Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Pole ❯ The Voice ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Warnings: Usa/Hiiro, my own warped timeline, less sexual innuendos (I think), and my continued pathetic attempt at humor. ;_;

*bounces up and down* I wasn't expecting to get Chapter 2 out so soon, but I did keep my promise to get it out by next week. It's only been two days or so! The ending kindda sucks for this chapter >_> and a little OOC, but I needed him to say that. <_<;; Also, thankies much to the reviewers: Midnight of Shadows, Chibi-Lillith, Angelight, selenesbabygurl, LA, rouge night, themoonmaiden, and Sushi ^^ You guys made me cry. Well, maybe not *cry* but you guys brought happy tears to my eyes. *daintily dabs at the corners of her eyes* I didn't think anybody was going to like this fic. ;D Also, I take an unhealthy delight in e-mailing my reviewers back, so if you leave your e-mail, I'll send you a thank you. I'll even send you a thank you if you flame me. :D

Disclaimer: Leave me alone! T_T

The Pole

Usagi moved through the streets like a woman possessed. Men, women, and children parted like the Red Sea as she strode to her destination with the most impressive of intentions. They watched in awe as the petite blonde marched her way into the restaurant and planted her hands firmly and formidably on the designated table. She dismissed an intrusive and bewildered waiter and lowered her eyes to meet, what they could only assume was, the gaze of her dark haired lover.


She had practiced it in her head over and over again after she and Minako had parted. She had even experimented with different tones of voice until she had decided on something very forward and demanding. Yes, she would not back out now.

With her palms spread on the pristine tablecloth, she entered a staring contest with her dear, dear boyfriend. This time, she would not lose!

But as she continued to stare into his smoldering midnight eyes, she gulped. His form was relaxed but remotely aloof. Out of the corners of her eyes, she noticed that he was dressed rather nicely. Hell, it was like he was dressed for a wedding in comparison to his daily attire. His lean torso was ensconced in an immaculate white dress shirt, top button left open. The silver chain she had given him their first Christmas together winked at her from the hard columns of his neck.

Don't get distracted, she hissed silently to herself. But he looked damn good, good enough to eat. She moistened her lips quickly and shouted in triumph when his gaze darted to her mouth.

"Hah! I beat you!"

Hiiro quirked a questioning eyebrow. Although frequently he had acknowledged that his girlfriend was a little…unique, she was, he had decided, irreplaceable. She always had little surprises in store for him, and though he hated surprises to the point of pointing his favorite gun at them, he had found hers endearing. The whole ordeal of feeling things, namely pleasant stirrings within his empty heart and soul, had been a bit strange, but with a bit of endurance, he had grown accustomed to her. And now, he had found that he was barely able to function without her charming antics.

He smirked when he caught her gaze roaming over his body. He had decided to dress up for once. The restaurant was a tasteful one and he didn't want to embarrass her. Two years ago, he would have scorned the idea.

"Are you going to sit?"

The unruffled drawl of his velvet voice drew her out of her lustful stupor. She felt her cheeks burn a little and swiftly shook her head. "Oh, no you don't, Hiiro Yui. I'm not backing out of this one!" she resolutely declared.

They had earned a few coarse stares, but luckily they were in a booth in the back of the restaurant.

"Are you feeling alright, Usa?" he queried warily. Did he mention that she was sometimes very unpredictable?

A sweet, almost sick smile spread across her face. "I'm perfectly fine, Hii-chan." She took a deep breath which gave him enough time to brace himself. "Do you want to break up with me?"

His eyes widened in the barest displays of shock. He searched his war-trained mind for plausible reasons that could have brought on her unexpected question. He came away with empty answers. Of course he didn't want to break up with her. Was she insane?


His gaze darkened suddenly like a dark rain cloud invading a spring sky. Perhaps, as ridiculous as it sounded, she wanted to break up with him. The very idea made him both angry and desolate. Had she found someone else, someone better than him? He unconsciously glowered at her as he reached for his water glass.

"Good. You're going to have sex with me."

He set the glass down with a clunk, liquid sloshing onto the tablecloth. He snatched up his napkin and pressed it to his mouth as he choked, eyes wide with astonishment. She was by his side in a second, patting his back gently and brushing his unruly bangs out of his eyes. He must have heard wrong, as absurd as that sounded since he was in top shape, but there was no other possible explanation.

"Hii-chan, are you okay?" She gently took the napkin from his hands and dabbed at his mouth.

