUNA!" Heero screamed even louder, and ran to me.

"Oh no you don't." Zechs grabbed the boy and threw him back against a tree. "You are what I came for."

I groaned and picked myself up. I had worse falls, like the one I just had from the sky, but it wasn't the tree that hurt. It was the fact that I wasn't strong enough to defend even myself. The fall from the sky had helped all the more, but it was still that I was weak. I glared at the man that was heading off with Heero, and ran at him. "You let him go, now!" I screamed, and jumped on the man.

I knocked him to the ground from the impact, automatically letting Heero loose. I pounded the back of the man's head twice, but he easily flipped me off and I went flying. I hit the ground on my back hard, and couldn't move.

"Get her." The man called Zechs snorted.

Men from all around circled me, which horrified Heero, and one picked me up.

"I get her first." Smirked a man with red hair, and he flung me over his shoulder.

My already loose shirt dangled down off my shoulders, and the man behind us ripped it off.

"Leave her alone!" Heero yelled.

"Don't worry about her," Zechs said. "Start worrying about yourself." And with that he shoved the boy into a truck.

"What are you doing with us?!" Heero yelled.

"Well, I had no intention of having her along," Zechs shoved a thumb towards me. "But, I think," he smirked and looked at Heero. "Put her in my chambers!" He called over his shoulders to the men. A smirk crept across his face, scaring Heero. "I want her first."

"NO! Leave her alone!" Heero screamed, pounding on the metal door of the truck.

"You don't like that, do you? Well then, that will be your punishment for destroying my suits. Watching her being tortured." Zechs smirked and walked out of Heero's view.

"You leave her alone, damn it! I swear, if you lay a finger on it!" Heero yelled.

"Oh, it won't only be one finger, I'll make it three. And they won't be on it, they will be in her." Zechs laughed from inside the other car.

Heero's jaw dropped open. What the hell is he going to do?! I'll kill him!

But Zechs didn't take us to somewhere on earth, no, he took us to outer space! To the freaking colonies! And I hated space…

I whimpered as I felt the shuttle shaking for liftoff, and snapped my eyes shut up. Heero, where are you?

When the shaking stopped, and everything stopped, I had hoped that we had landed. I looked outside a window and freaked when I saw we were in space!

I screamed and held my head between my legs.

Before I knew it, the doors in front of me swung open and I was pulled out of the room, shirt off and all.

I looked up to come face to face with Zechs.

"You are already my enemy, Zechs," came Heero's voice. "Don't make it nemesis!"

I looked over to my side to see three men holding Heero.

Zechs smirked and looked down at me. He pulled my chin up and kissed me lightly.

"STOP IT! I swear, ZECHS!" Heero screamed.

"Take him away." Zechs murmured when he had pulled away from me.

The men tugged Heero and led him away.

"Let me go." I growled.

He smirked. "Why would I do that?"

Then, I got a brilliant idea! If I convinced Zechs that I liked him, and then had him take a stroll with me at night, oh it would be marvelous! I would turn into a raptor and I could kill him!

I smirked and gently shook my head full of black hair. "Never mind."

Zechs blinked.

"Take me away."

He narrowed his eyes and pointed down the hallway.

I could only smirk and await the man's death.

That night, I was pulled from the room I was confined to and brought to a slightly bigger one. Zechs was sitting on the bed, and Heero was tied to a pillar not to far away.

I blinked and could only think of the horror that was going to happen to me.

The men holding me shoved me down on the bed and tied me down, face down.

I groaned and tried to get loose. "Zechs…" I snarled.

The doors were closed, locked, and lights turned on bright.

I looked at Zechs as he got up and headed towards the wall. What was he doing? Then, oh God, I saw it.

He grabbed two different whips from the cabinet and walked back towards me. Oh God. Nothing else scared me so much in my life. "ZECHS!" I screamed, and pulled on the ropes. "DAMN IT! MISHKA MISHA!" I screamed.

Heero blinked.

The man looked at Heero, smirked, and turned to me. The bed was pushed from the wall so there was space on all four sides, which was only worse for me. He stepped on the other side of the bed so he was facing Heero and I at the same time, and he smirked. He lifted the whip, the nine tailed whip, and slashed it down on me.

I screamed and my skin started to peel slightly.

"Stop it!" Heero yelled.

Another hit came, then another, and yet another until I counted to twenty.

I was panting from the screams I couldn't help but scream, my back of torn and bleeding heavily from the whips, and my eyes were clamped together tight.

Zechs smirked, undid the ropes, and kicked me off the bed.

I groaned and hit the ground. I didn't have enough energy in me to get up, so I stayed on the floor.

"Shauna…" Heero whispered, his eyes watering and his cheeks soaked in salty tears.

Zechs only smirked, got into bed, and went to sleep.

That jerk. I'd kill him now, if I weren't so damn hurt!

"Shawn, are you ok?" Came a whisper.

I turned my head slowly and saw Heero looking down at me. I barely smiled. "I'm fine." Sheesh, what a lie!

The next morning, Zechs pulled me up from the ground, snapped my bra off in front of Heero, and threw me on the bed.

I groaned and looked up at them. "What are you doing?" I asked in a whisper.

The man smirked. "Let the boy go. I don't find enjoyment in him." But he looked back at me, and took his shirt off.

"Leave her alone!" Heero yelled.

"Take him to earth and let him go." Zechs said, taking off his pants.

"Oh God." I clamped my eyes shut and looked away.

Heero snarled as he was pulled away. Even if he was set free, I was still captive.