"Fine," he managed in a strangled breath.

"So you're going to sleep with me, right?"

"I…I…" he stuttered. He actually stuttered. For one pathetic moment, he wished had an ounce of Duo's sense of wit. Fearless Pilot 01 of Gundam Wing Zero had been reduced to dithering stutters. What had the world come to? A loud sniffle brought him out of his self-pity.

"I see. You don't want to sleep with me," announced Usagi, withdrawing from him and tucking her hands into her lap. She managed to look very dejected, quivering lips and all.

"I never said that," Hiiro almost snapped, half-growling. His ears burned as he realized the connotation, but the restaurant was dim, so it was unlikely she would notice. He softened when she turned to peer at him innocently. He knew that look, but it worked every time. He hung his head in defeat. "I thought you were waiting for marriage."

She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well, I was…" she trailed off, frowning in displeasure. "Oh no, I didn't think about this!" Panic-stricken, Usagi grabbed his shoulder and shook him none too gently. He wiggled like jell-o under her merciless hands, but she abruptly let him go and set her lips in a determined line. "Oh, no you don't! You're not distracting me this time, Hii-chan. If you don't want to break up, we're going to have sex. Tonight!" She pounded her fist on the table for emphasis.


"Starved! What'd you order for me?"

And just like that, all her thoughts scattered. Hiiro narrowly resisted a smirk and let his gaze wander to their approaching server. Food was her weakness and he always used it to his advantage.

"Your favorite," he replied, again in full control of the situation. Or as much as he liked to be. Usagi was salivating next to him, fork brandished as the server set down their meals.

"Ohh, Hii-chan, you're the best!" she chirped delightfully, flashing him a sweet smile. He nodded absently as he watched her ravage her pasta like a starving wolf. She even moaned a few times, closing her eyes in pure rapture.

The receding heat in his ears came back full throttle. He grabbed his ice water and gulped it down sloppily.

A devious little grin worked its way over her Alfredo sauce-covered lips. So she had to make a few adjustments to her plan, but it was working out. Usagi's uncharacteristically flustered companion looked determined in avoiding her gaze. Well then, she'd just have to take care of that, wouldn't she?

She swooped her fork down, stabbed at a few shells and held it in front of Hiiro's face, a tooth-decaying smile on her lips. He didn't seem to notice.

Usagi placed her free hand on his thigh. His upper thigh to be more exact. His entire body tensed under her hand.

"Hii-chan, why don't you try some?" she cooed softly. Usagi subtly smoothed her small hand towards his inner thigh. With sweet satisfaction, she felt the muscles under his slacks quiver.

Hiiro was starting to sweat bullets. He gulped, stared at the sauce and pasta-laden fork, tore his eyes away for a moment to stare at Usagi to briefly see that a psychotic blonde nymphomaniac had taken over his girlfriend's body, opened his mouth, and swallowed all at the same time.

Unfortunately, he forgot to chew.

The pasta clumped in his esophagus and he gagged involuntarily. A burning awareness crawled up from his sinuses to his eyes. His vision clouded as painful tears slipped down his cheeks. He had never choked on food his entire life; it hurt so much he thought he was going to die. Through watery eyes, he saw his unfulfilled existence explode into a supernova.

Hiiro was vaguely aware of Usagi's voice calling to him. His hands clenched the edge of the table until his knuckles bled white. There was a distant speck of pale light in his peripheral vision that was steadily becoming larger and larger. Soon, that light eclipsed every other sensation, including his tender gagging. He gratefully swallowed a few mouthfuls of air. A booming voice thundered through his head and plugged out all other sounds.

"Hiiro Yui," The Voice said.


"Hiiro Yui," The Voice said again, louder.

Hiiro scowled and grunted with more enthusiasm. "Hn."



"Dammit, Hiiro, you haven't changed one bit!"

He jumped at the familiarity of The Voice. Was he really dead? Was it God? He frowned. He didn't know that God swore.

A foggy figure materialized in the white void that he currently resided in. Echoing clicks abbreviated the silence until the vapor sank back to where it had come from. In its place was a slender body adorned in a tasteful ivory pantsuit. Impish blue eyes and waist-length blonde hair were a brazen contrast to the starkness of the sterile abyss.

"Hiiro-kun! Are you surprised?"Yeah, he was surprised. He was so surprised, he was about to go into seizures. He stared, too horrified to be horrified. "No. Please, God, no."